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Everything posted by PissPigBrooklyn

  1. Would love to see you do some! Apply to some of the studios.
  2. Thanks for following me, stud!

    1. HairyManSteve


      Hey bud - you are welcome!

  3. NYC is not known for bathhouse action but you will be near the WSC (West Side Club) You could try that.
  4. I don't know what kind of "arrangement" you and your bf had before this incident. Since you say he "cheated" I am guessing that either the two of you were supposed to be exclusive or the two of you were only supposed to have others in your relationship when together. But your name is pozmeup and you are on here and you didn't hesitate a minute to call up this other guy and let him fuck your ass, knowing that your boyfriend would discover you. I suspect the issue is less about whether he lied or not (and I admit that lying is a huge trustbreaker) than it is about your wanting him to go outside the relationship and using your suspicions to allow you to do that. you both need to be honest with each other. you should tell him how much chasing turns you on and how much you want him to either join you in that chase or at least allow you to chase freely. If he is not willing to accept the risk maybe he can get on PrEP but allow you to continue your search for hiv.
  5. I would love to do a threeway with Tim Skyler topping me! He is so fucking sexy!
  6. Drinking of piss is probably the same as the consumption of any fluid such as water. One can drink too much piss, more fluid than the kidneys can absorb at one time. That would probably amount to about 24 oz of water or about three or four bladders full. I have consumed more than that on occasion but presumably did not get full bladders of that golden elixir of man piss.
  7. Totally envious of those who can hold the piss in all night! I manage about a half hour at best. I would also love to have my mouth on these guys' assholes when they wake up in the morning!
  8. Sean is still in fort Lauderdale, is still a pig and is escorting!
  9. I wouldn't mind having a partner who produces guys who I must let fuck or otherwise sexually use me but damn he better produce the guys in quantity
  10. Quite right, gaynevets. And I had it twice. I cursed the day I went raw many times when I had the fuck flu but felt differently soon after it was over. You don't have to make any decisions about anything yet. Just hang in there and know that you are not alone. If you wish to take meds there is a decent health care system (at least if you are insured) and much support to take care of you. If you don't begin on meds right away, you also have a lot of support especially here. And you are right you are extremely infectious at this stage, probably getting a bit more so each day. Hang in there and keep posting or messaging here. Welcome to the Brotherhood!
  11. It can be a stunning visual for a top to see a pisspig so full of the top's golden load that it just flows out of the corners of his mouth. I have a fb who gives me at least one piss load a visit in a goblet so he can watch me in anticipation as I see the goblet flow and then watch as I drink his piss down.
  12. In films the use of a cockring is two fold. For one it is for the look and for the guys who fetishize them The second and perhaps more important reason is that they help the performer maintain his erection through the arduous and sometimes even tedious process of filmmaking.
  13. Definitely down for std sex! Parade me around on a leash and find as many of the sickliest looking dripping pigs bone me, fill me with their diseased cum, piss fuck me till my stomach swells then make me lie in it!
  14. Always a risk and it depends on more than just the status and position of the person who is positive. Some people and most people at some time are more receptive to the hiv virus than others. Successfulchaser rightly points out that his roughed up anus was more receptive to being pozzed at that point than it perhaps would have been had he not interfered. Similarly the roughed up anus of a poz bottom could conceivably transfer the virus to a neg top were the cock or even fingers were they used to have any entry points.
  15. I went from a 4 in the 80's to a 5 in the 90's and the aughts then became a 6.5 (actively chasing seeking only poz men) and now having converted have settled at 6!
  16. Wow, someone on this site must have been to the U.S. one. More details please.
  17. My piss fetish started at the beginning of adolescence when a bunch of us exploring through a game of strip poker decided to up the stakes by adding the dare of a loser consuming the winners' urine. One of the guys caught on to the fact that I liked losing and we continued to play the "game" for a couple years longer. I put the fetish away for a bit until post college when a friend of mine spoke of a very similar experience. We tried it again but unfortunately despite our mutual enjoyment our fuck friendship ended for reasons completely unrelated to sex. It was however shortly later the bar The Toilet opened in New York with tubs and if I recall trough urinals. My partner at the time had very different feelings about water sports and I had to sneak off to indulge my lust. By the time the Mine Shaft oepend he had come around and I was free to pursue my fetish freely. (I did sort of miss the snealing around however.)
  18. Dawson and later Ian Jay became my porn heroes. Would love to make it with both!
  19. Just make the phone call. At least that way you will have the information you need and can make future decisions. You are right to postpone taking poz loads sans PrEP until you are emotionally ready but making the telephone call will certainly help your emotional state. Happy Barebacking!
  20. That is the most wonderfully graphic description of gono I have read in a long time.
  21. I need to meet a few of those granddaddy hunters
  22. It is hot! hotter than hell. Try it!
  23. Reports, guys. How was it? do you know the date for next year?
  24. Oh man what I wouldn't give to find that club. Thanks for a great story!
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