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Everything posted by RhodyCumhole

  1. So sick of people on G.  Fucking obnoxious.  Always at least one to ruin a good fuckbuddy party.

    1. Fistulike666


      Everyone at a fuckparty that's not a total all-out chemfest need to be using the same sort of stuff and playing at the same level, otherwise things just get really weird and end up being a big disappointment if a few get really spun out and others are just on a bit of 420 or maybe only poppers

  2. Not going to lie.  It's getting to a point where if I see a top who is having trouble finding someone to fuck, I think to myself "Okay, clearly there must be something wrong with this guy"

    Starting to think that tops are an endangered species in Boston.

  3. Guys with profiles on fuckbuddy apps like Grindr, Scruff, Growlr, etc.  who say they are "not looking for a hookup" are fucking pissing me off.  First off, you're taking up space - space which could be utilized by someone who actually wants to fuck me.  Get lost.  There are so many websites for people looking for love and commitment.  Not this one.  Leave.  

    Then, even better, you have the "hookups are fine, but let's get to know each other first" people.  I fucking hate you even more than the last guy.  The last guy is at least up front about the fact that he's not going to fuck me.  You, on the other hand, are telling me that you'll probably fuck me, but only after you've made me wait.  Congratulations.  You have successfully turned fucking into a chore.

  4. So tired of potential hookups grilling me for that I'm "into" every time.  Look dude, I just want to get together and fuck and see where it goes.  I'm not planning this all out ahead of time.  Just go with it.  Do whatever you want, and if I want you to stop I'll say so.  Only the reeeeeally extreme things require a conversation ahead of time and those are common sense.  Rest assured, if you don't know one of them and you do it without having had the necessary conversation, you'll learn quickly what to do next time.

    1. pupHawaii


      being a bottom - for me the question is - you top?   although I've had a couple of guys tell me yes .. then when the pants came off they wanted me to fuck them (no one from here) .. i was not a happy camper .. 

  5. Fucking amazing! Ended up with 11 loads, and have already set up a few repeat encounters with some of the guys that shot in me.
  6. Headed to CumUnion at Club Body Center in Providence tonight. Anyone else going?
  7. Definitely hairy
  8. I used to live in Provincetown and am so curious which guesthouse this was. From your description, I have several guesses. Also, The Ranch was amazing. I miss that place. I'd go to bed every night with a sore but satisfied hole.
  9. Anyone else going to the CUMunion event in Providence tonight?

  10. Absolutely! It took me YEARS to go from safe-only strict top to bareback cumpig bottom. When I think of all that I missed out on.....
  11. Anyone in Rhode Island or the surrounding area? Shoot me a message. Looking to meet some new people.

  12. On my back - every time. One of the things I enjoy most about taking a load is watching the look on my top's face when he's pumping me full of cum.
  13. Only tried it recently for the first time, and I can't wait to do it again!!!
  14. Luca Bondi and Mike Dozer are at the top of my list!
  15. Awesome, buddy! I'd love to hear more!
  16. I was a STRICT top for year! Then one day I just had the urge to head to the bathhouse and take a few lods. Haven't looked back since! I still go there often and just let everyone breed me. I've even run into a few guys who used to bottom for me - and taken their loads too!
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