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Everything posted by breederboy

  1. My take is that if he was hunting for sex on Craigslist & wanting bred, and didn't ask your status beforehand, then it's totally his responsibility. Don't feel bad, no reason for you to! People have to take responsibility for themselves. If he was looking to be bred, then he should have assumed there would be a risk. He knew the risks, and if he didn't then he's just dumb. He should get educated about it, as you say, being undetectable is an extremely low risk of transmission anyway, as I often explain to guys. often wonder about this too. Like on Grindr, where it's not always assumed by guys that you might be poz, unlike say BBRTS or a poz-friendly site. Since you're undetectable, like me, there's no way that you could have given him "fuck flu" if that's what he calls it. The guy has some issues clearly. He's probably slept with a ton of other guys & is just paranoid. The reality is that many guys still are ignorant about hiv. Being undetectable and healthy is a much lower risk of transmission than a high viral load. Personally, I hate when a guy asks if I'm "clean". If a potential hookup asks that during chat, I stop chatting with him, because it's rude. You can ask, are you hiv poz, and I'm happy to discuss it, but being hiv positive does not make you "unclean". Also, hiv is a chronic, manageable condition now, not some deadly disease, with treatment. It's not the 1980s anymore. Guys like that really need to get with the times & learn what undetectable is. Being poz today means you can live a long full healthy life with treatment. Here's where I come down with regards to hooking up as a total top poz man. If the guy point blank asks me, like on grindr, I tell them, I'm not going to lie. If they're open, great, if not, oh well, I wouldn't want to breed someone that shallow & uninformed anyway, & at least I can sleep well at night, & besides, plenty more fish in the sea. If they don't ask at all, then I don't feel obligated to tell them or bring it up. Although, on sites like bbrts which is poz-friendly anyway, or a4a, I state my status as undetetcable. But on Grindr, I don't tell unless they ask me directly. That approach has served me well.
  2. I work security in a downtown area and a dude hit me up said he recognized me from seeing me at work and said he wanted fucked. Hot dude, I think he works in the mayor's office & I have seen him a couple of times in the gym, too. He has roomies & so do I so it can be tricky for either of us to host, but a few weeks back, he texted me and said he really needed fucked & said if we were quiet I could sneak in and he would give me hole. So that's just what I did, I felt better about it because it was late, so more discrete for him, got there, snuck in through side door & we went upstairs & I plowed his hole & bred him. Really hot time.
  3. I prefer sliding in a hole with no lube, sometimes I like to eat a cunt first and wet it before I fuck it, sometimes I cannot resist . Sex should be a mutually enjoyable time, I strive to make each bottom feel as good as I can, just how I am. In turn, I hope that the bottom can be relaxed and his hole nice wet and ready
  4. I've always been a top, but when I found out I was poz, didn't impact my sex drive too much it was always very high, but the last few years after I turned 30 I am thinking about sex a lot more. I run and hit the gym a lot more often now that I am in grad school, maybe that has something to do with increased sex drive. I don't attribute it to being poz, but I just can't get enough of fucking hungry holes. A hole should never go hungry
  5. Married guy hit me up on Grindr needing his hole used. He also said he wanted cum in him. Hot looking muscular guy, really hot ass that was practically begging to be fucked. I came over on my lunchbreak & he was in a jockstrap ready for me. He had a sweet pale furry hole. I liked eating his cunt getting it wet for my dick. Spread him and pumped his tight hole and gave him 2 loads. He must have not been fucked in a long time or at all because his hole was so tight it was amazing. Bred him twice. Noticed that when I was putting my jockstrap back on when I was getting dressed that he had bled a little, probably because he was so tight, but he said had wanted his hole wrecked, so mission accomplished! I am always up for breeding a closeted or married guy.
  6. Married guy hit me up on Grindr needing fucked. He also said he needed cum. Of course I was happy to go and help him out. Great guy, tight tight hole. Bred him & used his hole well.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. breederboy


      I'm always up to breed hungry bottoms :)

    3. rawdicklover


      Wish I was closer!

    4. cmhneg2bpozzed


      Central OH here and have a reason to come to your area (niece in college). Would love to feel you breed my tight hole.

  7. College boy hit me up needing his hole wrecked. Guess it's going to be a late night after all. I'm always up to use a hot sweet boy's hole. :)

    1. paskin


      Hot! I'm sure many of us would love to help... Enjoy!

    2. chasejake666


      Hope you took a picture of his toxic hole!

  8. I can appreciate a good cocksucker, but I appreciate a good willing available hole best
  9. I can take or leave oral. As long as I get to fuck & breed a hot hungry hole, that's what I like best!
  10. Finished work early today & ran some errands had been a busy week and a hot otter cheerleader guy on Grindr hit me up needing cum. Sexy guy, muscular, tight. Very handsome. He said he had a friend who wanted to watch but decided to just do 1 on 1 for now. I went over & he was as hot as his pics, in a tight tee, sweatpants, sitting on couch watching porn. Had hot furry chest and hard nipples. Played around a bit went to bed and I fucked him long and hard and dumped two loads in him. Had a really hot tight hole. He said he loved my dick in him. Was very tight but I wrecked his hole. This guy was totally cum hungry he wanted it all. His cheer outfits were all over the room hopefully I made him cheer It was a hot fuck. I hope to breed him again. Glad I got one last hole seeded before the snowstorm hits
  11. Bred a hot otter cheerleader today. Hot tight body, hungry tight hole. Fucked him hard and deep & left him fully used and loaded!

    1. arseboy


      Hot - shame your not in the UK would love some raw fun with you

    2. BBDreamer


      Good job and lucky cheerleader boi. Your amazing long cock would sure be a good cum injector to plant seed deep past a boi's second ring.

  12. had hot rough sex with sexy furry college professor. Loaded him good & he gave me some serious hickies!

  13. I am a type A. So results matter to me. Been tracking mine so far. So far in 2016, I have bred 6 holes. And counting.
  14. Last night. An old regular buddy hit me up needing his hole wrecked & seeded. I was happy to oblige, hot guy, grad student, very cum hungry. Arrived to find him waiting for me in a jockstrap. Plowed him deep. Gave him several loads and wrecked his hole. Something about this dude's hole always makes me have a complete and total orgasm. Left him dripping. Hope to repeat soon.
  15. Total holes bred in 2016: 6 and counting!

    1. bentover66


      With an amazing cock like yours, I am not surprised, wish I could be number 7

  16. Just back from hot session with a hot regular grad student. He is such a good cumdump took all my loads left him very well used & dripping!

  17. I sure miss my hot frat buddy who always took my loads!

    1. bentover66


      Wish I was there to take his place

  18. Bred an otter bottom in the basement of a house he was house sitting at last night. Pumped my two week load in his tight hole, destroyed his hole literally. Nice tight one.

  19. Metrics Matter. Keeping track of 2016. Holes Bred: 4 & counting.

  20. That makes absolutely no sense to me. Hunt can be fun I suppose, but why fuck with a person and tell them all these lies and then not even have the courtesy to respond when THEY asked to text you? I'm so sick of this shit and game playing. Either people are looking or they aren't maybe I'm old school but I mean what I say and expect the same. Ah well, I am starting to remember why I went celibate for a year now. Over it.
  21. I feel if a bottom does not ask then I don't need to tell them, however if they do ask point blank, I will tell them. Occasionally I tell them before anyway. Kind of feeling down tonight. Why would that hot guy chat me up and even give me his number and never reply at all to my texts when he asked me to text him. Maybe it's me. Maybe I am ugly. Guys tell me I am cute but yet they won't meet. Guess I am missing something I feel out of the loop. Haven't cum for two weeks and was hoping for a hot time but guess it's their loss. Probably just end up going to a bookstore, surely there will be someone there who will actually play.
  22. I'm still having major problems just meeting a guy to fuck. Why is it this difficult? Tonight some hot guy said he was total bottom and seemed cool, said he hadn't been fucked in ages, gave me his number, told me to text him. He seemed very nice. I texted him 2 times and he never even responded. Again, typical. This shit happens to me every day. Where are the bottoms that want fucked for real?
  23. Found a hot boy online said he would take my loads tonight. Exchanged numbers but he will not return my texts. Wtf?

    1. calgary84


      Kids these days, am I right?

  24. It used to not be like this. I think some are scared off by being poz/undetectable. who knows. I think maybe guys use these sites to just jerk off to or something lol. Who knows, ah well. probably best to not try and figure guys out. I notice they seem to often hit me up in the middle of the night, and I can usually only meet during the day because I work 4-midnight usually. I just kind of think its rude to hit someone up and then just not reply back at all.
  25. Why do guys hit you up on adam4adam, bbrts, and grindr, and chat, and pay you compliments, and we discuss what we're into, exhance face pics, say they love what they see, that they like my cock, say they want fucked, but then stop chatting and never reply again? Are they just all game players? Is this common place? What is a top to do to improve my luck? All my pics are current, clear, and reasonably attractive I'd venture to say. I can hold a conversation and am usually upfront about what I am looking for. So why do these guys just seem flighty as hell or unwilling to meet up?
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