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Everything posted by spermedhole

  1. Chapter 3 Who's Who: - Caleb: main character, 18 y/o senior at St. Denis High School with a strong interest in messaging strangers on sex apps. - Mr. Sanchez: teacher who caught Caleb jacking off in the school bathroom during class while cruising sex apps; threatened to turn Caleb in to the principal if Caleb didn't satisfy Mr. Sanchez's big dick. - Mr. Jacobs: the old math teacher who added his raw load to Caleb's hole between classes after finding out from Mr. Sanchez that Caleb is a little fuckslut. * * * Fourth period came and went. Caleb was feeling increasingly nervous — and a bit excited — with the swift approach of his lunchtime follow-up with Mr. Sanchez. The student's cum-slick ass crack and the teachers' cum loads sloshing inside his anal cavity had prevented Caleb from focusing during the intervening class periods. What did keep his attention was the effort to remember the feeling of Mr. Sanchez's thick, raw dick pressing into his soft insides that morning. Caleb wished Mr. Sanchez had not confiscated his phone so that Caleb could message one of his hookup contacts the salacious details. Alas, the story would have to wait until Caleb could secure the return of his phone during lunch. Fifth period biology, his least favorite subject, was next. Caleb made his way into Mr. Park's biology class where his classmates were already offloading the heft of their overstuffed bookbags onto the workbenches. Projected on the screen at the front of the class was the topic and learning objectives for the day, which read: "Today we will explore the structure and function of DNA. Students will explore DNA's physical characteristics by isolating samples from their own bodies. Students will have the opportunity to understand the role that DNA plays in the human body and to understand DNA's physical characteristics." "Caleb!," Mr. Park's ever-jubilant voice came from behind. "I hear from Mr. Jacobs that you got a head start on today's lesson!" Mr. Park laughed at his own comment as Caleb's eyes turned to meet his teacher's. "Mr. Jacobs?," Caleb responded, wondering whether the question was accidentally too apropos. "Indeed, indeed. He tells me you brought some DNA samples that we might be able to assay today for our lesson." If Mr. Park's eyebrows could have lifted any higher, they would have escaped his face. Ambiguous though the references were on the surface, Caleb felt a surge of anxiousness. Mr. Park had thrust Caleb into a chess match of innuendo which threatened a verbal checkmate in just a few rather inelegantly direct moves. How was Caleb to respond with so many of his peers around? And furthermore, why was it starting to seem like every last one of his male teachers knew about the raw cocks that had spewn ejaculate into Caleb's rectum that morning? "Yes, I brought them," Caleb replied, considering each word as it left his lips. He took a brief pause to calculate what followed. "There's a slight issue though. The container has a hole, and I'm worried there's been some leakage." His desire to steer away from the hidden meaning that Mr. Park was so publicly flaunting had only driven Caleb nearer to the precipice of revelation. Mr. Park appeared bemused by Caleb's apparent, if veiled, confession. "I must say, such sloppiness does not seem characteristic of you, but the good news is there is no hole that Mr. Park can't fill." Caleb wondered whether his biology teacher had lost sight of the infamous sensitivity of high schoolers to sexual double entendre. Sloppiness, indeed. The laughter from around the room made Caleb acutely aware that the conversation with Mr. Park was now a spectacle. "Class!," Mr. Park needlessly summoned the attention that he already held, "I'm going to have you start working on the reflection prompt on the screen while I step out to help Caleb with something." Caleb's face felt warm as he followed Mr. Park out of the classroom. They rounded the corner into one of the central campus hallways before Mr. Park spoke again. "Mr. Jacobs tells me you are quite the little whore." Mr. Park's sudden directness caught Caleb by surprise. Caleb's cock stirred as he looked around to make sure no one had been in earshot. The biology teacher continued, "I have to applaud you for that oblique reference to your cummy hole that you made just now in front of your classmates." Mr. Park looked sideways at Caleb and smiled knowingly. "Your slutty profiles on all the hookup apps that you're always logged into have really captured the male faculty's attention, you know." Caleb felt a warm excitement swelling in him. The biology teacher continued, "Surely a smart student like you understands what an exceptional provocation it is to stay logged into location-based hookup apps during the school day with a profile headline like, 'Pussyboy for use.'" Breaking for a moment from the rousing implications of Mr. Park's comments, Caleb noticed further down the hallway the towering, broad-shouldered figure of a man leaning in a doorway. It was not an entry to a classroom, but rather one of the many normally closed doors that lead to a windowless room of which the general student populace knew very little. Because these various doorways opened into neither classrooms nor study spaces and given that they did not serve one of the several disciplinary or resource-gathering functions typical of an educational institution, most students bore only a passing awareness of them. Had any enterprising student endeavored to inventory all the many closed entries to these rooms of ambiguous function that perforated the St. Denis campus, they may have chanced upon a discovery that would have been at once mundane and extraordinary, for these ill-understood spaces far outnumbered their counterparts of known function. Surely they could not all be supply closets and back entries to faculty offices. Mr. Park, mistaking Caleb's momentary silence for embarrassment, offered, "There's really no need to feel self-conscious that we've all seen your profiles, you know. You will soon find that an ambitious young slut like you can really make the most out of what St. Denis has to offer. To be totally forthright with you, Caleb, I would be shocked if you didn't get off on the idea of being the campus fleshlight." Caleb's cock swelled against his jeans. The obscured figure down the hallway was now much closer. As Caleb and Mr. Park approached, Caleb was able to perceive the uniquely defined musculature of the head custodian, Mr. Martin, who was staring Caleb directly in the face. Caleb locked eyes with Mr. Martin, whose gaze was both stern and ravenous. Caleb could never quite tell if the head custodian was angry or just an unaccommodating sort who dispensed with pleasantries and the feigned interest that the rest of the administrative staff had perfected. Only now did Caleb realize that Mr. Martin's thick right arm was plunged deep into his pants where he was fondling himself rather aggressively. As they came into conversational distance, Mr. Park nodded in acknowledgement at the custodian, stating cordially, "Mr. Martin." The head custodian said nothing in return and instead, looked Caleb up and down. Undeterred by their proximity and Mr. Park's greeting, the muscular hulk of a custodian rubbed his unseen cock under his pants with abandon. At once unsettled and transfixed, Caleb could not take his eyes off Mr. Martin's self-pleasuring in the openness of one of the main campus hallways. After Mr. Park and his transfixed student had walked past the crotch-fondling head custodian, Mr. Park resumed in a hushed tone, "Between you and me, I wouldn't let Mr. Martin slide up inside you without a pharmacy's supply of antibiotics in the medicine cabinet at home. I would be shocked if that man has ever set foot in a clinic." Caleb's heartbeat quickened and his throat felt tight. For the first time that day, Caleb felt that he was in over his head. And yet, there was no mistaking that he found the shocking visual of the head custodian fondling himself so openly on school property combined with the details Mr. Park was imparting to be thrilling. Caleb felt like he ought to be repulsed. The biology teacher came to a stop and turned toward one of the many ill-understood doorways along the hall. After passing a keycard over an access reader, he pulled the door open for Caleb, who entered cautiously, unsure of what precisely he was to do. "Head all the way in," Mr. Park offered. Caleb proceeded down the dimly lit passageway before him until he found himself in a room filled with elaborate lighting and camera equipment. Before he could take in the full scene, Caleb felt the warmth of lips kissing his neck from behind. The abruptness of it was startling, but Caleb maintained his composure and acquiesced. The kissing continued up the young man's neck toward his ear, as Caleb felt a hand maneuvering its way past the waist of Caleb's pants and en route to his ass crack. There was a tenderness and gentle pacing in the neck kisses that seemed to serve as a cover for the brusqueness of the wandering hand, which had found its way between Caleb's ass cheeks. It was clear that Mr. Park's hand was not waiting for the student's permission to proceed to the cum-soaked hole at the center. Caleb pushed his pelvis back slightly to make access to his cum-fragrant underside easier. A finger pressed firmly against his hole and steadily progressed inside as Caleb whimpered -- as much in ecstasy as surprise. "You like carrying your teacher's cum around inside you, slut?" Caleb's eyes widened as he realized the man's voice behind him was not that of Mr. Park's. Who was this stranger kissing his neck while sliding a digit inside Caleb's warm, cum-soaked rectum? Where had Mr. Park gone? Caleb tried not to let his shock force his asshole to constrict around the finger working itself deeper into his pre-fucked underside. "Shhhh…. Keep looking straight ahead. Don't turn around. Do you understand?" Whose voice was this? Caleb couldn't place it. He felt his heart pounding against his rib cage. "Yes, sir," Caleb replied softly. A second finger slid confidently into the young student's anal opening. The moistness of the cum inside was more than adequate lubrication for the stranger's fingers. Remembering Mr. Sanchez's demand from earlier, Caleb tried to maintain enough tension in his hole to keep the cum from leaking out. It was a difficult balance to also not fully grip the two fingers that were now fully inside him. The stranger swirled his fingers in the cum juices inside Caleb's rectum and then pulled them out with a measured slowness. The cum-soaked fingers presented themselves under the student's nose. "Clean those off, pussyboy." Caleb sucked down the dripping ejaculate. As he swallowed, Caleb cast his eyes downward. A cum-slicked, thick black wedding band glistened. The young man savored the taste and fragrance of the cum as he sucked the strange man's fingers clean. The task complete, the hand withdrew. "Drop your pants and spread your ass cheeks for me. If I catch you turning around, I'll have you expelled faster than it takes Mr. Jacobs to cum." Caleb heard a zipper being undone. "Now, show me this cum-filled teen pussy everyone is talking about." Caleb complied, dropping his pants to his heels and leaning forward slightly. The young man pulled his muscled ass cheeks apart as he wondered if Mr. Park was watching all this transpire in silence. Caleb had been certain that the footsteps that had followed behind him down the short hallway and into this windowless room had been those of his biology teacher, but the way that the stranger had just appeared behind Caleb in the place where he had assumed Mr. Park to be made the young high school student question his senses. It was as though the strange man had stolen the very sound of the biology teacher's footsteps. To have done so in such a small, noiseless space seemed rehearsed. All Caleb could hear in that moment were the sounds of fabric moving against fabric. The stranger was summoning his manhood to the surface. Caleb felt the warm soft head of the strange man's cock come into contact with his cum-moistened hole, pressing firmly enough to just part Caleb's cummy ass lips without proceeding further. The man's hand grasped Caleb between the shoulder and the neck. "I bet you've never been raw fucked by someone you don't even know." Caleb recalled all the times that he had fantasized about being passed around by a group of masked men with enormous cocks in the woods or an alleyway or behind the supermarket. It was a fantasy that he had had since he had watched his first gay porn. Never, though, did he imagine anything quite like this. "No," Caleb replied as the stranger's raw cockhead pressed a few centimeters further into the young man's hole, parting his spermy sphincter readily. "Well, you better get used to it, pretty boy, because it's what your pussy was made for." Reaching around, the stranger brought his other hand up underneath Caleb's chin and, grabbing the young man's lower face, pressed upwards, forcing Caleb to arch his back to protect his neck. As the anonymous man did so, he plunged the full length of his raw dick deep into the teen's guts. Caleb gasped in pain as the stranger's cockhead stabbed into his second opening. Caleb felt full and winced at the pain from the unrelenting pressure against his second hole. The stranger, having forcefully bottomed out inside Caleb, held his raw dick in place, saying to the boy, "A handsome little bubblebutt cumdump like you is going to make Mr. Sanchez a lot of fucking money." The strange man kept pushing up on Caleb's chin, his grasp covering the young man's mouth. Caleb, through the pain in his rectum, felt the metal of the man's cum-soaked wedding band pressing into his lower lip. The stranger kept pressing his cock deeply into Caleb, until finally the young man's second hole eased its resistance and opened, defeated and compliant, to the pressure of the massive raw dick. "Listen to me when I tell you this, nephew," the stranger continued, his grip tightening around Caleb's mouth and chin, "Mr. Sanchez pays me handsomely to make sure little cunts like you don't end up talking to the wrong people about what goes on here at St. Denis. You're his property now, and he expects you to be the cum-filled community fleshlight that he deserves. Do you understand?" Caleb gulped for air as the pressure against his chin and neck was making breathing more difficult as he replied, "Yes, sir." The stranger pulled his cock out suddenly and plunged it immediately back into Caleb's fuckchute with full force. The sound of cum slopping inside the teen's ass accompanied a loud yelp. "I'm not your fucking sir. I'm your Uncle Ryan. Mr. Sanchez is your sir now. Tell me you understand, whore." "Yes, Uncle Ryan. I understand, Uncle Ryan." "Good, nephew." The stranger began sliding his cum-soaked cock back and forth at the opening to Caleb's second hole, massaging his cockhead deep inside Caleb's warm pussy. "Now I expect you to do everything that Mr. Sanchez tells you. I don't care how you feel about it, the answer is always, 'Yes.' So long as you're on school grounds, you are to be cleaned out and ready." "Yes, Uncle Ryan." "Uncle Ryan" continued edging his cockhead inside Caleb's second hole. "You are to take and hold as many loads in your cunt as you can arrange in the morning before school. This morning was the one and only time ever in your life that Mr. Sanchez is going to be loading you first in the day." Caleb gulped in some air as the pain in his second sphincter began transforming into pleasure that radiated up through his abdomen and into Caleb's nipples. Everything felt more sensitive than it had before. "Yes, Uncle Ryan." "You are not to let any loads leak out of you. No aborting in the bathroom or in your pants. And no letting another top suck loads out of you. Mr. Sanchez deserves nothing less than a full cum bath for his cock whenever he wants to plow your insides. Do you understand?" Caleb began relaxing into the intense micro-fucking that his inner sphincter was receiving. "Yes, Uncle Ryan." "Hear me when I say that my number one job is keeping Mr. Sanchez happy, and what makes him happy is having a tight, warm community fuckhole available to milk his nut out of him on demand. You are never to say no to any load at any time in any place. I don't care if it's your own father asking to breed you live on the evening news. You open up your pussy before any top even has to ask, and let him blast your insides with his DNA. Have I made myself clear, nephew?" The stranger thrust his hips as deep as he could into the young student, driving his dickhead deeper into Caleb's guts. Caleb gasped. "Yes, Uncle Ryan." "Good, nephew. Mr. Sanchez put my number in your phone. When he gives you your phone back, I want you to text me a selfie showing your face and cummy hole in the same shot. Now finish milking this nut out of my dick so Mr. Park can get his turn." Caleb began sliding his sperm-filled ass up and down Uncle Ryan's large cock, savoring the fullness in his lower abdomen and noticing how the scent of cum had filled the room. The stranger released his hand from around the youth's face and chin and placed his hands around Caleb's waist, pulling the student deeper down onto his dick with each backward thrust. "God that pussy smells like cum, don't it?" The voice of Mr. Park emerged for the first time from its diligent silence, "Oh, yes it does!" "What a sweet piece of AIDS bait this little fuckhole is." Caleb's cock leaked a large dollop of cum onto the floor at hearing the stranger call him "AIDS bait." Caleb kept up the work of massaging the stranger's cock with his cummy boyhole, arching his lower back to demonstrate his compliance and to discourage any of the frothy DNA in his rectum from leaking any more than it may already have been. Uncle Ryan's words ricocheted around in Caleb's head as the strange man kept drilling his raw cock deeper into the student. The phrases "community fleshlight" and "AIDS bait" held an almost lyrical resonance in Caleb's mind. He felt transfixed. Hypnotized. Even more thrilling than a stranger's raw dick sliding in and out of Caleb's used hole was the thought that Mr. Sanchez wanted a dirty little slut boy to be his personal fuckhole and that he wanted Caleb to be that slut. As the pounding continued, Caleb wished for nothing more in that moment than for Uncle Ryan to understand that Caleb relished the assignment he had been given, that he could not and would not fail to fulfill all of Mr. Sanchez's most salacious desires, that he would make Uncle Ryan not just satisfied but proud. Caleb yearned for the stranger to add his ejaculate to the warm, foamy pool of cummy slosh from Caleb's teachers. Knowing his biology teacher was watching it all transpire from behind was making the young man hungry for more dicking after the stranger was finished. Caleb arched his lower back as hard as he could as this so-called "Uncle Ryan" began shuddering. Caleb knew he was taking the stranger's hot load deep in his teen pussy. Caleb held on to the pulsating cockshaft as he imagined ropes of sperm spitting into his soft insides. That he didn't even know what Uncle Ryan looked like made the load he just received feel all the more hot. Without anyone else knowing it, the teen smiled and bit his lower lip as he let Uncle Ryan finish unloading his balls inside the handsome teen's rectum.
  2. Chapter 2 Who's Who: - Caleb: main character, 18 y/o senior at St. Denis High School with a strong interest in messaging strangers on sex apps. - Mr. Sanchez: teacher who caught Caleb jacking off in the school bathroom during class while cruising sex apps; threatened to turn Caleb in to the principal if Caleb didn't satisfy Mr. Sanchez's big dick. * * * As Mr. Sanchez's office door closed behind him, Caleb's thoughts ricocheted about. He wondered nervously whether he had done enough to keep Mr. Sanchez from making a report to Principal Lenox. With a curious mix of excitement and anxiousness, he wondered what Mr. Sanchez planned to do later at their lunch-time meeting. Moreover, what is it that Mr. Sanchez had been sending and to whom on Caleb's cell? Snatching his focus from these thoughts, however, was the slickness of the cum lubing Caleb's ass cheeks as he walked down the hallway. Caleb's cock swelled inside his pants as he dwelled on this feeling, which was wholly new and entirely pleasant to him. Caleb walked himself back to first-period calculus — the same class he had left earlier to go masturbate in the boy's bathroom. Was it still first period, though? Without his phone he couldn't check the time, and for the life of him, he couldn't remember if he had heard the bell or not while Mr. Sanchez had been pounding that big, raw dick into his teen butthole. Whatever the case, Caleb needed to retrieve his backpack. He swallowed his nerves as he pulled open the door to Mr. Jacobs' room. The familiar eyes of his fellow classmates were on Caleb as he walked into the silent room. It was, indeed, still first period. The books and papers on everyone's desk indicated quiet time for assignment work. In a hushed tone, Mr. Jacobs gently called Caleb over. "Everything okay, Caleb?" "Yes, Mr. Jacobs." "You were gone for quite a while. I was just about to send someone to check on you." "I'm fine." Caleb declined to preempt Mr. Jacobs' curiosity as he hurriedly considered the implications of various explanations. By not giving Caleb an excuse note, Mr. Sanchez had put Caleb in an awkward position. How was he to justify the mid-class detour to let Mr. Sanchez please himself inside Caleb's lower intestines? Brow furrowed, Mr. Jacobs searched Caleb's face for information that words had not furnished. "Is there a reason you were gone for most of class, then?" "Mr. Sanchez asked me to his office." "He gave you a pass, yes?" Caleb fidgeted in the face of Mr. Jacobs' insistence. "No, I think he forgot." Eyebrow raised, Mr. Jacobs replied, "Mr. Sanchez is not one to forget. If he let you back without a pass, that tends to be for one reason only." Caleb, unaccustomed to having to justify his actions, felt butterflies in his stomach -- a strangely complimentary accompaniment to the soreness in his rear. Mr. Jacobs opened his desk drawer and pulled out his cell. After a few taps and swipes, he set his cell on the desk, screen down, and looked back up at his nervous student. "I'm going to need you to stay after class, Caleb. Head back to your seat." Caleb made his way to the back of the class, moving through the curious glares of his classmates. He surmised their silent efforts to reconcile his behavior that morning with his always-follows-the-rules reputation. Mr. Jacobs' statement about the reason for the missing pass bounced around inside Caleb's skull, but he could not bring himself to believe that Mr. Jacobs could possibly know what precisely had transpired in Mr. Sanchez's office. Could such extraordinary events be guessed with so little context? The most forceful doubt that kept the thought turning in Caleb's mind was the fact that Mr. Jacobs had conferred with his cell phone. Why would he want to check his personal device instead of any of the official communication channels internal to their school intranet? As Caleb took his seat, the pressure of the chair against his ass made for a fresh reminder of how his hole had been made to satisfy Mr. Sanchez's substantial manhood. Caleb found the feeling both discomforting and satisfying. He wondered how Mr. Sanchez's DNA was fairing inside his freshly fucked rectum. Caleb's hardening cock began to push his pants upward into the underside of his desk. The rustle of his classmates' belongings signaled the impending bell tone, which followed on cue. The class emptied of all but Caleb and Mr. Jacobs. Unable to hide his erection, Caleb remained at his seat, hoping his post-class conversation with Mr. Jacobs would not force his erection into view. "Caleb, you can come on up here, please." Caleb stood up and moved to the front of the room. Mr. Jacobs walked over to the classroom door, and as he was locking it, with his back still to Caleb, said dryly, "Nice erection." Caleb's eyes widened in embarrassment. Mr. Jacobs turned to face his silent student. "You know you should be more careful letting a grown man like Mr. Sanchez inseminate you without protection, my dear boy. You're just asking for HIV." Caleb's stomach flipped. Any doubt that he had about what Mr. Jacobs knew evaporated. The mention of HIV added a more ominous dimension to the trouble that Caleb already knew himself to be in. What else did his math teacher possibly know? "Take your clothes off, and get up on my desk. Lie on your back and hold your legs all the way back for me. I have to make this quick." Caleb's heart felt as though it wanted to leap out of his rib cage. He complied with the old man's instructions, adjusting to the coldness of the desk against his naked back. "Mr. Sanchez load you up good?" The crude directness was surprising coming from the mouth of the otherwise straight-laced Mr. Jacobs. Of course, neither would Caleb have imagined presenting his freshly bred hole to a gray-haired, balding, gaunt old man like Mr. Jacobs either. Caleb watched between his lifted legs as his calculus teacher fumbled his thin, long cock out of his unzipped fly. "You going to answer my question, slut, or are you looking to fail this quiz?" Without waiting for a response, Mr. Jacobs plunged his index finger deep into Caleb's hole, stirring the fresh cum inside, then pulled it out, and promptly shoved it right into Caleb's mouth. "Go ahead and suck Mr. Sanchez's baby batter off my finger, slut." Caleb sucked on his calculus teacher's cum-drenched digit eagerly, savoring the unique saltiness of Mr. Sanchez's load. Mr. Jacobs withdrew his finger from Caleb's mouth and quickly gripped his surprisingly bright-pink dick, plunging it right into Caleb's cum-lubed hole without warning. Caleb let out a surprised, "Unh!", as Mr. Jacobs muttered, "Oh fuck!" Mr. Jacobs' abrupt bottoming out inside the teen's anal cavity left a pained look on Caleb's face. "Grip my cock as tightly as you can with your ass muscles, Caleb. Mr. Sanchez will absolutely destroy you if you let his load leak out before lunch." Caleb squeezed his ass muscles tightly around his math teacher's long, bare dick as it continued to press painfully against Caleb's second hole. Mr. Jacobs looked fixated at the place where the base of his cock came into contact with the teen's fuckhole. "You ever take grandpa cock bare before, Caleb?" Mr. Jacobs slowly started moving his dick back and forth inside Caleb's cum-filled ass. "No, Mr. Jacobs." Caleb savored the feeling of having a second raw cock forcing its way into his already used fuckchute. "Well, maybe I should change your homework assignment and have you bring a bottle of dick pills to the assisted living facilities around here to do some community servicing. It would look great on your college applications, for one thing. And I bet you could easily get a dozen loads in your juicy ass before school if you started early enough." Caleb moaned and then replied, "Yes, Mr. Jacobs." He felt the old man's cockhead poking painfully at his second hole. "You are every bit the nasty slut Mr. Sanchez said you were." Mr. Jacobs picked up the pace of his fucking. "Ow, ow!" Caleb exclaimed softly, trying not to offend Mr. Jacobs but unable to ignore the pain he was feeling. "You want me to slow down, Caleb?" Caleb nodded, wincing. Mr. Jacobs looked directly into Caleb's pained eyes and began slamming his cock harder and harder into the boy's hole, pummeling the teen's tightly closed second hole over and over with his snake-like dick. "Ah, fuck!" Caleb inhaled sharply, still not realizing that his effort to grip Mr. Jacob's cock tightly with his anal opening was also keeping his second hole from relaxing against the assault it was enduring. "I'm going to make you into my little first period pussyboy, Caleb. Would you like that, slut? You want to be your teacher's little pussyboy?" Mr. Jacobs pounded the teen's fuckchute even faster. With a pained voice, Caleb managed to say, "Yes,... sir… aah…." "You come into my classroom smelling freshly fucked and full of cum again, and you can expect exactly the same treatment, you understand, slut?" "Unh! Yes, sir…." In spite of his efforts, some cum managed to leak from Caleb's hole down his ass crack and pooled on Mr. Jacobs desk. Mr. Jacobs' thrusts reached their peak as he continued slamming Mr. Sanchez's load deeper into Caleb's guts. "Here comes my load, pussyboy!" Mr. Jacobs grunted loudly as he began coating the teen's insides with his thick grandpa load, adding to Mr. Sanchez's frothed up cum. Caleb did his best to keep gripping Mr. Jacob's spindly, raw cock as tightly as he could. "Keep gripping my dick like that, Caleb. I want you to milk every last drop of cum into your pussy." "Yes, Mr. Jacobs." Caleb watched through his legs as the old man's thrusting slowed and came to a rest. Caleb continued gripping his ass muscles as Mr. Jacobs began his slow, methodical withdraw. "Careful not to spill, boy. You gotta keep all that cum in you through lunch, remember." "Yes, sir," Caleb replied dutifully, the pain in his voice having been replaced by relief. "Good boy. Now show me your hole." Caleb tilted his pelvis upward and pulled back on his spread legs even more. Mr. Jacobs picked up his cell and snapped some closeups of Caleb's pink, cum-glistening hole. The gray-haired calculus teacher then took a few steps back, pressed something on the screen, and staring into his phone, asked Caleb, "How many loads you got in you, boy?" "Two, sir." "Good boy. You going to be my personal pussyboy from now on?" "Yes, sir." "Now tell all the horny old men watching this that you love raw senior citizen cock." Caleb hesitated. "Say, 'I love raw grandpa cock in my teen pussy.'" "I love raw grandpa cock in my teen pussy." "Now get your creamy boypussy to class, slut. You're going to be late." * * *
  3. Caleb lifted his gaze and looked directly into Mr. Sanchez's eyes. "Yes, it is big." Mr. Sanchez paused as he held Caleb's gaze. "When it gets big like this, Caleb, it hurts. You don't want me in pain, do you?" Caleb paused and glanced back down again, partly out of nervousness but also out of curiosity. "No, sir." "Feel how hard it is. Go on." Caleb extended his hand tentatively, hoping he hadn't misunderstood what his teacher was asking of him. "Feel how hard it is," Mr. Sanchez repeated. Caleb let his fingers come into contact with Mr. Sanchez's stiff cock shaft. To Caleb's surprise, Mr. Sanchez's shaft felt even harder than it looked. "Unless you can help me fix this, Caleb, I'm going to have to let Principal Lenox know about what I saw you doing in the bathroom stall." Caleb's stomach vaulted into his throat. How he wished he had never installed those damn apps. He had been so excited to download them now that he was finally eighteen. How he had counted the months in anticipation. How could he have forgotten to put his phone on silent before getting to class this morning? "I'll tell you what. If you help me get rid of this pain you've caused, I'll let you off with a warning. I'd really hate to see you not graduate on time after all the hard work you've done. But you're going to have to work even harder right now to show me you're serious about making up for what you've done." Leaving his fingers on Mr. Sanchez's engorged member, Caleb looked back up. "I really didn't mean to hurt you, sir." "Alright, Caleb." With that, Mr. Sanchez wrapped one hand around Caleb's and made Caleb fully grip the teacher's cock firmly. Guiding the teen's hand up and down at the base of his cockhead, Mr. Sanchez focused on how the teen's grip gently tugged and rolled his foreskin over the tip of his large mushroom head. "So, Caleb, if you're going to help me while we're doing this, I'm going to need you to tell me the truth about a few things." "Yes, sir," Caleb replied as he continued stroking Mr. Sanchez. "What were you doing on that app in the boy's bathroom?" "Answering messages," Caleb answered without taking his eyes off his teacher's cock. "Messages from whom?" "Some guys." "Oh, some guys, huh? And what were these guys saying to you?" A drop of precum emerged from Mr. Sanchez's cockslit as he continued guiding his student's hand up and down his dick. "Mostly how they wanted to meet up." "Meet up for what? To do what? Be specific, Caleb." Mr. Sanchez enclosed his hand more tightly around Caleb's, increasing the pressure from the teen's grip around the teacher's precum-leaking dick. Caleb paused before replying, "For sex." Mr. Sanchez confirmed his understanding with an "mhmm." A big drop of precum dripped from the teacher's cock onto Caleb's forearm. "Remind me how old you are, Caleb." "I just turned eighteen." "I'm going to need to unlock your phone, Caleb." "I don't know if that's a good idea, sir." "Is that so? Well, it's not a request. Would you rather I call the Principal in here so you can show him whatever it is you don't want to show me?" Caleb wondered for a moment how Principal Lenox would react to seeing Mr. Sanchez's hard cock being stroked by a student. "No, sir." "I didn't think so." With his one free hand, Mr. Sanchez reached behind himself, grabbed Caleb's phone from the top of a filing cabinet, and held the screen in front of Caleb's face to unlock it. Caleb's teacher fiddled with the phone for a few minutes while never even so much as slowing the forced handjob. Caleb's heart raced inside his chest. A much thicker glob of precum leaked from Mr. Sanchez's manhood onto Caleb's forearm as Mr. Sanchez continued scrolling and swiping. "Keep stroking me," Mr. Sanchez stated without looking up. Caleb felt his teacher's hand release Caleb's as Caleb took over stroking his teacher. Mr. Sanchez began manipulating the phone with both hands. After several screenshot sounds and then a bunch of typing, Caleb listened to his teacher sending off several messages, some clearly inside the hookup apps. Others sounded like text messages. Caleb trembled as he wondered what was going on but didn't dare ask. He gripped his teacher's cock with more vigor than before in an effort to appease Mr. Sanchez, or at the very least to distract him. Another glop of precum escaped Mr. Sanchez's foreskin and oozed onto Caleb's hand. Caleb couldn't help but admire how productive Mr. Sanchez's balls had been during this disciplinary encounter. The smell of his teacher's precum roused Caleb's cock from the grip of nervousness. The teen's dick awakened to the seductive odor of this older man's pre-ejaculate. Mr. Sanchez returned the phone to its former position atop the filing cabinet. The teacher swatted his student's hand away from its manual seduction and without a word spun Caleb around to face the opposite wall. Caleb felt Mr. Sanchez's hands confidently yank the teen's pants to the floor, exposing his naked lower half. "Not even underwear, Caleb?", Mr. Sanchez asked without surprise as he swirled one finger in the overflowing precum dripping from his foreskin. "Don't know how I missed that detail in the bathroom." Caleb felt the wetness of his teacher's finger massaging the outside of the teen's warm, tight hole. "Caleb, I have to say, you're even nastier than I first thought when I saw that party listing of yours before school this morning." Caleb stayed quiet while Mr. Sanchez fingered precum into his student's compliant hole. "Bend over and spread your cheeks." Caleb obliged. "There are some really disgusting men you're talking to on those apps. Do you know that?" "Disgusting, Mr. Sanchez?" Caleb felt the wet tip of Mr. Sanchez's uncut cock pressing at the entrance to the teen's hole. "Of course you wouldn't know. How could you when you haven't even asked any of them a single question?" "No, sir." Mr. Sanchez slowly pressed the tip of his cock just inside the opening to Caleb's rectum. Caleb winced. "I see you haven't even bothered to ask even one of them to show you their face, have you?" Again, Caleb was silent, hoping the question was rhetorical. Mr. Sanchez spat on his cock and pressed further into his student's velvety insides. Caleb moaned. "Too bad you put me in this position, Caleb." "I'm sorry, Mr. Sanchez," Caleb replied as his teacher slowly pressed his engorged cock deeper into his student. "You're mistaken if you think those men you've been chatting with were going to rubber up, you little slut. Besides, I thought you said you wanted to help me get rid of the pain you caused my dick." "Yes, sir. Sorry, sir." "I'd rather your insides do the apologizing, boy." Caleb felt Mr. Sanchez press his meaty raw cock further into the teen's warm rectum. "In any case, you're going to need lots of help opening this tight hole of yours up if you want to be servicing all these [banned word] you've been talking to online." Caleb gasped in pain as Mr. Sanchez pressed his raw cock fully into his student. "If I catch you jacking off in the school bathroom again with those apps popping off like that for everyone to hear, I don't think I'm even going to bother bringing you here into the privacy of my office. You understand me, boy?" Mr. Sanchez began easing his spit-lubed raw dick back and forth inside Caleb. "Yes, sir." Caleb started imagining what Mr. Sanchez would make him do in the boy's bathroom but his focus was soon stolen by the intense pressure of Mr. Sanchez's surging meat pressing painfully into the walls of his tight hole. "If you're not careful, Caleb, everyone at St. Denis High is going to end up knowing what a nasty little slut you are. Is that what you want?" Mr. Sanchez continued grinding his meat into his student, picking up pace. Something in Caleb stirred, and it wasn't just from the raw dick assaulting his insides: it was the thought of everyone knowing what he really desired, his secret lust for every human adult walking around with a cock between their legs. Caleb's teen dick swelled as his teacher started pounding harder. Just then Caleb heard Mr. Sanchez snapping a pic behind him and then the sound of a message being sent. "You know, Caleb, many of us here at St. Denis already know what you've been up to online. Mr. Martin for one has been talking about the pictures you've been sending him for weeks." Mr. Martin, the janitor?, Caleb wondered. There was no way to be sure who all the men he had been messaging were since Caleb didn't ever ask to see their faces. Mr. Sanchez could feel the orgasm that was swiftly approaching. "You ready to take my load, slut?" "Yes, sir!" Caleb's hard-on had lent him a new-found enthusiasm as he finally began to appreciate the favor Mr. Sanchez was doing for him. Mr. Sanchez began dick-slamming the teen's hole with such force that surely the sound of the ass pounding could be heard in the hallway outside. Just then Caleb felt Mr. Sanchez shudder powerfully as he groaned, releasing the full force of his semen into Caleb's soft insides. Caleb had never felt a raw dick cumming so forcefully before. The pressure of the cum squirting deep into his guts made him yearn for more. The pounding having stopped but with Mr. Sanchez's softening manhood still lodged inside Caleb, the teacher spoke, "You're keeping my load inside you all day, you understand? At lunch time, I want you back in here in my office. I'm going to check to make sure you've done exactly as you're told. Don't think your punishment is over. You've still got a lot of making up to do." "Yes, Mr. Sanchez." Mr. Sanchez let his softening dick slowly deflate inside his student. * * *
  4. Great concept and writing. So hot.
  5. ---- **Story Catch-up** At this point in our story… Loads in Nico: 7 Studs who've used Nico: Omar (boyfriend) x2, Omar's stepbrother Luciano ("Lucho"), and 4 anonymous rapists ---- CH6 - "Dad Fills Me with His Big Secret" Omar brought the car to a stop in front of Nico's dad's house and switched the engine off. Nico, who was naked, collared, and leashed in the passenger seat, felt cum leaking from his freshly raped pussy onto Omar's leather seat. Omar inhaled the strong odor of cum that had mixed so seductively with the new-car smell of his otherwise spotless interior. The thought that he was inhaling the scent of young boyfriends' rapists' semen sent a thrill through Omar's body. He leaned over and kissed Nico, trying to imagine what all the raw rapists' cocks had looked like as they sprayed their toxic loads into his boyfriend's tender insides. Nico savored Omar's lips as he gave himself fully to the kiss. Omar reached down and slid his whole hand between Nico's cum-sloppy ass cheeks and pressed firmly against Nico's wet opening as the two kissed more deeply. "How many loads in you?," Omar asked between kisses. "Seven," Nico replied. "Hot, babe. You took four loads from your rapists?" Omar sounded … not shocked, not disturbed, not even upset -- just mildly surprised. Nico offered no response, as he focused on the feeling in his hole of having been fucked out and stuffed full of so much cum. For the time being, Nico avoided the thought of having been pumped full of HIV by his toxic rapists. "Nico, I just want you to know that I think it's really hot what you let those men do to you tonight," Omar offered gently. "Letting a bunch of random men dump their gifts in your cunt is going to make Daddy Lucho very happy." Nico perked up at hearing mention of Omar's brother's name. "You think so?," he inquired. "Come on, you greedy little slut," Omar responded, sounding upbeat. "Your dad's been waiting." * * * As the front door opened, Nico's naked body came into his father's view. "Come on in, come on in you two lovebirds!," Nico's dad welcomed them as though nothing were out of sorts -- certainly not as though he were greeting his unclothed whore of a son who was wearing nothing but a leather collar and leash while standing outside where any of the neighbors could readily see. "So good to see you, Omar!" Nico's dad gave Omar a warm embrace. "I hope we didn't make you wait too long, Don," Omar offered. "You mean all these eighteen years?!?," Don blurted out with a laugh as he looked directly at Nico, scanning his son's naked body up and down with a hungry delight. "Speaking of which, how's my baby boy's hole feeling? I've been waiting to hear how your little event turned out. Why don't you both come in, and we can head upstairs, get comfortable, and you can catch me up on what a whore my son has been tonight." Nico relaxed a bit hearing how obviously proud his dad sounded calling his own son a "whore." Nico's gaze drifted down toward Don's crotch in search of signs of his father's engorged approval as Omar pulled on Nico's leash and led him upstairs to Don's bedroom. Once in the bedroom, Don began removing his clothes as Omar, apparently already knowing his cues, led Nico by the leash to the foot of the bed and indicated with a nod for Nico to climb up. Omar wrapped Nico's leash loosely around the bedpost and took a seat in one of the chairs along the wall. Don dropped his underwear to the floor and now fully naked, walked over to his son who was naked on the bed. Brushing Nico's hair back with his hand, Don watched Nico's eyes transfix on his engorged cock. "You like looking at the dick that created you, son?," Don asked. Nico finally looked up from his father's swollen cock, feeling a bit embarrassed -- and wondering if he was being too obvious about the lust building inside him for his dad's manhood. "I hope your pussy didn't get beat up too badly, Nicky," Don said as he ran his hand through his son's hair tenderly with one hand and slowly stroked his engorged member with the other. "They raped me, Dad." "I know, son." Don shushed Nico as he began stroking himself more vigorously. "It's what I raised you for." Nico's heart raced, and his cock stiffened. He noticed Omar stroking himself over in the corner. The ache in Nico's freshly used rectum reawakened as he reckoned with the inevitability of his father fucking him. Nico worried that the virus-saturated cum loads sloshing around inside his fuckchute could infect his father and ruin their relationship. His stress levels rose even as he yearned to take his father's raw dick. "Turn around, Nicky," Don said as he gripped his cock forcefully with one hand and spat on it. "It's Daddy's turn inside your hole." Nico turned over and got on all fours before lowering his muscular ass cheeks over the edge of the mattress. He couldn't believe that he was about to let his father slide his big raw cock into the cummy mess of diseased semen that Nico was holding inside his boy cunt. Don lined his impressive cock up to Nico's exposed hole, which was still bright pink from his gang rape. Don marveled at the strong odor of semen coming from his son's backside. "How many loads inside my cumslut of a son?" Don pressed his raw cock head against his son's loosened ass lips. "Seven, Dad," Nico replied nervously, thinking about the poz loads that he was about to recklessly expose his own father to. "That hardly sounds like enough cum for my hungry whore of a son." Nico smiled at hearing his father call him a whore again. Nico laid his head against the mattress and with his hands spread his ass cheeks to demonstrate his complete compliance. Don pushed his hips forward. His cock head easily parted Nico's cum-lubed fuckhole as he pressed fully into the warm chamber of viral semen inside his son. "Fuck, Nicky! Holy fuck, your pussy's completely flooded." The feeling of being so completely used and sore from multiple rapes combined with his father's raw dick now pressing into his rapists' collected ejaculate put Nico over the top. In that moment, he knew this was everything that he'd ever wanted: to be a cum receptacle for all men; to be a perverted little fuck toy for his own father; to be a hole for all cocks and all loads to use at will and on demand. Nico yearned to be the cumslut that his father had always wanted. "Please fuck me, Daddy," Nico implored like a faggot in heat. He reached underneath himself with one hand and placed his fingers against his father's raw cock shaft. Don started sliding his cock in and out of his son until a small puddle of cum began to form on his shaft. Nico's hole sounded wet and juicy as his father's cock continued forcing small globs of sperm out of Nico's insides and onto his long, hard dad cock. "Oh damn, we probably should have kept all this cum for the rape kit." Don snickered as he continued bareback fucking his son. "Oh well!" Omar chuckled in the corner as he continued watching his young boyfriend commit incest right in front of him. "You like using my rapists' cum as lube, Daddy?" "Fuck, son. When did you become such a perverted little slut?" Don began pounding his son's hole much harder, causing Nico to moan. "Bet you loved taking all those rapists' poz loads up your guts, didn't you, son?" Nico's heart skipped a beat. Dad knew. Don pounded his son's hole faster. "You're gonna be Daddy's little pussy boy from now on, son." "Yes, Daddy." "You ready for Daddy's strain, too?" Nico's stomach flipped as his father's cock pummeled his already tender, cum-filled insides. The thought of being loaded by his eighth load of the night and his third high viral load made Nico leak more precum. Don's balls contracted and his cock erupted inside his son as he unloaded heavily into his own child's rectum. "The same baby batter that made you is now infecting you with HIV," Don said as he smiled approvingly at his son's cumhole still wrapped around his long, raw cock. "Do you think Uncle Leo and Uncle Rocco would like my used pussy, too, Daddy?," Nico said, before his dad even had a chance to withdraw his cock from his son's insides. "That's an excellent question, Nicky. Let's ask Omar. As a matter of fact, he's already been texting them videos of you taking my raw cock tonight."
  6. I share @WelshBBCigarFuck 's view that it's not just looks that make me horny. But, first, to answer the OP's question directly: Yes, my taste in men is enormously more expansive than when I first started dating boys in high school. I used to believe that I was only attracted to men who were gym-fit and pretty faced. Now, though, my attraction is to any man who tells me he wants to cum in me. I know it's a bit of a cliché among us barebackers, but watching "Dawson's 20 Load Weekend" and seeing the way he respected every single one of the tops who were using him and looked right into their eyes (when he was in the position to, lol) and let them watch how their use of him activated his sexual pleasure -- that was what changed my relationship to desiring men forever. It made me realize how much I was turned on by raw dicks, by thick loads, and by being a total slut to all men regardless of their looks, body shape, etc. Now when I'm getting hit up by someone whose face or body doesn't immediately make my heart skip a beat, I focus on the way they talk to me, the things they say that they want to do with my holes, the ways they connect with me and/or treat me like a flesh sleeve for their selfish pleasure. At the end of the day, if you can make me feel like a whore -- that's what I'm attracted to. Being treated like a fuck sleeve for semen. A stud who is not strong in the looks department but who knows how to make a whore realize their true purpose is always going to get me off 100x more than a pretty-faced, muscled adonis who can't tell me what they want or make me give them when they want (but, just to be clear, I still readily accept their loads, too, because #whore -- even if begrudgingly).
  7. ---- **Story Catch-up** At this point in our story… Loads in Nico: 5 Studs who've used Nico: Omar (boyfriend) x2, Omar's stepbrother Luciano ("Lucho"), Anon Bear, Anon Troll Grandpa ---- CH5 - "Freshly Gang-Raped Teen Now Ready for Sharing" "It's time to put some poz cock in this whore, boys," the towering, muscular demi-god of a man -- the apparent ringleader of this group of anonymous studs -- invited. The troll and the bear having already made their cummy contributions to Nico's DNA-filled pussy caressed each other's slackened dicks which were still wet with cum juice fresh from Nico's insides. Nico felt overtaken by fear when he heard the demi-god say, "poz cock." Nico began wishing for Omar to burst into the apartment and rescue Nico. A new stranger stepped forward from the corner of the room and approached Nico's muscled ass. He was a pale, bespectacled man of the most average averageness. "I don't want HIV, Sir," Nico pled uselessly, knowing full well that this group of twisted, anonymous rapists would likely find pleasure in his protest. The demi-god laughed and lowered his face right in front of Nico and stared into Nico's blindfold as though peering right through it. Just inches from Nico's mouth, the demi-god whispered sternly, "Who the fuck do you think cares what you want, whore?" The demi-god slapped the side of Nico's face with a crisp thwack. Nico gasped like a useless faggot. "Poz him," the demi-god instructed the others as he stood upright. The average man who had stepped forward from the corner grasped his engorged 6" cock and slid it immediately into Nico's open, cum-filled pussy without a word. Nico's face pressed into the mattress as the newest stranger to enter him pressed against Nico's plump ass cheeks. "God, so fucking wet in there," he muttered as the five-load cum mixture inside Nico basted the man's raw cock. "He's neg?," the man asked as he slowly removed his cock fully out of Nico's hole and took in the strong fragrance of cum that wafted up from Nico's exposed fuck hole and the stranger's now cum-glazed cock. The stranger slid his dick back in easily, facing no resistance from Nico's outer sphincter and gliding against the cum-slick walls of the teen jock's used fuckchute. Nico felt the pleasing sting of yet another raw cock entering his hole after having already been thoroughly used by four men before the stranger that was now inside him. "Neg and still in high school," the demi-god replied. The average man's cock swelled inside Nico's used hole. "Oh fuck, I'm going to poz him good then," the man muttered breathily as his fucking picked up pace and as his toxic precum began dribbling indistinguishably into the pool of cum inside Nico's rectum. Nico simply listened in silence, gripped with fear at how far out of control this night had gotten for him, unable to formulate a strategy other than just to lie there and let these strangers finish raping him. The average man began fucking Nico harder and harder. Nico tried to detach himself from his fear and instead focused on the feeling in his hole. Nico let out a heaving sigh. "Poz the fucking whore," a voice said. This pushed the average man over the edge. He felt a surging orgasm coming on, and his raw cock began gushing deep into Nico's guts. "That's right, knock that pussy up," said one of the others. Just as the average man began sliding his cock out of Nico's cum-frothed hole, the fourth stranger stepped forward, almost pushing the average top aside and clearing the way for him to plant his cock deep in Nico. "That's right. Looks like you need more toxic cock in you, faggot." The fourth stranger gripped his thick 8" cock in the darkness and immediately plunged it raw into Nico without warning. Nico moaned in a way that sounded as much like pleasure as pain as the stranger's eight-incher pressed hard against Nico's second hole. "Oh fuck," Nico let out faggily, now beginning to realize that as much as his hole had already been feeling used and raw, that there were yet still more dimensions to the feeling as each new raw dick pummeled his insides further. His cummy pussy was passing the point of feeling simply used to feeling completely fucked out. It was a discomfort that Nico found so satisfying that he began panting and moaning with more vigor and frequency. Rapist #4 continued slamming his eight-incher into the well-fucked jock's hole, striking up a symphony of viscously cum-gloppy sperm churning. A large puddle of cum began to form on the blanket underneath Nico's ass opening. "Give the faggot your strain," one of the other strangers encouraged. Nico's mind ricocheted between the fear of being raped full of the virus that causes AIDS and the wondrous feeling of pain-pleasure in his now trashed pussy as yet another rapist pleasured himself raw inside the young jock. "I'm gonna pump your ass so full of AIDS juice, boy, you're gonna taste it in your mouth," rapist #4 said as he pulled the young jock's pelvis back onto his raw dick in rhythmic synchrony with each forward thrust of his cock. This pulling and releasing motion had the effect of magnifying the force of each dick-slamming against Nico's second hole. Nico's moaning became progressively louder. Rapist #4 could sense a degree of cooperation with the rhythm of his fucking. Rapist #4 continued slamming his fat cock into Nico's loose, cumsloppy jock hole until finally -- finally -- he felt Nico's second hole give way. Suddenly the rapist's thick dickhead pressed with force through Nico's second opening. "Ow, ow, ow, ah, ah, fuuuuuuuuuuck," Nico cried out. "He's just pain signaling," the demi-god said matter-of-factly. "Don't let it stop you," he offered to the rapist whose raw poz dick was deep inside the guts of the suffering, cum-filled 18 year-old. "Oh, I know," Rapist #4 replied, holding his dick in place. "I just pierced it's second hole, and that's exactly where I want my strain to enter." Without intending to do so, Nico's second hole began to loosen around the poz cock inside him, setting off a wave of pleasure in his rapist that would soon culminate in orgasm. "You deserve AIDS, faggot." Rapist #4's torso shuddered as his cock released a gushing, toxic load deep into Nico's intestines. Nico moaned but said nothing as his mind was consumed with the thought that he had just taken multiple raw, viral loads from his rapists. He felt unmoored, not sure what to think or what he was feeling -- except that he felt full. The pressure of his fourth rapist's raw cock inside his abdomen was as unbearable as it was immensely satisfying. Nico thought about how this was his seventh load of the evening, and almost without realizing it, he reached one hand back behind himself to feel with his fingers the raw dick pressed into his tender insides. "Well, look at this whore!" Rapist #4 said, surprised by the feeling of Nico's fingers caressing the base of his raw dick where it met the edge of Nico's cummy hole. "I told you all this slut would be asking for more after I was done with it," Rapist #4 boasted as he started teasing Nico's second opening by pulling back ever so slightly only to push back in a subtle back-and-forth that helped lube Nico's second opening while also pushing his fat poz load deeper inside. "You ever dream about getting raw fucked like a whore by a bunch of AIDS dicks, faggot?", Rapist #4 whispered in Nico's ear. Nico felt the rush of butterflies in his stomach hearing the rapist that was still inside him talking about AIDS dick. Nay, AIDS *dicks*. Nico felt his nipples contract and his cock swell. It sounded disgusting and terrible -- and yet that is exactly what excited him. The level of whoredom that it implied was blowing the young jock slut's mind. To actually seek out AIDS dick. To let poz tops cum inside me. What kind of total cumwhore do you have to be to start craving random strangers' diseased cocks while you have an HIV+ rapist's raw dick still inside you?, Nico thought. It was exactly the kind of whore Nico wanted to be -- perhaps already was. He felt shaky with excitement and nervousness. Rapist #4 pulled out, leaving Nico feeling empty. Vacated. Used up and in need of more raw dick. Not one of the tops in that darkened room ever saw the erection that Nico now had, and yet every single one of them, without ever saying so to the others, knew with uncanny precision and a collectively shared certainty that the young fuckhole's limp cock had finally awoken -- a fact which they all regarded with equal disinterest. The demi-god pulled out his phone and texted Omar to come collect the slut. Nico remained on the bed, having anticipated, even somewhat hoped for, the demi-god to dick him, but instead he listened to the cabal of anonymous rapists quietly exiting one by one. It wasn't until he heard Omar's voice calling him from the entryway that Nico fully understood that he had been left alone in the apartment, which he had assumed all along belonged to at least one of his sexual abusers that night. Nico felt Omar remove the blindfold. "Hey, baby," Omar said tenderly through the darkness. "Babe, they raped me." Nico began to cry before he could finish the sentence. Omar gently shushed him as the two embraced. "I need to get to the doctor," Nico continued, unable to fully control the tremble in his voice. "I know, baby," Omar replied, holding Nico all the more tightly. Omar kissed Nico lightly on the cheek, and releasing their embrace, helped Nico off the cum-soaked bed, where the puddle of cum that had collected under Nico's hole was now cold. Nico went to remove the leather collar and leash still around his neck, but Omar gently placed his hand over Nico's and said, "No, babe, leave that on." Nico paused, confused. "Your dad wants it on you when I bring you over." "Bring me over when?", Nico asked incredulously, wondering why Omar might be playing around with such a joke at such a time. "He said as soon as you were done here." And with those words, Omar reached his hand around to feel Nico's cummy, used hole as he laid another kiss upon Nico's surprised face. ---
  8. It's all hot -- including Ch. 9. Keep it up, stud!
  9. So hot! Braden and Nic as a cumslut bottom pair is so romantic 😍. Can’t wait so see how they help each other be little faggot receptacles for men’s seed.
  10. CH3 - "The Wounded Hunter" Two loads in his hole from two stepbrothers in as many hours. Nico was aglow as he savored the whorish turn that his evening had just taken. From the pit of his stomach traveling out into his limbs, fingers, and toes radiated an energy that was electric -- almost like nervousness -- or was it? -- but also like an unfettered joy that left his joints weakened but had his heart aflame. Not even a half-hour before his second raw dicking of the evening, Nico would have sworn, unhesitatingly, that his boyfriend Omar was his first and would be his last love and the only man who Nico would ever let pleasure himself inside Nico's insides. Omar…, Nico thought. Fuck, fuck, fuck. "Omar!," Luciano shouted through the open bathroom door, his cum-soaked uncut cock and balls still protruding from the opening in his jeans. It was clear to Nico that Luciano was not listening for Omar's answer. "God, that's a silky whore hole you have, boy," Luciano admired as he reached around Nico's backside and gently started swirling two fingers against the cum-glazing on Nico's outer hole. The scent of cum wafted up from Nico's ass crack to Luciano's nostrils. Luciano reached behind himself and shut off the switch for the bathroom fan. He clearly knows Omar's bathroom, Nico thought. Omar appeared in the bathroom doorway but directed his eyes only toward his stepbrother, whose fingers were still sandwiched in Nico's cummy ass crack. "¿Acabaste?," Omar asked. Nico noted Omar's calm affect in spite of not understanding the language. "Te toca a ti," Luciano replied, releasing his hand from Nico's crack and lifting two glistening fingers right up to Nico's mouth before forcing Nico's lips open and shoving both fingers in. Not once did Luciano make eye contact with Nico. The little slut sucked greedily on Luciano's sticky digits while trying to still keep Omar's figure in his peripheral vision. Nico felt emboldened by Omar's apparent assent, though still not fully understanding why everyone seemed so relaxed given the brazen infidelity that had just taken place. Omar switched back to English. "Food's ready if you want." Nico finished cleaning Luciano's fingers. Luciano withdrew his hand and without cleaning the stepbrotherly jizz combo coating his genitals proceeded to put his manhood away and button up. After briefly wetting his fingertips at the sink, Luciano finally exited the bathroom, patting Omar on the shoulder twice as he walked by and leaving a smattering of wet spots on his shirt. After watching his stepbrother walk out into the living room, Omar turned and finally fixed his eyes on Nico's. The serious look on Omar's face was tempered by the thinnest wisp of vulnerability in his eyes. They stared back at each other. Neither spoke. Omar finally broke the silence: "I think your dad's been texting you." The banality of Omar's words were both a surprise and a relief. "Is my phone in the bedroom?" "Yes, but you're going to have to go over there and get it yourself because I need to take care of my stepbrother and Elena." Omar paused before offering, "You need anything?" "Clothes?," Nico replied, wondering why, after everything that had just transpired, it required mention. "Did you forget where you left them?," Omar shot back dryly before turning away and heading back across the living room to the kitchen. The facetiousness stung. Fuck, Nico thought to himself as he let out a sigh. He is mad. Nico waited a moment before peeking his head out of the bathroom. Still fully naked and starting to feel a little cold, Nico stepped out quietly hoping not to draw attention to himself. He could see Luciano seated at the table with his back toward the rest of the apartment, but Omar and Elena must have both been behind the partial wall that blocked Nico's full view. Hoping to delay his first encounter with Elena for as long as possible, Nico started walking across the living room toward the bedroom door, treading as lightly on his feet as possible. He avoided turning his gaze toward the kitchen and stepped into the bedroom, closing the door behind him. Nico grabbed his phone from the edge of the bed and clicked it on. "Just wondering if you're planning on coming home tonight or if you're staying with Omar again," his dad's first text read. And immediately following: "No pressure. Just wondering so I can plan for dinner." "sorry, dad," Nico typed quickly. "just saw ur message. staying at omar's again tonight." Almost immediately, Nico's dad replied back with the emoji of a hotel with a large pink heart on its façade followed by three drooling face emojis. ("🏩🤤🤤🤤") Nico, embarrassed, typed back, "omg! stop!" He locked his phone, tossed it back on the bed, and then grabbed his pants and shirt, leaving his underwear on the floor. Nico dressed and opened the bedroom door as he stepped back out into the living room. Luciano, Omar, and Elena were seated at the table in the kitchen conversing in Spanish. The three continued their discussion without any one of them paying Nico any mind as he approached the table -- clothed for once. Nico slid into the only remaining seat at the table, next to Omar and across from Luciano. The pressure of the chair seat against Nico's taint reawakened the delicious ache in his freshly fucked hole. His insides felt full and used. There was something both thrilling and unsettling about every single person at the table knowing exactly what kind of cheating whore Nico had just been. Here he was only six months into the longest romantic relationship of his young life, simultaneously holding both his beloved's and his beloved's stepbrother's pooled ejaculate inside of himself. Something out of the corner of Nico's eye made him feel like Elena was looking at him. As Nico turned to meet her gaze from across the table, he saw her eyes dart back to Luciano while the rest of her head remained still. The three went on conversing for bit longer, and then, with the food on each of their plates looking mostly undisturbed, Luciano stood up, saying, "Gracias por la cena, hermanito." Elena got up, too. They pushed in their chairs and gathered their things to leave. Omar stood up and joined them by the front door, while Nico stayed put, sensing with each small slight that his presence among them was merely being tolerated. As they started saying their goodbyes, Luciano called over to Nico. Nico stood up and walked over into their line of sight. His eyes met Luciano's. Luciano spoke. "Don't ever let me catch you cheating on Omar, you hear?" Nico shot a glance at Omar, who turned his head away before their eyes could meet. "I promise I won't," Nico replied. Luciano scanned Nico up and down one more time from across the room and winked. And with that, he and Elena turned and left. Omar shut the door behind the pair and turned to face Nico, looking unamused. The two stared back at each other for some time. Nico stood wide-eyed. Omar appeared stern. He pressed his lips together. Nico's hands fidgeted. Omar looked withdrawn -- even a little defeated. "Why are you still wearing clothes?," he asked Nico, almost softly and without the usual brash, selfish confidence that was Omar's calling card. Nico felt guilt, and he felt it deeply -- the way one feels when one has shattered something inestimably precious. But there was another feeling, too, that Nico couldn't quite place. Nico pulled off his shirt, and then in one swift motion hooked his two thumbs under the lining of his jeans and slid them to his ankles. Nico stood naked, his jeans and shirt again pooled on the floor of Omar's apartment as they had been just a few hours earlier -- as they had been across so many nights prior. Omar admired Nico's perky nipples and the way they draw one's attention toward his rounded shoulders and the musculature on the sides of his rib cage. Omar walked over and with his left hand gently pinched Nico's nipple while his right hand reached around in search of Nico's cummy fuckhole. As Omar's fingers gently stroked Nico's cum-soaked pussy, Omar whispered into Nico's ear: "You really are a little whore, aren't you?" Nico relaxed his hole as a peace offering to his wounded man. Omar's face shifted; his brows furrowed and his lips pursed into an 'o' as he scanned Nico's face as though looking for something specific. "Goddamn your pussy feels so used," Omar said. "You like my used pussy, daddy?" Nico arched his lower back, adjusting his pink hole upward to make it easier for Omar to reach. Omar's cock surged under his pants. The pressure of his hardening shaft pressed into Nico's lower abdomen. Omar brought up his right hand and pushed his fingers into Nico's mouth, making Nico clean up the coating of his and his stepbrother's DNA. "You smell all that cum?," Omar asked. "Yes, daddy," Nico replied. "That's the smell of you not knowing how to keep your fuckhole shut, you little whore." Omar's tone got more serious. He withdrew his hand from the boy's mouth and then spit in Nico's face. "Go grab me your phone, slut, then get back here and service my dick." Omar felt impatient. Nico complied, grabbing his phone from the dark bedroom and returning to hand it to Omar. Nico kneeled and started unzipping Omar's jeans. Omar typed in Nico's code as Nico lapped up his semi-soft beer-can cock. Hearing the phone unlock, Nico tried to remember when he'd ever even given Omar the passcode, but with his mouth now full of boyfriend-dick and given the delicacy of the situation, Nico focused on sucking his man to full erection. "Look up at me," said Omar, still staring into the phone screen. Nico looked up toward Omar's face, eyes wide, with his boyfriend's shaft disappearing into Nico's warm, wet mouth. Omar snapped a photo of Nico's cock-stuffed face. Then another. And another. Omar began typing. "Good boy," he said as an afterthought, emptily and distracted. Nico closed his eyes and let Omar focus while Nico slobbered all over Omar's now-erect cock. Nico heard the sound of several text messages being sent in succession, but the taste and smell of Omar's cock and balls kept Nico focused on his reignited lust for cum. Even though his hole still ached -- nay, *because* his hole still ached from his earlier dickings -- Nico's craving for more raw dick consumed his focus. Without saying a word, Nico gently suckled his way off Omar's cock, stood up, turned around, and guided his man's raw meaty girth to the opening of his pink, used pussy. Nico heard another noise from the phone. His loose, cummy opening swallowed Omar's cockhead easily as Nico moaned like a dick-impaled little faggot. Omar felt the swirl of cum inside Nico as it soaked his cockhead. Omar closed his eyes for a moment and felt the muscles in his neck and upper-back finally relax for the first time since his stepbrother and Elena had shown up. Omar continued holding Nico's phone in place, the camera fixed on the widest part of his cockshaft as he finally pressed all the way into Nico. "Uhhh!," Nico panted as his tender insides were penetrated for the third time that evening. "Open up that pussy for me," he ordered Nico. Nico pulled his muscled ass cheeks apart, and a strong waft of cum scent filled Omar's nostrils. Omar started sliding his raw dick in and out of Nico. The sounds from Nico's hole sounded viscous and wet. "Who'd you just let cum inside your hole, whore?" Omar sounded angry. Nico hesitated. "I said, tell the camera who you just let cum inside you, whore," Omar repeated more slowly. "Your stepbrother." Nico let out a sharp, pained moan as Omar rammed his raw dick in hard before the words had finished leaving Nico's dick-scented lips. "You didn't ask him for his HIV status, did you?," Omar continued. "No, daddy." "Did you ask my stepbrother if he has any STDs?" Nico had never heard Omar talk about infections like this during sex. Nico again hesitated. "Answer the question, fuckhole," Omar barked impatiently, again plowing his fuckshaft hard and deep into hole. Nico felt a trickle of cum slide from his hole down to his taint. "No, daddy!" Omar's pulled all the way out of Nico's hole, leaving a ring of cum froth encircling the tender, pink entrypoint to Nico's rectum. Omar slammed back into Nico, reopening him easily and bottoming out as the sound of cum bubbling from Nico's hole reminded Omar of a man's boot being pulled quickly from thick mud. The sound of cumsloppy hole dicking filled the apartment. "Speak up, boy!" Omar slapped Nico's ass with an open palm as Nico's fuckchute gurgled and spat messily. the stepbrother's cum began leaking down Nico's inner thing and dripping in a cluster on the carpet below Nico. Nico winced. "No, I don't, daddy!" "How do you know my brother didn't just pump you full of HIV?," Omar followed. Nico felt electricity coursing through his belly. "I don't, daddy!" Nico moaned like a faggot in heat as Omar's plowing continued. Omar's hips began shaking. Nico felt a warm, wet pressure squirt against his rectal wall. Nico's hard cock released a thick wad of precum onto the floor below. "Fuck it in, please, daddy!," Nico implored hungrily. "Fuuuuuuuuuck," Omar let out, unable to control his torso's convulsions as he felt his balls unload seven hefty squirts of his sperm into Nico's cum-fragrant cunt. Omar panted as his thrusting slowed. He pressed fully into Nico, bottoming out one last time, before sliding out. Omar's raw dick released and fell with a muted 'thwap' against his jean-covered thigh. Nico heard another beep from the phone. The echo of his multiple raw dickings rebounded through Nico's lower abdomen and around his pelvic floor. He savored the scent of cum wafting up from his backside as he fingered his outer hole tenderly with one hand. Omar resumed tapping on the phone, his cock still hanging from his open fly, face lit in a purplish blue by the screen's glow. Nico heard the sound of another text sending as he turned to face Omar, got to his knees, and gently wrapped his mouth around Omar's cum-frothed cock. The flavor of the stepbrothers' cum mixture bore the signature sweetness that Nico knew was Omar's, but there was another saltier flavor tempering it. There you are, Luciano, Nico thought, as he gulped gingerly, trying not to overstimulate Omar's sensitive post-sex cockhead. Omar locked Nico's phone with a click and tossed it on the couch as he placed a hand on Nico that they both knew meant Omar's cock was done. Nico pulled his mouth away but remained on his knees on the floor. Omar stuffed his cummy genitals back into his pants, zipped up, and headed to the bathroom to wash his hands. Clothes still pooled next to him, Nico leaned over and grabbed his phone from the couch nearby. Clicking it awake, he unlocked it and peered down at the screen. His text messages were open. A video had been sent from Nico's phone to an unrecognized local number. Nico scrolled up to see that Omar had also sent the shots of Nico staring deep into the camera with Omar's cock in his mouth. Nico's heart pounded and hole ached in sudden symphony. Omar had sent two messages prior, which read, "hole on loan from Daddy Lucho," preceded by, "no ?s, all loads 18yo sub." The receiving number began typing back. * * *
  11. CH. 2 "Nico is a Cheating Whore" *** Omar tightened his embrace around Nico as they laid on the sofa together in the living room of Omar's apartment. "You know how much I love you, right?," Omar asked softly. "Of course, babe," Nico replied, clasping his hands more tightly around his boyfriend's muscled biceps. Nico closed his eyes as Omar's warmth enveloped him. Nico felt Omar's load soaking into his sore hole as they both lay together naked in their post-sex haze. There was a special kind of sting to the feeling of a man's cum soaking into his roughed-up hole that Nico just adored. He held tightly to Omar's arms. "Omar, I'm so glad I found you." "Me, too, babe." Omar planted a kiss on Nico's cheek, lingering just a beat longer than usual before pulling his lips away. It was such a sweet salve to Omar's aggressive sexual hunger that he could be so attentive and endearing in this way. The two continued laying there until Omar's phone lit up. He picked it up from the coffee table. "Luciano says they're getting ready to leave," Omar said, squinting at the brightness of the screen. Nico sat up. "Okay. I'll go shower." "Alright, but no aborting my offspring in there. I'm not done with you tonight." Nico laughed, shaking his head in feigned disapproval. "Of course not, daddy." Nico clenched his hole a little tighter just to be sure Omar's load stayed inside him as he stood up from the couch and headed to the bathroom. Omar's older step-brother Luciano was coming with his wife Elena to meet Nico for the first time. Months of Omar's endless bragging to Luciano made the occasion feel well overdue even though their relationship was still only six months old. Omar had been looking forward to having his step-brother finally meet Nico. Omar got up, headed into the kitchen, and lit the stove. * * * "You almost done in there?" Omar shouted through the open bathroom door. "Luciano just texted. They're looking for parking right now." Nico shut off the shower and stepped out, hearing the urgency in Omar's voice without actually being able to make out his words over the sound of the bathroom fan. His eyes darted around the bathroom. "Where are your clean towels?," Nico belted. "Shit," Omar muttered to himself, then shouted in reply, "We just used the last clean one after I fucked you." "Well, can you at least hand me that one? All of your cum ended up inside me anyway." "Okay, babe. One second. I need to turn down the stove before the food burns." Omar bolted over to the kitchen just as the sound of footsteps gathered outside the apartment door. The doorbell rang. Omar dashed over to his bedroom, grabbed the towel, and hustled it over to Nico. Omar turned around to open the front door, leaving the bathroom door ajar in his wake. "Hey, Omar!!," Luciano nearly shouted. "Lucho!," Omar replied, cracking a large smile. Lucho was Omar's nickname for his eldest and only step-brother Luciano. Luciano threw his arms open and wrapped them around Omar's broad shoulders. "Come on in, you two!," Omar glowed, as he patted Luciano in return and gave his wife Elena a kiss on the cheek, asking, ¿Elena, cómo estás? "How's my little brother?," Luciano asked, smiling widely as the two entered and removed their coats. Nico, meanwhile, found himself in a bit of a bind. He was stranded on the opposite side of the apartment from where he left his clothes at the foot of Omar's bed. He stood dripping in nothing but a post-sex towel behind a half-closed bathroom door with his boyfriend's family standing between Nico's clothes and his naked body. He decided to hang tight behind the door until he could get Omar's attention. "Let me go grab you guys a drink," Omar offered as he headed back into the kitchen, barely hearing whatever it was that Elena started saying to Luciano. "I'm going to run to the restroom real quick," said Luciano. Nico panicked as the door swung open, but Luciano's eyes were glued to his phone screen as he walked in and closed the door behind him. "Oh, sorry!," Nico blurted, not knowing what to say in such a situation. "Oh shit! You scared me," Luciano responded as he quickly looked up and thrust his phone quickly into his pocket. "I'm so sorry! I was just showering before you all arrived and didn't realize that I had left my clothes on the other side of the apartment until you came in." "Well, this is an awkward way to meet!," Luciano laughed as he unbuttoned his pants and turned around to face the toilet. "So I take it you're this Nico I've been hearing so much about?" Nico could hardly believe Luciano was striking up a conversation as he was about to take a piss with Nico just behind him. The sound of Luciano's piss plunging into the toilet gave Nico the impression that Luciano was draining a mighty cock, but with Luciano's back to Nico, the goods were out of sight. "Excuse me for just one minute," Luciano said, putting his member away and zipping up his pants. Nico found it curious that Luciano would excuse himself so late in the process. "Sorry, I'm being rude. I'm Luciano. It's so good to finally meet you." He extended Nico the same hand that he had just used to shake his cock dry. Nico, more steadily than seemed suited to his state of astonishment, extended his hand in return, hoping some remnant of the scent of Luciano's manhood might rub off. "I'm Nico." They shook. Nico balled up his hand as he withdrew it. Nico's cock began to stir under his towel. He wondered if Omar knew Luciano was meeting Nico like this. "I was trying to avoid walking out there looking like this when I heard you all arrive," Nico offered. "I forgot my clothes in Omar's room, so I was stranded in here." "You sure you want to change? What, this outfit doesn't suit you?" Luciano winked and gave Nico a slap on the shoulder before turning to the sink to wash his hands. "I'm just messin' with you! Hey, I'll go grab you your clothes and bring 'em over." Nico felt anxious. How was Luciano so relaxed like this? What would Luciano's wife think when she saw Nico step out of the bathroom after her husband? Nico closed the door behind Luciano and immediately unballed his fist. He lifted his opened palm up to his nose and inhaled slowly. Nico's cock began to stir under the towel as his nipples hardened. The thought of having Omar's step-brother's cock smell on his hand was making his heart pound and his thrashed hole pucker. Luciano returned with the clothes and knocked on the door. Nico cracked the door open expecting to be handed his clothes only for Luciano to push his way in, closing the door behind him. Is this just how things go with this guy?, Nico thought. An excitement stirred in Nico's belly as he wondered whether Luciano was merely playing naive. Nico took a second look at Luciano's figure. He looked to be a couple inches taller than Omar, and while his shoulders and upper back were not nearly as developed as his younger step-brother's, Luciano's pecs could leave an Olympic athlete jealous. Luciano's nipples pressed through the fabric of his shirt. "Thank you," Nico said, smiling for the first time since their bathroom exchange began. The way Luciano was standing looked as though he was settling in, rather than just dropping the clothes off. "You know that I can smell my little brother's cum inside your pussy, right?," Luciano said. Nico's heart skipped a bit. The mouth on this guy, he thought. Luciano walked right up to Nico's face and leaned into one ear, suddenly dropping his gregarious affect: "Now why are you trying so hard to make me cheat on my wife, boy?" Nico felt anxious and aroused in equal measure. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt Omar, but the more he thought about the succession of boundaries that Luciano, the bolder Nico felt about taking the risk. Luciano lifted his thumb and index finger to his lips and wet them with his tongue all the while never breaking eye contact with Nico. Luciano reached over and gently pinched the very tip of Nico's left nipple, clenching it between his fingers with the kind of precision of a chef applying the finest detail to an exquisite feast. Nico exhaled deeply. His hyper-sensitive nipples made his inner whore rage with lust. His heart was pounding. The whole situation felt so wrong, and yet he longed for it. Craved it. Applying a subtle pressure, Luciano twisted his fingers around Nico's nipple, somehow never once brushing his areolae. The skill it demonstrated was so apparent that Nico imagined a long and storied sexual history stood behind it. This wasn't just play: it was craft. Holy fuck, he thought, as if gazing into an abyss that he barely understood. Nico's cocked throbbed, lifting open the towel. "Looks like my little brother's new boy understands what's about to happen," Luciano said, a little louder than seemed prudent. His expressions were more serious now. That charismatic smile that had been beaming at Nico in the mirror earlier had now given way to an unsettlingly intense focus. Nico's sore hole pulsed. His ass crack started to feel slick, and those two tiny points of contact on his nipple left his body feeling electrified. He needed to feel a man's raw cock sliding inside him fast. "Won't they hear us?," Nico whispered. His erect cock head came into contact with Luciano's left thigh, just above his knee. The texture of his jeans against Nico's cock head felt momentarily divine. "Of course they will," Luciano whispered back. The butterflies in Nico's stomach were almost overwhelming. His nervous system was lit up like a carnival at night. Nico was in heat, and his hole -- cum-slick from Omar's cock onslaught earlier -- wanted to swallow whatever beast was lurking in Luciano's pants. Nico reached down and unbuttoned Luciano, revealing a dark bush of spiraling black hair and the thick veiny base of Luciano's dick shaft. No underwear, Nico thought as he considered whether this meant Luciano had arrived for tonight prepared to devour something more than just dinner. Nico gently pulled down at the base of the open fly, cupped his right hand, and slid it smoothly underneath the back side of Luciano's warm ball sack. With deliberateness and care, Nico lifted Luciano's snaking, eight-inch, uncut python of a cock and his bulging ball sack out of their denim confines. Luciano was engorged but not yet fully hard. A sticky swell of precum was dripping from the opening in his foreskin. Nico removed his hand from behind Luciano's nuts and reached back behind himself, lifting his hips on the right side to let him reach his hole. Luciano watched Nico's near-useless towel drop away, revealing a pair of cum gutters as defined as Luciano's surging pecs. Nico pressed his index and middle finger into his hole, parting his pussy lips. He swirled his two fingers around in his cum-soaked anal cavity. Omar's seed felt runny and almost hot as some of it began to trickle out of Nico's hole and down into his cupped palm. Careful not to let any more cum out than he could keep in his hand, Nico carefully pulled his fingers out of his hole, and gently carried his cupped hand with a small lake of Omar's DNA around to Luciano's rising manhood. Nico turned his hand over slowly, drizzling Omar's cum up and down the length of Luciano's dick shaft. Nico's left hand spread the liquid cum-glazing evenly over all sides of Luciano's now fully erect meat club as the smell of semen filled the bathroom. The expression on Luciano's face looked like an admixture of shock, anger, and fascination. "My little brother found himself quite the little piggy this time," said Luciano. Nico's ears perked up at the "this time." "You want to fuck your brother's cum back into me?," Nico offered almost matter-of-factly as he turned around and arched his lower back, presenting his pale, gravity-defying meat bubbles to Luciano's voracious gaze. With nothing but his cum-shiny manhood exposed, Luciano moved in on Nico's fully naked body. Luciano's fully engorged cock head, which reeked of Omar's sperm, was now peaking out from his foreskin. He pressed his cock head against Nico's slippery, moist hole. Luciano's head easily parted Nico's cum-fragrant outer hole. Luciano slowly tucked his pelvis to press his veiny 8-incher deeper into Nico's silky warm insides, bending his knees to get himself fully underneath the little slut's fuckchute. Nico gasped briefly as felt the pressure of Luciano's raw cock against Nico's ass walls steadily get more intense. On top of the sheer force of this new raw dick penetrating him, Nico's hole still felt tender from the ravaging he'd received from Omar. "You neg, cutie?," Luciano asked sweetly. "Yes," Nico replied, trying to keep his focus on the intense pressure Luciano's cock was creating as he pushed into Nico still deeper until finally bottoming out inside Nico. Nico let out a brief moan that was louder than intended. "You on prep then?," Luciano continued. "No," Nico replied, trying to control his breathing as Luciano started pressing a little harder against the back of Nico's rectum, sending increasingly intense shockwaves through his tightly closed second hole. "Good boy," Luciano whispered approvingly, as he began churning his step-brother's DNA inside Nico's chute. "Ow, fuck," Nico muttered as he tried relaxing his tender hole, wondering when it would adjust to the punishingly large raw dick in him. A small amount of cum trickled out of Nico and down Luciano's dick shaft. Luciano felt the trickle of his step-brother's cum trickling down his nuts as it turned cool. "There's nothing I love more than sliding my cock into a fuckchute that my little brother has already nutted in. Fuck that's a wet hole." Luciano pulled out and slammed his cock into Nico's sore rectum, demanding that his still-hesitant second hole yield to the full length of his fuck tool. "Aaaaah!," Nico let out as he felt Luciano's cock ply his second hole fully open. Concerns about keeping quiet suddenly became just a memory. Luciano pulled Nico's hips forcefully onto him, holding that second hole open for a moment as he tried to hold back his inevitable orgasm. "Holy fuck!," Luciano grunted as his nuts began pulsing and his sperm was sent flooding deep into Nico's guts. Luciano shuddered, his eyes tightly shut, as he continued unloading in Nico's used pussy, which was now fully slathered in a mix of family cum. Nico felt a deep, guttural excitement as he thought about how slutty he had been to let Omar's 41 year-old step-brother fuck an unprotected load into Nico's pre-loaded hole while Nico's jealous, protective boyfriend Omar was made to listen to it all in his own apartment. Luciano's orgasm reached its end. Nico felt thoroughly full, even as Luciano slowly began withdrawing his raw monster from the young jock's cum-soaked insides. God, it hurts even as he pulls out, Nico thought, though still he somehow relished the sting he felt as Luciano's cock easily slid past the fleshy walls of Nico's silky rectal cavity. "God," Luciano's interjection broke the post-sex quiet that suddenly made the whir of the bathroom fan more pronounced. "It's going to be fun putting you in the stable at this year's family reunion," Luciano said as he caught his breath. Nico felt his stomach flip. "Family reunion?"
  12. Nico heard the door knob jiggle and the front door swing open. He's home, he thought. Jumping onto the bed, Nico was almost entirely naked except for the bright orange, knee-high socks he was wearing. He positioned himself on all fours with his hole facing the bedroom door. "Babe?," Omar called from the living room. "I'm in the bedroom," Nico replied. Nico heard Omar set his keys down and walk toward the bedroom. "You slut," Omar laughed. "Care for a ride, stranger?", Nico retorted as he wagged his ass back and forth a few times. And what a perfect ass it was. On their first date, Omar had joked about Nico's ass "defying gravity." Nico then heard Omar walk into the room and unzip his pants. "How was work?" Nico asked as he arched his back, revealing the muscular dimples where his spine met his pelvis and all but advertising that he wasn't actually listening for an answer. Omar, ignoring Nico's question, placed one hand on Nico's ass. "Such a fucking hot dancer's butt you got, boy," Omar admired as he ran his left hand around the gorgeous muscular spheres, making swooping figure-eights on Nico's plump fuck cushions. "It's going to be nice watching this hot ass catch the attention of all your friend's dads at graduation." Omar loved parading his young, hot boyfriend in front of other thirsty men. Nico could hear Omar reaching into his underwear to fondle his meaty dick. "Mmmmm, is daddy getting his thick cock ready to plow open some twink hole?," Nico purred. The age gap between Nico and Omar was always a huge turn-on for them both, with Nico's 18-year-old boyishness making Omar's 36-year-old manliness stand out all the more whenever the two were out in public together. Omar, again ignoring Nico's question, landed a swift strike to Nico's butt cheek with an open palm, letting out a crisp snap. "Fuck!" Nico responded, almost whispering -- quieter than seemed proportionate with the striking his jock ass had just received. "No more questions, slut," Omar muttered as he began pressing his raw mushroom head into Nico's supple, pink hole. Omar had been calling Nico a slut since the first time Omar stuck his bare cock in his sexy little twink boy on their first date. Omar knew he'd found his new boyfriend the second Nico led him into that bathroom stall at the restaurant where they first met and let Omar stuff him full of man-seed before dessert had even been served. Not only that, Nico had never even so much as broached the subject of condoms with Omar before guiding Omar's girthy, engorged cock into his young rectum and absorbing Omar's throbbing fuckstick into him with ease. "What a fucking slut," Omar remembers muttering after unloading that first thick ropey load of DNA is this sexually precocious high school senior. It was a huge turn on for Omar that Nico hadn't even so much as asked about STDs. The little slut had no idea what kind of load he was taking and didn't seem to care. "Jesus Christ, daddy, pork me all ready," Nico entreatied as his craving for Omar's raw cock hijacked Nico's patience. Still dutifully on all fours, Nico arched his back again revealing the sculpted, lean musculature of his lower back. Omar spat on his cockhead and swirled his dick around Nico's fresh, pink hole before thrusting his pelvis forward and plunging his cock into Nico's not-quite-ready-for-it rectum. "Ow, fuck! Daddy, that hurt!" Nico let out. Omar felt his loins burn with desire at hearing his boy toy cry out in pain from an unnecessarily forceful penetration. Omar had his raw, barely lubed cock already pressing at the entrance to Nico's second hole. Nico winced with pain. "You want me to stop, baby boy?," Omar asked tenderly. "Maybe just for a second, daddy," Nico replied. "Of course, slut," Omar replied while starting to slowly pull his raw dick out. Just as his cock head was beginning to crest at the lip of Nico's hole, Omar reversed course and slammed his raw dick right back into the twink's hole without warning. "God, fuck!" Nico let out, wincing. "Tell me you want me to stop, slut," Omar barked dryly as he relished Nico's warm, tight hole. "Omar, please stop," Nico said, dropping the nicknames and taking on a more serious tone. Omar knew Nico wasn't just playing, but Omar's cock was not leaving that boy's hole. Omar slowed his thrusts but never stopped his slow-fucking. "Omar, come on," Nico insisted. Omar's thrusts picked up pace as he began plunging his shaft faster and faster into Nico. "Ow, fuck," Nico muttered. His tender hole was starting to burn from the lack of lubrication. Nico tried pulling his hips forward to get Omar's cock out of him, but as soon as Omar felt Nico trying to wiggle free, he grabbed Nico's hips and pulled the twink forcefully back onto his rock-hard cock. Nico cried out again. "Fucking take that dick, boy," Omar grunted, adding, "It's not my fault you made me do this to you." Nico gave up resisting and resigned himself to being fucked against his will knowing that Omar could not resist fucking Nico's brains out once he had his raw cock inside the twink. Nico relaxed his hole, hoping that would provide some relief from the pain of his boyfriend's raw cock tearing him open. "Apologize to me for making me do this to you, fucking slut," Omar said with a hint of disdain. "I'm sorry," Nico obliged. "You're what, you little whore?" "I'm sorry for making you do this to me, daddy." "That's right slut." Omar's cock thrusts were picking up pace, as he took advantage of his warm flesh-sleeve of a boyfriend. Omar reached around and clasped his enormous hands around Nico's throat and slowly began to apply pressure. Nico felt his airway closing under the force of Omar's grip. Omar was not piston fucking Nico at full speed. Omar's grip got tighter. It was getting to be almost impossible for Nico to breath. Nico started seeing stars. "Oh fuck yeah, slut," Omar uttered hungrily. "I'm going to fuckin choke you out while I rape you, you dumb fucking slut." Omar started grunting as he felt his balls swelling in anticipation. Omar's cock shot out a thick wad of sperm into Nico's now-compliant hole. Nico felt Omar's cock twitch inside him as he unloaded inside Nico. "Fucking whore," Omar said as he dismounted, finally releasing Nico's neck. Nico fell to the bed gulping air back into his lungs as Omar's cum sloshed around inside him. Nico gathered himself back up. "Daddy?" He said raspily, sounding upset. "Yeah?" "I'm so sorry, daddy."
  13. Definitely one of the hottest stories I’ve read in a long, long time. The pacing is so perfect, and I love that Cody hasn’t even grappled with the fact that all these poz bull studs keep raping him. Cody is a goddamned cumwhore, and it’s just delicious.
  14. Hey sexy. Nice profile. 

  15. I hold all loads in me as as long as I can until absorbed or until the next tops using me fuck the rest out. It's very important to me as a cumdump that tops be able to smell other men's cum inside me so they know that I understand my place and what my purpose is: to accept their reproductive slime deep in my guts. The only time I would release the loads willingly would be if a hot younger cumdump wanted me to release all the loads in me into their hole to get their night (or day) jumpstarted with a pool of pre-collected cockslime. I am a selfish cumdump most days, but sometimes I can feel generous for the younger generation of up-and-cumming cockwhores who have thousands of strangers loads to catch up on.
  16. My husband caught me rubbing my semi through my pants last night while I was reading all you studs hot posts on here. He asked me what I was doing, I told him, and he promptly slid his hole over my raw cock to milk the load out of me. I know it gets him all horned and in a slutty mood when he sees me being the pig that I am. What a good slut of a husband. I might reward him today by looking for some strangers to knock him up raw.  

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. chipygmalion80


      great hubby!  I have to distract my hub while he plays Wii to even get close .  Hard to get.  hehe

    3. Boinxdoor19


      Jealous here… 

  17. I haven’t used a condom since George W was president, and it’s so obvious to me that I won’t ever go back that it feels silly to even have to say so. On the few occasions that a top has asked to use a condom, I have tended to avoid acknowledging it and try my best to get him rubbing his pre-cum-covered cockhead against my bare hole. Once these studs start feeling their bare cock against my silky whore chute, the question is usually moot.
  18. fuckin hot twink slut. eager to inseminate you with my poz seed, boy

  19. hey sexy. can't wait to inseminate your used whore hole.

    1. BareBen


      :) i'm here for you, when are you coming?
  20. would love to cam myself taking a mailed load then invite some anon buds over to test my cum slicked hole out.
  21. hot profile, sexy. u need more poz loads pumped in you.

  22. mmmmm knock me up stud

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