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Everything posted by AlwaysOpen

  1. Hey FieldPusssy- any new updates on your son and his sex activities- has he gotten into anything wilder / new?/
  2. Hey guys- sort of fresh back in from MAL ( MidAtlantic Leather weekend) -if you didn't go you really missed a great weekend ! I was bred a total of 16 times, ate 2 loads, was pissed in once, and got fisted 7 times. No where near as much as I had wanted, but then I had set my expectations high- I was going for 185 loads LOL. Even got some new video of my ass in use-now I have to upload it from my phone to here somehow. Wildest moment by far was at the FFA party Sunday- I was fisted by a black guy 1st- he had huge paws ( and he had fisted me Friday in my room ) Sort of gaped me open quickly and really made the outer lips hang. Then a good FF bud took my hole and punch fisted me for 30 minutes- I was honestly flying- the leg straps had my legs up, and I was grabbing the chains near my head- so all of my body was airborne as he kept punching into my hole. Afterwards, he wanted his hole worked over, but no tops were available, so he asked me to do him. I never top, but since he had just done the favor of fisting me, I obliged. I worked his hole while watching his face and getting pointers where to turn and twist. Couldn't get all of my hand in him, but could work 8 fingers in and really stimulated his hole. When he cliimbed out of the sling, another man asked me to take his hole. I was being set up ! I got behind him, eased a few fingers in, and in a swoosh, my entire hand dropped in- and kept going in- at one point I realized the bulge moving on his belly was my hand- then my fascination got broken when I hit something hard- I had hit the rib cage! Looking at my arm, I was almost in to the elbow ( and I have a 38 inch sleeve !) After a few more minutes of play, he began getting tired, and I extracted my arm- as it exited there was an expulsion of Crisco and air like a cannon! I def will remember that event for a very long time
  3. Ah, Fickloch- thats not piggy- thats raunch , I think .. I think piggy sex is more the head space of the player- a guy jacking off 100 men in a row and getting blasted by each guys load in the face- well, when #100 shoots in his face and the guy cries out" What- where are the rest of the guys??I am ready for round 2" would be piggy in my book. Pig sex can be very banal and plain- but if the players are really into it and push their boundaries each time- isn't that sort of piggy? I will be open for anyone at MAL to breed or piss this weekend. But so will 1000 other bottoms. Are we all pigs, or is the pig the one who pushes the edges to make sure he is getting loads- maybe in stalls by the lobby or stairwells by party room- that guy is far piggier than the guy bent over on the bed waiting for someone to push on his door
  4. As MAL weekend approaches and my desire to be bred by a lot of different men comes near- I find a real problem with any of the naming issues- not just racial slurs but the whole "What do you call your anus/cunt/pussy/boi hole/poop chute etc" or "You are such a pig/slut/whore/ tramp/ scum/etc" ( Ok- I am sort of used to the last string ..but thats not the point here. What I see as an issue is this- I am getting bred bent over the guest chair in the hotel room, and the guy, who is black, wants to be called XXXXX . He finishes up with a huge orgasm, I suck his cock clean and he splits. 2 or 3 other guys wander in and breed me, then another guy, black and very similar to the 1st guy, mounts me and in the heat of his 10 inches parting my hole I use the term the other guy got off on- but this one suddenly is limp headed for the door. Or Someone has been calling my hole a pussy for 15 minutes, and when the next guy gets in it and I say that P word, he pulls out and storms out saying he does not fuck women and I should grow up. So, why do guys have to make fucking my hole so damned complicated ????LOL ..BTW- did I mention I am seeking tops to mount my ( oh fuck- call it whatever you want) and make a DNA deposit in my cum bank??? Drop me a msg here or over oon BBRT and I sure as fuck will shoot you the room number as soon as I get checked in and hosed out to my tonsils
  5. I love "found" underwear- sex clubs, laundry mats, side of the road, hotel rooms. I will be at MAL ( Mid Atlantic Leather) 17-20 Jan 2014 (for those reading this in the future) in Washington DC, and will be taking loads all weekend in my hotel room---I would love to have a scene set up where guys come by and find my ass plugged with a pair of underwear the last guy shoved in- they snatch them out of my hole, and sink in and fuck a load deep up my ass, then, before leaving, they take THEIR underwear off and poke them into my ass to hold their load in . In the corner of the room a pile of cum stained underwear grows,1 fuck at a time. Most underwear in the pile is worn and a few are more holes than fabric, but there are some new pairs, some jocks- whatever the man left behind as my memento of their fuck
  6. Hey men- warming my hole up in preparation for MAL next weekend. It dropped way low for S Florida this week- we hit the 40's overnight- and it really killed the sex online onTuesday- I only managed to get 1 man who was out for a BJ and go. Wednesday, I had a man supposed to drop by on his way to work for morning release- got the wake up text, then 15 min later a delay one- traffic was horrid and he had to go directly in to work. We ended up doing a lunch break BJ- he dropped by-I was waiting, naked with tit clamps screwed down tight, and a bullet vibrator in my ass. He came in , dropped his pants and sat- I began sucking him off- nice and cheesey cock for me, as I love them.I was putting my ass on his foot, and I am certain he felt my ass vibrating. About 10 minutes into suckin ghim, he asked where I wanted his load- as is my rule, I told him that was HIS decision-it was HIS orgasm. So he had me stand and bend over the bed, and with a gob of spit he pushed in and hit the vibrator- only took him a few seconds of that added sensation before he dumped a thick ropey load in me. He pulled out and I mouth washed his cock of any remaining cum - he shivered ( he gets really sensitive after he shoots) and pulled his pants back on and left. I was back on A4A as his car was pulling away, and a visitor had messaged me. I sent a hello back, and the guy was looking- but I had a pre planned meeting at 1p, so I asked if he might be looking at 3p. He agreed, and I ran out to meet my friends. At 3p, I was back online as promised, and he was too- and looking. Asked what he wanted- telling him I was here for his orgasm, but I did not get into scat or punching-- so just how kinky did he want -or how vanilla ( his profile said 8 inches and safesex only) He wanted a BJ, and where he was staying was under 5 minutes away- so I shot him directions and he showed up about 10 minutes later. Nice foreskin that I really worked on- I had pushed the vibrating bullet in my ass before he arrived-put a glob of Arm and Hammer mint toothpaste on it to freshen up the hole from old cum odor- and to make my hole slobber- the toothpaste really produces drool in my ass-- just before he got here I took the vibrator out- it was popping out from all the drool- anyway- he is nice and hard and throat fucking me hard, when he reaches back and fingers my ass. He then tells me to show my hole to him, so I bent over the bed and he slams his raw cock up my ass for about 5 thrusts, then pulls out saying he was too close. With an evil grin, I grabbed the bullet and put it on medium, and while sucking the minty taste off his cock, I slipped the bullet up my ass. Turned and gave him my ass again, and as he slipped in he gasped- then sunk in balls deep and fucked crazy for a few seconds before flooding my ass out. He pulled out, and I put him back in the chair and went all the way down on him.He was afraid he was about to piss (as if I would care) as I sucked any remaining ass juices and cum from his cock. He kept twitching , and said he was only good for 1 load- but damned if he didn't get hard again, and this time he had me climb in my sling and he fucked in his cum over the vibrator and shot a 2nd load after a minute or two. This time his crotch and balls were a cum bath, and I had a task licking them completely clean-although i tried. He used a towel to wipe off, then dressed and headed out--with a promise to come back again while he is in town
  7. I have been slinging bags for a major US carrier for 28 years, and have been poz for 27 of those years. Never been a question asked of me in all those years- and I know some of my coworkers who are poz as well, some much newer hires- so at least here in the US- I think they worry more about drug addiction or a hernia versus a long term manageable illness
  8. BERLIN. Without a doubt it is the busiest backroom bare city around right now. Mutchmanns on Wed night , or LAB_oratory- Thurs night there was naked night. While LAB isn't "dark" it is a bar with wide open sex everywhere. In spite of food poisoning cutting my week of hedonism in half- I still had a ton of cock in 3 days- enough to more than compensate for 3 days sick in bed. If you visit Barcelona, I found hands down the best place to invest your night was at Open Mind- a sex club/bar on Calle d'Arrago in the Gay Example area. Not dark there , and again sex of all kinks everywhere London was a let down for me- only took 1 load in my ass and 1 down my throat in a week there- and I went to all the bars with events each night- naked at Vault, HardOn in the Embankment- even the FF night at Hoist fizzled to middling- Maybe once this posts you will get others fueling your plans- but if you have one stop to make for certain- do Berlin!!! ( and pack Immodium , just in case it wasn't the pasta I ate but maybe one of those German Sausages !)
  9. Hey men - thanks to all of you for the input. Fillmyhole referred me to a guy here in Ft Lauderdale , went to the shop yesterday and checked it out- nice, and a really helpful man at the front counter- the artist I was looking for was out tending to his fish, but the other guy was very helpful, and he suggested holding off until after MAL so there would be less of a chance of any infection or irritation. Tattpig, your info is reassuring- I really do not want to be a walking scab or in great discomfort from the tat- hell- save that for the dungeon and sex ! LOL Now, just to get to it and have it done-after my slut fest at MAL is past ! Thank you all for the feed back- and still up for any design modifications or suggestions- like Tattpig pointed out- this is a one shot deal ( esp since I abhor needles !!)
  10. As a certified ( on here at least ) slut and 110% bottom- let me put you on track for a life time of fucking. YES- you MUST always have your hole prepped and available. That doesn't mean it will BE available and clean 110% of the time- but to go out and offer your hole to some top and cake his cock is wrong on too many levels- first off, it reflects badly on all bottoms. It also suggests you are a lazy pile of shit, since you didn't care enough to make the effort to be cleaned out. In addition, as a bottom who may have the chance to service the guys cock- I really do NOT want to eat your shit- so when he gets crap on his cock and gives up on you and moves on to me- there better be a nice clean crap free cock moving my way. Of course, nature runs its course and no matter how much you try, things can go south. Thats when YOU take control, cleaning his meat clean with anything and everything you have- your jock/underweear/t shirt- even your shorts. It not only reminds him you care, but that you are responsible enough to know what to do As you will find by researching the forums about the similar threads- there are tricks and techniques, so this isn't ass much about diet or the entire rinse out process- but I do think you need to accept 110 % accountability to ensure you are cleared out if you are serious about giving it up on demand
  11. Hey Tiger- I posted about using A& D ointment on a posting by RawTop about puffy ass lips after a fucking- the stuff is amazing. Beyond that, I have found taking a hot bath with a lot of epsom salt really helps calm the fires. Now, if you are too sore to go to the next gang bang and need a fill in....... I can be hosed out and bent over in 15 minutes
  12. Wow- amazing- I am a slut ! And in good company- 13 of us now, and of that , 3 are from right here is South Florida! No wonder they call this place paradise !
  13. Hey men - I am thinking very seriously about going for it and getting a bio tat-- couple of things tho-- what would the heal time be- I will be doing MAL in 17 days, and I don't want to be scabbed up or worse- out of service- for the weekend . My idea is to get the tat below the jockstrap line, but above my ass hole- so the tail bone would be near- is this going to be a pain issue over, say, getting the tat on my ass cheek? The idea I had, and cannot make Windows Paint cooperate and reproduce worth a crap ( if you can , would love a clean copy ) is a triangle in red ( the universal caution symbol so I have have heard) with a black ink bio haz tat in the core- my very bad attempt to create it has been wretched- but it sort of looks like this : Since I have pondered this for years, and since many more of you have experience- please shoot me back any thoughts or suggestions ( yeah, even changing the design works for me) Once I do this ,I do not intend to try to erase it with lasers due to an "oops" should have thought of that issue
  14. Damn! Talk about jumping the monkey- I was going to bring this up near the end of the month and carry on from last years counts ( 2013-New Year, New load counts) but since you have it rolling- lets all start posting- maybe near the end of the month for sake of convenience? And if Raxi doesn't mind- I would like to carry over one request-- IF HE DOESN'T CUM,IT DOES NOT COUNT!!!! had to work New Years Eve till 1 am NY Day, but about to spend a long afternoon in the sling getting my hole pried, plugged, and essentially popped open for 2014- hope EVERYONE has a great year of sex and cum! ANd see some of your cocks at MAL in a couple of weeks ! <g> ( One last thought- I am betting TotalAssPig will blow us ALL out of the water in less than a week- he is truly an amazing load gatherer!!
  15. Oops-- read the title and I guess the first thing I need to do in 2014 is get my eyes checked-- thought this was a post for a COCK MONSTER.... or maybe I am just hungry for one <g>
  16. Hey Raw- I am in the puffy mode this week-- I take anything thrown at my hole- big cock, fist, piss, etc- and it is never the same from week to week ! Last week was especially heavy work loads , a lot of lifting and straining. I had Christmas and the day after off, and got fisted by a guy with large to extra large paws on Thursday noon. He slipped right in, and there was not stress . Later that night I was fucked by a long dicked black guy, then by 2 or 3 other guys. A day and a half later I suddenly had puffy ass lips. Soaked in the tub the next day and put some A & D ointment on it and it is back to a tight lipped hole again. (BTW- try A & D if the puffy gets you- it really is magical ! My Alpha fisting trainer turned me on to it a few years ago) So I wonder- maybe the puffy lips somehow are connected to heavy lifting- maybe at the gym or work- the anal sphincter muscle may be responding to straining that happened long before sex did
  17. Hmm , thought I had sent a reply but was doing it off the Tablet, so it may be lost in space - or worse So men, I started this thread almost a year ago, and have been amazed by the numbers some of you can produce ! I definitely have not had the same success as Totalasspig-- I want to be your apprentice!! OR at least have your job! - Anyway- since I will be working thru New Years Day, I doubt my numbers will change. And all of these are received numbers- I am 110% sub bottom, so I never give my load up Anal: 167 Oral 96 Fisted 72 and piss loads ( oral and/or anal) 20 All these numbers are ACTUAL encounters that resulted with CUM. If I took a cock and it never shot its prize, then it was not included ( my mantra- if it doesn't cum it doesn't count) SO- ******* You are reading this today-- how about YOU going out and getting a 2014 calendar and start tracking YOUR activity- and look for the New Year, New Load tally 2014 edition soon to be on a computer screen near you!! LOL-- Happy Fucking New Year men- I am hoping to swing in the New Years Day with a reg FF bud working my hole over-- and getting the year off on the right wrist. And- any MAL guys- hit me up - will be bent over in my hotel room and storing any DNA donations- I have 2 storage options- Oral or Anal, your choice and always open <g> Hoping to get a jump start on CumSlut23 and all the other sluts <veg>
  18. On a serious moment RawTop- whatever you settle on- I hope it is something you can put on a T Shirt and guys can wear out in public- something identifiable to other members and yet benign enough not to get stoned by the morality squad at a Starbucks patio in the morning. BBRT had a decent white T Shirt with BBRTS.com on the upper left side and I can wear it out - guys on BBRT spot it and say hi- then they came out with a black T-with BAREBACK Real Time Sex going from side to side- a whole lot too in your face to walk into the supermarket wearing- BBBH could work as a subtle announcement- but I suspect BareBack BunkHouse or Brotherhood might just not float it in Des Moines on a Sunday morning - hell, I am in gay Ft Lauderdale and I would probably never wear anything that "in your face" out. Less is more for sure in this case
  19. Had Christmas Day and the day after off from work this week- supposed to have spent the day in a sling on Christmas but the guy turned out to be a flake and never responded to any e mails CHristmas Day- even though his profile was online on BBRT-- ended up without a single drop of cum for Christmas. So on Thursday, a FB hit me up for my hole for his lunch break- I got hosed out and he came at noon, and after a little foreplay he put me in the sling and fisted me 30 minutes, then fucked a load into me. He left to get back to work, and I got online.Nothing, again! oI went south to Miami and to a friends house that hosts sex parties on Thursday nights- got there and the men were all pretty much idle- I did suck on a few cock and 1 high black guy fucked me in the sling, but he was too wasted to go the distance. Left there and went to the little latin bar in Miami and began getting lucky. 1st load came from a black guy who had just smoked a blunt- he had at least a 9 x 6 cock- he loved pinching my tit as he shoved the back of my head into his groin,forcing all his cock into my windpipe. He did that for about 10 minutes before I felt him tense and unload way back in my throat. He pulled out and left the bar. About 10 minutes later a thin/lean blatino came out on the patio- I positioned myself near and made my service orientation obvious- he fished out his cock- about 6 soft, and I began nursing him. He enjoyed his tits getting worked, and soon a rock hard 9 inches was in my throat. At one point we had 4 or 5 guys feeling around us, so I asked if he liked to fuck- he did, so I quickly bent over and he shoved in . Thanks to the earlier in the day fisting, my hole was more than able to take him, but I could still tell he was knocking on the inner sphincter - I pushed back and urged him on, and soon he was dumping a load up in me. I took his soft cock into my mouth to suck him clean, and damned if he didn't get hard again, and this time we did a lot of ass, then mouth fucking. Ended up with him feeding me the 2nd load. He split,so I went to the dark corner- slipped my shorts low below my ass and leaned over the counter of the unused bar-- and soon had a finger probing my hole, then a cock took my ass and pounded away and dumped in me. As he pulled out, he spoke to a guy next to him and that guy took my hole- not a big cock and he was pretty close before he went in, but I go this load in less than a minute. About then, the skies opened up and the patio crowd was forced into the covered area, making it a little too crowded for good play. I had one more beer, then decided it was time and left the bar-- but it definitely made up for the lost chances on Christmas
  20. BBBH doesn't refer to me as a Bareback Butt Hole?? Oh damn, now I need to get rid of all those wife beaters I had printed up LOL
  21. POz. .I am in Oakland Park. .If you go way back on the thread about bio tats I posted about a source I used for 25 , 3 inch in red bio temp tats. They hold up about 5 days with low sweating. . Less if hanging out by the pool. If you would like to try one, let me know and maybe we could meet up one morning

  22. You know, I don't think there is really a "good" city to be a bottom in-- most gay guys like getting fucked, so the perceived bottom to top ratio always seems to be about 9 bottoms to the one very exhausted top. Look at any of the mega gay areas, such as my own Ft Lauderdale, Palm Springs, or big gay events like IML or MAL - there are countless bottoms eager for load after load-- and some do get used hard and often-- but the vast majority are seeking more than sucking :-(
  23. OH NO !!! Another story written and abandoned-- sort of like Stepdad gets a Pig-- great beginnings, and then everyone left dangling-- I think there needs to be a panel established that rewards authors of stories, who actually finish the story line- with all the unbridled twisted sex possible- sort of an incentive to finish their writinggs
  24. While yes, they seem to be hypocrites, remember they are running a business and have to do a fine line dance too. I stopped doing IML when they banned companies like Dick Wadd or Treasure Island or SX from the market because of the bareback nature of the videos. IML was obviously getting pressure from either the health department or self righteous people who only wanted certain things to be in their view finders. And yet, the man behind IML while standing at the podium preaching no drugs, no bareback, left each day to collect the proceeds from his not so sanitary bathhouse- Mans Country- where drugs and raw are everywhere. But, by standing there, he may have been able to fend off any further pressure and incursions by the morality squad. Its pathetic, but a part of where we are. Here in Ft Lauderdale, our local sex/bottle club has had AHF panting at their door about the unsafe sex going on in the club- to the point the club actually wen tin and remodeled to make it less blatantly a suck and fuck place . And fact is- AHF runs the STD testing clinics and probably has a lot of the guys testing positive for a STD saying they have no idea of who they contracted it from ( although they most likely do) and instead will say they were at a sex club or bathhouse- so there is no embarrassment of a health dept worker calling up a trick and saying Joe Blow has Gonno and he may have gotten/given it to you. So the tubs and sex clubs have to be more defensive- because others are hunting them,rightly or wrongly but frankly- the CumUnion parties always came off as a voyeurs venue and not as much group rolling sex
  25. Like FF Whole posted- my hole can take a fist, hell in one session with a good trusted bud I took his balls,cock AND fist in - it is all about the head and relaxing the muscle. That said, the same head can contract the muscle and squeeze a condom off a guy who insists on using them- so if there is a really out of control sloppy hole, I would have to say the guy just is not exercising the muscles to keep it toned . Now, like today- a fist bud is coming over at 4p to slop my ass out big time- I ought to have a really loose and rosebudded hole by 5 30p. Then a guy who has been making advances on my hole wants to come and use my hole- but he only wants it wide open and sloppy, and loaded - so for him there is nothing too loose. After he gets his pleasure, I figure I will be hitting the latin bar in Miami and trying to keep the breeding going- I have a lot of loads to catch up on this month !
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