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Everything posted by BearOKC69_Poz

  1. I here ya. Instead of 1 notification that they upload an Album, you get individual notifications/emails for each picture in that album. So far I just delete all but one of the emails for that particular album Not a perfect solution. But makes it more manageable. I don’t want to unfollow or turn off being notified cuz I like their contenT you can also adjust your settings by clicking the link at the bottom of each notification email
  2. Thanks for following. If ever in OKC...

    Oink. Hail. 

  3. Fuckin hot profile.99? Thanks for following. If ever in OKC...

    1. Bassdroptiger289


      Fuck my asshole please 🥺

  4. Thanks for following. If ever in OKC...

    1. hotbTmuscl


       Right on big bearQ! WOOF

  5. Oh yesssss. More please
  6. Been having a lot of cumless assgasms the past few months. Been shoving a good sized metal cross into my fuck hole whenever I can. Getting poppered up. Watching porn. Edging for hrs. Riding it & sometimes cuming. Drift off to sleep and keep it from slipping out with a tite pair of briefs. The longest stave is about 6” with bulbous head like a cock at its ends. It gently fucks me during the nite. Have awoke a few times to full body convulsion cumless orgasms. When worshipping cock with like minded will have it shoved up my ass and have cumless assgasms. Drives the top wild as I lose my mind while there cock is in my fag mouth. Often sending them over the edge. Sometimes multiple times
  7. Just like Poz 4 Poz , Best if both have. Have had a handful of STDs (gono syph chlamydia). But all curable. Personally Shy away from just treatable & transmittable. Appreciate honesty. Just because someone has something doesn’t exclude them. Usually something we can still do together. But prefer it to be my choice. There was one guy that had open sores all over his slab of meet on time. I wanted to lick it so bad and have it inside me but chickened out. Few months later he had healed up and I did get skull fucked. Fucked repeatedly by him. Expected to get it but didn’t. Guessing it has to be an active outbreak but may be wrong and just got lucky. Just as the many toxic poz loads I took but didn’t convert with. Just keep trying. Eventually you will find compatible
  8. Different strokes...leaves more for the rest of us that love piss anyway we can get it. Golden Shower. Straight from the Tap. Up the ass. In a beer bottle or other container for unbeknownst public consumption (in bars, parks, State Fair, Arts Festivals, concerts, athletic events, theme parks etc)
  9. Yep. iPhone 8plus. Same issue. Can see the search box but can’t get to it (behind the logo ). Did manage a back door method (my fav way to get a load in me anyway) but can’t recall how. Prob the one suggested.
  10. If ever in OKC...breed & seed me...repeatedly
  11. Sometimes. When I’m particularly horned and can’t find another supplier. Often will drink the tops recycled piss after it has gone thru my body. Record is recycling it 6 times
  12. Although this can happen with most any “kink” you have to remember that esp with piss it isn’t something most guys can do “on demand”. Most can’t piss when they get hard. You have to get it at the very beginning or wait until after they’ve cum and their dick softens. Then many can piss like a race horse. Then there is the possibility the tank isn’t full and they have nothing to give. Ialways encourage them to arrive fully hydrated Some are “piss shy” and can’t do it in front of another, much less while their cock is in someone’s mouth (for those I offer a container they can drain themselves into in a closed door bathroom) and I’ll drink it in front of them.
  13. Black guy I picked up at a cruisy park. Went back to my place. Put in a 4 hr fuck compilation fuck tape. Sucked him hard and then we immediately got down to fuckin. Changed positions many times and apply more lube. I had been edging when the tape ended he was still fucking away. Told him I couldn’t hold off any longer I was going to cum. He told me to go ahead. He was on some cold medication and couldn’t shot. I came over both of us. He pulled out. Thanked me and left Never saw him again.
  14. Guessing around 7th grade so about 12 yo. Had my first cumless orgasm in 1st or 2nd grade at recess by attempting to shimmy up the tether ball pole. Would almost get to the top. Slide back down some and try again. The friction thru my briefs and jeans did the trick. Had no idea what was happening other than it felt amazing. Obviously I spent every recess in my favorite activity. LOL Heard about them but Never had a wet dream that I can recall.
  15. Have an assortment of them in the drawer but have to be ancient. Last time I bought any was when Magnums came out. I insist on raw but if the top is more insistent I’ll let him. Often tho I’ll have them laying out for him and he doesn’t use them. And if he does, due to age I guess, they break. ?. If the guy does insist and it survives intact I’ll take it from him and then drain it dry. Usually that gets them turned on and hard and they want to fuck me again. This time raw.
  16. I used to be hung up on race when it came to sex. Black guys did NOTHING when it came to getting my cock hard. Didn’t mater if it was mags vid or live. If a black guy was in it I would flip right past or concentrate on others that were in it. Same with bi or straight porn. The women did nothing for me. No matter how beautiful. Then one day it suddenly dawned on me my fuckhole didn’t care what color the cock was. My cock didn’t care either because it couldn’t “see” it since I usually got fucked doggy style and I was facing the other way. Now blacks are my preference (but I am an equal opportunity cum slut). It has been my experience that EVERY black cock I have seen live or in porn has been hung. Either length or girth or both. Other races there is a large variety. Some will say I’m still racist, just swung the other way. I just know what gets my cock hard. As long as the cock is hard and can fuck I don’t care the race or age shape status or looks of who owns it. I just crave cock.
  17. Agree. The dirtier & smellier the better. Service and worship all cock. Hail!
  18. I've never had a top that wasn't at least open to the idea. Most can't piss with a hard on so that precludes many. Unless you get them before they get hard or after they cum. For those I ask that they just stay in me after they cum and as their cock starts to soften they can let the piss flow. Often like a race horse There have been those that are extremely piss shy. For those I have them piss in a large mug. And I'll drink it down in front of them or later. Most are fine with piggy anywhere body fluids sex but some are "don't get any on me ... Drink it all down. Don't spill any or blow back." Having your cock in someone's mouth or Ass is amazing. In the ass it can feel like you are cuming the entire time if the bttm tightens up and cuts off the flow then releases time and again ill take piss anyway a guy wants to give it. Stealth or otherwise. From the tap. Golden shower. Up the Ass. have drained the load later of piss and cum into a container and drank it down
  19. There have been times recently after a session I didn't bother cleaning up before drifting off to sleep then forgetting about it when I left the house. Going to Walmart etc then scratching an itch and feeling the crusty cum in my goatee. Got me hard knowing others could see. Have also grabbed my cum and piss stained sex shirt in the dark and not realized it until later when I unzipped my jacket in the store
  20. If ever in OKC gladly be fucked and breed by you. Usually a dirty hole so it is my obligation to perform Ass to Mouth after. Often poppered up "forced" but the more I do it the less "force" is needed (but always enjoyed) and poppers aren't even required (but enjoyed as well). OINK
  21. Even when I was in my teens my sex drive was cyclitic. Horned 24/7 for days/weeks countered by non-sexual. Even to the point of not getting hard or jacking off. Was lare 40s in one of my down times when I was diagnosed being Poz. Not only Poz but AIDs. Was in a state of denial since it had been well over 3 months since I had any sexual contact or any sexual activity of my own. Plus I thought I was getting regular HIV tests with my normal blood work for a couple of years but wasn't. After the shock of being Poz we're off and I became undetectable my switch was turned on 24/7 for about 6 years. Just a couple of weeks ago was down for 2 weeks but back up now. So not sure if I am back to cyclitic or not.
  22. The desire was always there but after climaxing unless if I did it immediately the craving would quickly pass. Talking a couple of seconds tops. But it is something you just have to set your mind to do it no matter what and power thru. Then it becomes habit and something you don't even have to think about anymore. You just do it. Enjoy it. Repeat as needed ???
  23. Thoughts on rimming a top with bleeding roids? As long as the top doesn't mind of course. The idea gets my little fag cock hard and dripping. I'm a sick fag, I know.
  24. Thanks for the follow ... if ever in OKC use me like the 6 6 6 fag that I am 

  25. Jr high. 9th or 10th grade. Had discovered bathroom sex and abs. Looked older than I was and never got ID'ed at the abs. For details message me
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