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Everything posted by AlwaysOpen

  1. For luck like this, I should have headed on up to Chicago and done IML again- banged 11 days off from work for vacation, began last Saturday- and woke Sat with a head cold or flu.Fuck- at least I wasn't traveling like that. Ate a shitload of NyQuil over the next 48 hours and slept it out of my system. Yesterday was domestic stuff, still a bit groggy/tired from all the Nyquil. Woke extra early today- checked online and a few birthday hellos- but none of the guys online I had tried to get a fuck from were online. Now after 2 p- did a very serious, very deep hose out- and still have not replaced the void with any cum or even a fist
  2. 22 May- hey guys- just an update. Began vacation last Sat, woke with the flu and spent the entire weekend eating NyQuil and sleeping. Flu is over and done as of yesterday. TODAY is my birthday and still no cum ( a 2p fuck dropped off the internet at the point of getting the last bit of hook up info ) All hosed out and my hole is dry! Totally looking for seeding, breeding, gang bangs and perversion- IML is out, my hole is open and ready
  3. I was over inOctober 2011 and hit it- lots of gym built guys, great music, and the play area upstairs. And without exception, any fuckers only jammed for a few minutes, most rubbered up- none cumming, and the 3 slings-- had the same 3 guys in it the whole night, never saw as much as a fist in any of them. I managed to get raw fucked by a thick long black cock 3 different times- obviously he had tri mixed his cock as hard as he was fucking and still not nutting. As the party died, I began looking at the spent rubbers that covered the floor- never found a single one with a load in it. Maybe I missed something- but just seemed like a great place for lots of action, and no one doing anything
  4. Hey - saw your post-- do you go to Slammer? It has a lot of raw action- and if you hit the dark room, bent over and lubed, you will get cock. It is Ft Lauderdale-- and a lot of the guys are poz. I might ,make it over tonight ( Mon) and def going to try to be there tomorrow ( 5/22) to bang my way thru my birthday ( more accurately- get banged all thru my birthday)

  5. Hey Dickluva- we ran similar paths. I was tested poz in 87- my partner insisted I get on meds (AZT) and I refused. I was med free, symptom free up till the point he disclosed he had been having an affair with someone for a year- -in 1998. At that point the stress of fighting with him daily, work, and his own life ending health issue ( cancer- he was HIV neg) wore me to a frazzle and I ended up on meds, and the meds sucked.Gut issues,rash, etc. Finally left his ass in 2000 and after staying with a psycho and his boyfriend for 6 months I ended up on my own, in my own place, and gained back all the weight I lost ( 10% of my skinny to begin with ass) and began seeing my T count increase from 45 to 225. My new doc was a bit of an ass, and I found a new one- we switched meds- I do 2 types- Isentress and Truvada- once a day, and my numbers are up at 500, VL undetectable. And as I relax more and more- the ex died 4 yrs ago from his cancer, the psycho has been out of sight and hopefully under his rock for 10 years-- my gut issues have greatly improved. The one time my new doc had me stop meds so I could have a viral load and have a test done to see what I was resistant to, my VL shot up to 200,000 in two weeks- and he gave me some stop gap meds until the labs came back. I guess for the original poster-- if you are healthy now, and do a decent job of eating well, staying fit, and seeing your doc when you do feel unwell, then holding back on meds is an option. But if you don't take care of yourself to begin with- smoking, drinking,PNP and fucking all the time included- then maybe you should rely on meds early as a line of defense
  6. Man, as a total service bottom, I have to say 1) you flaked and 2) you wasted this guys night. He had to get prepped at some point if you were going to fuck him, and that took more than 2 minutes of his time ( more like an hour if you were going to get serious in play) You both agreed to a time, and you were not considerate enough to be there on time. I assume you live in New Orleans- don't you know your own city? If someone contacts me and I give them an address and neighborhood at the point of making a commitment- thats the time for them to say something like I cannot drive to that area, sorry, or excuse themselves. What you did was leave the guy hanging- he got hosed out for you, was waiting for you, and never got a word from you. In my book, you would be on the ignore list- no matter how fukkin hungry my hole is
  7. I get fisted, and while my hole will be loose after a long session, within a day or two it is right back to its normal range of looseness/tightness. However, I had an experience with a FF top a month ago where I tried my damnedest to give him my 2nd sphincter - had been getting fucked and fisted for a few days running, and my hole just would not open up for him. Took a day off from play and let it rest, then I went back. Once in the sling, he was able to work in and negotiate the curve of my lower hole and got in past the second ring in no time at all, then worked on up deeper and hit the 3rd ring of resistance . A lot of trying , but he could only get 3 fingers in past it. We took a beer break, and then he went back in for another try. As he slipped in, he got a funny look on his face. I asked him what was up- and he said my ass had gone straight- no curve or kink to the lower 10 inches, and his arm was going straight in and up, as he proved when he pushed from the inside on my abdomen and had me rub his fingers. So while a lot has been said of the changes to the asslips, I had a change to my inner plumbing- not sure where the curve went, or if it returned after a day- but that afternoon- I went from having a J hook shape in my rectum to a straight I line right up and in
  8. Age wise I guess my attention roams towards guys 40 to 55- the younger are fine, but too often lack a twisted enough imagination ( or just don't have the experience level yet to be truly twisted) What really clicks for me is that the top be really connected during play- which rules out the PNP guys , and the electronically obsessed guys who just have to check msgs every 5 minutes. I do not really focus on guys who have big gut/sagging pecs- my wiring just prefers the long and leaner kind of guy. Used to always use the rule of thumb that if the result of dividing the guys waist size by 5 yeilds a number smaller than his cock length, then we could figure a way to make it happen ( so even a guy with a 50 inch waist, but packing 11 inches, would be included- 50 div by 5 =10, his cock =11, so magic happens !!) But the biggest aspect of a top- he can use the fuck out of me, but we both need to be able to laugh and giggle and smile like a pig in shit throughout the play. If it is so tense and uncomfortable during the session, the play is never going to be able to overcome the negative energy of the room. Sex, no matter how extreme, just has to have some reward in it
  9. Have a vacation week, added a few days to each end. Had planned to do Berlin or Amsterdam or San Fran, but thanks to a roof leak, will now be staycationing in Ft Lauderdale , and looking for a great week of fun and play. All bottom, not into scat, blood, or pec/gut punching. Other than that, I probably have been there and tried that at least once-- or may very well be excited to try . I know there are a billion bottoms here in FT Laud always on and looking- but give me a try- I really do work harder to make you smile and cum
  10. I had my hole put thru fist training about 2 years ago by an Alpha boy at the porno bookstore. After about 4 or 5 sessions there, we moved the weekly encounters to his place, and he really got going on making my hole pop open on command whenever he would have me over- no foreplay- he got it where it would just open and eat his fist. He moved away about 9 months ago, and I thought I had another guy, but after a 7 hr play the 1st session, then 5 hrs the 2nd, it turned into him talking the next 2 visits and no hole training. Now he is moving out of the area, so I guess the hunt will go on. In the mean time, the local sex club has 3 slings, and I hit it about every 10 days and have been averaging a fist a trip. And in Ft Lauderdale- known as Ft Bottomdale for all the bottoms to the very few tops- getting a fist is a lot more of a sure thing than a hard cock. And, beginning 19 May I will be off work for 11 days- had planned a trip anywhere, but a new roof is eating up all my travel money- so will be open, and looking for FF tops, on a daily basis
  11. Played with a guy one night who was into this-- I was sort of taken aback by it- we hooked up at the bar and went back to his motel - one of those beach type ones with a small courtyard and a pool, each unit had a small kitchen and a bedroom. We stripped once inside, then he began face fucking me in the kitchen ( linoleum floors) He just kept ramming the back of my throat, and it was causing me to gag and retch. I tried to pull back, but he told me to just let it go and began throat fucking me harder, causing me to heave all over myself and the floor. He continued face fucking me in a puddle of my own puke until I heaved more- before it was done we were both coated and slimed in the stuff, the floor was a mess, and he was getting off on all of it. He ended up giving me his load, then wanted me to head out to the street with him naked. i was still caked in pieces of my dinner, and declined- used some paper towels and wiped as much off as I could, got sort of dressed and split. Funny thing- the guy was a food manager for a major airline-- I guess it was some sort of extension of his career to wallow in others puke Not sure I would go there again, but it was weird enough to stick in my head-- of course, I can still remember vividly the time I stuck a hairpin into the electric outlet too- so maybe it isn't a good memory <g>
  12. saw your post about ff club in FtLauderdale- i live here and don't know of any organized group, but LeatherWerks has classes in it and would be a good starting point. Also, Inn Leather boasts a sling in every room, and while they are not a club, they deal with a lot of fisitng men and may be helpful-- or at least a fun afternoon of lounging by their pool on a day pass, and maybe scoring an invite to a guests room

  13. Aw hell man- you are going to make my nuts dry up with these twisted ( and really hot) posts. As a service bottom, my getting off is of no interest, but I'll be damned if I don't shoot a couple of rare loads every time I read one of your stories-- only made it to the Metro station before I was spurting this time !! So- THANK YOU for the effort and time put in these stories man-- I may just have to hit Washington for my vacation 19-30 May and checkout some libraries and Metro stations <g>
  14. No, not really- maybe alpha in personality, but he is neurotic and on ADD and other meds, as well as medical pot ( didn't even know FL had that!!) No, I think he is just sort of loosely wired- the 1st couple of times he had the wiring good, last 2 times he was just in some sort of manic state-- and yet I consider going back for more !!! Maybe some of my wires are crossed too ! <g>
  15. I do it for the contact-- in a town of billions of bottoms, and the bulk of all the guys here are already partnered, i am on the hunt for a guy who wants to fuck just for the endorphine rush I get from being used-- and if by chance there is some sign of appreciation, maybe a little conversation- hell, thats a cherry on top of the sundae. Maybe the 20 year old are doing it because it is all a new experience for them-- for me pushing the door open to 56 very soon, I crave man contact and if this is the way I have to get it, then fuck me thats how i WILL GET IT, when I can get it. I don't expect love- i know who is fucking me- married/partnered/cheating guys or guys afraid of commitment . But for the 5 minutes or 2 hours , i am connected
  16. You tell me.... I played with a FF top who used my hole for 7 hrs the 1st time we played. 2 weeks later he called my ass down for more, and used me for 5 hours of fucking and toying and fisitng, and a crotch and ass shaving. He called the next afternoon and told me to come back again that evening- making sure I had a grocery list of things to pick up for him- beer, smokes, dinner. And once there- he talked and never even fingered my hole for 9 hours --until I finally got up and split at 6 am(with a splitting headache) 30 days later, he has me back- more beer and smokes, and a whole day of things planned supposedly. Got there and he ended up on his computer for most of the day and night, and talked again nonstop . 15 hrs later I gathered up my things- all hosed out and never as much as 3 fingers in my hole. And yet, I sort of think I would probably head back if he called and there was a ghost of a chance of getting another fisting session to actually happen. So, what standards ???
  17. Hey boys-- don't think a part 4 is anytime soon coming, as they say. The last post this author put up was Feb of 2011, and the profile names for BBRT and A4A are both not found-- I think he has dropped off the radar ( or found a boyfriend or has been busted)
  18. Hey man- you and your boyfriend have 5 years of history, shared experiences to live off from. If you get banged up and either infect him too, or he cannot stand who/what you have become, you will lose those 5 years- and the good memories- forever. He will not be there for you, you will always have that gap in your life line. Wild sex is alluring, but as one who has been single for 12 years- there is damn little of the last 12 years that I have any connection to. Lots of anon sex, some very wild action- but no real life person to sit with and recall it with. I had a 19 year relationship, and almost every day I think of something the 2 of us experienced as a pair, and wish like all hell I could pick up a phone and ask him a question about the details. I have posted about him b4 in other forums- but I got diagnosed poz in 87, and he stayed by me. In 96, he was diagnosed with cancer and passed 11 years later from it- and along the way we split so he could be with a new lover who "got " him- looking back I suspect the new lover was a ploy to push me away from the ugly of the last years of his cancer. Sex is great, but love is the real glue in life. Sounds like you need to address your self love issue first, and then the love with the boyfriend. And maybe he will become more sexual with you as you get loving yourself; and him, more
  19. Hey Breed- what has ever come of the fuck house idea- are you running it now, or is it still on the back burner?

  20. Already answered this once, but rethought it, and hell, I'd take a fist for a man I didn't even know, as long as we connected and he wasn't out of his mind. My hole is made for exploring, and anyone who is willing to go in deep has an open invitation to it
  21. I played 2 times this past week with a hot top who loves packing his cock and balls up into a loose hole-- and after he had fisted me a bit, I was loose. Only side bar to all this-- if the tops balls are usually shaved and he has not done it in a few days, there WILL be stubble, and it WILL cause irritation to the ass lips as the short hairs poke into the bloomed out lips. I think he had his nuts and meat in me about 10 or 12 times during each play session- he was really working harder on depth with his fist, so the balls were during rest breaks for his fist/arm
  22. Hey men- how about everyone taking a minute and going into your profile and putting in your location?? It would make it so much easier to relate and connect with other breeding zone neighbors. You don't have to be so specific as your mailing address, just your city and country or state-- and maybe if enough guys fill it in, RawTop will make a search program so guys can connect with other local brothers-- if only to meet for a drink and to discuss the newest posts in the forum
  23. Been a total bottom all my life- and it used to be if I came, I was done with sex, so I quickly figured out to not cum no matter what as long as there was a man with a hard cock to service. As I grew more into the sub role over time, I found occasionally I would be forced to cum in spite of my innate desire no to, but in the sub role I had to just keep on serving until the top was sated. It took a shifting of the mind, but it happened and now, while I often don't cum for weeks on end in spite of lots of play, should the top get me off, I just keep on going like nothing happened. Now, reading some of whthole4U 's posts in the stories section, well, he has made me cum multiple times in short time frames ( which amazes me and; in light of the Dr Mike stories scares me a little )
  24. Not to be a "smart ass", but a GOOD fisting should leave your hole worked, but totally fine. A bad fisting will leave it really sore and bruised- and the man fisting you should take some lessons on reading the bottoms facial expressions and what they mean. I had 6 days off from work - in a row- for a very rare change this week. I managed to get my hole eaten and fucked the 1st day( he did a lot of ass lip chewing and roughing it up with his beard stubble) Next afternoon a new FF guy came over and rough fucked me for 90 minutes, and used all my large toys in me as well as his fist. I was a little tender but OK. Sat night I headed out to the sex club, and soon after I arrived ended up in a sling and getting full on fisted by a very good, hot German man fo 30 mins. I had to take a break at 30 min no t because of him, but the angle of the sling was awkward and I was getting a back cramp. A bit later I was sitting in the play area and a guy walked up and slid his fingers in- 3, then the whole fist. I relaxed and let him explore- as the German man appeared and joined us. We played with a few more joining up for unknown time- I was head first into someones crotch as my hole wa sbeing fisted and hands were on my tits and balls and cock - all time was lost. I woke Sunday feeling fine, a tad worn "back there" but not overly bad. Hit the gay leather guesthouse and hooked up with a man who was visiting, and offered him my hole . He fisted for almost 2 hours, and then my hole gave out-- not from his play, but from 4 days of heavy use. I had promised him entry past the 2nd ring, and I failed him. As much as I fought to keep going, he stopped theplay and said I was not going to overdo what my body was able to handle, and that it was all very good even if he wasn't wrist deep on the inner ring. I rested yesterday and did an old trick a fisting coach told me about- I packed my ass with VitaminA & D ointment- it soothes and heals quickly. This morning I reached out to the Sunday fister, and offered/asked for a chance to make good on my promise. He and I played 3 hours today- and he not only got in past the 2nd sphinchter, he/we opened way up and his fingers worked open the 3rd ring, getting his fingers thru it . My elation and his sheer pride in the connection we had made were overwhelming- and throughout the entire session, he was reading my face, my eyes and any sign of pain . I was more than a hole to rip- I was a connected part of his arm, and he tended to it like it was his ( and it was as long as I was in his sling) So- pain? Use A& D ointment and heal up fast-- if its bruised, rest it a day, a hot soak in a tub with epsom salts might help a little. And find a fist top that cares for your hole as if it was his own Pics of today are added to my gallery photos if you want to see how open he got me today
  25. I love each man I play with and have a connection. Some I really wish would grow into more than a once in a while play session, but I think I hold back from opening much more than my hole up to most (all ) men. If a guy is really fun in bed and teaches me new things about my body and what I can do with it, and he is honest and sane, I def have a thing for him. But at least here in South Florida, 99% of the time either the guy is visiting and has a husband/wife/sheep already at home back in Podunk, or is so juiced up that any sort of schedule and connection is out, or they are sport fuckers who like the challenge of getting something strange, and once they have been there and done that-- they have no interest in doing it again; no matter how good the play was. And having said this- I just today played with a visitor ( 2nd time this week- all fisting) and he was kind enough to take some pics of the action today- they are uploaded in my album in the galleries section- have a look if you want (and he is a very fun, very connectable man--had me craving him since the 1st time we played in a sling; and he is not available other than the one or two visits to Ft Lauderdale each year!
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