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Everything posted by AlwaysOpen

  1. Just my 2 cents worth. I suspect it means for some at least- I am poz, but I might have a friend or coworker see this profile , and I don't want them to know, so Dont Care will let me let others know I am a pig without disclosing my status in any definitive way. And yeah, the coworker will see the profile and know the guy is a pig-- but will not automatically be made aware of any infection status - until the chance comes along to ask in person
  2. Here now, 1062. Good so far...got a fucking and fisting about an hour after checking in,then another raw load an hour later. Bring on the cum!!
  3. I have been getting my hole conditioned for MAL this weekend- and to up my load counts for 2013. Hit a latin bar in Miami on Tues night and got fucked 3 times- 2x by the same man - he skull fucked me and ass fucked me over a 2 hour period out on the patio as others watched. All the time he worked my tits, but never hard enough no matter how much I encouraged him to go harder. Oh well- 2 loads in the hole better than most nights <g> Hit the local gay leather guesthouse yesterday afternoon, stripped and laid out by the pool for a while- then did the cruise wander- no action, so I hit the hot tub. A man I had not noticed joined me- heavy latin accent and the noise of the spa made understanding him difficult, and so I excused myself and hit the pool to cool off. As I was drying myself , he sat down near me and struck up a conversation- mentioned his nipples were tough and got him hard, so I obliged and quickly had a thick 8 inch cock in my mouth. Sucked him to the root for over 45 minutes as the 3 or 4 other guys moved in for a better view. My knees on the brick pool deck were beginning to ache, so I came off his cock and asked if he like to fuck as much as get sucked- and he smiled and said yes, so I turned around and backed onto his cock. He fucked me to the hilt,and after 10 or 15 minutes of fucking he unloaded into my hole-- then held me tightly and pushed my shoulders to the deckwith his feet, and began pissing into my ass, washing his load deeper into my guts. As he ended pissing, he resumed a fucking , plunging the piss and cum even further up into me- and assuring he would be absorbed before any chance of leaking out.My knee caps were on a towel , but 75 or 80 minutes on them was really kicking in- so I suggested we move to the sling by the hottub. We pulled apart- not a drop of piss lost- and I gave a fast suck clean of his cock- and after 5 minutes of washing it with my mouth, we did get up and headed over to the sling. Played in the sling and got another load, maybe 2 fromhim- he isn't a jerker when he shoots- just a steady pumping action. He finished me off with another deep flushing of the loads using his piss- this time it was much stronger and really felt it going in. He fucked me again for about 5 minutes, but now any lube had stripped away in the urine, and he was grabbing skin and friction with each fuck stroke, and finally pulled out. We exchanged numbers-- he wants to breed me sloppy open, then put my ass on a motel bed and put up a CL ad for guys to just drop by and breed me deep and go. FUCK- I AM SO ready for MAL !! And def need the guys there to help me up my load count as well as condition my hole for the upcoming motel session !
  4. Sweet-- I used to live in Memphis and we had 10,000 big rigs parked just across the river in West Memphis every night, at the truck stops. Always used to head over and grab gas (it avgd about 10 cents a gallon cheaper there ) and a greasy dinner-- but never had any luck getting into a truckers cab. And most were so over the beltbuckle that I would guess they had not seen their cock since they were 16. I sure hope this rest area has leaner guys, or someone is going to have a bad back afterwards <g>
  5. Hmmm- last night I ventured down to Miami, to a "LATINO" GAY bar with a great beer special and a very social patio <think dark> I think I was one of 3 GRINGOS in there- and I had a blast. I didn't try to identify any man by his home country- most spoke Spanish, which was fine as long as they understood me on my knees was saying let me suck you (to start) But you have to make some identifications- humans love and need order in their life- and toss in a nice foreskin and a big smile- and I am all yours <g>
  6. Location is the biggest hurdle, from what I can read into this. If you plant down in an urban area , the neighbors will be hanging on the phone with 911 reporting men coming and going to a certain house on the block. While nothing illegal may be going on, the cops can and probably will be visiting. A bud of mine gives massages in his apartment, and in the last year has been booted from 2 locations-each time because of the traffic into his unit and the other residents complaining. Put it out in the woods, and well.. how many guys would want to live in the woods, and even more to the point- how many tops would there be in the course of a day. Or a week?? Almost seems like it would need to be based in a business setting- like a car repair shop or some sort of similar setting- maybe a computer repair or above a coffee shop -
  7. I got busted in a NOLA bookstore on Decatur St iin 1984 and would never step foot back in that city- the entire legal system is a rigged pile of dirty filth! If you get caught , they toss a felony charge against you of acts against nature. And if you do not live in Louisianna, you will need A) a bail bond to post bail , an attorney to defend you- seems like most are judges from other courts who are on a referral basis. Couple of thousand bucks later, the whole thing goes into diversion ( if you have a spotless record) The good old boy system pockets your money laughing all the way. I was told it is even more obvious during Mardi Gras, when women get to flash tit and more and get a smile from the cops, and the out of town guys get hauled in for exposure and a hustle thru the legal system
  8. Wellllll, Holy Fuckhole bottomforsize-- you certainly have raised the bar for the rest of us <g> ! And by any means possible , I intend to do my damnedest to surpass your numbers by the end of MAL next weekend < hint for any tops who might be attending-- my room will be avail for you to drop a load or 5 into me> Exactly what I was hoping for from you guys out there when I posted this- there is already a "where did you give or get your last load thread" for the guys popping a load out now and then-- I want to see the hard core cum sluts who cannot possible recall each encounter, only the sheer number of loads-- keep on getting loaded guys
  9. Just wondering how other guys are making out getting loads ( or delivering them) this year. I had to work New Years Eve till midnight, and so I was able to be up earlier than most on New Years Day-- but the net was very quiet. Ended up at a bar with a dark play area New Years evening, and ate 4 loads, sucked 12 men, but no fucking. Got online Jan 2nd and hooked up with an anon fuck buddy who came by and planted a 3 day load in my hole, shoved a butt plug in to save the juices. About 2 hours later I had another semi new, semi reg fucker ask if I was looking- the old cum had gotten rank, so I rinsed fast, and he was at the door and fucked a nice wad into me in 10 minutes or so. The night tapered off after that- but so far for 2013 I have 4 oral, 2 anal all raw sex loads. How are your numbers at this point ( and if this thread keeps legs thru the year, would be interesting to see how some of us progress in the load counts)
  10. I just recently began getting fucked by this guy with a big ( 9 in) thick cock- 1st time he fucked, he angled in in a way to force air up into my ass and as he plowed away, the air in kept farting back out, more and more as he got my hole opened up and sloppy. At first I was mortified and tried to control the sound, but realized he WANTED it loud and juicy sounding- once I got it- the sex was very loud and explosive. Halfway home after he finished up in me, I had a HUGE fart and half his load shot thru my nylon shorts and into the car upholstery-- best car air fragrance available ! . Been back with him 2 times since i n the last week, and it has been the same thing each time- if I try to clamp down he gets soft- if I lay it open and even reach back and pry it wide open, he goes wild trying to push thru my 2nd ring-- and a huge cum load each time
  11. I have never found porn movies very exciting-- but then, the last mainstream movie I went and saw was Cast Away, in 2000! So maybe I am a bad benchmark. But really- how many exotic / unusual ways are there to suck a cock? And with the over dubbed soundtracks, cheesy plot lines - it doesn't do anything for me. I never understood why guys would have porn on as they were fucking- I guess they just imprinted on it jacking, and that was the trigger anymore for them to nut-- which was OK as long as i was the one getting the nut <g> Now, a good piece of porn WRITING- like so many of Whthole4U 's submissions, can bust a 3 week cumload out of me in an instant-- maybe it is the dark subject matter, or maybe it is more of a mental stimulation that porn movies don't trigger-- but reading about sex gets me more than anything . The sad thing is, I am in Ft Lauderdale and have porn guys walking all around me, and I haven't got the slightest clue who they are ! I even work with one guy who did porn in the late 80's, and never knew it until I was in the old Chicago Eagle 7 years ago and his film was playing. Parker Williams was my bartender 2 days ago when I dropped in one of the bars for a drink- and had no idea who he was- still don't- since I haven't bothered looking up his films
  12. OK- my room is booked, my vacation week has been bid and awarded-- so now a favor/ request from non-MAL virgins. ( I have not been, so.. I guess I am a virgin, of sorts) From IML experiences over the years- the door ajar bottom up thing didn't really produce much play. The parties seemed to be insider only by invite (I get that- but how do you get invited?) IML the lobby was packed with guys in their finest(newest) leathers, standing sipping over priced Miller LItes and not hooking up. So- all you MAL pro's,, what tips and suggestions can you pass along? Is the weekend package worth it, or is it just a lot of pagentry tickets and no real value to bottom pigs? Day passes for the market better bet? Is there a specific area to cruise and score, or is it luck of the draw? Have you done the FFA party at the DC FF house- and is it worth getting the 3 day pass to it for 85 bucks, or do one day there and the rest at MAL? I know, so many questions, but I am guessing a lot of men reading this have the same questions and just are not asking, yet. Thanks guys-- and I def would love to collect a sample of your DNA- esp if you can put it in past the 2nd ring of my ass
  13. Thanks man- another motivational story- on my way out now to gather some raw juices- took 2 loads this afternoon, but thats never enough. Love each chapter you put up- keep on feeding me --hope to see you during MAL 11-14 Jan 2013
  14. Hey Raw- Seed me there- looking forward to breaking my MAL "cherry" in a big way. Fill me up and flood me out-- and I might just have to bring you over to the FFA party so you can do some hand work and plunge all that cum even deeper into my guts
  15. probably would help to know what city you are planning to be whored out in--would make it easier then for locals to suggest local sources..... Ft Lauderdale has about 4 great sources for all of the items you need. But if you will be in Walla Walla Washington- the local shops here would be useless to you-- ya know??
  16. Hey RawTop- if you have an Asspig.com account, look up FFAContact. Fair warning/heads up- the FF group house in DC has a house rule of safe only. Bottoms get their own bowl of Crisco and no cross use between bottoms. Gloves are required during play for the tops. The house host makes passes thru the rooms to check on the scene and ensure the guys are not tearing up the equipment or each other, and does enforce the sanitation /sanitary rules. I prefer ungloved, but it is their house and their rules-- and the men I have played with there were all so nice, talented hands and great personalities that I didn't have an issue with their rules. The space is amazing-all of the 2nd floor is a sling- 4 rooms with 2 slings and a fuck toy in each. Downstairs is a locker/dressing area and a chill out area. And, as nice as the guys are, it is nice to sit and chat with the guy who just fisted ( or got fisted) with you upstairs. MAL they will have a party a day- I am attaching their schedule. /==//==//==//==//==//==//==//==//==//==//==//==//==//==//==//==// --------------------FFA during MAL FRI Jan 11 - Sat party Door 9-10 PM Late arrival 12-12:30 AM SAT Jan 12 - Sat party Door 9-10 PM Late arrival 12-12:30 AM SUN Jan 13 - Sun party Play starts 1 PM And yes-- you can paw my hole-- I will be hauling my own J Lube powder with me and will be happy to offer my chute up for you to learn and develop some technique in-- both at the hotel and at FFA if you want to do it raw once and wrapped once <g>
  17. 2 words!! OPEN MIND . It is on Calle d Arrago in the gay area, opens at 11p, and has 2 floors of fun and perversion.Piss play upstairs in the tub or shower trough, 4 or 5 slings, a bar to keep your drinking needs met, and some really twisted, kinky,fun men to play with. Daytime action was nill for me- but I may have just been in the city at the wrong day and time and place.
  18. Hey Raw- I just finished bidding my 2013 vacation weeks, and scored the week of MAL !!! Definitely will be headed to my 1st MAL events- and looking very forward to it-- I just hope the men of MAL fuck and give seed better than the guys of IML have . I really am looking forward to meeting some of the guys who have e mailed me off this group- but especially the host himself-- so rawTOP- if you spot this 6' 8" laong ass bottom wandering, please grab my hole and say hello
  19. Just a quick add to this-- if guys follow this thread at all- PLEASE put your location in too while doing any editing- it isn't going to change the world, but it is nice to know profile ABC123 is from a city 10 miles from you, and could even lead to a meeting and a drink, or more. I just wish everyone would take the time to update all their info-
  20. I have the black hose on my douche line and love it-- and have been using it for well over 3 years. I find that it helps me get deep and completely hosed out for an all day clean. Also, since it is somewhat flexible, I can go in initially and rinse out the lower end of my hole, then head back in and slow fuck my hole as the water flows, and with each inward thrust my hole opens under the flow ( not a hard flow- just a slow stream) and very quickly, very stresslessly it is in past the 2nd sphincter and I am flowing water up into yesterdays dinner. A few flush outs and refills, and then a break to let any trapped water out, then a light low rinse and my hole is fist worthy for the next 18-24 hours.
  21. Hell yes-- a fresh chapter and a reason to go out tonight and get my culo rutted and bred out-- love the belt around the neck- nothing keeps a cocksucker focused and drawn down deeper on a cock <wink>
  22. OK- I think I win!! I am 6' 8'' and about 210 lbs. Like the original poster to this thread--it seems like all the action goes to the shorter gym 20-30 year old guys here in Ft Lauderdale (gay fountain of youth concept?). I have always been a bottom- and so at this point it means I have been taking cock for about 43 years. The bigger obstacle for me is at my height a lot of the shorter vers top or top guys are intimidated by my height, or they make the very wrong assumption that I am a top. And then the bottoms who see my BBRT or A4A or Asspig profile, where it is pretty obvious what my role is, yet they write me wanting to suck me off because, as one guy wrote- as tall as you are I know you really top. Really? I can count my topping role in bed on less than 4 hands
  23. Hey FH- you still have lots of time to work on it- hell- with enough effort you ought to be able to join the group and make the Feb party-- you just have to start dropping trou a lot more and for a lot more varieties of guys- and taking all those men raw up your hole ! Sounds like a fun project no matter--even if you don't make it to any of the parties <g>
  24. Hey Vers- great timing on this thread! I was at the sex club last night-- have avoided it for a month after 2 visits yielded nothing- not even a cock suck off the BJ wall. After a fast cocktail, I walked into the play area and almost instantly the stench of fresh rank shit hit me- and I have been dealing with allergies up till yesterday, so it had to be really wicked strong.I went to the bar and alerted them someone had shit up the place and the area in question. They nodded and said they would get on it. I went back to the other side of the BJ wall, and the stank was there too- stepped into one of the booths and the walls and opening reeked of shit. It was early inthe evening, and I know they clean the place daily- so it wasn't leftover from previous days. A cleaner was busy wiping down the walls and seats and just about every area around the BJ area- i alerted him to the booth issue, and he told me he would take care of it , but also wanted to talk to me later. Seems someone has been going to the club for a few weeks and has been shitting and wiping shit all over the place. Beyond the stink, the hygiene issues- how fuking RUDE. Scat is a very far reaching fetish, and for someone into it it should be done in private. I don't think itis a lazy bottom, but if it is- dammit you know your shit pipe is full- either HOSE IT OUT or stay HOME!! Ruined a lot of guys night last night- no one wanted to risk sucking a cock that had been in this guys hole( if he was even there to get fucked) or to play where a shit odor would arise. And this fuck hit lots of areas - the dark room, the BJ area, the booths, and even near the fireplace. One guy thought it might have been someone with a colostomy bag that was leaking or burst- whatever it was- it was inconsiderate on his part to expose everyone else to his crap !
  25. Live in warm and humid Ft Lauderdale ( at least it is most of the year) and I am always naked in the house or yard- as for the men who drop by, it depends on what they are going for. I have a few anon fuckers who come in from the driveway door of my bedroom. One guy will arrive and just fishes his cock out and fucks my ass- fast, and in less than 5 minutes he is out the door. Another anon guy will strip at least his shorts off- I can hear them being removed- and then he fucks, nuts and after some rustling as he dresses he splits. As far as the guys who visit and stay and get involved, I cannot recall any who have not stripped all the way down- maybe it is aa beach thing- but most don't have socks on- just sandals, and a t shirt and shorts , so the strip thing is pretty fast and easy
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