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    [think before following links] https://www.recon.com/RG77

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  1. That particular video was about having a 'safe' bdsm meet - I don't think there was even any oral during the session, and having my cock in a sheaf, with a condom on, made it more like I was fucking him with a toy rather than me actually fucking him. The good thing about using the sheaf the most recent time - aye, it stretched his hole, but going from having my cock encased in a sheaf, to then sliding into his gaping arse raw, was a great sensation.
  2. I can't remember where I bought that particular sheath - I think I got it during a wander round the various sex shops in central London - but they seem to be available in most places. Regulation has quite a few - [think before following links] https://regulation.co.uk/pages/search-results-page?q=sheath&tab=products&page=2
  3. Here's the cock sheaf in action - [think before following links] https://www.xvideos.com/video69558143/hotel_sub_part_three_of_three_ Not a raw clip, but you'll get the idea what it could do to your hole.
  4. Same set-up, but this time it was him bent over the massage table being a total bottom boi, even used a cock sheaf on his hole to stretch him open more. Hadn't cum in a week, such a relief unloading my balls deep in him. Then he sucked my dick clean as I played with his nipples and he sprayed his load all over the floor.
  5. At Covent Garden sauna yesterday afternoon, took two loads in my mouth - one was so far down my throat, I didn't even taste it, just felt the base of his cock shaft throbbing over and over as the cum pumped out - and one other load on the face. Nice visit. And it was getting busier by the time I left (about 5:30pm).
  6. About an hour ago, bent over a massage table, watching his face in the mirror as he fucked his load into me. Then fingered my hole as I sucked his dick clean.
  7. That's great, cheers.
  8. Does anyone know what this piece of equipment is called? [think before following links] https://www.xvideos.com/video68588971/gimme_more_cock_daddy# I've looked on a couple of fetish store websites, tried Googling different word combinations -sling freestanding cradle fetish rocking - but can't seem to find anything.
  9. I was recently speaking to one of the guys involved with running the London event and he was saying how popular it's become on it's return after lockdown and how well it's working at the new, smaller venue of the Underground Club. I only had a rough idea what a 'horse fair' set-up is, I was surprised that you can buy tickets to attend as a 'stable lad'. But maybe that's a way for you to try out the event, initially at least? To see what it's like, with an aim to going back as a mare at a later date. That way you get to see the types of guys that are attending, to get over the idea that it's full of "twinks and Muscle Marys" - because, like all events and nights and clubs (in my experience anyway), it's overwhelmingly just ordinary blokes wanting to have a good sleazy time.
  10. Your back ground picture of your Profile  - is Extremely Hot !  Makes me want to Suck some Cock - Do Not Care - POZ tattoos and Piercings is OK with me !  more - more - POZ !

  11. What a hot fucker. All the things on here i'd enjoy (a lot)  doing them with you and more.

    1. misneach


      i can also think of all the things you could do that i would enjoy feeling... 


  12. Very similar - it's the contacting guys that's the worst part for me, and especially having to tell the ones that considered our play 'safe'. For example, I picked up a throat infection and had to inform a bloke who I'd only sucked and rimmed that he should go and get himself tested, and he was unaware he'd taken any risk. That particular infection, when I informed another young lad I'd sucked off (and done nothing else with), he thanked me for my honesty and asked that I delete his number. And I'm pretty sure he was the one who had given it to me. That's why it's sort of a relief when the infection site comes back as only being in my arse - means the infection will have invariably come from, will only have been passed onto, someone who fucked me bare. And like you said, you'd hope that those guys know the score and won't be too put out being told to go get themselves tested.
  13. There's a guy I've been playing with for a number of years (a very sexy builder) and I still sometimes miss the cues for when he's going to cum, mainly because he doesn't make a sound. It's a bdsm meet, with him restrained to the bed, getting his big cock edged and having his nipples worked over. For judging when he might be getting close, I have to watch his face - when the orgasm is starting to build, he holds his breath and clenches his (manly stubbled) jaw - and watch the rest of his body - for him tensing his (impressive, furry) stomach muscles and straightening and tensing his (muscular) thighs. But with him not making any sound, it's difficult to know just how close he is - sometimes I want to get him close but not let him cum and there's been a couple of ruined orgasms when I haven't managed to stop in time. His cock does definitely swell as well, but that's difficult to reliably read too, as his cock is usually already at a hefty swell thanks to being bound and tied with a shoelace.
  14. The Locker Room in Kennington has announced it'll be re-opening as of tomorrow (Monday 24th) - [think before following links] https://lockerroomsauna.co.uk No sauna or steam room, open 12-9pm, only 30 patrons at a time, £10 entry. I'm still a bit wary of the possibility of getting involved in large groups (because of covid, but also as I've only just settled back into a routine for getting STI screenings), but really good to see it re-open.
  15. Yeah, you could chat with your mate in the jacuzzi, for all the staff know you're a couple or in the same 'bubble'. I guess it's the same as if you went into a cafe or a restaurant together - the staff aren't going to enforce social distancing on you with each other. Saying that, I don't know how vigilant the staff are at stopping guys hooking up in the cabins. There are guys looking to do that - I got cruised in the jacuzzi just before heading into my massage (well, he had a bottle of poppers with him and we were both naked and he was making small talk, so I'm taking that as a 'cruising'). The massage is purely professional, but you can be naked throughout (no towelling).
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