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About norsc

  • Birthday 11/21/1964

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  • Gender
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  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    avarage guy, poz for some years now, not really caring about it.
  • Looking For
    guys to hook up with

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  1. Very hot profile abd plenty of shared experience 

  2. Would love to bloodslam with you to swap high VL AIDS strains and nasty STDs ?

    1. FetishFreak


      Fuck that sounds hot. What other stds you open to getting? I think warts are hot as fuck in ass crack makes me wanna stuff my face in their crack and eat it out and then fuck it and rub dick against it. I want warts in my ass crack just as a slut status symbol like my biohazard tramp stamp on lower back. What do you want? You into nastier ones like syphilis?

  3. If you want to swap some bugs, let me know


  4. Hey guys, I moved to Vienna. So if there are any bugs round here, let me know....
  5. 2 million count - that's great, well done! Are you going for higher than that? I hope so!

  6. I am a musician, so I travel a lot and come to all sorts of places to play concerts. I remember a night in Hamburg, when a guy I had chatted with (so he knew what he was dealing for) came to me in the intermission. The curtain of the stage was down, so I fucked him in a corner of the stage. Luckily, we were just finished, when the curtain went up again….
  7. Fick die toxics loads ohne Limit rein 

  8. I always try to drink it, but after some gulps I usually can’t swallow any more. Actually, I don’t like the taste, but the submissive attitude if you drink it makes me horny.
  9. I just hope Darius Ferdynand starts to bareback one day...
  10. Dude lets nasty snuff chat on wickr 

  11. I think it is Lee Santino from Lucas Entert.
  12. Vielen danke fur "das Positv Reputation"

  13. Thanks for the follow Norsc xx:*xx

  14. It really depends on the guy I suck. If he doesn’t react I usually get bored after a while. It’s like with fucking: it takes (at least) two to have fun
  15. Dane

    Hi there sexy, thanks for the following :)

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