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Everything posted by AlwaysOpen

  1. March 1st, and time for my update too Anal loads taken 35 (last yr I was at 30) Oral loads taken 7 ( way off- last year 20) Fists taken 23 (only 8 this time last year--and I GAVE 2 fistings this year as well!!) Piss taken 1 (last year, 11- so California isn't the only place having a drought) As always, if anyone in Ft Lauderdale or Miami can help me get the totals to jump up , please contact me for my hole- right now I am free mornings, or anytime at all on Thursday or Friday- and if you get to me early enough, I can often trade away Saturday and be free for massive breedings
  2. I have been doing Isentress( 2 caplets) and 1 Truvada once a day for the past 3 years or more, and have stayed undetectable and had minor increases in my T cell counts while on it. My doc saw me this past week to go over my labs- these were the 1st labs of the year and were after my weekend of sleaze in DC for MAl, and several very active sessions here in Ft Lauderdale over the last 2 months. My T count hit a new high, I was undetectable again- and oddly(shockingly surprising) none of the tests came back with any traces of any STD's !! I told the doc he had the wrong report- with all the things ( and then I detailed some of them) I have been doing, I HAD to be reactive to at least something- -he mentioned even the RPR test came back non reactive, in spite of me having had Syph once or twice in my past. As we chatted, he mentioned he might want to switch me over to Stribald , but there was no rush nor any medical need, other than dropping the number of pills I take from 3 to 1, and the number of co pays I have to lay out from 2 to 1. And then he said he NEEDED to check my prostate ( hmm, did he really say it like that or was my fantasy brain in gear again??) After he had poked in and rubbed around, I asked him if he was in yet -- he laughed and said to hold the pose while he brushed my ass-- and then he stuck a small bristle brush in to do a pap smear. I think it was the 1st time I have had that done- but a medical friend says it is becoming very common to do on men
  3. Listen to your gut man-- if you are backing out there must be a reason, and it might not be on your side. I hooked up with a guy from a park years ago, took him home and part way thru sex he began punching and trying to gouge my eyes- I was VERY fortunate and was able to kick out from under him and roll out and ran to my van- locking myself in and blowing the horn until a neighbor came out- yelled for him to call the cops, at which point the guy comes wandering out from my apartment and wants a ride back to his car !!! I thought the guy was sketchy when I was cruising him, but my cock hungry head quieted the inner voice and kept chasing him. I wish I could say I learned to listen to my gut better- but I still have kissed a few odd toads along the path since- But as others have said- start meeting some place public to start. If you keep making dates and then no showing, you are so very wrong. And if you are doing this without your boyfriend knowing, you need to discuss your needs with him- anything you contract playing out will end up in the bed you 2 share, and thats NOT the time to talk about your need to trick around
  4. I have a fuck bench and a sling in my bedroom- or actually, used to have a fuck bench. It was bulky and more of a place to toss clothes onto- but the sling is used often. I had a guy drop by yesterday morning for an 8 am fuck and then he wanted to learn to fist, and wanted to push his load in deeper. Since I am very tall ( 207 cm or 80 inches) the sling makes it a very simple and easy process for the man fucking or fisting me to adjust the chains to his preference. With the guy yesterday morning I adjusted and made a mental note of how many links from the bottom he liked the end of the sling- his next visit, I can preset it for him. 6 hours later I hosted an extended player- he arrived and we got into crotch high boots, he propped my ass up on the bed and began rimming me. After about 20 minutes my legs were getting tired from being held up in the air- and we moved into the sling. As he was shorter than the morning fister I thought an adjustment might be needed, but he wanted it left higher and he returned to eating my ass while standing, then he began fisting me and after 20 minutes or so he wanted to sit and fist, so I hopped out of the sling, adjusted and then got back in- we played for a total of 4 hours with him in my hole most of the time- and my legs hanging comfortably in the straps. The play might have continued on longer- I was not tired or aching, but I was hungry as hell and needed to get dinner- I am certain I could not have gone 4 0 minutes without the sling- with it- endless use of my ass is not issue. BTW- I have a porta sling frame from the Fort with a nylon sling- and I love both ! The nylon vrs leather - I can toss the nylon sling into the washer after a heavy session and get ti degreased/decontaminated while the leather can be much more of a task to get clean after a long session. One other PS-- my bedroom has a wall bookshelf across from my sling, and I keep all the dildo's and other toys on it, and the sling is up all the time. My pest control guy was a little curious the first month I had it, and asked about it the 2nd month- but I never got him into it ( or more accurately, him into me)hmm-pesticide cock- a whole new twist of chasing ! LOL
  5. / OK - so the next time -since you two hit it off so well in spite of your initial concerns- if he insists on a rubber again, let him fuck you silly and unload , then hold his cock in you and as he softens reach back and roll the condom off and shove it up into your hole as he pulls out. I had a guy fuck me yesterday and he wanted it wrapped, since there were no long lines of cock at my door waiting to be serviced I agreed- and as he shot and filled the rubber up, I wrapped my legs around him and kept milking his cock with my ass- as I felt him soften , I really pinched down with my ass lips and using 2 fingers, much like an old dive might hold a cigarette between 2 fingers- I created a blockade so as he pulled out, the rubber slipped off and went right back into my ass. He left, I hunted a little more and then headed off to the bookstore.About 3 hours after getting fucked I had a guy fisting me at the bookstore, about 15 minutes into fisting me he extracted the used filled condom and asked if i have been looking for this?? Great laugh- told him to put it back it wasn't his -- LOL
  6. Gee- no brainer here- the guy is on daily meds, is undetectable, and if he is like 99% of the guys on meds, sees his GP once every 3months for lab work-including STD checks. Now, just how many of your buds--I am guessing that they are neg ( or say they are/think they are) and most likely do not get any blood work on some sort of a regular basis. Are you the ONLY guy they fuck? Do you see the weak link here? The guy who is aware, honest and doing the meds faithfully is less of a risk to you than your cavalier fuck buds. You HOPE they get their pecker checked if it burns when they piss, but maybe they blow it off because of shame, and after a week it goes away and they figure it wasn't anything. As a 27 year ,poz survivor who tests undetectable , yet takes cock and fist as often as I can find it- I think you are missing out on a safer bet with the guy-- if you really are weirded out use the condom- but really?? I would shoot for bare
  7. Hell, some of my best ( as in, I can still recall them after 30 years) fucks were in trailers- and something about all that aluminum and faux wood paneling has an amazing effect on the residents cocks- because most of them had HUGE fuck poles and came more than once per sexual encounter
  8. I got the e mail repeats last night/this morning around 2 am- they are trying to migrate some of the computer based systems and mobile systems into a happy line according to the e mails- I am sure there are some unseen tech bugs out there and it will take a week to fix most-but if IBBRT starts showing all the guys nearby, instead of just the mobile ones , I can hold off a week
  9. Hey guys- I had a man at the FFA party in DC during MAL sell me this jock- he said it had a very accommodating pouch and was hard to come by. I guess he knew his shit- because I now think this is my favorite jock- problem is- no matter where I search, I cannot find any more. I even did a trademark search, and discovered the owner of this trademark died in 2004 and the name has been released. Sooo--- if anyone knows where a stash of these may still be laying on a shelf, please- please- drop me a note either here or on my BBRT page and let me know- I fukkin love the way my balls DO NOT fall out the sides of these
  10. Hey SeMo- no action in Capaha Park anymore? I used to be in Cape back in the late 70's/early 80's-- and back then the park was about the extent of the action, unless we went to Carbondale or up to St Louis
  11. Well, as Maureen McGovern would have sung- there has to be a morning after-- the cock is sore as all hell today, and a little puffy still-- in a good way <veg> Def not going to be letting anyone play with it, but my mouth and ass are both in A One shape, so the load count must go on... As far as the ring goes, I really liked the slight weight it added, I am definitely not a show-er, but with it on I was hanging an extra couple of inches, so I still would love to find a split ring (much like the split ring collars that guys are using now on their balls - 2 hex screws hold them together and can easily be removed) Hmmm, so I have seen magnetic rings showing up for ball weights, maybe some vendor will start marketing them soon for the cock head<g> Thanks to the guys who messaged me about being glad all was well- I do appreciate the thoughts. And the hospital crew were really a lot of fun- I shucked any embarrassment after I got there and got into the process of removal- at that point I was more in the salvage and recovery mode of thinking
  12. Hey RawTop- from what i have experienced on sites like A4A Radar, these are the issues I can report on. If I access Radar from my phone at work, then close it and later after work get online at home on my laptop, I am still 8 miles away at work. So there isn't a real or accurate distance unless you close out of the laptop, relaunch the Radar app from where you are at the moment, once it locates you you can shut it back down and relog in on the laptop. Probably a simple fix for them that they have not addressed, but I see a lot of guys having the same issue- so distance away is a bit buggy As far as non members being able to locate me- fuck them- they can join if they want to know how close I am. And a member has some info on file with you, I am comfortable with a fellow breeder knowing I am available and nearby. I would hope tho that I could block a certain member from being able to assess my location, so if at some point down the road someone becomes a psycho and is a pain in the ass, I could block them and not have to wonder if they are in a Green Kiak 4 cars back <g.>
  13. Hey guys- just thought I would share something with you all and maybe save you the same fate I had-- glans rings ( some are not much more than a 1 inch cock ring, others are metal bands; flat or flatter, and about 1/4 inch wide and are designed to snugly fit just behind the head of the cock) are getting more and more popular- I picked up a round ring from the local leather shop- chromed ring 1inch inside diameter- fit perfectly behind the head of my cock.Easy on, easy off. During MAL ( Mid Atlantic Leather) I searched for a flat ring-but the vendors did not have any, so when I returned home I went to my local leather store and picked up one. I have been wearing it for the last couple of weeks, no issues. Today I was about to head out to the store, slipped the ring on, and headed out. I must have slipped it OVER the foreskin, not under it. About 30 minutes into shopping , I felt like my cock was pinching, so I finished up and headed home. When I took off my pants the ring had migrated down my cock and was about halfway down. Try as I might, I could not get it to move back up, and the more I worked it, the more swollen my cock got above it. I tried oil, Crisco, soap, warm water, ice baths- even tried to use a small hacksaw blade to cut thru the band- but could not--so, after trying everything, I headed off to the ER. My cock had bloated , was a light shade of purple ( but not totally cut off from circulation) and was losing feeling. The front desk girl asked why I was there, and I explained my problem. I was sent to a nurse in a small office who went thru the questions to intake me, and a doctor came in and triaged me to a room. Another doctor came in and I dropped trou and showed him the problem. He had been briefed and had a power Dremel cutter with him, and after wrestling a tongue blade under the ring and above the skin of the cock (very uncomfortable, BTW) he began cutting away at the band.The metal kept heating up, so I had a bottle of water to pour over the metal as he sawed.At one point the blade skipped and nicked my cock on the bloated side of the ring- dark spot of blood but no pain. When he finally got all the way thru, the ring was too strong to pry apart, and he had to cut 180 degrees under to get the ring off- which required the helping hands of another ER person. It did finally get cut off, and the circulation returned fairly quickly. I will be "puffy" for a day, and I will be sporting a small scratch/cut on the top of the base of my cock- all over a stupid metal glans ring that went over the skin instead of under the foreskin. So- lesson learned- I am never going to slip anything over my cock or balls that I cannot cut off myself in an emergency. I wanted to put this out to maybe save a few of you from having the same issue- and expense.(not to mention the embarrassment of having an elephant trunk between your legs getting the once over by half the ER department. ) BTW- the staff were really reassuring and cool- seems this is fairly common, so just a heads up guys- don't get yourself in the same predicament !! ( and it has cost me 2 fuckings tonight, dammit !)
  14. Hey men- now that January is over, I have a monthly tally : loads taken :: Anal 26 Oral 3 Fist 10..... and in a rare occurrence I GAVE 2 fistings !! Piss 1 Feb is a shorter month and NO Mid Atlantic Leather to help build up my load counts, so any guys in the Ft Lauderdale area free mornings and willing to help me on my way to breaking last years numbers, please hit me up!
  15. Hey OpenHole- if you have reservations tomorrow or down the road and go back to using a rubber- try using Arm and Hammer Wintergreen or Spearmint GEL toothpaste as a pre lube in your hole- not a lot- a gob half the size of what you would use on a toothbrush is almost too much! Your hole will begin producing natural juice slime and you will be able to fuck with your own lube, not silicon. And the mint will warm your ass up- not burn- but give it a tingly aura.One other aspect of it-- the rubber will have the mint flavor and odor imparted into it, -the rubber taste will not be eliminated but will be modified. I know- I just had a guy with a 9 inch cock hit my ass today for an hour- in a Magnum ( he is partnered and i MAKE it very clear I am + with my bio tat over my hole) He pummeled my hole deep and hard, and finally after a lot of fucking he was getting close to cumming. I told him all loads remain in my hole an d the rubber would have to be peeled off as he pulled out after cumming. He shot a HUGE load, stayed in until he softened, and as he began easing out we worked the rubber off and into my gaping hole, I finished it off by poking it deep in, then I climbed out of the sling and sucked his cock of any cum stuck to it.There was a rubber taste- but it had a mint overtone and the cum was def a good flavor . As far as the amt I used- about the size of a pinky nail, and I pushed it into my hole- not so much on the lips- about 5 minutes before he got here. I sucked him (bare) for 10 minutes before getting in the sling- so my hole had about a 15 min head start to lubricate up-and we used NOTHING else in the 45 mins of fucking- and I was never dry even with him in a condom
  16. I had my door ajar during MAL a couple weekends ago, and had some guys wander in and fuck me. But one guy was def scruffy looking- tangled grey beard, baggy clothing , about a 50 yr old black guy, so he could have been homeless with that look, one of the cabbies from the curb, or just oneof the guys attending MAL and that was his look- no matter- I was in a jock and I quickly took his cock up my ass and let him unload. He stopped in the bathroom and washed up, then headed back into the hallway. I saw him a couple times over the weekend in the halls- so I don't know if he was or wasn't homeless
  17. LOL- I have sworn off IML since the sex is no where as good as it is at MAL. But after the way you worked my ass and tits, I may just have to rethink skipping IML this year-- and thanks for a great weekend- the scabs finally fell off last Friday <g>
  18. Prob could have phrased it better- but as a father, he will ALWAYS be concerned about his child-even when the "child" is 60. He will have a concern about his childs health and possible health issues exaggerated if /when the boy converts- from the original post it sounds as if the day will be sooner rather than later. But does HE want the Dad to always see him as the cause? And the anger/frustration/ fear directed at him ? Saddled? Too harsh? OK Worried, caring for , angry at,frustrated, disappointed with.. fill in the blank. And as a child, we too can be "saddled" with elderly parents who refuse to give up driving, or won't adhere to meds, etc. I didn't sense saddled to be that harsh- but I guess you did, so pick a word that fits better?
  19. Supposedly he is straight too- and only did it to help pay the household bills. ( his Mom is a stripper and wasn't making enough to cover all the bills) And the school suspended him not for porn, but because he was getting shit from some students about it and he raged out and made some comment about a gun. In todays environment, that is a totally zero tolerance item no matter what bullying precipitated it ( as the news drones on about a shooting today at a mall, a shooting last week on a college campus, etc)
  20. As a sub slut bottom, I think you must have one hell of a fine cock, and they realize solid gold when getting fucked by it and just want it all <g> A thirsty man really doesn't want the whole fukkin river- but watch him when he first hits the waters edge and gets a taste and you might be confused by the way he gulps at it. Same with a top and a hard cock- a guy who is craving cock all the time and finally gets a hard one is hooked to it- until the rest of the man attached to it begins to emerge- and all the quirks and idiosyncrasies he comes a packin!
  21. Sounds like he is thrill fucking, and getting fucked by his Dads best friend is just a part of it --there may be something underneath that- maybe he has an issue with his Dad and wants to piss on the father- have his fathers friend be the one to convert the sons ass, so that the Dad is forever saddled with a son who is poz, and a person who was a trusted friend now detested and out of his life. While the kid is 19, he isn't beyond using people for his own purposes. Don't let him play you. If anything- play HIM.Let him come, tease him, flirt with him non stop.Maybe even toy his hole, but don't let him have your cock. He is there a week? Do frottage, edge him all day long. Spend a day milking him. But don't give him your cock - at the end of the week, he will either want to marry you or never see you again. But YOU really should be the one controlling the set up. I f he stays in touch, he wants you for you. If you get a vibe he is really on a dangerous path; do you feel comfortable approaching the Dad and discussing your concerns?
  22. As posted above, it isn't just the bottoms that are tardy or no show. I was at MAL last weekend. I had contacted tops in the DC area and told them I would A) be in the city and the dates, taking raw loads in my hotel room all weekend C) I was not looking for voyeurs or guys to linger, but would prefer for this weekend for them to come, fuck, seed and then hit the leather market or the lobby, if they wanted seconds or thirds my hole was theirs. D) I then asked them,if they were interested , to let me know and I would email them the room number as soon as I got in. 2 guys wanted 1st thing Fri when I got in, a 3rd set a specific time. So, as soon as I got in the room, I dropped mail to the 1st 3 guys, then to the remaining 30 or so who had replied wanting my info. One of the early guys wrote back 2 hours later saying I should have called him, he was sleeping and would be away all weekend (he WAS online all weekend) the other never relied. The man who wanted a set time was prompt, sexy and we had a great 2 hours of sex. Of the remaining 30 guys I reached out to, I think only 4 ever dropped by. I did get door traffic, so I wasn't without loads- but the written promise of the internet is pretty weak no matter the sexual position
  23. Just a follow up to the above ( or below depending how it posts) IF you have any belief in hypnosis, I did it for gut issues and the hypnotist did a free follow up dealing with my HIV- and my T count more than tripled. I do self hypnosis now regarding sex pig and cum slut and I know it has helped me go in deeper and be more willing to take anyones loads- so if you want to boost your mental health regarding HIV - you might try a hypnotic session (one of my repeating thought sayings is "Every day and in every way I am stronger and healthier" Does it make me heathier? Who knows- but if I THINK it does, maybe it does)
  24. Hey man- I just celebrated my 27th year since getting diagnosed. So it has been a very long time ago to recall vividly- but : I got the info over the phone at night from the doctor- I had an allergic reaction 3 days earlier and ended up in the ER, where all sorts of tests were done. The cardiologist ordered a Western Blot test in the middle of the night. I went home the next day, and 2 days later around 8p I was at home with my partner, and the phone rang. He passed it to me, the doc said- You are positive, you need to come to my office.That was it. No preface,-I hung up and was in shock- all the things I would never see or do again ( in the 80's it was a death sentence and I fully expected to be dead in 12 months) Then I got pissed-at the delivery method, his lack of compassion, and so I decided no meds (AZT killed everyone back then) I saw the summer come and go and come again- and kept my resolve to live and not to buy into the medical gloom and doom. I finally began meds 11 years later due to stress from the relationship failing and work- but even then I resolved it was a bandaid and I was not in any distress. So,watch what you let get put into your head- I refused to give in, and I am a bigger pig and kink man today than I ever was as a teen in the 70's when sex was free and easy. Your mind will heal you as much or more than meds will- they def can HELP- but YOU have to want to keep going on. And trust me- it is very much worth going onward
  25. Just from experience- if 50 guys say they want in your hole- plan on 5 showing up, and 4 of them actually cumming. Aim high, be happy with whatever cums your way
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