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Everything posted by tallbtm

  1. That's very hopeful news. But human tests must still show it actually works outside the lab. Fingers crossed.
  2. Bearbandit's advice is good: Drop it into the conversation as just another interesting fact about you, about as important as your eye colour or the fact that you can't stand <insert name of junk food>. I find that people tend to react according to how you deliver the news and prompt them to react. Compare: "Great news, pal. I just got divorced!" vs "I feel so horrible; I just got divorced." Keep in mind that he might also be poz or already on PrEP. And if you're undetectable, he really can't get HIV from you. If he's completely uninformed, you have an opportunity to fill him in. I'm rooting for you, man! Best wishes.
  3. Breathe. Relax. Push like you're trying to take a crap -- that opens you up and relaxes your anal sphincter. Lots of lube, have the top go slow and stop if you start to tighten up. You'll relax and get used to the stretch. You can do it. It's an AMAZING feeling to get fucked -- you're gonna love it. (But if you don't, that's fine too. The world needs more top guys!)
  4. I've had success at bathhouses wearing both jock and harness. Add a blindfold and you're good to go. Of course all of it is optional. Your open ass up in the air should be signal enough ;-)
  5. About the only cartoon character I've ever thought was sexy was Disney's "Aladdin" (from the 1992 movie) -- even though he didn't have nipples-- the animators left those out!
  6. Your doctor could just give you a 4th Gen HIV test that looks for antibodies to both HIV-1 and HIV-2 (which your immune system creates) and an antigen of the HIV-1 virus in your blood itself. HIV-1 is the much more common form in HIV, except in parts of Africa.
  7. Ditto. Since starting PrEP I'm having much more frank conversations about raw sex than I did before. I tell guys I'm HIV neg and on PrEP and I like to fuck bare. This often opens up the conversation to how they want to play. I make plain what I'm looking for and because I'm candid and honest, most guys answer plainly themselves. Raw, hot guy: bring it on! / Condom-only hot guy: not so much a match. The discussion about status, risks factors, meds, etc. doesn't have to be long. But it should be honest and up-front.
  8. In the meantime, before you get into the study, you could reduce your risk by preferring "Undetectable" guys over those who just think they're HIV-negative based on their last test, whenever that was. Poz/undetectable guys who are healthy and on their meds and have their viral loads under control are actually much lower risk for HIV transmission than a random guy who really has no idea what his status is at the moment you hook up. See http://www.aidsmap.com/No-one-with-an-undetectable-viral-load-gay-or-heterosexual-transmits-HIV-in-first-two-years-of-PARTNER-study/page/2832748/
  9. Drscorpio is right. You've got to make your expectations clear. You need to meet with him and let him know you and your BF have a monogamous relationship so sex as roommates won't be on the table. Let him back out of the offer if that's not what he wants. Sharing a living space is pretty intimate. For everyone to get along harmoniously all three of you need to be on the same page about everyone's expectations: When rent is due, how cleaning duties are shared, what level of general tidiness is expected, what kind of entertaining you plan to do at home, whether food will be shared, whether smoking or substance use is allowed, what hours your typically keep, whether sex with the roomies is on the menu, etc., etc. In college I was roommates with a guy I'd previously had sex with a few times. I don't remember exactly how the conversation went but it was plain to both of us before he moved in that part of his rent wouldn't be boning his landlord (me). It worked out fine because we were upfront at the start.
  10. If you want to stay HIV negative and you entered the trial to get on PrEP now before it's generally approved for use in the Netherlands, I'd go for Option 1. It is what has been extensively tested and shown to work. Daily dosing (with or without food) is the U.S. standard for using Truvada as PrEP. If you want to offer your body for science to see if less frequent dosing also works (and you're less concerned with the consequences of possible HIV infection), you could choose Option 2.
  11. Seaguy, bump Palm Springs up your priority list immediately! As a friend who lives there said the last time I saw him, "If you can't get laid in this town, well, you just can't get laid!" BBRT, Scruff and Adam4Adam are all busy there with tons of both vacationers and locals looking to connect. A good number of the gay resorts offer day and/or night passes and many of those have public-space playrooms in addition to the horny guests who chose to book rooms in them for the high "sexual temperature." Even if you stay in one of the quieter resorts, you will find guys looking to play while they're on vacation. It seems like everyone's relaxed, on vacation and in a good mood. The Palm Springs bars are fun. Lots of good restaurants. Reliably great weather. And fun touristy stuff to do too (if you've got any free time left). Start planning your next vacation now.
  12. It might help to know where you are.
  13. I usually just say, "Where are you?" and mention where I am, if I think I might want to hook up. Why not just ask the guy if you're already chatting?
  14. I completely agree, fskn. A profile littered with "don't"s is a real turn off.
  15. tallbtm


    That is a nice-looking locked up cock, boy!
  16. Yep, more sex and more loads since I started PrEP 1.5 years ago -- and enjoying sex a lot more now.
  17. And maybe bring some lube.
  18. I'm enjoying sex a lot more than I used to because the fear of HIV is largely gone now that I'm on PrEP. All that "what if?" chatter rattling around in my head for days after a bare fuck just disappeared. I also find I'm having a lot more sex than I did, with a much broader variety of guys. Of course not every hookup is a winner, but enough of them are to make it worth it to say yes much more freely. I've been on PrEP a bit over a year. Initial side effects were minimal. (Just some looser bowel movements for the first 3 days.) I also notice more guys with neg+PrEP in their online profiles. When I first started PrEP I got a lot of online questions about it; I shared my experience and sent useful links with those who wanted to know. Now that more guys have heard of PrEP I get far fewer questions, but I still gently urge friends I think would benefit to consider it. For both health and peace of mind, I make a point to get tested for all STIs every three months. Like Pitt1988, my favorite part of the whole experience is being sexually fear free for the first time in many years.
  19. Don't be afraid to walk over to someone you find attractive and say Hi. Say something nice, ask a question, start a conversation. But don't just stand there by yourself, looking sexy, daring someone to come over and talk to you first. It's fun to be cruised and pursued but it works both ways. Tops like the attention too and some of the great ones are too shy to easily start the conversation themselves.
  20. Sounding can be fun but... Don't shove just anything up your dick. Buy some real sounds made of surgical-grade stainless steel. They're not expensive and you can buy them online. And cleanliness, cleanliness, cleanliness! You really don't want a case of urethritis and a trip to the doctor for antibiotics because peeing stings and your dick is dripping. Wash your hands, wash your sounds. Wipe it all down with alcohol or use sterilizing wipes. Lay your stuff on a clean paper towel not just any surface. Wash your junk with an antimicrobial soap. But a new bottle of sterile lube (like K-Y or similar surgical lube). Go slow, listen to your body. It's gonna be a bunch of new sensations but it should NOT hurt. If it hurts, your body is telling you something. Have fun.
  21. RawSkater, Relax and breathe. You're most likely fine. If the worry is consuming you, you could ask for a more sensitive test that can detect HIV infection much earlier than the rapid test you were given. 4th Generation HIV tests look for the presence of both the virus itself as well as antibodies to it. It can detect HIV infection just 14 days after exposure. 4th Gen. tests are also called "HIV Ag/Ab serum testing" (Ag = antigen and Ab = antibodies). It requires a blood draw and several days to a week for results but it gives results with a much smaller "window period " after possible exposure. Rapid tests are much more common because they're quick, easy to administer and much less expensive to offer but tests that show a recent infection much earlier are also available. Again, relax and breathe. You're making yourself sick with worry. Take care and get yourself on PrEP as soon as you can.
  22. Call your clinic and talk to the "Care Coordinator" or "Financial Assistance" people. I don't know what clinic you go to, but if it's Callen-Lorde, click the link for Get Care on the home page and follow the links to Care Coordination. But no matter what clinic you use, I guarantee you they have people who can help you get health coverage. Go to your clinic's home page and search for "financial assistance." Or just call the main number and tell then what you need and they'll connect you to the right people who can help you. There is help available. Please let us know what you find.
  23. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=macf8-G602-#.VYql_2BjfO8 David-SF: Hotel Fucking @ IML 2015 I met Storm at IML in Chicago this year. We had a really fun time. My boyfriend & I went to town on him and he graciously agreed to allow me to shoot some of our time together. Storm is a real life storm chaser and a photographer and was in Chicago to shoot the men at IML. I made sure he shot more than photos.
  24. When you were tested and treated for chlamydia didn't they also offer you an HIV test at the same time? They should have recommended and offered it. Make an appointment with your doctor now. Tell him or her you don't always use condoms and want to go on PrEP. Be honest about your recent sexual contacts. You'll need a few blood tests before you start taking the Truvada, like tests for HIV, syphilis, and to make sure your kidney are functioning correctly (plus any other STIs your doctor wants to test you for). When you start PrEP, take the pill every day. Full protection for men kicks in about about 7-10 days on PrEP. Once you're on PrEP, I promise your stress level about sex will go WAY down. You'll calm down (more than you imagine). And you'll enjoy sex a lot more because you're not so worried afterwards. That was my experience. Best wishes and give us an update.
  25. NLbear, the Provincetown guesthouse that used to be called "The Ranch" is now called "Crew Quarters" (http://www.crewsquartersptown.com). I'v never stayed there so can't speak to it's sexual temperature. Shared baths, small, basic rooms. Common areas for meeting other guests and hanging out. Trip Advisor has a bunch of recent reviews.
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