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Everything posted by AlwaysOpen

  1. Just by sheer numbers- Palm Springs. And, PS is a really active weekend destination. Suggested places- esp for piggy fun, would be CCBC ( Cathedral City Boys Club) where fist fest was just held, or up in Palm Springs you could do All Worlds resorts or Helios
  2. I was in Brussels about 8 years ago- had never been b4, and got the wrong money at the airport in Philly before heading over ( they were still on the Belgium Franc-- of course, the money exchange sold me franc-- FRENCH!! So when I went to pay for my train ticket at BRU airport, I soon discovered my mess. Got it all sorted out, and then had a GREAT time- early Dec, the square had a manger set up, and the bars were FUN-- you really need to get to the Duq- I believe the full name is the Duquesnoy <?> Across from a posh hotel, it has a sort of corral setup dark area where I was bred nightly- and the men of Brussels have some fine breeding tools ! Just dug thru some old e mails, and this is the bars web site from a few years ago- www.duquesnoy.com/ Private me if you need a link for hotel accomodations- I have that also from a local man over there
  3. I had a top guy buzz my ass while fisting me a few months ago- he used a small clipper he said was $10 at the local drug store- the hair fell off, and my ass was slick feeling a day later when I put clothes on- never had any itching or ingrown hairs. On a subsequent visit, he handed ME the clipper and told me to get hairless- and I lost the chest, belly, armpit and leg hair- there was a slight shadow here and there, but it was pretty close cut, and again the regrown hair came in mostly without any hair bumps or itching
  4. hey man - not sure where you want to chat

  5. thanks for the friend add- hope the desert isn't so hot that you aren't getting laid on a daily basis

  6. They have not been the same since the crash a few years ago- I suspect the guy or guys behind the site have lost their interest and focus-- I am sure from their standpoint it is a lot of work and not a lot of rewards
  7. Thanks for the friend request-- tried looking you p on BBRT but no such profile???

  8. Hey mate- glad you like the pic- wank away- but be sure to save it in an ice cube tray for later use I just wish I was in the sling daily and getting my hole pried apart like the day this was taken

  9. Mans Country is a tired and frayed old girl, but when it happens it is a hell of a party. Steamworks is the nicer newer all features work facility--BUT- with that comes attitude and a touch of greed. If you happen to be there for the 1st time, learn from my experience- they do not announce your room about to expire- it is on a TV monitor , so if you happen to be there and it is slow, and you lay down , set a couple of alarm clocks. If not, they will charge you overtime fines- in my case, I arrived on a Friday for a long weekend. When I checked in a nice enough guy registered me and checked me in- I got a sling room ( poorly laid out, but thats another issue) and after getting lost, had a cleaner show me the way to the room. Unpacked, stripped and went hunting. The place was sparse and I got a general bearing of the place. Around 4p there was a small bubble of activity, then it died off around 6 p. I went to the room and finally after 20 minutes and no one walking past, shut the door and laid down. I woke and it was about 9p, went out to piss, and saw my room on the TV saying I was 6 minutes overdue. I went right to the counter, explained I had been sleeping and would be out in a few minutes- I needed to shower off. The new guy at the counter looked at my room, and blandly said- You are overdue! I raced off, pissed, showered, repacked and brought the sheet, towel and pillowcase to the counter. A new guy ( a prissy twink queen) checked me out, and said I owed 21.50 in late fees - the fukkin room was only 30 or 35 dollars for 8 hrs when I checked in! I hit the roof- and asked for the manager- prissy would not cede, and announced I could either pay the fee then and there, or I would be paying it before being let in the next time (BINGO!) I took the card and my ID, and split. After that, I was not going back, and ended up getting the sling room at the Ashland Arms ( next door to JackHammer BAr) The next day i did do Man Country, and told the clerk of my experience- and he was not surprised at all- said that they were out for the gay dollars, not customer service. I emailed SteamWorks on their web page contact form, and heard nothing back. After 3 weeks I WROTE ( yeah, the old fashioned way) to the General Manager to explain and maybe let him know of the attitude and issue with late check out-- NEVER heard a word back at all.
  10. For those not following the news or the name- this is the twisted porn actor out of Canada that just got arrested after body parts of his lover were received by authorities in Montreal, and now more parts have been received by elementary schools out in the western end of Canada. He allegedly did porn in the last 10 years, and the media reports that he did a web cast of the killing/ dismembering of the lover, as well as some necro action during or after the murder. So, I don't know mainstream actors and what they have starred in- let alone some flash in the pan hard dick 20 year old-- anyone know what studio ( if any) he worked for, or any of the movies ( again, if any) that he performed in??
  11. I've posted about m y week in London elsewhere- but the ONLY place in a week I got loads was at Vault 139- and not on any of their theme naked nights ( everyone stood off from each other- or jammed around 2 guys who actually were doing something) I got my jizz there on a Friday afternoon- the night b4 had been a naked night event >the Circus, and found myself near the Vault around 2 pm or so - went in for a drink and got fucked within the first 10 minutes by an older guy. ( and at 55 , I am not chicken by any means) I wandered around a bit more after his load, and sucked another guy- a student - off in the back hallway- he nutted and split. Then, the place dried up so to speak, and the late afternoon socializing guys arrived- and the sex was gone
  12. Seed planter Deep driller NEXT! Shitter Splitter
  13. Best pics take 2 guys- the subject and the photographer - but most of us are single ( which is why we are on hook up sites to begin with) So we make do trying to angle the shot while not able to see the viewfinder- the result is piss poor, too close or slightly out of focus pics. And when you have someone over and think about taking some fresh shots, the sex gets in first, the photos get forgotten, and the old pics end up having to do. Maybe the hook sites ought to have photo sessions for their members in many of the cities they are dominant in- tied in withva bar or sex club, and part of a freshmeat membership drive <g> I volunteer to be a fluffer for the photographer !!
  14. What about the TOPS who have ass shots and side profile shots? What are they selling?? I'd rather see the limp dick of a top than his ass-- in my town, thats called a switcher- as soon as he gets in the bedroom his top hat falls off and his ankles will be caught up in the ceiling fan <g>
  15. Hey Breeder- at least you get hits-- here in Ft Bottomdale there are so many bottoms on all the hook sites that you can go all day and only end up with a dead battery ( Grindr especially seems to have a VERY big hunger for my phones battery and never fails to drain it in a couple of hours)
  16. Alright Whthole-- about time you stopped taking all that cock and got back on the keyboard-- there are hundreds of us waiting for your next submission ( and not the ones you are ding in the bedroom and stairwells ) <veg>
  17. Hey Breed tried to send you a msg the other day about the Cum Dump housing- but it bounced because your mailbox is full ( I had gotten the same msg about my mailbox that day as well)

  18. I love found underwear- prefer to own all my underwear at someone elses dollar . In the last 5 weeks, I have scored 2 usable jockstraps ( both Nasty Pig brand ) that I found tossed aside by the sling at Slammer- our local sex club. They were both soggy and messy, and i stashed them until I was ready to head home, then retrieved them . At $22 or more each, i figure they paid for my entry and then some both times. I have a Bike jock , white, that I spotted on the on ramp to the interstate near my house. !st time I saw it I was late for work, the next day it had blown to the shoulder, and on the 3rd day, I had a good gap behind me as I pulled on the ramp, so I pulled off just before the jock, ran up and grabbed it- complete with a tire tread mark on it- and have worn often. Probably have about 20 or more jocks in my collection found this way. And for the petty thieves out there- those gym lockers with the mesh air vent fronts, where guys leave their gear hanging- - a coat hanger can fish thru the mesh oening, snag the jock and extract it back ou the front of the locker just fine-- probably scored a dozen like that when I was in high school
  19. As another poster put up on here- a lot of tops do no prep for sex, unlike a good bottom that might take several hours to hose out and make sure all aspects of his hole are ready to go. I do not rim-partly because I do not like the smell of shit in sex, and also- I do not have hep and rimming is just too much of a risk factor. Yeah, I bareback and have anon sex and I KNOW those risks, I just do not want to take any extra scoops of risk with hep C
  20. Time and place for everything. there is a guy that hits this sex club in Ft Lauderdale somewhat regularly, and when he is getting close to nutting a hole he gets VERY loud--as in EVERYONE can hear him throughout the complex,even over the music. While he may think that is highlighting his Alpha maleness, I find it sort of silly- it reminds me of the bodybuilders who have built huge muscles to compensate for a small penis. Yeah, have a great nut man- but really?? What about screaming for over a minute says you are really all that good in bed??After all, shouldn't the bottom be the one making even more noise?? Next time he puts on a performance, I really wish 5 or 6 men would have the balls to line up and hold up score cards with 1's and 2's on them <g>
  21. Ah IML.......Idling, Milling, and Looking. BUt too often, all those hot fukkers are doing nothing much beyond that- the lobby full of brand new fetish gear bought in the market and getting worn to its max for 3 days, before getting hidden deep back in the closet at home in Swamp Tick Arkansas. And the men afraid to actually connect and fuck and cum, because, well, of course, if they do A) Adonnis will walk in the lobby just after they have gone up to fuck and they will miss the chance to get swept up in his arms and live happily ever after, and if they cum, they might not be as sexually excited ( post cum guilt?) Oh, and then toss in 90% of the guys are all bottom and looking for 100 cum loads a day, and the sad truth is too many guys never get the loads of cum they spend all that money hoping for. Oh yeah- one other Debbie Downer-- the leadership of IML has goten on the soapbox and decried barebackers as sinners and the scourge of the earth- they have banned all the BB video companies from the marketplace. The market last year was half what it used to be, and really was dull. 4 years ago the spokesman for IML went on the stage and ranted about the guys who were PNP'ing, then the next year it was the BB'ers. Did anyone else find it odd that the man who owns Mans Country- among the rawest, sleaziest and druggiest bathhouses, is taking our money at the window there and railing against us in the public spotlight??
  22. Hey men- put up that quick post yesterday afternoon complaining about the lack of cum during my vacation so far. Less than an hour later the 1st of 3 fuckers was seeding my hole. I had expected to connect with him by 2p, it was more like 3 30 when he finally pulled in my fuck drive ( I have 2 driveways- 1 comes right up to the bedroom door- so tricks can drive up- hop out of the car and walk in the bedroom in 3 steps or less. Yeah, I bought the house based on that , among other things) So anyway- the guy finally connects an hour later than he said he was going to. Then he gets lost and is 30 additional minutes late-- but he shows. And he wanted an anon scene- door unlocked, me on the bed on all 4's lubed and blindfolded. I have a few guys like this, so I have all the equipment. Oh yeah- he wanted me to have a few dildo's out for him to use on me- said he would get harder doing that. OK. And Boy Butter. Oh, and poppers ( this was getting a little sketchy- was I outfitting a yacht for a 6 month sailing??) So he finally shows- I had been keeping an eye out for his car coming down the street, so when a strange car came creeping down, I quick popped the blindfold on and hopped on the bed- with a dog dick /knot dildo already in my hole. A minute later he was in, and I felt him go for the dildo right off the bat- he poked and jammed it in a few times, then he stuck his cock in my ass and fucked, pausing for poppers now and then. About 8 minutes into the action he pushed a larger dildo in my ass a little, then pumped his cock back in and shot his load. I told him there were towels on the chair behind him, first words spoken. He had already grabbed a paper towel and was on his way out the door in 10 seconds. I plugged the dog dildo back in my ass, and went out to get back on the computer. Got a birthday call from a relative, and was on the phone over 45 minutes ,all teh time plugged with the dildo and the guys cum . When I got off the phone, a new guy from BBRT who had wanted to breed me for the last 10 days hit me up- as well as another guy who likes the anon action but has been a no show on a couple of occassions with no explanation. The new guy needed 30 min to get showered and ready , and needed me to come to him. The other guy said he wanted to hit my hole right away. So i had the new guy plan on me after he was done showering, and set the other guy up to come over right away. He wanted me blindfolded too-prob has fucked me 10 times and i still have no idea who he is or what he even looks like. He was good- showed as promised and fucked my ass, he had his own poppers and hit them a few times , at one point when he pulled out to hit the poppers, the 1st guys load shot out- not a dribble, but a full out hurl of cum and lube. The anon guy used some on his cock, and unloaded in my ass in less than a minute. He pulled his pants up and was out the door in 30 seconds. As soon as I heard the car engine, I got up, took off the blindfold, and gave a fast towel wipe to my ass and put on a jock, my shorts and a t shirt and got ready to go pick up the 3rd load. I got to his condo, and the man was not his picture- or in this case the camera had removed about 60 pounds. But it was raining, I was whoring, and he had a load. So I went in, sucked his cock and made out, then sat down on his cock and rocked him every which way I could to work whatever cockmeat I could in . Big boy gut wise, but like they say- nothing grows in the shade. I was working hard on it, and finally suggested we do it doggy style- which was the magic pill for him. He fucked for a minute, picked up the pace, and shot a 5 day load into me. I laid there ass up and his load leaking upward into my gut as we chatted and got to know each other a little. About 25 minutes passed, and I felt good that his cum was in deep enough not to leak down my leg, and I got up, dressed and headed out. Grabbed dinner at a fast food place, holding the load in the whole time. Got home, took a couple of calls, and just as I was preparing to do the sex club, had an offer from a big cocked man I had not played with in a long time. As tempting as it was, I just did not have the time.He suggested he might do me at the sex club, and I agreed to that. OK- so I headed off to the sex club (think of a slang term for a jail or a drug injecter) getting there later than I planned- about 10:30. Said hello to the guys at the bar, had a cocktail, and made a tour of the place. Some really weird troll like guys were there- but I could tell they were burning out and would be leaving soon. I made a trip thru the maze, stopped at the sling, and just watched the guys moving thru the area. An older trollish guy walked up and pulled my jock down, sending my bottle of J Lube flying- no attempt to pick it up, so I went for it and told him he was too fucked up to play. He wasn't even focused, and he just sort of stood there for a second and then shuffled off. Another older guy moved in, nice big cock, but he was looking for me to top him. Sorry. I spotted a 25-30 ish latino player eye balling me as the older guy groped my cock. Hmm. As the older guy moved on, I slipped into the sling, moved the J Lube bottle to the front of the jock, and waited. A solid short guy walked by, came back, and felt my hole. I had a squirt of J Lube on/in the hole along with old cum. He worked his fingers in, I got the lube bottle free and coated his hand with it, and he went back to my hole and pushed, as I pushed outward. His fist sunk in to the wrist, and he began sliding it in and out. As he worked my hole, a small crowd formed, including the latin guy, his cock out and hard. The man in my ass was not a public kind of player, and within 5 minutes he was spooked and pulled his fist out and split. Latin boy stepped in quickly and began his fist drive. I suspect he was pretty new to fisting- no style and , dammit- he had some flea market grade leather wrist band decorated with pyramid aluminum studs on the wrist he was pushing into my hole. I lubed his hand heavily, and he got in- he seemed really shocked/amazed/confused, and he ploughed and pumped at the hole for a bit- the wristband was awkward and a little rough, so as he was pulling his hand out one time, I reached down and grabbed his cock and guided it back towards my hole. He shoved it in and was definitely into showing off- pounding in as hard and deep as he could. I tried to time it and brace each in stroke so the sling would not swing away as he pushed forward, but would be swinging in to him for even deeper dicking. He popped out once or twice, but now I was open and he had fun driving in from being out totally. He deep shafted me a few more times in rapid order, and then unloaded his cum. As he pulled his cock out, he rapidly shoved his entire fist into my hole, taking me by surprise. He went in deep too- past the wrist band for sure- and twisted and turned his wrist and hand all round in my hole- making sure his load was painted on every inch of my hole- and then with the same suddenness, he jerked his fist, clenched, out of my hole and stepped away. I laid there for a moment to see what was next- and this lanky, sort of bony guy with worn nipples stepped in and after a fast feel pushed his fist back into my hole. Guys were still watching, and he began crawling his fingers up my chute- I knew the wrist was already past the outer ring, but not all that sure how far up his fore arm I was at that point. He grabbed the lube and coated my hole and his arm well, and went to work on my ass. After the studded gauntlet, my ass lips were getting tender,and the position in the sling was getting awkward. I guided his arm out of my ass, and eased out of the sling.Before he lost interest, I moved him to the bench nearby, had him sit , and then backed onto his arm . In this angle, he was able to push back up my ass even deeper, and he took full advantage of my openness. We played like that for about 4 minutes, but the lips were really sore, so Ipulled off his arm, and told him I had to take 5, get a cocktail , but then I wanted round 2. we both went to the bathroom to wash up- my hole gave off a little pink, but nothing much. Grabbed my cocktail from the bar, and chilled with the bartender for a bit. when I returned to the back play area the last guy I had been playing with was in the hall, and we began playing again right there- chewing tit, pulling balls, and of course, him prying my hole open. We moved into a small cabin and he went to work really chewing and biting my tits, pulling my nuts as low as he could working around to punching his fist up into my ass. He got really into the groove, and was slipping in and all the way out, punching back in and getting deeper and deeper. We finally took a break, and that was when I discovered he had been past the wrist and was almost mid arm into me. I went out to the bathroom, got a paper towel and wiped off some of the J Lube- not even a fleck of pink now, but my hole, and my body, were both getting tired. I walked around a little, nothing was outstanding, and I was beginning to yawn. Spotted my fist bud, told him I was shot and headed home to bed, but that i was def going to be back on Thurs night for more play. He agreed it was time to leave, and left me thinking he will be out Thurs- I might even get that PA'd cock in my hole this time tearing a new path
  23. Well, thank you - thank you very much !! Actually, birthday boys are listed already- on the launch page, click forums, then next to the FAQ is Calendar, and when you click on it, it will bring up the current month and all events for the month- parties, etc- and the men who are having a birthday on any given day that month ! NOW- since you offered-- my hole is waiting ! Managed to get fucked 3 times this afternoon/evening, grabbed a little dinner, took a few phone calls, then got an offer to service a semi fuck bud with a huge cock-- but I had already posted the availability of my hole at the sex club, so I had to pass on him- did the sex club for 3 hours and had a very successful night. Watched the cruise for abit , then got in the sling in the dark room, and a burly guy began playing with my hole- I hit his hand with some J Lube and he quickly pushed his hand in past the wrist. About 5 minutes of play, a crowd, and he split. As quick as he moved away, a latino street boy stepped up and began playing withmy ass-he had watched the 1st guy, and went right for a full insertion. Again I slopped his hand with some lube, and he pushed right in- except he had a studded cheap leather wrist gauntlet on, and after a few minutes I pulled my ass off his wrist and guided his cock into my ass instead. He fucked deep and hard, and unloaded. Then he shoved his fist back in, just to make sure his cum was safe and deep. Kind of took me by surprise, actually. As soon as he moved away, the crowd began to break up, except for a lanky 50ish guy in flip flops and old nylon shorts. A little fried, but he knew his way into my hole, and slid in . We played in the sling, with him sitting on a bench and me backing onto his arm, in the hall near the BJ platforms, and in a small private booth. As of now, I think my tits and hole are sated for at least 7 hours-- but HLD I never refuse a birthday present <veg>
  24. hot fucker--plant that monster meat in my hole ANYTIME!!!!!!

  25. turned 56 today- the action up till 3p here has been slow- then got a load from a guy who wanted me on all 4's and blindfolded- a new fuck, and was supposed to happen at 2p- but finally got his load in - and a HUGE load. Plugged my hole with a dog dick with a knot dildo, took a few b day phone calls ( about an hour) -then got hit on on BBRT by 2 different guys- 1 was a reg anon walk in- told him to be fast, he came over in 10 mins, I was on all 4 and blindfolded- he loaded my ass and left- forgot his poppers-- so he will have to return tomorrow to get those. On my way to a new guys place for his load, then going to the sex club 321 tonight and laying my hole open for any breeders or fisters- as a good birthday pig should
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