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Everything posted by rawfuckr

  1. I'm sort of in the same place that you are. Guy had 60 partners/month and was hitting every single drug out there.. BUT the researchers have a pretty good case for strong adherence. He had a daily log, his measured levels were totally consistent with daily dosing, and so were his pill counts. Still the way he turned + is very strange. Got + AB test with negative/UD PCR test, even with very fine lab HIV testing. If he was taking truvada consistently, and from his dry blood spot samples seems he was, how was he able to seroconvert without a significant viral load? No one knows and its a mistery.
  2. http://www.aidsmap.com/page/3118230/ Quite bizarre
  3. very nice. Why only to men under 45? Which one are they giving out? Gardasil 4 or Gardasil 9? Is it free?
  4. This guy didn't poz you. You were HIV+ before this event happened. It takes at the very least two weeks for a 4th gen test to turn +, and PCR test would take about a week. It's very unlikley you got pozzed on friday and were already testing + on monday. You simply were HIV+ before friday.
  5. It is exactly the same. US version is 'Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate', EU version is 'Tenofovir Disoproxil' which yields different mg counts. The 'tenofovir disoproxil fumarate' is the prodrug in the pill.. your body metabolizes this down to 'tenofovir disoproxil' which the active ingredient. The different in mgs comes from telling which one you are counting, but they are the same compound with same quantities on the pill. From here https://goo.gl/r4RkjU : Tablet: 200 mg of emtricitabine and 300 mg of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (equivalent to 245 mg of tenofovir disoproxil): blue, capsule-shaped, film-coated, debossed with "GILEAD" on one side and with "701" on the other side.
  6. I would assume NHS makes their decisions on what drugs to use, in trials done all over, and not just in the UK. There must be lots of drugs which would be impossible to assert efficacy by the UK alone. Thus this argument that NHS needs to 'run their own numbers' to justify cost it's a bit iffy. There have been so many PrEP trials so far that efficacy is beyond any reasonable doubt. I'm surpirsed Truvada already only costs $510 in the UK. My script in USA runs at about $1450/month... from which I pay nothing. I'd think the UK could bring the generic price down a lot in a couple of years! And this is why I think the NHS is just dancing around nothing. They could just pay the brand pricing for a couple of years, avoid lots of people getting HIV, and get into a cost effective situation later. Like what France is doing. And to your last line, yes! PrEP has completely obliberated the HIV+/HIV- divide in the USA. No one cares anymore, because it doesn't matter anymore. Between TASP and PrEP, it's a new world. Myself - I started not thinking about it a couple of years back. But it was a process for me to get to that point. I imagine it will be the same for lots of other people.
  7. What does this actually mean? Is the NHS simply buying some time until the generics arrive and the cost savings from giving PrEP to people vs HIV infections are real?
  8. In the latest case of PrEP seroconversion, the guy kept testing negative on his 3rd gen HIV antibody testing while his PCR was +. 4th gen eventually became poz. So yes, it does seem like PrEP may delay a poz on antibody tests, specially older 3rd generation. Ask your provider to do regular PCR or 4th gen to catch anything asap.
  9. I'd assume double dosing will give you more side effects and not necessarily 'double' the protection. These things get metabolized by your body at a certain rate and maybe part of the extra pill gets just filtered away. That said, it's probably OK for the short term.
  10. I'm sure that did't have anything to do with it.... Frankly, Norway has so much money that I guess for them it was not a difficult choice. Cash strapped systems like NHS and the like are a lot more reticent because of the bottom line.
  11. New case of HIV acquisition this time coming from a prep study in the Netherlands. http://www.gaysite.nl/actueel/2016/10/prep-beschermt-niet-100-procent Little details on this one other than guy got truvada resistant strain...
  12. All details here http://www.thebody.com/content/78607/despite-second-case-of-hiv-prep-still-most-effecti.html TLDR Guy claims 100% bare top (condoms with partner when bottom) Partner +UD comfirmed he didn't get it from partner. claims to have had only two other partners from where he acquired HIV. He was 100% top with them HIV strain he got has resistance mutations for most of the nucleosides and some NNRTIs [non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors] adherence tested through hair samples and dry blood spots developing story ...
  13. Poz UD & Neg on PrEP guys are the only guys guaranteed not to give you HIV Everyone else risk is higher. You can't determine who is 'negative' and most poz not medicated guys don't know they are poz... so how to tell them apart? You can't. That's what you have PrEP though. To stop getting HIV in the case you get a High VL poz load. If you want to minizime risks just try to limit your bare play to Poz UD / Neg on PrEP guys.
  14. I'm so hesitant about buying Truvada/Tenvir-EM from indian pharmacies... I bought some ED drugs, viagra/cialis generic, and they do NOTHING compared to the real thing. Did a lot of A/B testing and the 100mg of sildenafil from Alldaychemist (suhagra) did nothing to me while 100mg of generic sildenafil from US (5 x 20mg Revatio) give me a brutally insane hardon This instantly made me not trust Alldaychemist, specially for something like PrEP where you have no feedback on what you are ingesting. I understand some people in London are doing Tenofovir testing to make sure you are taking the real thing, but still leaves a lot of room to suspect that one batch you buy from some random indian pharmacy may be placebo. Europe needs officially sanctioned PrEP now.
  15. Seems you are London based. How/Where are you getting your Truvada pills if you don't mind to share? NHS won't pay for them atm.
  16. I think part of the problem is that the actual mechanism why PrEP works are not completely understood. We know it works, we are not sure why. If it is because of Tenofovir concentration on PMBCs cells, then TAF/Descovy will be a fantastic agent for PrEP.
  17. Is this true? AFAIK There have only been two studies related to TAF (Descovy) and PrEP and they are not too promising. One in monkeys did show Descovy protecting the animals from infection, but when they looked at concentrations of Tenofovir in people through TAF dosing, it was much less than expected, specially in rectal areas. Look at it here https://goo.gl/8eGcJW, But as far as gay breeding goes, this is what matters: "Tenofovir concentrations in rectal tissue were about 10-fold lower with TAF than with TDF. Here, levels peaked by day 3 and remained detectable through the end of the 14-day study period. TFV-DP levels were undetectable in 63% of the rectal samples after TAF dosing but always detectable after TDF dosing" TL;DR TAF(Descovy) produces lower levels of Tenofovir in your butt which may mean less protection. Emphasis on 'may'
  18. Are you uncut? Somehow, after breeding and fucking bare hundreds of asses every year I've never tested + for an STD in my dick.
  19. Would you mind to share the frequency and activities you've been doing that landed you with 4 STDs? I tend to think I'm a bit of a whore and either I'm lucky and I'm not getting many STDs or I simply don't hook up that much compared to other people. I got chlamydia twice in my close to 4 years on PrEP, which I don't think is much. BTW, both of my cases had no symptoms and would not had been caught without my PrEP quarterly testing.
  20. I looked on this a bit more and I really think the huge spike in STD numbers is simply PrEP users now getting tested orders of magnitude more often, and therefore, all this stuff being caught and reported! way more often. Check this out. SF city clinic STD rates for last two years all the way up to july 2016: https://www.sfdph.org/dph/files/reports/StudiesData/STD/STD072016.pdf Pretty flat. This is a mixture of people who show up at the STD clinic regardless of PrEP using status. If there was any crisis you would see some obvious rise on that graph.
  21. The big thing about Descovy and PrEP, is that we DON'T know if it works as PrEP. It's easy to test TAF based Tenofovir formulations in people with HIV, but much harder to do efficacy studies on prevention, specially now we have Truvada PrEP. TAF, the version of Tenofovir in Descovy, is metabolized different than Truvada's and it may make a different, with less concentrations of it where it matters, when it comes to prevention. We don't know yet. Do you have happen to know how the study is going to be conducted? One arm with Truvada, another one with Descovy?
  22. This is SO DUMB. Like anything that the AHF tries to promote. 1) Major flaw of this 'research letter' is it compares STD rates of people on PrEP vs people non on PrEP and gives the rates on per person/years without taking into account the amount of sex acts people not on PrEP are having. The only thing this study is telling you people on PrEP are having more sex people not on PrEP. But it doesn't meat PrEP leads more STDs per se. The study should focus into what are the rates per fuck on PrEP/noPrEP (bare/wrapped essentially). I'd guarantee you those numbers are quite close. 2x max for the PrEP group. 2) The study does mention, that people on PrEP are getting tested for STDs at a rate absurdly higher than the normal folks. Therefore they'll test + for everything way more often. This alone maybe the reason for this wooping numbers. TL;DR PrEP people are having more sex and getting tested more often due to strict protocol. This shows up in the statistics.
  23. If you get gono or chlam usually you get a scratchy throat, maybe some phlegm, but not much else. Most of the time even no symptoms. If cock thrusting was heavy you may also have your throat fucked up for a few days until it becomes normal, but that could be simply because of the thrust on your throat wall. What you describe seems something else.
  24. A note on this. It seems Truvada causes a 1% bone density loss on *everyone*, specially young adults the first six months and then it stops there. ( sources: http://goo.gl/4oS2Qz http://goo.gl/dpBFfv ) Definitely true with negative guys, I'm assuming it's the same with poz guys. Long term consequences of BDL with Tenofovir based PrEP are unknown at the moment, although most researchers insist on the term 'not clinically significant' meaning more bone fractures are not being observed, it's just that we can measure the 1% BDL through DEXA scans. Something to keep in mind.
  25. I'm just thinking I'm going to put a "BB only" wording on profiles to avoid further trouble. Hopefully that will weed out the wrapped play nazis.
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