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rimm4u43 last won the day on January 7 2016

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About rimm4u43

  • Birthday 07/09/1985

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    Pleasing you!
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    Not Sure, Probably Neg
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    Only the footage on other people's phones.

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  1. Tender is normal and get's better the more you bottom. Painful pooping, again gets better the more you bottom, you've just had muscles stretched for an extended period of time that you don't normally stretch but once a day when taking a dump. Gassy as fuck...hell yes, you have just been pumped full of air, you're going to need to blow the ass trumpet a bit. Honestly at times I can't wait to get away from the fuck of the day just so I can turn one loose without feeling like an idiot. Be thankful your husband laughs! My advice, stick to topping, us bottoms already have enough damn competition! LOL Hope your love chute feels better soon!
  2. excellent story, can't wait to read more!
  3. Hooked up with a guy a couple of times, the sex was very good. During a chat planning the third hook up he mentioned he loves the looks of a mans legs in stockings or pantyhose. Since I love making sure my men are pleased at all costs, I stopped at Target on the way to the hook up and bought a pair of fishnet stockings. Holy fuck, best decision ever. The sex went from very good to over the fucking top incredible he was so turned on by the stockings (still have the bite marks on my calves and thighs to prove it! He laughed and said next time high heels and pantyhose so I can rip a hole in them and rape you. So here I sit looking at heels on Amazon. So my question for you my fellow pigs is do you do whatever it takes to drive your top crazy? I know the heels are the last step, no full fledged cross dressing for me.
  4. Thanks formerlypopular. Do you attend them?
  5. slap me with your mighty fuck tool. gag me as you push it down my throat, pinch my nose shut making me take it even further. smother my face with your cock juices, slap and spank me if anything is not to your liking. show me that my place is servicing an alpha cock such as yours

  6. Damn hot start, can't wait to read more!
  7. Great story! Can't wait to see how it plays out.
  8. Kneeling beside Nate, in front of our dad, taking turns sucking his cock, sliding our tongues into his piss slit to gather his juices to swap, one of us wrapping our lips around his mushroom head working the underside of it as the other would kiss, lick, and suck his balls. Nate decided to use his magical deep throat skills on dad as he knew they worked so well on me. Nobody has ever deep throated a cock as well as Nate, well that is until my boy Adam came along. Anyway, Nates skills proved to be just what the old man needed as his breathing became shallower and I could feel his nuts rising as I was sucking on them, I knew the money shot was close. I released his balls from my mouth and went up to join Nate for a taste of dads cum. But dad was having none of it as he kicked me in the balls and slapped my head away saying "you want some of this you earn it like your brother did. With that he shoved his cock down Nates throat and unloaded jet after jet of cum in Nates mouth. My brother, my lover, was not a greedy man, he turned to share dads load with me. He was immediately grabbed by the hair and throat as dear old dad said "Don't even fucking think about it. Swallow it all you little faggot". Pinching his nose closed until Nate had no choice but to swallow so he could gasp for air dear old dad looked at me spewing venom saying "some day you might be worthy of it, but it's doubtful". I guess it's pretty obvious that my father didn't like me much, in fact down right hated me. He viewed me as too much like my mother, whom he couldn't stand but refused to divorce for fear of shaming his family and losing his money too. Mother was no angel and took every opportunity she could to disgrace him. She only had two loves in her life, Jim Beam and Jack Daniels. Those weren't the only two men keeping her company though. She made sure the latest and greatest tennis coach or golf pro from the club was always at her beck and call. I recall coming home one afternoon while mother was entertaining the tennis coach and golf pro at the same time. Dear old dad wasn't particularly happy when we walked in and found mother being spit roasted. It was at that point my relationship changed drastically with my father. He was appalled at my staring at the situation before me, thinking I was staring at my naked mother. Of course I couldn't tell him that what had piqued my interest were the gorgeous tanned muscular bodies of the men who were violating her. For the following week dear old dad joined us nightly in our room. We were required to offer our mouths and asses for his pleasure however he only ever fucked Nate and turned him into his cum dump. I lay there most nights humiliated, embarrassed as their fucking quickly became love making sessions. The only purpose I served was licking dads ass, a chore he thought unworthy of Nate. One Friday upon coming home from school my father announced to us that mother had left, and was never coming back. When Nate asked why dad said she had taken off with the golf pro and that was the end of it. Upon hearing me utter "smart woman" I was delivered a blow to the head that brought me to my knees. Kicking, punching, slapping, spitting were more treats I was given. To this day I'm convinced the only thing that saved me were the intervention from my Nate and my sister. I gathered my bruised and bloody self and made my way to the door giving the old man one final FUCK YOU YOU MISERABLE BASTARD before leaving with nothing but the clothes on my back and less than $20 in my pocket. The only logical choice to me seemed to be the military. I joined the army, did my time and saved every dime I could. I spent many nights laying awake in that bunk thinking of Nate and wishing things could have been different, that we could have had the great love we were destined for but our father ruined. After leaving the army and four years at Harvard business I started my company. There was a little something called the Internet coming about and good sources said there was a fortune to be made. Well I guess I don't need to point out that they were right. I did what any gay, former military, self respecting man did in that day and age, I got married. We married out of necessity. She was a lesbian from an ultra conservative family and needed to be married to a man to inherit her fortune. I agreed to the arrangement as long as she agreed to bear my children. These fine men kneeling before you are the product of a gay father that had his lesbian wife artificially inseminated. Poor little fuckers didn't have a chance in hell of being straight. I heard a chuckle come from Josh, looking at him I see his gaze affixed intently on Adam, Nick releases the leashes, patting them both on the head saying "You've been good boys, give yourselves a treat." With that they both begin removing Nicks jock strap, licking him from his waist to his toes and back again. They work with perfect synergy as one takes Nicks cock the other is rimming him or sucking his balls. There's never a moment when their tongues leave Nicks body. Nick snaps his fingers and instantly the show is over with both men kneeling at his side again putting his still hard cock back in his jock I would rather chew my own tongue off than admit how incredibly fucking hot that was to watch. Nick looks at my achingly hard cock, smiles (fuck it's the same smile as Josh) and says " now where were we?" For the first time since meeting these freaks I decide to try a polite approach. "With all due respect sir, what does any of this have to do with why this room looks like my childhood bedroom, and where I came from?" Nick takes a couple of steps towards me and I instantly flinch waiting for another kick or punch. Instead he takes my face in his hands caressing it as he kisses me deeply. When he finally releases my lip from his teeth he pats my head and says "patience boy, I'm going to teach you patience yet". He begins again with "One night as my life is beginning to take shape, my lesbian wife is pregnant with twin boys and my internet start up is turning a profit much faster than anticipated I received a call from Belle asking me to come home right away, things have gone south pretty fast and she needs my help. I don't want to ask, I don't need to ask, but I have to ask, who's Belle? Nick smiles at me and says "i think we both know damn well who Belle is. Now I know for a fact my sister would have some pretty hurt feelings if she found out her own son denied knowing her.
  9. "Son it's not a story you will enjoy hearing at times. So consider yourself warned". Nick starts. What the fuck makes him think I've enjoyed any of this so far. What could he possibly tell me that would make this any worse. Sensing my discomfort Josh wraps his arms around me tighter and kisses "that spot" on my collarbone. I see out of the corner of my eye Nick restraining Adam by his hair as he lurches toward me. Immediately Nick walks to the dresser retrieving two collars and leashes. Snapping his fingers , Josh rises, sets me down and kneels on the other side of his father. Nick hands the each a collar they fasten on one another, kissing one another when they're done. Nick attaches a leash to each of his sons and winds it around his palms giving them little room. It disgusts me the empty feeling I have since I am no longer in Josh's lap. I glance at him and receive his smirk that has annoyed me to my limits up until this point. Did it really just cause my cock to twitch....no no no this CANNOT be happening. I need to stay focused, hear them out and hopefully come to some kind of compromise for my release. I was destined for greatness, wealth, power, Armani, Gucci. Everything they have to offer is tainted, I want no part of it! Nick comes forward, standing between my legs, spreading them wide with his powerful thighs he glances at my erection and says "in due time son. First you listen". Nick begins "As a young man of 15 I discovered an extreme fondness for my twin brother. Imagine my thrill when I discovered he shared the same feelings for me. It wasn't long before he and I shared the same twin bed every night. What started as sucking each other's cocks and fucking quietly each night not to disturb our parents or sister soon turned into what I knew could only be described as love. We couldn't handle any time apart, sneaking away to the bathroom in between classes at school to sneak a kiss, often times being late to class because we were unable to part without one of us having given the other a blow job." Letting out a chuckle Nick continues, "I spent a great majority of my high school years walking the halls with my brothers cum on my breath. And then one night it happened.we each thought the other had locked the bedroom door. As Nate is drilling his cock into my eager hole and saying "I love you Nick, I'll always be yours and you'll always be mine". The door knob turns, we both look over as we hear "I knew I had been hearing this shit going on in here for a while. You nasty little fuckers. I've managed to raise a couple of fucking queers. And there so goddamn pathetic they can't even land another man they have to fuck each other. Your an embarrassment and disgrace to this family." As our father berated us more and more I covered my face with the pillow knowing that what he was saying should be true, but it didn't feel true. My feelings for Nate just seemed right, we made each other so happy, there's no way that was wrong. I suddenly felt the mattress shift, I watched as Nate crossed the room with his beautiful lean naked body, he closed and locked the door. He grabbed our fathers arm spinning him around Nate spat at him "your words don't mean shit old man because your body is betraying you." At that Nick grabbed dads crotch, only then did I realize dads cock was ragingly hard. Nick got on his knees in front of dad and with one hand undid his zipper as he waved me over to join him with the other hand.
  10. Nick stands in front of me caressing my cheek as Josh continues holding me in his lap. It's a strange twist to this horrific experience but I have to let go, I cannot fight any longer! I have nothing left, I've been beaten, bloodied, bruised, and battered, and I'm certain they have taken their toll on my looks, and who knows what my hair even looks like at this point! With his arms wrapped around me and his hands in my lap gently caressing my cock Josh nips at my earlobe saying "Just relax and listen, we mean you no harm." I look up at Nick and ask why this room looks the way it looks. Nick lifts my chin, looking me in the eye saying "son, it's a reminder of where you came from so that you never return there." Giving him a confused and bewildered expression I say "How would you know where I came from?" "I suppose the best way to answer that is by telling you where I came from" Nick replies. It's getting harder and harder to concentrate on Nicks words as Josh continues playing with my cock, he's inside my jock strap now and as his thumb nail finds its way into my piss slit I can't help but let a moan escape. It feels so good to feel good for a change. I've completely lost my mind because I'm sitting here letting a man that has sex with his father and brother get me off and I'm enjoying it. As the thought crosses my mind Nick looks at Josh and growls "Enough" and slaps his hand away from my cock at the same time very effectively giving my cock and balls a painful blow that doubles me over. Great, we're back to the abuse I think as I feel like throwing up from the punch to the balls. Josh gathers me back in his arms kissing my cheek and neck whispering "sorry baby". The minute those words leave Josh's mouth Adam steps forward grabbing the spiked paddle off the dresser top a sending me a look that leaves chills on every inch of my body. "I'm going to fucking" are the only words Adam has a chance to get out as Nick snaps his fingers Adam immediately falls to the floor kneeling besides his father who begins petting his head. "If you two are done with your spectacle, it's time to begin. As I said we will let this man know how we know where he comes from by telling him where we come from. I think he will be more than thrilled to know how nicely he fits in with our little family."
  11. I know my place...it's between your legs giving you the treatment you deserve!

  12. I know my place...it's between your legs giving you the treatment you deserve!

  13. As I am led down a long dark hallway I can feel the fear climbing up my spine and begin sweating profusely. Where are they taking me? Why are they taking me some where? Is this the part where they kill me and bury the body at the back of the estate, how many graves do they have filled with those of us that are moral upstanding people not wanting to participate in the disgusting filth these animals do. Fathers fucking sons, fucking brothers, fucking grandsons. WTF get me out of here! As if sensing my thoughts Adam quickly turns on his heel, slaps me upside the head hard enough to send the other side of my head slamming into the wall. Before I can get my bearings he has his forearm crushing my throat and growls at me, "we have tolerated all of the disrespect we are going to from you. When we enter the room you will sit at my fathers feet and you will hear him out! There will be no attitude, you will only give responses when asked a question, and most importantly you WILL thank him for what he has done for you." I can barely gasp my agreement but what am I to do, I have to play these fools game if I hope to make it out alive. I can already see bruises from the punches, kicks, and grabbing I have received from these animals, I have to salvage what I can in the event I do make it out alive and am fortunate enough to find a man with the class, sophistication, and power these fools claim to have. As Nick unlocks the bedroom door, Adam pushes me through throwing me to the ground. Well spectacular, lets just add rug burns to the growing list of wounds I will need to recover from! I feel a hand on my shoulder and flinch as I turn my head expecting yet another blow of some sort to be delivered. Instead I feel a hand gently rubbing up and down my arm I look up and it's Josh kneeling beside me with what a few hours ago I consider a smarmy grin from a half whit. I instantly flinch and recoil from his touch, what kind of depraved pain is he going to inflict now? Still with the smile that dare I admit I might find charming at this point if circumstances were different, he lifts me up and brings me to the bed holding me in his arms and says, "stop learning everything the hard way. Haven't you had enough, it will just continue until you calm down and listen, that's all father is asking." I'm exhausted from fighting, I have nothing left. It disturbs me the comfort I am feeling being in Josh's arms right now. Nick approaches us on the bed, lifting his hand he ruffles Josh's hair and kisses him on the lips saying, "My Josh, always the peacemaker, the bleeding heart. We will play this your way unless things get out of hand, if they do, that leaves Adam's way, and you may have to leave the room for that!" I can't help it, as I feel Josh's arms tighten around me the only sense of comfort I have felt for what seems like days washes over me. That comfort doesn't last long as I look over at Adam who has arranged a ball gag, hand cuffs, and mother fucker, is that a taser??? on top of the dresser. I can't help it, I cling to Josh tighter yet, not even seeming to mind his erection poking my leg as I cuddle into him. Nick looks me in the eye and says " Now son, let me tell you why you are here." I barely catch his words because for the first time since being thrown into the room by Adam I take in my surroundings and shout, "What the ever loving fuck" as I realize this room is an exact replica of my childhood bedroom.
  14. heard they might have shut the warehouse down? Anyone know if that's true?
  15. Roguematrix your writing is incredible! Love all your stories and can't wait for the next chapter!
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