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Everything posted by AlwaysOpen

  1. 2 major issues I have with public sex places- be it a dark bar room or bathhouse or sex club. If you are going to be a bottom ( and my city has officially been renamed by Rand McNally from Ft Lauderdale to Ft BOTTOMDALE) use a fucking douche hose at home, rinse and repeat until yesterdays corn is gone !! THE last thing anyone wants to experience is the skank of your hole wafting thru a hot steamy room all night. And just a sidebar - if you work to hose out, do NOT stop at a diner on your way to the sex club and have a Grand Slam special- that damn shit will exit before you do .Decide- sex or food- not both . On that same thought- sex clubs and bath houses- PLEASE- it may seem like a great lure- free pizza or free food of some type - but the last thing that is sexy is someone puffing and panting pepperoni all over my face as he is fucking me- or worse- the naive bottom that just knocked down 6 slices of pizza and is busy sucking a cock right afterwards- until he has his gag reflex banged and suddenly there is pizza all over the orgy room floor. Again- food or sex-- but puhlease--not both at once! 2)And while sleazy is fun, sanitize the place on a very often and regular basis- not just once a year when your neighbor lets you borrow his pressure washer. I fully understand things "happen" now and then, but when the wall in the steam room has the same thing growing on it week after week- it tells me my money is your focus, not the facility
  2. Both of our local bathhouses had black out nights this past Saturday- I went to the CH2 with a well ,deep hosed out chute and big expectations. 7 hours later I left with no cum, no fist, and no thrills. I think there needs to be some real marketing done to bring in the lost generation. Saturday night I was the "chicken" at 58, and probably the most toned ( and I DO not hit the gym;but do work a labor job so I am toned at least) By and large, the guys were above 70, were morbidly overweight ( don't call yourself a bear because you cannot stop eating at the all you can eat Chinese Buffet) In the dimly lit ( but still enough to see each other) I was constantly poked by a senior who could not figure out depth without his glasses- and his claim was he was very tack- tile- his words- but after he jabbed his fingers into my shoulder/arm/ribs for the 5th time, I avoided him the rest of the night. One whale had perched himself into the sling ( the only one) way before I arrived at 8p, and stayed very put the rest of the night-- way too long, since around 10pm whatever he had for dinner exited, but he didn't. The staff had to boot him, and shut the sling room down for total cleaning. An hour later, the area still stunk. A FF top I might have played with was unable to play since we had no place suitable. I checked my BBRT post hoping someone was enroute, and heard from a guy at the other club and that blackout- same issue- some guys, but no one focused on fucking. I suspect our tubs are designed for out of town guys to come in and play 3 or 4 days before heading back to their more sedate life in Bumfuck Nowhere, and this was just not a Ft Lauderdale get away weekend. BUT- the 20-35 year olds all grew up in the era of baths being shut down or pushed way under the radar, in the height of the AIDS epidemic. Tubs were demonized and Health Departments were focused on closing as many as possible down to stop the spread of the virus. So in many guys heads, they came of sexual age with the message implanted that tubs= disease. I think during this time the baths kept as low a profile as possible to remain open, and so this group never had the exposure to them to incorporate them as a part of their sexual palate. Somehow, sex clubs/bathhouses HAVE to reach out to this group- special nights, or some sort of targeted marketing, to bring these men in, to let them see how a tub functions, and to try to supplement the on line hook up scene--maybe even advertising on some of the mobile sites would be viable-- something like "hook up with someone online, meet up ( at least the first time) at our safe setting, and do it for a special room rate of $X " No need to meet in a parking lot, no need to reject the 70 year old using fake pics or pics of him from 1960 that appears on your doorstep ( although really, the 57 Chevy should be a tip off). Maybe it is also time for bathhouse owners of the 70's and early 80's to sell to a new generation of owners-- fresh blood behind the management can do wonders too. Nothing like a new set of eyes to fix things like that carpeting that was so fresh and new in 1982, but now has so many grease and cum stains on it that most people think they are walking on rubber anti fatigue mats. Owners- you HAVE to spend money to keep making money
  3. OK guys- for those who have been keeping their load counts, it is the 1st day of September- time for those August updates. I will get the ball rolling, all the counts are received loads, with a slight give count in the fisting-- so I began August with 116 loads pumped in my hole, added 17, for an ending total of 133 . Oral loads swallowed were just a measly 23 Aug 1, by the end of the month I added 8 for a YTD of 31. My hole had a lot more fist training in August thanks to 3 really great hole workers/trainers. I started out with 86, ended the month at 105 ( and year to date I actually GAVE 3 fistings) And finally, as for piss, August 1 my total was 12, during the month I played with pissers 3 times, for a total ending number of 15. Piss is one of those difficult things to quantify tho- one guy pissed on me as he brokered my ass in the bar, then later fed me his piss- in my view, thats just 1 encounter, since it was the same guy in the same setting So- kind of eager to see other guys post up-- I am a little worried this thread has been lost in the switch- I just noticed even tho I had been following it and getting updates, in the new opsystem I was not following it--
  4. Hey Raw- re the new site-- I am having an issue- not sure if it is on my side in some setting or if it is a bug - but when I try to click on the radio button for Blogs, I get a new screen and a warning of a redirect loop, resend or close- but I cannot reconnect-- not sure if this is a broken redirect or if there is something else - but thought I would toss it into the Honey Do list for you <g> And- I still have a pulse, so if this is a bug, it is NOT stopping me form getting laid, no rush to resolve- Always
  5. And if you know anyone who works in a hospital or vet lab, those 60Cc luer tip syringes used for irrigating /flushing make great lube shooters, and are really inexpensive. The only downside I have found with them is that the rubber plunger head can swell up if the lube remains on it for any period of time and it makes dispensing morelube during play more and more difficult
  6. Any time anyone is about to mount my hole and fist or fuck or even rim it, this is what they see. Now, if they have a problem with my status, they have a chance to back away and move on- otherwise, I am under the impression they have seen the bio tat, they have not been living under a rock in a very dark cave for the last 30 years, and they accept their own actions as their own responsibility- my disclosure is there for them.
  7. Guys- if you have ever been to DC- this guy writes from real time- there is indeed a VERY sleazy motel out on New York -near the Glorious "Health"Club--was stranded at the Glorious one night at 4 am- walked over to the Comfort Inn to try my luck getting a cab - which is across from the motel- and it was truly a sleaze hole- even the cops cruising the parking lot did it 2 cars at a time ! LOL
  8. Hey men- been a bit since my last post, but def not for lack of cum, just bad issues with my DSL provider -grr! Anyway- after a very hot and humid week at work, and lots of DSL issue frustrations ( why do the call centers in INdia make the call takers use fake American names anyway??) I was out of the mood for sex yesterday-- and my weekly fisting coach had a cold and was not coming by for my 2 hr training session. Then we get hit with a huge rain event and all I wanted to do was curl up in the bed and snooze. A fuck top texts me at 8p wanting to know if I would be at the bar ( in Miami - small Latin gay bar with a fun patio for those not familiar with my ass and its exploits_) I was sort of ready, but sort of not eager- told him I would be down but in an hour or so- I was prehosed anyway, so I did another hard deep rinse- all clean, then showered and put on a jock, very loose shorts ( that I use- they fall to below my ass without any effort) Tossed on a new tank top I ordered recently- with red FF on the front, grabbed some grease and nipple clamps, and headed off to Miami. I was making great time until I was about 4 miles from the bar- and the interstate went from 6 lanes to 1 for construction. Got to the bar later than I wanted- the top not anywhere to be seen. Out to the patio in back, I let my eyes adjust, moved to the back corner where it was darkest and where a couple guys were loitering. I leaned on the bar counter, and eased my shorts low -making an very obvious motion as i swiped some grease onto my now exposed hole. One guy moved away, the larger moved up behind me and fingered my ass- then quickly shoved his cock in balls deep. After settling in, he began fucking my hole -lots of hard deep thrusts, then some slow easy ones. All in all, he fucked me to completion 2 times, and a few guys had gathered to feel us up or to gawk. After his 2nd load wass in, he moved on, but a 50 year old pulled me to another section and fed me his cock- it barely hit the back of my throat, but within minutes my jaw was aching from the sheer girth of it. I kept working it , hoping he would feed me quickly- but he wanted to prolong his orgasm. I needed a break, but ended up with him 3 more times- another oral fucking, and 2 ass fuckings- although he used a rubber both time he fucked. I needed some air conditioned air , and went in for a fresh beer and some AC- hanging out by the back door and next to the bathrooms. A surfer looking guy cruised by, and I went back out to see if I could score his load- and he happily throat fucked me for about 5 minutes- but his angle and length were just too close to the gag reflex-which I normally can control- and so I excused myself and went inside to the toilet,hoping to heave and get it out of my system.As I was in the lone stall, a black guy came in and pushed the stall door open- muscular tight body , and a very obvious bulge in his track pants. I was lucky he got there b4 I heaved- so I quickly shifted my head and asked if he liked to fuck. He was intent on fucking my ass,he said- so I flipped the toilet seat down and sat down, and began sucking his cock down my throat- much easier ride on him-his cock has a nice downward curve so it slid in and down without banging the gag button. A couple other guys came in wanting to use the stall- but they left after realizing the stall was going to be busy. Looking at him, I suggested he should fuck me before they came back- he laughed and said bend over. Bracing against the back of the toilet, I pushed my hole out to him, and I heard the distinct sound of a rubber being ripped open. Oh well, it was a huge cock, and if it was in my hole in any manner, that was fine. He pushed in and hit the 2nd sphincter- and I pushed back. He laid a fast hard fuck into me, my hole was already sloppy from the earlier fucking- and within a few minutes I knew he was close, so I began milking his cock with each thrust and was soon aware he was unloading into the rubber,in my ass. As he began pulling out, I quickly grabbed the rubber and pulled it off without loosing any of his seed- then after folding it over I shoved it back into my ass as he watched and chuckled at what a pig I was. Got out of the stall, and headed out to the patio, where I was fucked by the fat cock guy. I am guessing with the rubber on his cock he wasn't able to tell he was fucking into someone elses rubber- but I knew he was mashing out the black guys seed with each thrust . After he fucked me for about 5 minutes, my legs were getting tired ( a big height difference in the 2 of us, so I was really squatting out to give him my hole at HIS height) I headed further back where some seats were- and the surfer guy came back by and fed me cock again. A group began watching, and afew others started playing- so as I came up for air once, I asked if he fucked. He said suck- nothing else, so I went back down on him. As I was lodging him in the back of my throat, he put a hand under my armpit and guided me to the bench in the corner and bent me over it, and slammed in pubes to asshole. He was fucking and it was slurping for the loads and looseness- and then he pulled out and pushed 4 fingers back in. Took me by surprise, so I jumped- then suggested he use some grease- and fished the small tub of it out from my shorts- he greased his hand up and went right back in and up to mid arm-pushing hard against the 2nd sphincter. While I loved his hand, he was moving too fast for me at that point of the night- especially since I wasn't sure if he was sober of flying. So after a while, I pulled off his arm and told him to take a break. I went in and wiped some of the excess lube off my ass, and then hit the patio one last time- sucking a guy off that had a scrotum the size of a small grapefruit. By now, I had been on the patio 3 hours, and it was almost 1 AM, so I headed out and to the car, checked BBRT for anyone online nearby ( 1 guy- he was partying and not at all focused) With that, I headed back up the highway and home- just after getting in the house and stripping, I had to piss, and as I stood at the toilet and pushed- a huge glob of cum flew out and landed on the rug --I just wonder which man that came from ?? LOL
  9. It is the internet, and I sort of expect a site for just about every idea and kink- but I was just wondering if anyone is on or knows of a hook up site for guys packing 8 or more inches, in my case, LOOKING for men with 8 or more inches. I know I can go on Asspig or BBRT and use filters, but the results are pretty slim and not really very productive. I even joined the LargePenisSupportGroup with the highest of hopes--but in spite of my posts seeking it- have not had a single oversized cock result from it. SO__ if anyone has a great lead, I def would be very greatful for the info ! Thanks men, in advance !
  10. HAppy August 1st men ! And with that, time for the updates to start on load counts - as for me, July was marginally good- looking at my counts, the only days I seemed to get bred were on my days off- the rest of the week I guess guys were too hot or at the beach to breed my hole in the morning. So- since I am some sort of ludite and cannot figure out how to do a spread sheet , I will put up the class of service , the July total and the YTD total Loads taken anal 22; 116 /taken oral 5; 23 / fistings taken 12; 86 (gave 3 YTD but none in July) piss taken-either in my ass or mouth 2;12 Still wish all the totals were higher, but until that happens, all I can do is remind any Ft Lauderdale or Miami top or toppish guys that I am eager for your DNA deposits. AND- upcoming vacation weeks include 08 September- so if you might want to suggest your city as a place to head to; and would be willing to line my ass up for some breeding sessions, get back to me- I do not expect you to put me up or anything- just seeking out a sex cation where I can really click the counter of cum
  11. I was off the last 3 days, day 1 took a good fisting /hole stretch training session with a dom top, and was pretty much wiped out afterwards so I stayed in that night. Friday I was craving cock, nothing was coming off any of the hook up sites, so I went south to Miami- a new bookstore has opened with a very free flowing booth area. Sadly, as I arrived 3 of the 5 guys there were leaving- the other 2 were bottoms just milling about. I went on to the Latin gay bar, and went out on the back patio where some guys were already going at it in the dark corners. Still adjusting my eyes, I was unable to clearly see who was near me- but I slipped my shorts below my hole, and positioned myself leaning over the bar top. A guy came by and felt my ass up, then said he had a big load and was almost ready- I reached down and he had a limp cock that would have been better suited on a 6 year old. Not much into my 1st beer, I passed on it- a few minutes later after I had moved around to a more lit area of the patio he approached again- now I could see he was either homeless or so wasted/fucked up on something that he had not washed or changed clothes in 3 or 4 days- rotten teeth too that he kept probing at with half his hand in his mouth, all the while saying he was ready and close. Not sure if he soured me for the night, or if the night was off, but I only got to suck one load down from a really short guy who took control of my head, and was fucked by one guy. And the homeless guy and one other very wasted guy eventually left- making the sex energy of the patio come back up a little bit-- but not enough. I left at midnight and returned to the bookstore- they have an in and out policy on the back area- parking lot looked promising, but the back was quiet- then a blatino guy walked in, he looked more like a street hustler than anything- could never get him in a booth, but he was very fond of digging around in his shorts, and every so often whipping out what seemed to be about an 8 inch semi hard cock to show off. But that was it- he would not play, and after 30 minutes of that, I gave up and headed home
  12. Sub- I was there in November- and the preferred ( by me at least) clothing was a track suit- the pants and jacket were enough to cover me on the street and keep me moderately warm from my hotel room to the bars a block away. And then, once in the bar, I could coat check my pants and jacket-- and more importantly get OUT of them easily while leaning on the wall stripping off. Down to a jock and boots, and a wrist wallet- I was prime meat and easy to take. Mutchmanns yielded 11 loads in my ass the 1st night , LAB the next night was naked night ( Thurs) and a total fucking blast! Reitzbar HAs a lot of naked or near naked play- and again, the easier to undress the better-- you don't want to be careening around the entry trying to free a leg from your pants and crashing into the counter or other guys there. Now that it is summer and hot- hell, easy off shorts and a t shirt should be fine. Barer is better
  13. I am not at all into rimming- a total sub bottom like me probably should be, but I cannot handle the Hep risk. Now, I take piss and cum raw all the time, and I understand all the STD implications- but the whole going back and rimming a guy stops my cock hunger cold. Might be living in the steamy south all these years- there is often a rank funk in the ass crack of guys here- and I have this mental belief of my hole having to be spotless /totally void of any hint of shit. So running into it in sex- even the musky funk- kills my drive cold. ( and guys- if you are vers and have been hosing out- PLEASE don't wear your leather cock ring while hosing -- or at least take it off and WASH it- there is nothing worse than going down on a cock and as you hit the bottom, all you can smell is an odor akin to a bus station toilet in need of flushing. Gag me if you can with a big cock, not a rank odor.
  14. Hey RawTop- a week or two ago there was a bubble of talk about the straight topics crowding the new posts and gay guys not wanting to read - today as i wass looking at new posts it dawned on me that ALL the new posts have the same icon of a piece of mail sticking up out of an envelope. Would a simple work around be to COLOR the piece of mail- blue for straight, red or pink for gay related, green for chem related, etc? Then, if a guy knows blue is straight and is scanning the new posts, he can easily skip over the blues and just focus on the red, or yellow, or green- whatever his interests may be. I am no programmer- but I would think anyone familiar with code could make the change in a few entries. AND- you would not be blocking anyone from anything- just offering a guide . The whole idea of censoring or filtering out is against my grain-this would still leave all the topics there- just guide people through them a little
  15. Well, half a year down and I am amazed and at the same time somewhat disappointed by some of the numbers I have- in June I was only able to get loads on my days off, Thurs and Fridays- during this past month, I was fucked ( and bred) 15 times ( probably 2x as many fucks but the guy never shot- so in my book it was never finished or countable) I had one amazing evening at the latin bar and thus my oral loads taken count was 6, and I was fisted 7 times. So, in the total count of things, the 1st six months have yielded 94 loads taken in my ass, 18 loads down my throat, I have been fisted 74 times and gave 3 fistings, and still stuck at just 10 piss loads down my throat ( a number that seems to be stuck for the last few months)On average I guess 1 a day isn't all that bad- but for my goals it really sucks ! I guess I will have to shift my routine and double down for the other half of this year
  16. IF you are really centered on servicing cock ( and not the top) you might want to consider doing some hypnosis files- I found a few on WarpMyMind that were free MP3 downloads. I have been in the sling today for almost 7 hours, with a few breaks along the way. The 1st session was 2 hrs, and I had a jock on but he wanted my cock out to grab. I obliged- my role is to please. He got me hard and worked on my cock- all the time he was fisting and working my hole. While I was close many times, the self hypnosis helped me stop short of cumming. Had a couple guys drop by for anon sex and they both bred without ever touching or even seeing my cock - it was jocked up. 4th guy came by a little while after the 2 anon guys were done and gone. He worked on me using fist, cock, balls, fist and cock, cock and balls- and all the while he was paying attention to my ass and cock- and had me hard 90% of the time- after about an hour of pretty hard core playing, I mentioned to him I was hypnotized to not cum, he was free to do what he wanted to my cock- but not to fret if I didn't shoot a load. I think that boned him up even more than he had been- a sub bottom in a sling and totally there for use ( and 3 of his loads )
  17. As the Alpha hole trainer of mine would have said- Oi Vey ! So I made a 3 day weekend for this week ,expecting a serious play session yesterday ( Thurs) Also lined some play up for the morning, to get things rolling. On Wednesday the serious play guy cancelled out ( a bud suspects he got a new baggie of goods LOL) The other guytexts Thurs morning thathe cannot get by. Spent all day online, and got NO action. Had a guy hit me yesterday for this morning ( Friday) off Asspig.Have played withhim, but not for over 5 years. He showed today, and after a little chat he sat in the chair by the sling, so I climbed in and for 2 hours he fisted me, pulled my balls and worked them 90% of the way into my ass (arse for the Brits reading <g> ). Then at about the 70 minute point he took a break, discussed stretching out my piss slit- and since I had some of the needed tings, went to work on it. After 20 minutes of that, he fisted me again for 30 minutes, then finished up with some flogging of my cock, balls and ass lips with a mini flogger ! . We are going to be doing this weekly until he is sure my hole(s) are trained correctly. Got online after he left and an anon bud wanted in my ass. Set it up, and then he hit me back asking if he could bring company. I ended up getting anon fucked by him and someone with a longer fatter cock and took both their loads-- and had a bullet vibrator in my hole the whole time they fucked me (his fav way) Just got on after they left, and now a guy is on his way over toplow their 2 loads in deeper- and he is a fister too according to his BBRT profile- so .....And it is only 5p- the evening looking promising !!
  18. Hey- last vagina I was in was my mothers 58 years ago- but you know- I have no issue with the straight forums popping up front and center .And some topic might pique my curiousity and I might read it and learn a thing or two. I don't use chems, but I read the posts every so often if the headline catches my eye. I def am not into scat, but once in a while if someone posts a thought or question and it has scat as a topic, I may look in,just to see what the issue is. And from each exposure to other peoples kinks and issues, I get maybe a little more tolerant of their issues and likes, just as I am guessing maybe the straight folk open up to accepting; if not embracing right out, some gay topics that are posted up on here. So RawTop- I hope you don't wall one group off from the other - we ALL can learn and become better accepting if the topics are there in front for us to read, and of course, if you don't want to read- DON'T CLICK ON THAT TOPIC and move on to the next post
  19. Had this pic taken while down on my knees a month ago in Washington DC- figure there is nothing like a warning sign and truth in advertising- but I do have to say this- it can turn some guys away if they are with friends and the friends might judge or question why the guy is hitting up a poz guy-- so far I have not really found it draws men in, on its own- but once they are in and fucking in below the tat, they get more turned on
  20. I have too many reservations about a scene where I leave the door unlocked but am passed out and a guy just shows up and has his way. Not that I am all that much of a prig- I often am in the sling in a blindfold and a regular FB will show up and breed me-- but to be totally out and maybe not ever wake up- nah, not my idea of risky fun. And as other have stated, the tops sounds of pleasure and satisfaction are so very much an important part of the whole sex act- I want to be "there" for it Now that I have railed against the whole idea, I have to say A) I have had a local hit me up and wanted my hole after it had been used by several other guys and I was asleep for the night-- but I never would go there. And I was in Mans Country baths back in the early 80's- I had been at the bars after a long day at the National Restaurant Show , and had been roaming the tubs and playing for several hours. At the time, I only had a the money for a locker- so thats wheat I got, but the long day and the drinking, the steam and the sex, I ended up in the upstairs dance room- they had sofa cushion like things there- ended up crashing on one of them- woke to a guy fucking me- but I was so tired and crabby I recall extracting him from me and ending the action. Oh, for a rewind and replay button to life !!LOL
  21. I have a post or 100 on Tumblr under the screen FuckMeDeeplyPlease.tumblr.com Some fisting shots ( the one I reposted today is mind numbing- the 20 yr old twink has wad of gut hanging out- waaayyy more than any rosebud- it hangs out like a FleshJack! Other pics may be of soccer guys showing bulge or pics of exposed cock or balls from the net, many with a bit of a sarcastic comment under them- hope you all enjoy if you look in on them
  22. Fuck! I am looking for a flight to Gran Canaria now ! !
  23. From my side of the taste- they are pretty tasteless. I have added them to salads, to yogurt and to milkshakes, as well as orange juice. Never noticed any real flavor- or if at all ( usually when picking loose ones out from between my teeth- ) there is a slight poppy seed kind of flavor.
  24. Orgasm guilt. Thats why from now on you should have him meet you in a porno bookstore booth and suck him off thru a glory hole- once he comes he will race out of the store before you even have a chance to wipe stray cum off your lips-- but he will return more and more often as he realizes getting his nut with another man is actually pretty fukiin awesome and not going to leave a huge flashing sign around his back saying he is gay
  25. Geez, I guess I am doing it all wrong. I approach sex with men as a sub bottom with full on eagerness and entusiasm- or at least I hope that is what I am projecting. These guys who are bored or dull just don't seem like someone guys I know would want to be in- I give my best to read the top and throw the best fuck of the day his way. And quite often I will even show them to the door after sex- unless there is a huge load in my ass from them and I don't want to waste any of their DNA they were good enough to share with me- in which case I will explain why I am not jumping up. As far as the top- he just needs to be functional and hard and focused on cumming, sooner or later- all in his own good time. You guys hunting chicken should try some good aged beef- once you realize we know the skill of getting fucked it may just change your diet <g>
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