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    Houston, Texas
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    Kinky Sub Guys

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  1. Damn daddy. Looks like I should make a trip to Houston to get loaded up with your babies over and over. 

  2. so mate are you actually fucking toxic seeds into the bois or are you seeds dead by the meds? have you actually infecting any yet?

    1. arizona69


      fucking toxic, one toxic load just took in a twink 2 months ago. and it was his first raw fuck too   i look after him as he went thru the fuck flu, he was kinda scare not know what will happen.  i been using him to fuck twink and yng guys since most of them want yng, fresh cock in them.  

  3. Sounds like a good time.
  4. Has anyone gone to any of the more recent CumUnion events? I'm coming into town the weekend of next party (May 6) and considering going.
  5. Bred a hot college boy this afternoon. Took 2 charged loads.

  6. Been fucking boys like crazy. Still need more. :)

  7. Gave a load to an ex boyfriend Sat night. Hadn't seen him in two years but he came over, we had a drink on my 8th floor highrise patio. I whipped it out and he started sucking me before I moved him inside. Turned into more of a hatefuck than anything - no lube and just a little spit and hard-fucked him and gave him two loads. Dick was a little pink when I pulled out - but that's pretty much to be expected. He's still neg, somehow, but I'm working on it.
  8. Pumped 9 loads into Colombian fuckbud over last 36 hours. And still horny. Grrrr

    1. Giftundpozempfangb


      but Wau is that long and take out

    2. tradiemason
  9. Hatefucking is using lube. A guy that cares eats your ass til his dick naturally slides in.
  10. New Colombian fucktoy and I have swapped 13 loads in 3 meetings. I've taken 3. :)

    1. DrtyMrtini


      nice, just gave me a boner reading that

  11. Cameron and Cody - Let's Go To The Club
  12. Fucked a fun boy last night that loved eating my hole. Who am I to say no? :)

    1. raw_n_toxic


      Seemed he wanted his plowed deep and seeded. Did you do the deed?

  13. Currently, Armond Rizzo is the best. God I love the way he takes a load.
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