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Everything posted by FatFuckPigMA

  1. Stoned, drunk, and lying on my back naked on the auditorium floor of Boston's old Pilgrim Theater some Saturday afternoon (prime hours) begging strangers to fuck me, pee on me, and sit on my face. I was covered in cum, piss, and ass juice.
  2. I personally lve getting fucked by fellow cum pigs. My ideal top would have an ass full of anonymous and Poz cm. half he'd le me felch out, half he'd use for lube while fucking me. Aw for rimming, which I consider a sex act onto itself, I like any asshole that can relax to le my tongue in and that I can get a hood old on with my lips. Nothing worse that a guy who can't unclench.
  3. The whole concept has always been very hot, but this re-write adds a lot of texture and nuance.
  4. Love it. The boy looks like a young Sean Astin.
  5. M not sure it's the time or place for such questions. In my experience that is more likely to scare a potential top off
  6. Back in the early 90s when I was in my late 20s, I met this beautiful bear named Paul. I already had a long term partner, but we had an open relationship. We had only three rules: no emotional involvement beyond friendship, no romantic dating, and each of us had veto rights to use when necessary. My partner David broke these rules first when he become involved with young Alaskan Inuit chub chaser known by one and all "Eskimo Bob" at a Girth & Mirth meeting in Boston. I didn't feel confident enough to use me veto power, but what is good for the goose is good for the gander, as they say, so about a month later I met a handsome bear named Paul...also at a Girth & Mirth meeting. I was crazy about him. I loved his handsome bearded face, lush hairy body, and delicious furry ass, Even the smell of him drove me nuts. I actually felt at the time that I was in love with him, but looking back on it with wiser sensibilities I realize I was just infatuated. Nonetheless, all I could think about was getting him naked and being his sex toy. Even though I wanted to do everything Paul wanted and more, this was also the height of the AIDS epidemic and everyone was practicing safe sex, though some more than others. Personally, I had already given up on the not swallowing thing and been barebacked by a few people outside of my relationship. I would not call myself a barebacker (this term didn't even exist yet) but I was certainly beginning to lean that way. So my sex life with Paul was problematic. He didn't let me swallow, he was uncomfortable with my eating his ass though he would occasionally allow it, and he was hesitant to fuck me even rubbered up. He was so hung up I didn't even mention things like water sports and such. So to my biggest sexual regret. Paul did fuck me one time. David had long gone to bed because he had to work but Paul and I were on vacation and after Dave went to sleep we started fooling around. Finally, Paul asked to fuck me with his nice but sheathed dick. I remember he fucked me bent over the desk I had in the bedroom. I had done it standing up only a few times...mostly bent over a toilet or some porn theater seat...so I wasn't used to the rigors of the position. Also, Paul fucked very hard and took a long time to cum. So Paul fucked me for a fairly long time. At one point I looked down between our legs and noticed the rubber had fallen off due to the pounding. Is said NOTHING. I loved feeling his bare dick in my hole and I so wanted him to cum in me, but as I said he I was used to the position and Paul took a long time, so eventually my back started giving out and I asked him for a breather. When he pulled out Paul was so freaked out that the rubber fell off (and I claimed no knowledge of this) that it ended the fucking for the night and we ended up just jerking off. To make matters worse, Paul never asked to fuck me again. The situation with Paul got worse and worse and I eventuality had to stop seeing him after he used me emotionally and financially engineered my breakup with David. It was a very dark time for me, A few years later I was now a full fledged bareback bottom and in San Francisco on business. I went to the Dug Out looking for cock and I ran into one of Paul's friends who had moved to the West Coast. He offhandedly mentioned to me that Paul was now poz and was likely already infected when we were together. I was so turned on that I picked up this Asian chaser and convinced him to bareback me in my hotel room. Now my greatest fantasy is to have Paul use, humiliate, and poz fuck me. I'm not overly proud of this, but it's true. It's never going to happen because it's a really bad idea, but when I am jerking off and at my horniest that's what I think about: eating that ass, drinking his piss, and taking his dirty loads.
  7. That's just being a slut. There is a definite sub-sub-sub community forming of men on PrEP who specifically seek out poz men and loads.
  8. Love poz talk but in my experience not that many poz guys are actually into it because though they might be into barebacking they're not into gift giving/bug chasing and the talk makes them uncomfortable,
  9. I also think POZ guys have a certain sexiness all their own beyond the disease. It's sort of a red badge of courage for sex pigs.
  10. The real problem is linguistic. "Bug chasing" is not the right word in this case. "Poz chasing," i.e. being attracted to poz men instead of the diease, might be more appropriate.
  11. I don't get bug chasers on PrEP. Kinds of seems like an oxymoron to me. However, I do understand being attracted to that which has been forbidden. It's not the same as let's call it "classic" bug chasing. It is its own thing and I believe it needs its own name, like "poz chaser" which to me sounds more about the person than the disease.
  12. How straight can this guy be with his ass in the air. He took that dick like a pro.
  13. THis would make a great porn movie assuming we can find some porn stars who can actually act.
  14. I know this might seem mean spirited of me, but I can't help feel like guys on PrEP who bug chase are cheating. When I came out as a bareback pig bottom in the early 90s in Boston's COmbat Zone, there was real danger, thrill, and commitment whenever I bent over some toilet or porn theater seat to take some anonymous load from a fellow pig. I was literally risking my life each and every time. How I made it to my middish 50s, I'm not quite sure. But to be fair, if PrEP had been around back then (or if I were 25 years younger), I would have taken it. I didn't start out craving poz loads, just loads. The bug chasing part evolved over time as I started looking for bigger and better thrills. If your interested, check out my blogs under "Sex Pig Diaries." Also, I'm glad people are having fun again. It is sometimes easy to forget that sex is supposed to be that. One day, bug chasing and gift giving will disappear except in the memory of a bunch increasingly aging queens who managed to survive reminiscing about the "good old days."
  15. An oldie but a goodie. I have always partial to pig sex in porn theaters.
  16. I'm having problem with the term submissive. Though I'm a card carrying pig bottom....something I discovered when I was around 25 or 26 and I asked some stranger in a Boston porn theater restroom to piss in my mouth...I've never been submissive. In other words, I don't let things happen to me; I've always sought them out.
  17. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=3r7Tj-G353-#.VPIMUWwuihA
  18. I've always said the only difference between Abercrombie & Fitch and a gay bar is a mirror ball.
  19. Disco and techno music should be banned from amateur porn. Grunts and groans should be enough.
  20. I like the whole crack shore thing. I've always felt coke is much sexier and sleazier (in a good way) favor than Tina.
  21. PrEP seems to effectively prevent HIV, but there are still plenty of STDs out there to be wary of, so it's not a license to be a bathhouse or ABS slut...unless you want that. What it does allow you to do is casually date, have natural sex if this your want, and enjoy yourself without fear or paranoia. Look at it this way, you no longer have to discuss status during dessert and coffee.
  22. I vote for letting yourself heal both you and your partners will enjoy t more if you do.
  23. I applaud you tell us a story of sex gone bad. It's a reality all have to deal with. Life is not porn.
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