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Status Updates posted by Dirtyfuckboy

  1. Threw meds out again and need to let the virus take over again

    1. funbtm4top


      So hot Dirtyfuckboy, I need your seed.

    2. Dirtyfuckboy


      fucking need to see pigs worship me

      the more likes and oinks the more i will post


    3. playmate92


      Will present my hole for you to pump full of your DNA and be your human urinal for your potent chempiss fill it up my hole or down my throat  I’m just a worthless hole for you sir

  2. Threw out my meds and had to download all my cruising apps and try to find all my real friends that i was forced to delete and block.  Have a small crystal in ass as got rid of my equipment and feeling best i have in ages! Daddy is back boys!!!!

    1. Kinkybreed


      Fuck yes. If you need a new guy to corrupt, infect and destroy.. I volunteer! 😉

    2. drscorpio


      Take lots of pics for us, and share the stories!

    3. iman2004


      welcome back. It's been a bit quiet without you!

  3. To go with the new piercing and soon to add tattoos I am now contemplating leather... Any suggestions piglets?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BBJONNY


      for the record, lone_wolf is a cocky stud, definitely not short of confidence these days. his angelic face, hides his devilish side, hence why I always call him El Diablo in private. H has a stunning Latino look, with that milky/caramel skin, and sexy torso. as for down below, the 9" thick/fat cock, with foreskin oozes pre-cum in abundance, before the main performance of a flood, almost tsunami of thick poz Latino cum, which seems to be in a never neding torrent.

      Cocky he is, but sexually and God like.

  4. Trying to hit the magical99 likes and loves etc. The lucky guy might get a special gift from me. Bored and semi clean and need attention...

    1. wm4bm


      Hot! I am always looking for a special gift, I have two holes for use!!

  5. Update 2. To celebrate am getting my first piercing...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pupHawaii


      tell us - AND - take a picture!  ?


    3. Dirtyfuckboy


      Got right nipple bar in. You can just about make it out through my clothing. It's the first step to get the outside to start to match my inside in terms of how fucked up and bad I am inside.

  6. Update 3: ex bf has now messaged me non stop asking how could I do that to him and his now ex boyfriend. He's shocked at what I done and how much I changed saying I am a different person. Thinking of trying to meet up with him in person to show him exactly how much I changed. Ps the piercing is healing smoothly

    1. leatherpunk16


      It was pretty fucking twisted. After all that's gone before and what you've shared with us, he would probably not be willing to meet you unless he intends to whoop your ass. Have mercy and give the guy some space. You did your damage.

    2. bugRyan


      Again, Mission Accomplished!  The damage is done and the cheater is converting.  And yea you changed for sure.  You changed, converted, transformed and upgraded to be a POZ fucker with no regrets.  No need to meet, you don't owe him anything.

  7. Update: met up with fag ex coworker and slipped him a little something to loosen him up. Took him to mates and made sure he got what he deserved. Already forwarded video to his bf and half the office. Guess he'll have more time to enjoy exploring his single life as a pig lol.

  8. Update. Ex dumped his bf after I sent Snapchats of me knocking up the chemmed up pig. The bf is a mess and hopefully too distraught and upset to remember to get PEP. Job done.

    1. bugRyan


      Mission accomplished!  I bet you feel so fucking Powerful and Proud!

    2. ScaredCumdump


      Is there any way we can see these vids of you knocking him up? >:-3

  9. Want to post the entire convo of my ex coworker and how I broke him down. Any ideas what's the best way to do it on here?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dirtyfuckboy


      This is when I know I have turned him into a slut


    3. chasejake666


      tell him to get pozzed up and go to hell - and that you'll met him there...

    4. SmoothATLVers


      He has a beautiful smooth tight boy hole. Perfect for breeding. ?

  10. Was supposed to start meds today. Guess that's probably why I cracked. Flushed them down the toilet 

    1. leatherpunk16


      That stuff doesn't belong in the water system. Water treatment facilities aren't meant to handle that kind of chemical. Just hang on to them in a cabinet somewhere. Then you can look at them and say, "Fuck yes. Today, Sarah Palin!" And then close the door. A symbolic reminder of what you are doing.

    2. Dirtyfuckboy


      Am afraid my consultant will try to crack me again and I may have a moment of weakness and give in if I keep them in the house. The upside is when I do come back to my senses and go med free my strain can become resistant

  11. Was supposed to start meds today. Guess that's probably why I cracked. Flushed them down the toilet 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bugRyan


      Real Men who get bugged up don't fucking take meds.  They let the bug grow so the nut that squirts out of your weaponized cock is toxic breeder cum.  Proud that you flushed those bug killing meds bro.  Stay spun up and lethal!

    3. Dirtyfuckboy


      This. I can't believe they tricked me and the worst thing is I almost fell for it. They almost took the very essence of me away and destroyed it. I am never going back now!

    4. 1111bb2222


      Agree! Did the same with my meds

  12. Went to midnight mass because there was a hot guy I needed to lock down as my next victim

  13. What brand jockstraps would you pigs recommend?

  14. What do u pigs think of my work?

  15. What I mean is how long do I have to entertain this pig until he is knocked up- he's been taking my unmedicated cum for over 2 weeks without any Prep. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. drscorpio


      After two weeks, there isn't enough PrEP in his system to protect him. 

      Yes, if he were to go back on PrEP after being pozzed, he could develop resistance to the drugs in PrEP. That's why you still have to have regular HIV Tests on PrEP. 

    3. Bmann55


      I’m available if you want to stake your claim with me dirtyfuckboy! 

    4. ejaculaTe


      "make him twisted beyond his darkest nightmares..." 

      chaotic evil indeed....

  16. What new years resolutions should i make?

    1. nicesexyass


      Don't know for you ... try a DP ... never did myself but would like so bad , to be double fucked , feel two cocks slide agains each othr in my ass .  Would you try that too ?

  17. What's your go-to gym set list of songs?

    1. AznslutSF


      I have a playlist I create for the gym.  It’s a mix of amalee (j-pop), ceui (j-pop), Aimee (j-pop), Katy perry and Shawn mendes.  Looking now a lot are j-pop lol yours?

  18. Who wants to see the lad i fucked just now

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. gaydude44447


      I bet you could make some hot as fuck fuck videos.

    3. 7bb86

    1. methslamjunkie


      Hot as fuck. 💉☣️

  20. Wired as fuck pigs. Talk to us as we bring two guys to the brotherhood

    1. alwaysready


      film at 11?  you use lube, or just plunge in raw and dry? messes the ass up

    2. Berdell
  21. Worst comedown and feel like shit with massive migraine

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. PissPigBrooklyn


      Fluids, fluids, fluids!

    3. Dirtyfuckboy


      Loads of vitamin C and water and energy drinks but feel rough as fuck.  Any tips on how to get over it faster?!?

    4. playmate92


      Avoid energy drinks but get lots of electrolytes 

  22. Would this gear look hot on me


    1. Raw666fuck


      Absofuckinglutely.   Hot leather Faggot

    2. alwaysready


      yes. i would suggest two jackets. one plain, one a biker's jacket. a vest, t shirt, cap, belts.  an expensive ... hobby though.


    3. JamesL100


      You wouldn't fit inside a jockstrap .. so leave it bare 😉

  23. You are what I aim to be like in 20 years time bro

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