I do not and would not have sex with anyone if I knew I had a STD. I would get treatment and wait the recommended time before having sex. There are several reasons- why be such a selfish asshole to inflict another person with an STD. They then may inflect it on someone else. It is hard for me to believe that someone would do that- why I ask. Another reason is that I have been inflected with a STD and did not know it. I woke up one morning and had problems in seeing out of one eye. I called my eye doctor and went in to see him that morning. He had great problems in dilating the eye. He then called a retinal specialist and the specialist want to see me right away. I went right over and he checked out my eye. He then set up blood tests for me and said to do it right away and I did. It turned out I had a STD and that was the cause of not being able to see out of that eye. I had a pic inserted and had to carry around a bad of penicillin and a pump for three weeks. In the end it cleared up but if it had not been for that doctor I would have gone blind in that one eye. Is this something you want to do someone, do you want someone to do it to you. I hope not. Be responsible.