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Everything posted by AlwaysOpen

  1. Hey Addicted- you might be able to get some added attention by posting your city location in your profile- now, by slutty boy, are you limiting the age to under 25, or caqn a 57 yr old hungry hole apply ?? <g> And I fly for free ! So I could easily get around for cum..esp if it is lined up and non stop
  2. Hey Big- I just responded to you privately before going all the way thru the thread-- and am still up for a beer. Now as to the 2 of you- let me toss in a cookie- my ex was diagnosed with spinal cancer in 96-we had 16 years together at that point. After 2, 18 hour surgeries to remove as much of the cancer and rebuild the spine, he recovered and was back on his feet with an estimated 3 yr life span. 6 months later, he began an unknown affair- at the 1 yr point, he announced it to me, and we crumbled - much like you and the ex seem to be.Arguing, counselling, and finally me leaving him . Funny thing, like your subbottom, I ranted on one of those early forum boards int he hometown of his affair boyfriend. It never solved anything- but in a few months time,after I left, the affair was over- and he was alone and dealing with the progression of the cancer. We reconnected as friends, as I hope you two can/will do. I was his proxy for health care decisions, and when the time came, he had entrusted me to decide his end of life path. I felt a connection to him, and we were able to see the last day as good friends, before he went on his last journey. I hope the two of you can find that peace in your angst, stress and anger will only drag you both into a bad place healthwise. And BTW- I have been looking 13 years since, and am still hunting-- so don't expect it to just flop in front of you and announce itself as your special "one" .
  3. OK CumSlut- we need your numbers !! LOl And faggotHole- wow- I am really going to have to wear my knees out next week in Berlin to even try to get close to your numbers! That said, as of Oct 31, I have : 138 loads up my ass 85 loads down my throat 62 fistings and stuck at 19 piss loads down my throat (hmmm, seem frozen on that number- maybe some of the skins in Berlin for the weekend of 8-10 Nov can help me thaw those piss load numbers out LOL ) Shameless promotion time men:: hitting Berlin Wed 6 Nov thru early morning 12 Nov (Tues) and will be staying close to the bars Bull,New Action and Mutchmanns- so if you can help me up my load counts let me know here or over on BBRT- I will be carrying my laptop and will be very eager to enjoy German feedings-- maybe you would be interested in pimping my hole out at one of the bars dark rooms, or???
  4. I read and even posted to this thread a week ago, and since then have been antsy to revisit Berlin- so, thanks to airline flight benefits, I am headed to Berlin myself , arriving 6 November for a week. No hotel/apartment booked yet ( not till a little closer and I can be certain my hole will be in a seat on the plane) but def looking in the Schoneberg area- and I have discovered there is a skins weekend event going on in Berlin the weekend I will be there- def going to hope to find a sling in New Action or Bull to slip into and see how many skins will slip into me ! SO- if you are in Berlin and renting apartments- or if you know a really good inexpensive hotel where douching out will not be an issue and walking in at 6 am in full leathers will barely get a glance- drop me a note please !! And if you happen to be one of those skins, or even- maybe- a Dom Top who would like to use my holes-- PLEASE say hi and let me know-- danke
  5. So why do these guys waste so much time fucking people over, instead of spending that good time just FUCKING?? <g> As a non social media person ( OK- some might even say I am just non social) i refused to do Twitter or Facebook or Farmville or Skype or Linked IN or whatever the next trend among 16 year olds is-- always figured besides cutting into actual fuck time, someone was making a lot of money thanks to me being on those sites. And then watching coworkers fart and fume over the latest post by XYZ - how silly
  6. This may seem off topic, but maybe not- I have 9 days free, 5 Nov thru 14 Nov 2013. I am really frustrated in Ft Lauderdale ( Bottomdale) and would be willing to travel out of the area for a week of cum loads - I can fly pretty much anywhere (airline grunt here) The usual places - Berlin, Amsterdam, Palm Springs Calif all seem good options- but maybe I am missing a much better place- somewhere in early November that would be warm enough for outdoor naked action, or dark rooms with butt Masters wanting fresh hole to run.. so in essence to the title of the post , I guess I would go up to 5000 miles for cum <g> ( And if you have any suggestions, please message me either here or over on BBRT- my hole is ready for a week of use)
  7. Wow- great reads on this thread! I had no idea what sex was- but I can still vividly recall being 5 or 6, riding in the backseat of my parents car as we would head to the "city" - I grew up in apple country of upstate NY- so the city was probably only 20,000 people- but it had a JC Pennys. The road went past a stream and I can recall always having the thought as we drove along it of me floating down the stream naked, with a couple of boys riding on me and using my cock ( which in real time would be hard ) as a rudder and steering along the stream. Thankfully the mall was just far enough away my cock would be soft before we got there- I had no clue of homo eroticism or even sex at that age-- but even 50 years later I can still recount every image of that stream and those car rides. And actual sex for me didn't come along until I was probably 15 or so- I was tall as a teen, and the old ,trollish postmaster of my small town used to keep at me every time I went in for the mail, suggesting I had a big salami, etc, until one day he had me show him;letting me back into the office and having me pull my pants down. In a week, he was showing me super 8 mm porn at his place and poking my ass with a cigar tube- since his cock was unable to get hard and it was the days of pre Viagra. He introduced me tho to a few other guys more my age, and I certainly quickly discover how great a hard cock in my ass felt ( far better than a plantain or cigar tube !) On the very weird chance John P is reading this ( your Dad was Mike...) I would LOVE to hear from you...
  8. Hey Feeder= i am 6'8" and put it on most of my profiles. So- last month I was hitting DC and was cruising Recon, hitting up any top I spotted. Asking questions about the Code XXX party, things like whether they would be there ,or at the FF party Sat, etc. I had some guys reply and be very helpful-- but I never met any of them as far as I know. Skip ahead to last weekend- I managed to get off work early Fri night- raced home, hosed out and showered off and sped over to Ramrod bar- it was Ft lauds Leather Pride weekend. The bar was packed- too many guys head high to my belt that thought announcing "Wow- you are tall" was a new opening line...sigh! I was cruising the back patio bar, when someone called my name- like you- turned and looked and had NO idea who it was. And like you, I approached ( fuck, he had to have a cock, right??) and said hi- he knew I was lost- and revealed he was from DC and had e mailed with me about the XXX party. Small lights began flickering in my brain and Iput the face and profile together. Met his Master/husband and have exchanged a few emails since-- so, no porn fame for me- just the fact that "wow! You are tall !" LOL
  9. What??? Oh Ranger Rick- say it ain't so. I thought I had finally found other guys who do all the things I do on a regular basis , at least HAVE done in the past!! You mean some of the guys on here have not actually done what they write?? Awww, shit!!! LOL
  10. When I visited Berlin 6 years ago, I stayed at Art-Hotel/Connection. A gay "hotel"- 1/2 of the 3rd floor of a building-dental lab the other half. Nice rooms and nice breakfast room. And it is on Fuggestraat- so I was 5 minutes to any of the bars like Mutchmanns , New Action, etc. Disco called the Connection was on the street level - never went- and a brass and fern bar/cafe on the other side of the entry to the hotel was an afternoon daily stop for a snack and a beer. Only on the 5th day did I happen to notice this fancy brass and pant bar had a door off the mens room- followed it to the basement and found a fully equipped dungeon/sex area !!!LOL . After that revelation- I checked EVERY fukkin place I went in for a dark room If you are hunting a room- ebab.com is a good source for rental rooms. I have an email - not sure if it is still active- of a coupl e who have 2 units above Mutchmanns if you are interested.
  11. Fuck- I am thinking about visiting AMS for a week 5 November, hoping to catch the Fickstutenmarkt event. And ClubChurch events --but this park sounds like a good bet too-- just curious- is it the one way out between the Centrum and the airport? I recall it was pretty muddy just off the road walking in--but def open and fun once inside the park
  12. Sounds good enough for me- I often see those disclaimers on peoples profiles and have wondered what they were really thinking- everything on the internet is fair game and anyone could find their posts and profiles if they wanted to. I have long ago come to the conclusion if someone reads my posts and knows its me, maybe I will get some extra cock out of it <g>
  13. Damn damn damn-- read a lot of this yesterday before work--but saved the Masters retelling chapter for after work- most of my shift I think my mind was on the story-- made work less of a drag for sure-- Thanks-- now, please, keep posting chapters- sucks when a guy gets us going and suddenly drops the story line <g>
  14. Had that issue all day long Thursday-- now it seems like the mail system isn't all that functional-- I had one guy panting and pissing in his pants wanting to fuck me- then no more mail.An anon bud wanted to come right over- I got right back to him and no further messages or hard cock at the door. So it MUST be the mail system, and not gay men flaking out when it comes to the point of actually committing to the fuck LOL
  15. Hey RawTop- while this man says he has your permission, maybe adding a note from you here would allay the many concerns the men of the BZ will undoubtedly have.
  16. Way back in the late 70's, fresh out of college and in Southern Missouri at my first full time job. Sex was pretty much limited to cruising the park.Picked up a guy one night about 1 am- he left his car and I drove him to my apartment- took him to the bedroom loft and was busy sucking his cock-he was laid out on his back on my bed, I was naked between his legs- when he locked his legs around my neck and began punching me and trying to poke my eyes with his fingers..I somehow managed to throw him backwards and I rolled down the top half of the steps to the loft, then bolted and ran out the door to the aprt door next door and beat on it yelling for the guy in there to call the police. I then went to the van and got in and locked the doors- luckily I had a pair of jeans and a t shirt in the back and put on some clothes. The guy walked out of the apartment , came over and wanted a ride to his car! ?? WTF?? I told him the cops were coming and his ass was getting a ride- to jail. He took off before they showed- a couple days later he tried the same thing with another guy from the park- that guy beat the crap out of him and the problem went away
  17. Reconnected with an asspig last night- been 7 years since the last fuck from him- was a sort of herky jerky connection-but once the timing and details were set, I got to his place and he went to town on my hole- straight away at fisting it- then he began fucking me with the Dick Rambone dildo. 1 hour into it he pulled the dildo out and shoved his cock in- he had smoked a little b4 I got there- and when he came it burned-- not sure if I was imagining it or if he had chem cum ??!! Left his apartment, swung by the house and put on a pair of underwear , and headed to the local gay bar for underwear night. Often gets playful in the back corner of the bar area-so I parked my ass in the back dark corner of the front bar, and talked with a few of the guys near me. One reminded me (badly) of Mr Rodgers- only thing missing was a cashmere sweater- finally reached under the bar and jerked him off- but he didn't leave after cumming ! Bartender lowered the music and announced someone in the bar was buying everyone a round- IF they got naked and tipped the bartender 2 bucks.I was naked and handing him the money before he even had the volume back up ! LOL Worked tho- right after almost everyone was bare assed and the sex began in earnest- I sucked 3 guys and got fucked by one - had a couple guys finger me but no one would fist me at the bar-- how timid <g>
  18. Um, I think I would skip the lemon wedge in my cocktail at this place--even the bar flies washed their hands.... just saying <g> ( actually, some study was recently yakked about about this very thought- supposedly the fruit they stick in your drink is about the most contaminated item you will put your mouth on in the bar-- except maybe the bartenders cock )
  19. Oh damn-- thanks Wht- a dry week since my play last Thursday- but at least I had the latest installation of this story to get off to!! I think I would go sex crazy if there weren't outlet stories like this.... now, where in DC is this towing company?? Sounds like they have an opening for a hole
  20. RawTop- the Geo function works so well, when I tested it I felt that fukkin arrow poke me in the ass !! LOL-- I am so glad this feature is coming- especially requiring guys to list their city at the very least-- I have railed about this for a while-- posters putting up a comment and no way to figure out where they are and how their post may affect me I have been on the CumDumpNetwork and not hit upon yet-- I hope the functionality of geo locating will start pulling hard cock closer to my willing holes
  21. A couple weeks ago in DC I was fucked by a guy with 10 1/2 inches and it was totally enjoyable.It was hard, but there was enough flexibility in both of us to make it slide right in and around. (6 times in my ass, one time into my throat, then one last load back in my ass) At IML in Chicago a few years ago I was at the Onyx room party and was getting face fucked by a couple of 11 inch guys- once it went past the back of my throat I was able to go balls deep on them and work it- In a lot of ways, besides being a greedy bottom hole-- <g>-- I would rather have a huge cock fucking me that knows how to fuck, over a 5 inch cock that wants me to think he has 15 inches- those guys always seem to keep stabbing at the gag reflex when skull fucking, or if they are plowing my ass their cock keeps popping out and they jam it into the base of my tailbone, or into the skin below the ass lips. Long time ago, there was a guy in Missouri- probably a 20 year old man- who had a thick--beer can thick- 11 inch or better cock- I got to play with him a few times- and he was never able to get wood hard- but hard enough to fuck.Other than recalling his cock meat- the thing I recall; and maybe have associated with the guys with huge cock- was he was no model- not a gym body, not velvety smooth skin and square chiseled chin- maybe even a tad homely-- but nature gave him the biggest cock I had seen to that point-- and I recall thinking how every person is gifted with something to make their life an asset to someone. And I am very eager to check out mens assets <g>
  22. Just got a service call as I was about to post- so here is the brief- Ass--129 Oral 73 fist 54 and piss 19-- all received
  23. Not to that one, but thinking about flying over to Amsterdam for that one in early November-- please be sure to post up on here after the Horse Fair of 5 Oct and let everyone know how it all went for you--and any impressions you come away with <g>
  24. I would suggest checking out the S FL area- Ft Lauderdale has a huge poz community and the support network to maintain it- from food banks to a TON of gay doctors and gay friendly doc-- almost any doctors office here is involved in some drug study related to HIV, a large gay community center ( Pride Center) Maybe if you are in a small town and the only known poz boy you are alienated- at least here with thousands of guys in the same boat- you are never alone and there is truly a support arm the for you
  25. Hey Breeder- I read a little on the guy- the interview was for a radio show in a small Italian viallage, and when asked if he was going to show a gay couple/family in ads, he said no. It wasn't so much "OH my Gawd NEVER!!" It was no. He DOES support gay marraige, he is opposed to gay adoption. So, it is his company- and he does not prohibit his employees from being gay or anything- it is just his family upbringing on one hand, and his business plans . I could care less one way or the other-- how much impact has the Russian boycott had ( and how many boys are secretly still sipping their Stoli anyway)
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