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Everything posted by AlwaysOpen

  1. BBRT scolded me for trying to upload a picture of my rosebud to my profile pictures. At least they let me know I couldn't put such a picture up, rather than just out and out boot me off the site-- but so odd and puritanical, especially for a web site that advocated raw sex hook ups !
  2. I have made numerous purchases from them- the last one was a porta sling and frame- weighed about 46 lbs- they shipped the day after I ordered, with an expected del of the following Tuesday given, and it arrived Monday- a day early--so I missed catching the UPS man delivering it- I could have asked him to drop back after his shift to help me assemble it..but all worked out- he had a delivery the next day too, so I got to see him-- not a porn fantasy ! <g> As a company, Ft Troff has never given me any reason to complain or a need to return any item. If you are still on the fence- buy something from them and do a test- see just how easy they are to use
  3. Just stumbled on this thread today while checking out new posts- funny-- I was used hard last night by a dom top fister. Played in a small room of the waterfront house he was staying at- all tiled floor, 1 small dorm type bed with stained comforter and a couple of pillows obviously stained with lube and cum. And 2 plastic chairs- the type you normally would use out on the deck. Once we were both in the room, he closed the door, shut the blinds on the one window, and we stripped. For the next 2 hours he fucked my throat, fisted my hole, used dildos on me, fucked , and when my hole finally began to wear out, he fucked in one huge load. Post orgasm, I laid there on my back, allowing his seed to drip deeper up into my gut. When we began, he had brought in 4 beers- I sipped a little out of 1, but soon was too busy servicing him to have any more. He drank all 3 full cans, plus the rest of mine. As we chilled out , he told me to get on the floor on all 4's, ass to him. I suspected what was to come, so I got on my knees, backed my ass up to him, he was sitting in one of the plastic chairs- and felt him prying my hole apart and pushing his cock in. I dropped my shoulders as close to the floor as I could, and quickly felt the hot stream begin filling me -thanks to all the J Lube and grease in my ass, there was no issue with the flow going in deeper and deeper- he pissed at least 2 or the 4 cans back into me- or more. I stayed ass high and shoulders down after he pulled out- never lost a drop. He then began pinching my ass lips and slapping my hole, then rested his legs on my back for an additional 10 minutes before I was let up- I got on the bed ass up and relaxed,hoping all that piss would get deep and not rush out when I stood. Another 5 minutes, and then I could feel the rush trying to come - and headed to the bathroom and dumped a huge piss load out in two back to back flushes. Left, and went to the gay bar- but my ass was still draining/seeping J Lube and piss, so I only stayed for a beer and split
  4. 2 weeks ago in Palm Springs ( full details in my blog entry on here_ ) Had hoped for 57 loads for my 57th B day- the day went to hell with 2 limp cock and no others showing- so I did CCBC, hopped in a sling, and had a line of men breeding my hole one after the other. Number 2 or 3 bellowed as he came " take my fucking toxic load you slut"- which yielded another string of men fucking their loads up my hole. Got a few more later, and a fist -- everyone knew I was full of cum when I finally returned to the loungers by the pool <g>
  5. After a great fucking late Friday night into Saturday, and still being on east coast time body clock wise, I was up at 7 am Saturday morning. I made a walk around the resort, checking out the sex room- 2 men were in the sling ( well, 1 was in the sling, the other was draped over him) Just basic fucking, and it looked like they had been doing it for a while and were in the process of trying to recover- or the guy in the sling was in the process of getting a piss enema as still as they both were. As I wandered out and back to the main pool, I passed 3 guys on the loungers already- sipping Starbucks. Caffeine sounded perfect- so after finding out where they found the coffee, I pulled on a pair of shorts and a t shirt and headed over for my own coffee. I discovered there was a grocery store in the strip mall , and made a side trip there and loaded up on more room food- focused on things I could store in the refrigerator in the room for meals thru the day. I was set- no need to stop for food breaks outside the resort- just a sandwich now and then and sex. Back at the resort the men were waking up and staking out lounge chairs by the time I returned, so I marked my territory and sat pool side with a coffee and some snacks. The chairs filled, but everyone was in some form of underwear/swimsuit save for me- I was bare assed and wearing my rubber ball stretcher. Two guys who had gotten frisky the day before by the pool returned on day passes, and sat nearby- and began chatting about all the various fetishes, and very curious about the ball stretcher- so I talked and explained , and even got them to shed their underwear exposing their sweet uncut cocks , at least for a while. But both were shy- 1 was definitely more of the Alpha of the 2 and seemed almost ready to get kinky- but then some of their friends arrived and they quickly put their underwear back on and went to hang with the buds. I ended up drifting around the pool all afternoon- short trips to the room for a snack or to get a beverage, but the sex room was too crowded- the kind of setting where too many crowds out any real play- lots of guys jerking along the wall, but no room to service them nor any desire on their part to get too excited ( and cum) Even the guy on the love seat was doing a mindless jerk- and kept brushing off guys who approached- he had just had his tits pierced the week before ( WHAT THE FUCK WAS HE THINKING??) and they were sore and he didn't want any play. By sunset, I had a full day of desert sun,there were 2 sex parties to go to, and headed to the room, when it happened. As I neared the room, I began a series of non stop sneezes. I got in the room, and the sneezing continued, as my sinuses began to close up. I quickly downed an Allegra sinus/allergy tab, and hit the shower to try and rinse off any pollen or irritant. The nose was running like a bad faucet, and i was getting achy, so I dug around in the suitcase and found some Sudaphed and popped 2 and curled up in the bed. I woke up around 10 pm and realized the 1st party was already nearing the end of its cycle, and then realized I wasn't going anywhere- I was achy, snotty, and tired. When I woke again, it was 2 am, and I made a few desperate blows to clear my nose, then headed out to walk the property . In the sex room, I was on a mission and managed to get 2 fast fucks up my ass- I couldn't even tell you who or what it was that fucked me- I just know there was cum in my hole- the 2nd loads pH was acidic enough I could feel a burn as he shot in me- and as he nutted and pulled out, my nose began to run again, so I left and went back to the room, popped a couple more tablets, and went back to sleep. I woke Sunday, still stuffy but not dripping so I went to the pool, and staked out a spot. I made sure to pop another Allegra, and it seemed to hold me thru the day. The resort was doing a BBQ in the afternoon, so I did an early walk around, and managed to get a fuck in followed by a guy who wanted a BJ, which I delivered gladly. As more guys came to life, I began to hear about how the various parties had been, and how cruisy the resort had been all night long. FUCK! Around noon, I went to the room, got a clean bandana and a tub of lube, and went to the sex room- about 15 men in there , and most seemed ready for some release. I worked my way into the back corner, slid down into a squat, and slipped the bandana over my eyes in a blindfold- I could see feet, but not the man, and from their angle they had to assume I couldn't see anything. At first things were slow- a few were curious but timid- but once 1 guy fed me his cock and then his load, I ended up servicing 5 men in a row, getting loads form each of them. Then the action and room tapered off- a couple of guys were up for a BJ but not into cumming, so I finally stood back up, removed the bandana, and returned to the pool. The 5 loads in my gut were tasty, but the BBQ was just getting presented, and smelled great- so I took a place in line and took care of real food for the day. I made several trips to the room, and on one of those trips I was at the door just as a guy walked by- he seemed to be looking, and sure enough, I got him in the room and had him fucking me in no time at all. He shot his load and headed back out, and I did the same,laying in the sun as his jizz baked in my butt. As the sun went down, the allergies went back into overdrive, and I ended up in the room sneezing the rest of the night, and feeling like crap- hollow head and achy again. I did a few anti histamines and crashed out again, waking at 1a and doing a few walk arounds. The sex room was wall to wall, and I managed to eat 1 fast load before I gave up- the heat of all those men sweating and and the antihistamines just drained me, and I went back to bed. I woke Monday, and after getting a coffee, my nose seemed to be under control again, so I wandered the resort and soon realized the men were thinned - I guess a lot were on their way back to LA or SanDiego. As a matter of reference- it was the 1st time I had seen the dark room empty and no signs of sex anywhere. I surrendered to the fact the weekend was ending- and my week in the desert too- and hopped in the car and took off to do some non sexual activity. I got up in the Whitewater Canyon area and hiked back up into the hills for a few hours- after getting away from the parking lot area, and all the screaming kids, I was out on trails with no one around- I hiked back into the back country for an hour, and never saw another person- so quiet you could actually hear the air moving past your head. I was so fukkin tempted to strip bare assed and hike on, but figured as soon as I did some pack of school kids or off duty cops would come over the next hill and I'd get busted, so I settled for taking off the tank top and going from there. As I hiked back towards the parking area, I in fact did pass one woman hiking back in , so I guess naked hiking has its time and place. Back in the resort, the pool was virtually deserted, and the sex room had 1 guy stroking on the love seat. I sat by the pool for a while, but it was sort of like watching the clean up crew sweeping up the streets in New Orleans after Fat Tuesday- the party had come and gone. I went back to the room, and packed my own bags up so I wouldn't have that hanging over me in the morning. A friend in PS had invited me over for a cook out, and I went, a little snifffly but manageable . It was so great to hang with him and his husband- it was my 2nd chance to get to know his husband and meet some of their friends- but I was pretty much worn out between the sex and sinuses and headed back to the room after a few hours. ( and so he could get some rest- he had a fall the morning before and was def in an uncomfortable sort of way) I was still having allergies that evening and once in the room took a couple more anti histamines, which knocked me out . I woke up around 3am, and made a few wasted efforts to roll over and go back to sleep- so I got up and walked the property. A couple of guys were either sitting by the hot tub, or were chilling out- but the sex room was eerily empty and cool (finally!!) It seemed like the few out were refusing to let the night end, even tho they were not hunting any action. Even the guy in the room next to me was up , door open and online- but not doing anything else much. I finally retreated to my own room, and the bed, and grabbed a couple of hours of semi sleep before having to put the bags in the car and leave the city. On the outside chance any of you who may have read any of these installments were one of the men who fed me your load or fist, I want to thank you again, or for the first time. I had that Dawson kind of wish of 57 loads on my birthday- it didn't come close to that number, but I sure had a good time with those who did contribute to the cause. I did a semi log of the loads after the 1st day, when I realized they would all begin to become a blur, and if I wasn't sure if it resulted in a load, I didn't count it. ( Some guys did fuck my ass for a bit and then would pull out and walk away- never panting or grunting, and replaced before I could tell if there was extra cum in my ass; so I didn't count them in the load count) Fro a week in Palm Springs, and in site of nightly allergies taking me out of the parties where I am sure I would have scored a few more loads, I ended up getting my hole bred 19 times, I was fed 11 loads, and at various times over the week my ass got fisted 5 times. Oddly, for a city that hosts Wet and Hot , I never was fed any piss at all- maybe the next trip out west will be a wetter one... BTW- the flights home did wonders for drying up my snot maker, but it has not gone away. Daily Allegra, and even resorting to a netti pot , but the sinuses still want me to know they are more powerful than the universe Ah well, it is Monday, my work week Friday, and I have to get dry so I can offer my ass up to a wildman fister who uses it out on a back patio of a small bar in Miami Tuesday night
  6. Wow- people in Manhatten get paid to have sex?? I know where I would move, if only the rents weren't so high and the winters so damned cold ! Here in Ft Lauderdale, sex is free and overflowing. Only time I know of any cost for sex is when the host wants a donation to pay for the steam cleaners that will have to come out the next day to strip off all the lube and Crisco from his walls and floors
  7. Well, first off, if anyone is reading along- more power to you-- seems my space bar gets jammed every now and then so some of my post seems like I was 2/3 of the way thru the rum bottle-- really I wasn't !! Picking up the post with day 3- Thursday. I was still at Motel6 , figuring the local men could walk in and breed so easily-- but all I was getting were e mail specialists- older guys who wanted to do dialog and not as much dicking. Frustrated, I headed out for a cruise up into the Whitewater Canyon- it used to be a cruising area, but as I found out, the law has banned parking anywhere on the drive to the top of the canyon, and entry into the spillway is also banned; due to high fire danger. Oh well, at least I did manage to see my 1st real wild rattlesnake in my many hikes and trips into the desert- it passed in front of my car as I was driving up the road to the top- about a 3 ft long one. Not really feeling like hiking, I turned around at the top and drove back down thru the canyon and across the desert floor and into Palm Springs. Back at the motel, I got online and soon a guy told me he needed to get sucked off- only a mile away, so I headed over- he met me at the door to his apartment, the curtains all closed and no lights- he led me into his room-porn playing, and I went to work on his cock. Nothing amazing, and in 5 minutes he was all spent and sated. I pulled on my shorts, thanked him and he asked me to keep quiet- his roommate was sleeping in the other room ! I walked out, and since his condo was across from Helios Gay Resort ( from Tues day 1) I backed out of the parking lot and across into the parking lot for Helios, and went in. Only 10 guys seemed to be around, the play area was quiet, so I laid out and got some sun. A furry guy cruised me a few times, and I got the message and headed to the sex room and hopped into the sling. He fed me his cock from the side of the sling, and I got him hard, then he moved to my ass and gave a nice 10 minute fuck and a huge load- then he headed out and to his room. I went backto the pool and rested, and at 5, when day pass holders are asked to leave, I headed backto the motel to get ready - I had a friend and his BF meeting for dinner at 7p. After a nice long meal and conversation, I was back in the room at 9 30p, and was feeling tired, so I stayed in and got some rest, getting stoked for the move on Friday to All Worlds Resort. About 10a, the front desk of All World called my cell, and asked what time I wanted to check in-- I told them ASAP; and asked if it was ready for now. Seems the hotel has a full house the night before, and the rooms were not as ready as they had thought, but maybe by noon they could have my room available. I arrived at noon, and true to their word (and the amazingly fast cleaning skills of Carlos) my room was available. I got in, made a quick unpack, and then headed to the pool area to laze in the sun. About 30 minutes of sun later, I began exploring all of the property- they made 1 resort out of 4 smaller properties, so there were 4 pools, 4 hot tubs, and 4 distinct kinds of men there. I found the sex room and the steam/sauna area- sex room had 1 sling and a 4 booth GH area with porn playing ( All World Video, of course) A couple guys were standing against the wall, but the activity was nil. Wandering, the various guys sitting by the pools were social, some eye candy, some distracted or asleep . Back by the pool, I relaxed and watched as the boys of LA all began arriving for the Nasty Kink Pig weekend. Mid afternoon, the sun was hot and I retreated to the sex room, and found a couple of men to play with, earning 2 loads in my mouth in the back corner, and then a guy took me to the sling and fisted my ass and followed up by fucking my ass until he shot his load up into me. As he left, I laid there and a 2nd man came around and shoved in, planting his load in short order. I waited, but nothing else was going to happen, so I went back to the pool side and laid on the lounger, watching a few men get drunker and friskier. Sensing a lack of any food in my system, I headed out around 7p, and found a deli and had a real meal- filling but not overpowering. The NKP site had stated there would be a social gathering at the ToolShed from 8-10p, so I went there after dinner. It was just after 8 when I walked in- the bar was busy, and the bartender was one I knew from earlier in the week. I asked where the NKP group was, and he asked me to wait, went in the back and came back with a guy,who he said wass Chris. I shook his hand and discovered the bar had no idea what was supposed to be going on- the knew of the NKP, but none of the details, so I sort of filled him in about getting happy hour prices by showing my screenname ( he didn't ask me to pull it up tho) I hung with a few guys out on the patio are who were smoking cigars, and had cocktails bought for me by them- but when I would head in for a piss, and would see Chris, the joke became where the NKP crowd was. By 11p, the bar was busy, but I was ready for the resort and the play there, and left. The street near the guest house was totally parked up, but I managed to find a spot on the far side of my resort. Inside the property the action was heated up, with men cruising and hanging out all over. I went to the room, stripped to sandals and a ball stretcher,grabbed my lube, and went to the sex room. Played with a wild man, we ended up in the sling at 11 45p, and he fucked my ass non stop from then until 1 30 am- I am sure some other guys would have liked to use the sling too- but this guy was so focused on deep dicking my ass, and I sort of lost track of just how long we had been in the sling- when we did finally get out of the room, he headed on off in one direction, and I wandered back to my room, and bed
  8. Hey guys- long time since putting any blog up- but the week in PS has pushed me to report back for a few friends ( and any anon readers who happen by) I work for an airline, so my travel is conditional on a seat actually being empty for me to get on the flight. My flight out looked OK up until the day before I was to fly out- then suddenly the flight went into an oversell mode. My heart sunk and my ass knotted- I had car reservations, hotel reservations, and big plans ! Throw a severe, severe 2 hour thunderstorm the night before my flight- and the added fear the aircraft I would be standing by for might divert to some other city and maybe cancel- I was a wet, miserable wad by the time I got off work at 11p. I grabbed a few hours sleep, then returned to wait for the flight to board and hope someone wouldn't show up- and luck was with me-- I got a seat ! Hit Palm Springs before noon- my rental car was upgraded to a larger SUV, I hit a drug store on the way to the motel and got my room junk food/water- and by 1pm I was in my room and getting ready to head out and start cum collecting. I made a fast visit to the ToolShed bar, downed a cocktail, and then went to Helios- a guy had suggested it would be the busiest resort on a Tuesday. Turned out it was a senior event- most men were above 65, many were not very concerned about their fitness as much as the all u can eat buffet- but all were pleasant and social. I discovered the air conditioned play room, and after sucking a man off, I ended up in the sling getting a load fucked into my hole. After he pulled out, a 45-50 yr old latino began fingering my hole, and quickly had his fist worked into my hole. He fisted me for 20 min or so, then fucked his seed into me. He pulledout, and headed out the door- but one of the other guys stepped up and shoved right in and planted his load inside of a minute. I laid in the sling for a little longer, then did a walk around on the property. The guy who had fisted me smiled and nodded, so I went back to the sling and hopped in, and he rejoined me , fisting my hole for another 15 mins before pulling his hand out and leaving. The resort shoo's day guests out at 5p promptly, so I left, and made it an early evening Wed was my birthday;I had a goal of a load a year for 57 loads. I was up at 6 30a, went in to the shower and hosed out my ass, brushed my teeth, and was online hunting by 7a. One guy came over at 8a- he tried, but was unable to get or maintain a hard on , so after 20 minutes I thanked him and showed him out. Back online, a few guys wanted to do 20 email Q and A- after getting blunt and asking if they wanted to fuck or write, 1 guy said he could be over at 10a. (an hour from then) Sure- come on. Another wanted to come right now, so I said to , and in 20 minutes he arrived- only wanted a BJ, but then wanted to put a CL ad up and pimp my ass. Sure- OK.The 10a guy showed, and wanted to watch , I explained I was after his load, so he began fucking- he would get hard and then; just before nutting, would go limp and loose the edge. I let him try 4 times, but after 30 minutes, and with the BJ guy being pretty distracting, I called an end to the 2 of them ( by now 45 min tied up and only 1 oral load to show for it) . After they were out, I got on BBRT, put a notice up that I was hitting CCBC for the day, and got a bag of lube,towels and water together and went to the resort. Once in and settled, I made a walk around, then settled into a TV room that had a sling. 1 guy was getting pounded by a 40 something guy- they parted, and so did many of the guys who had been spectators. I was next to the sling, and slipped into it and made an obvious motion of lubing my ass. A guy came over with a hard cock, and shoved in, fucked me hard for 5 minutes and then shot into me. As he pulled out, a man who had been to my left took my hole, and thus began a 6 man back to back raw fuck a thon. I got out of the sling- the room was thinned out, and headed back on the nature walk. A guy who had been on a pool lounge next to me caught up and led me off the walk , bent me over, and fucked in 2 more loads- at one point a 2nd man joined us and I was directed to suck him off by my fucker. They both got what they wanted , and I went back and laid out by the pool for a bit. Antsy tho for more loads, I went back to the video area, and a short man with huge nips let me chew and pull on them-- I felt his hands and mentioned how nice his hands were, and how my hole would love to feel them- and we moved into the room with a sling and he proceeded to fist me. A man joined us, and he began fisting the nipple guy, as nip fisted me. After a bit, it was obvious that nip was very distracted by the fist in his hole- and could use the sling better than me- so I slipped off his hand and gave up the sling to them. As I was leaving that room, a man grabbed my cock and led me to the other room- where I had been gang bred earlier- and put me in the sling. He had a rock hard ( tri-mix) cock, and for the next hour he was in my hole as deep as he could pump, in as many angles and attack directions as he could muster. Guys came and watched and left, but he never came- just a hard slab of cock pounding away at my guts,until he was tired and late for dinner. After he left, I did the nature trail,lube and old cum dripping now and then out of my hole. < more to come -- but not sure how long I can write without getting trunked>
  9. OK men- June 01, and an update. I did Palm Springs for a week over Memorial Day weekend-had my allergies not gone ape shit crazy each night, I am sure my count would be much better, but..... here is what I have gathered since Jan 01 of this year:: Loads Anal- 79 Loads Oral- 51 Fistings- 32 Piss loads- 15 At this rate I guess I am getting an average of a load or at least sex encounter once a day, but nowhere near as often as my cum crazed ass wants. And as I found in Palm Springs at the gay resort I stayed at- I sucked 4 cock for every 1 load that was actually given- and for the fucks, both the day I was laying my hole open on my B Day and the Friday night- I got loads, but also had a coupl eof guys with Tri-Mix hard ons who fucked my ass for an hour to 90 minutes almost non stop, but never gave up a hot load for all the fucking- they essentially had a live flesh dildo they were fucking with. Maybe I am just an old fart, but I really prefer the genuine cock- one that after 10 exciting minutes of pounding rewards you with a nice big cum load, and moves out for others to move on in. Prob will put up a brief blog on my breeding week, but my best action was on my B day at CCBC resort- 7 men in a row in the sling- uninhibited, gang bang style fuck and go action
  10. Reading thru this just before heading out to Palm Springs for a fuck a thon later this week- for my 57th B day. I have been active on all the sites inviting guys and letting everyone know I am interested in their cock, and cum-- so I was really hoping for a few good pointers. I intend to have mu hole primed and ready for the guys after the bar / 1201 am and then just keep on rolling as long as a hard cock is showing interest on line or wandering past my room door -- and if all else fails and PS on a Wed is rolled up and put away- I guess there is always CCBC and a day pass <g>
  11. I have been hypnotized - and I can tell you it works. My hypno-therapist used it to aide me with Crones/irrit bowel syndrome, and after a session with him I walked out and 2 hours later was eating food I had avoided (but loved) . I ate an entire pizza, had zero after effects. He had me return, and this time had me see my doc first for labs- got my T count an VL taken, then after getting the results, he had me in and did a HIV hypno therapy, suggesting my body utilize the medication to its max and to allow healing. Well, I went back in 2 weeks later and had labs pulled again- my T had been 215 the prior lab ( and had been that consistently for over 2 years) After the session, my T count was 750 ! My GP- now my exGP- poo poo'ed the numbers- but for sev years they never went up- I did hypnosis and theyy more than tripled ! I would love to get hypnotized with an ass broker, who could say one key trigger word that would have me eating every cock in any opening at just a drop of the word. I guess that feeds into the sub side of me <g>
  12. Fucker ! And YOU took 59 inches over the weekend too ! See what happens when you put another chapter up on here?? Keep on writing - I may need ( as if ) some inspiration for my breeding frenzy out in Palm Springs this upcoming week--
  13. Saw the ad for the Ft Lauderdale GYM- well, never made it to the GYM but if I am not mistaken it was locally known as Helens Hole- morphed over time to Boots Bar, with fun Sunday BBQ's out on the area once the pool - on way too many occassions BBQ included some older bears wolfing down hot dogs and each other, all the while guys were drinking and eating around them. Sadly- after the bar raids of 2003, Boots lost its life ( and something was whispered about past due taxes too) and was consumed by the church down the street- and immediately bulldozed. Now all that remains on the site is some rubble and weeds-- but there must be some milkweed- as much cum was shot out on that patio <g>
  14. Hey man - glad to welcome you to the site and add as a friend-- now, get in and be sure to fill out more of your profile with location- you might just get luckier that way

  15. Not even close to Faggot hole or Total Asspig, but as of yesterday ( 30 Apr) I now have 55 loads in my ass 15 loads of piss drunk 25 fistings, and 34 loads down my throat. as a 110% bottom, no loads given (psst- Palm Springs and the 57 load bday on the 22nd May is just days away-- hope to really up the numbers)
  16. Hey Fetish- I share your pain- with Tues and Weds as my weekend, it makes it even more of a challenge to find a top willing to play. I HAVe found some good results inMiami- been doing a small bar there called Jamboree, active patio- and every so often a very agreeable top who likes to run an ass and pimp it out <g> Will be testing the tops of Palm Springs 21-28 May, will give youa first hand report on that experiment
  17. Hey Wht- thanks for the latest installation-- hey-- hook me up with some of Dr Mikes salve- had a FF bud use me 2 for 3 hours on Tuesday and another 2 1/2 hours on Wednesday-- had the rosebud in full bloom-- and I need to be tight and pure for my birthday fucka thon in May out in Palm Springs ! <g>
  18. I have a great doc here in Ft Lauderdale- he is on Kink Aware Professionals listings as a matter of fact. I am anything but reserved in the sex I partake in, and every visit with him I make sure to let him know, not in gory detail- but in general terms- what all I have been doing. He no longer has to ask if I have been getting fisted or piss, or if I took 10 or 100 loads - he knows. And as such, he also knows what to look for and what to test for. If I have any issue, all I need to do is make an appointment and see him- never a judgement or lecture- he does his job and I am cared for. I think open, honest conversation with your doc is the absolute #1 factor in any care and treatment plan. I could care less if he has a flat screen TV in the waiting room or granite counters in the exam room- as long as he has open ears and no judgements
  19. Played at a local bar the other night- took a few loads and had a guy fist my hole- was leaning over the closed back patio bar counter with my ass exposed just after the fisting, when I felt a warm sensation hitting my leg- at first thought it was lube oozing out- then realized it was a little piss, so I turned and went down on his cock- and drank what he produced. His stream was slow at first, testing my abilities and desire-- once he figured out I was into it, his stream grew strong and hard and I was proud to keep up and not loose any. He worked as my hole broker the rest of the night, and when things would slow down, or if someone was sniffing, he would put me on his cock ,leaving my ass up and open for taking.Most times I just had his cock in my mouth sucking him hard- but he stopped my sucking one time and held my head in place, and gradually he let go with a full bladder as someone took my hole and bred me up. Best thing - we exchanged numbers, and he will be consuming my ass and then lining up cock for it again next week-- just hope the scene is as wet and wild as last weeks <g>
  20. Time and place , I guess. In a bedroom, if it is a genuine outcome of hot sex, then noisy grunting is perFFect. However, if the guy fucking me is trying to recreate a soundtrack from his favorite porn scene, then it is a turn off. Now, if it is in a public place and he is trying to draw in more guys to use and flood out my holes, then he can make whatever noise he wants-- in those scenes I am usually his sub/whore/bitch etc so it is his call from git to gone.
  21. Hey Guys- was having a totally bad day yesterday(Tues, my Saturday work week wise)- waited almost 3 hrs for the anon top to come by to fuck me , -said he was bringing someone with him. Never showed, and I lost an afternoon- I was really frustrated. So in the evening I decided to head to Miami and the little latin bar for action. Changed my location in BBRT to Miami,put up an ad on BBRT, and headed down. A guy who had chatted me up on BBRt was already there and waiting- almost as soon as I got out on the patio, he gave me his cock to suck- not wanting to lose out, I went to town on him, and felt him get close - but he quickly pulled out of my mouth and moved me around so he could fuck me. Already lubed ( before the drive down) he pushed in and pumped quickly into my hole, dropping his load somewhere up in my ass . A man watching moved in and fed me his cock, and as he did his fingers began working into my ass, checking for a cum load. As I sucked him to the root, he moved back and motioned for me to follow him. He positioned himself up on a raised seat section of the deck, and had me bend over to suck on him some more. As I was doing that, he pulled my shorts to my ankles, leaving my hole exposed to the guys who had followed. I felt fingers exploring my hole, and then a cock entered and pumped into me. Other hands were pinching my tits, or grabbing my balls- . When the guy nutted up my ass (load2) the guy I was sucking told me to follow him to the bathroom. I did, and he pushed me over the toilet and went down on my ass, sucking and chewing on my hole and lips, sucking out the 2 loads in there. He then began fisting into my ass- I added lube and he gained full entry. He pulled his hand out, and fucked a load into me. I went down on him and sucked the last of the cum out, and sucked the J Lube off his cock. I pulled my shorts up, and told him to feel free to use me again, and he said he would. I got a fresh beer, and walked back onto the patio. He saw me and led me to a dark section, jerked my shorts down again, and began fisting my hole again- slapping my ass with his hand in between to attract attention to us. A few guys regathered, and I was pushed onto a latino who got into the corner.Unwashed and cheesy, the guy fisting me shoved my head all the way down on the guys cock, and in a few minutes he shot his load into my gut, and quickly split from the corner.The ffisting guy then pulled me onto his cock, making sure my hole was facing out towards the guys, and while in his crotch I felt another hand exploring my ass, so I put some extra lube onto my hole and the guy pushed in and felt around my hole for a few minutes, then as he pulled his hand out, a hard, 8 or 9 inch cock was planted full depth into me. The cock in my mouth stopped fucking my throat, and my head was grabbed by both hands and held steady- and then he began pissing - slow at first,testing me- then full stream until his bladder was empty. By now I lost all track of who was in my ass- was it the same 9 inch, or someone else? The fist guy became a broker of my ass- and had me do every man he could line up. All told, I took 2 or 3 piss loads form him, was fisted 5 times, fucked too many to count ( although i think I only got 4 loads in my hole) and ate 2 loads. Damn!! I need to make him my broker on a regular basis- esp if he can keep a scene like that going up my ass!
  22. My work schedule gives me crap days off- Tues and Weds- crappy at least as far as sex parties and hooking up is concerned. So I was really surprised today-- having coffee on the big gay coffee shop patio, I get a text from a bodybuilder FF bud who has been in me a few times- and he was hunting release. He wanted my ass and mouth , and right away. I raced home, hosed as deep and as fast as I could, then jumped into the shower to rinse off. While rinsing the bedroom door opens and he came in. I toweled off, and went out to where he was undressing, and began deep throating his cock. 15 minutes of that, and he wanted in my hole. I warned him I wasn't 100% sure the rinse out was as good as usual, and myabe he wanted to put a glove on. He fingered, then worked in deeper, staying clean. For the next 30 minutes he worked his arm up into my gut, then added his cock alongside it, jacking himself off somewhere up in my hole. He showered and dressed, and about 10 minutes later a regular anon FB hit me up wanting to bust a 5 day load into my ass. A quick rinse, and he was in my ass in 30 minutes, he uses a rubber to fuck, but after cumming he obliges me and puts the rubber and his load into my open hole, then uses a dildo to plunge it in even deeper and ensures the cum is released all thru my ass. Ah, all ready for work and 8 hours of keeping that rubber deep in my ass
  23. Had a photog FF top who wanted me smooth for a photo shoot- so I used the clippers and buzzed down to a fine stubble- no razor bumps that way and a better picture when he was shooting. He played and pumped me for the night, did a photo session, and I have some of the pics from it- some on my various profiles ( the warmer looking pics are his) The hair returned in a couple of months and he moved- so all was good and no harm-- one suggestion- if you want really close clip, use a zero guide on your clippers, and then you can follow behind with one of those $9 disposable ear and moustache type of trimmers- they will buzz you damn near bald but you will not suffer red bumps and infected follicles all over the body-- and little to no itch in the days afterwards
  24. Hey Raw- I booked room 111 for myself- Memorial Day Weekend and the NAsty Kink weekend- from the looks of things, it is near the pool, far enough from the office to avoid noise of the front office and door- and near the opening to the back path and the other buildings-- if that helps you any
  25. Yeah, there have been a few other threads along this thought. And I went out and bought 25 temp tats of the Bio Hazard design to see where I would want to put a real one. Nice, red 3 inch bio symbol. Wore it out to a couple of sex parties at the local leather guest house, and got no action. Have worn it to sex clubs and never had anyone chasing my hole because of it. So, to date, I still do not have a perm tat- and may not - while guys may say it bones them up- too many will not fuck if they see it ( esp ,it seems, if it is in a public setting and they may be there with people they know-- sort of the same taboo issues as the guys who lie about their HIV status on hook up sites; on the chance someone they know sees their profile and discovers their true status. Think long and hard about it- tattoo 's are forever - or until the dermatologist gets his $3000 to lazer them off
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