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About LDNhungvers

  • Birthday 11/20/1971

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    my work and my family and friends...oh, and sex
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    51 now, tall, definetly vers, looking for the same MALE contacts only, thanks!
  • Porn Experience
    no, but i would like to....
  • Looking For
    real VERS (hung a bonus) guys...it's simply the bigger fun..

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  • Adam4Adam Profile Name
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  1. Wow, you’ve been so lucky…. Envy you!
  2. Great start to a story with a lot potential! I hope your mind has already some more chapters completed! Thanks for sharing!
  3. I remember my first time bottoming like it happened yesterday. In Mai 1990 I fucked my first guy on a nice large gay bathhouse and until Oktober 1993 I only topped…until I saw this guy in a gay sexshop with it own cruising area in the back…we catchend each others eye and went in a cabin. I didn’t knew why, but when we started kissing I knew I wanted him to fuck me….I didn’t planed to get fucked but there was the entire time no mess…. Pain? No, he was really amazing to get me in the mood and the first penetration was an unusual feeling, but I like every second….and he bred me after a breathtaking fuck…. i still know his name 😉
  4. I love swapping toys with friends…..


    Started some weeks ago to swap with a friend our dildos…not six, right or ten at once, no we have only one “special guest dildo” among our own….

    We both feel pretty excited about the temporary dildo as we know we got it from a close friend who enjoyed this pole before and so we both know, it will feel great to play with the “guest dildo”….

    My first guest….


  5. @TheAficionado: Thanks for bringing Jason and Nathan's story to my attention....
  6. Good start! Please continue with more parts soon, please!
  7. Good start of a hopefully longer story from you…and I’m getting metal when my mind is trying to pick up the possible open ends your cliff hanger end so brilliantly provoked instantly…. Please, mate, post soon another chapter! 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦
  8. Thank you so much! Not only for two new chapters, but also because you keep the high level of horny quality to your writing! keep um cuming up with new chapters please! Merry Christmas!
  9. I got an erection as soon as I thought you might mix vampires in a gay bareback story! Amazing start, brilliant story telling and I definitely hope to read many more new chapters of your story! Keep on cuming, please! 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦
  10. Grayden, I love your story telling and can’t wait for another or even better couple more new parts in the future! Keep on cuming with your writing, please! 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦
  11. Love reading your story and always ending up 💦💦💦 😈
  12. Lucky fucking bastard….💦💦💦💦💦💦💦
  13. That’s the kind of story I love to read again and again and hoping for many chapters to cum… 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦
  14. Oh, yes please!
  15. I fucking love to read your new chapter….please continue!
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