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Everything posted by drscorpio

  1. I think what most people get wrong is that the eventual fizzling of sex is normal. It's not a sign something is wrong with the foundation of your relationship. It just means you are a human, and you eventually want "some strange." My husband and I were monogamous for the first few years of our relationship because we wanted to build intimacy between us. For a long time, that was cool and no stress. Then I think we kept it up a while just because it felt like an accomplishment. At more or less the same time, we broached the idea of opening things up. First we did threesomes, and he discovered how much it turned him on to watch me take another man's load. He had to travel a lot, so we began playing separately. We both enjoyed hearing about the other's exploits. Often I would wake up on Saturday morning to learn, he had lined up 4-5 tops from apps and hook up sites to come breed me while he watched. We had several good years like this. Then he lost all interest in sex, and then he began to resent me for still going out and having it. This spring he passed away after a massive stroke. I was told he had probably had several small strokes over the last couple of years which probably explains his major change in personality/sex drive. All in all, the good part of being in an open relationship was worth it. It was good to be able to be a slut and still come home to a man who loved me. I am open to having it again if it happens. Right now, I am just out having fun. But my husband was a trick who turned into 14 years together, so I know it could happen again.
  2. It’s almost certainly from his justfor.fans account.
  3. I live in a small college town in Louisiana which is about an hour south of the metropolitan area where I grew up. That is still the nearest place to do any real shopping, so I was up there today finishing my Christmas shopping. My plan after was to hit up two guys who I have been talking to up there. The first is an old fuckbuddy who moved away last year. The second is a guy I met on bbrt; we have been trying to hook up for a while. He's one of those guys who wants you to drop everything and come running when he's horny but never seems interested when you are in the area. He's a flake but the pics of his 11 by 8 cock keep me interested. After I shopped, I texted the second guy and got no response for half an hour. Then I went on Grindr to message my fuckbuddy. He wasn't online, but I immediately got hit up by a guy who I have chatted with several times. Normally, he cannot host, but he said he could for the next 90 minutes. I got his address and headed over. He took me back to a bedroom and we got naked. He is a light skinned black dude with a heavy, full beard and lots of tattoos. His cock looked promising as I went down on it. At first he struggled to get hard; he seemed very nervous. I sucked him until it grew into a nice 8 by 7 (my estimate) piece of cut meat. He asked for some lube, and then he slowly slid into me. It was breathtaking but not really painful. I did ask for more lube, and soon he was pounding away. He stopped and started several times. During these breaks, he would kiss the back of my neck, pinch my tits, and bite and suck all over my back and hips telling me how sexy I was. Eventually, he said he couldn't hold back anymore and shot a huge load into me. When he pulled out he told me not to move. He got a towel and cleaned me up. He said he didn't want me to make a huge cum spot on the bed. This was his uncles apartment and bed; he was just staying there for the weekend. We traded numbers and plan to meet up again after the holiday. When I got out to my car, I checked my phone. Both guys had gotten in touch. I told them I had just taken a load while waiting to hear from them. The old fuckbuddy thought it was hot, but he was tied up at work and couldn't get away for a few hours. The flake never texted me again; I guess he doesn't like sloppy seconds - his loss. I decided to see if I could get any more loads. I went to a coffee house and spent a while on the apps. I chatted with and traded pictures with a lot of guys. Finally, a guy with the handle Big Rod agreed to meet. I went to his place. His cock did not look very impressive soft, but it grew into a respectable 7 by 6. He could not, however, keep it up enough to fuck. After a while, he pulled the plug, and I went on my way. I got some gas and some food. I surfed apps again at the fast food place and got hit up by a cute 21 year old black guy with nice cock pics. I headed over to his place. Oddly enough, he ended up living only a couple of blocks from the first guy. This neighborhood was a really rough place when I was growing up, but you can tell it is being gentrified now. This guy lived down at the end of a dead end street. The place looked pretty rundown, but he came out to meet me. He explained he was only a few months into a complete renovation, so there was only one room done where he is living. He was a nice guy and a good fuck for his age. He was worried he would be too rough for me, but I told him I could take it. I was right. His cock was also about 8" long but only average thickness. He told me my ass was so good it was all he could do not to cum too soon. We also traded numbers and plan to meet again. Finally, my fuckbuddy was off work. He couldn't host. Fortunately, my mom was visiting her brother, so her house was available. I had a blanket in the trunk. I put it on my old bed, and he fucked me on the bed I slept in from age 8 until I left home. That was only the second time I had sex on that bed. He is a tall black guy in his 20s. He only has an average cock, but he fucks harder and longer than any one I have been with. Almost immediately, he was fucking cum out of my hole which really turned us both on. He pounded me hard for a half hour or more before giving me load number three. All in all it was a productive day. I got three loads from three guys, and I made two new potential fuckbuddies.
  4. What I don't get is why people worry so much about the possibility of climate change being a hoax. What would be so bad if we moved away from fossil fuels and developed new, cleaner technologies? Fossil fuels are a dead end; eventually we will use them all up. What we don't want is to be the last nation trying to make them work while everyone else is moving into future technologies. Coal has pretty much destroyed itself; it's so dirty that we already have cleaner ways to make electricity. I remember how polluted everything was in the late 60s-early 70s. It took a whole lot of work to clean things up. Let's not fuck things back up.
  5. @nymidtowneast, your writing is amazing and hot! Thank you so much for sharing with us.
  6. You are not allowed. We appreciate your discretion. Everyone should be able to find it now if they want.
  7. Please do NOT do this. I will just put it all back into one thread. That’s the only way to keep the fiction readable. Over time, chapters in different threads get out of order and drift apart. It is not a workable solution.
  8. Moderator's Note: For underage sexual encounters (under 18), that is about as much detail that we can allow.
  9. I guess that's the answer to the question "What was it that Sam Taylor-Johnson saw in him when she was 42 and he was 18?" Honestly, I suspected as much. She's no fool. He's clearly got more going for him than a big dick and a handsome face though.
  10. Moderator's Note: I am not comfortable with this discussion. It seems to be just indulgence in a particularly disturbing fantasy situation. Thread is closed.
  11. Moderator's Note: I have hidden a couple of posts here. Please do not go off on other posters on this site. If you think they have broken a rule or are disruptive to the forum, report their post and let the staff take care of it.
  12. PrEP is definitely called for. I wouldn’t be secret about it either. “Because the two of you cannot abide by our rules, I am doing this to protect myself.”
  13. They have been cracking down in the last 6 months on the Phoenix and Rawhide. It was a lot tamer this Decadence.
  14. Just keep talking to guys. The ones who are into you will let you know. There are lot of boys/men who would sleep with me if I were a fit, muscle dude, but none of the guys who slept with me this fall would have. They were all into chubby guys.
  15. I am a chubby (5'10", 270), 56-year-old bottom. Just this fall, I have had 6 young men between 18 and 22 pursue me. A couple of them wouldn't fuck bare, so nothing came of it. Two of of them fucked me a couple of times. The other two are semi-regular fuckbuddies who have given me multiple loads. There are people out there that want you. You just have to keep looking for them.
  16. No, it's pretty much exactly what the article you linked says. Resistance to emtricitabine is something that happens, but they believe it happened in this patient after he was infected. It also specifically indicates that resistance to emtricitabine makes the virus less able to survive. The article does state: there were several factors that may have contributed to his PrEP not working: He did have a PrEP break five weeks before HIV diagnosis and we can’t rule out that the patient had sex closer to that break than he recalls. The LGV inflammation may have increased the likelihood of transmission. It’s possible, if not very likely, that he may have caught a virus with a degree of pre-existing resistance to PrEP. For some reason (such as efficient kidney excretion) this patient had rather low levels of the PrEP drugs and especially tenofovir in his system. While they should normally have been adequate, they may not have been so if combined with the other two or three factors. It doesn't say anything about growing resistance to PrEP.
  17. There is not a dedicated area. You can talk about that in General. It doesn't fall into any of the special categories.
  18. He was the asshole. Everything about his position and behavior screamed "Give me your piss."
  19. Why do you feel guilty? Did you somehow contribute to his getting poz? What does he say about this? Is he okay with you trying to poz up?
  20. I had my last PrEP checkup right before the FDA approved Descovy for PrEP. The doctor and I had a talk about it. He wasn't willing to make the switch until it was approved since I haven't been having any trouble, but I expect he will suggest it when I see him next.
  21. Under no circumstance should you offer a condom to him if you want to fuck bare. Years ago, a fuckbuddy put one on because he thought I wanted him to wear one because I was cheating on a boyfriend at the time. I misinterpreted this to mean he wanted to use condoms, so even after I broke up with that bf a few weeks later, we kept using condoms because each of us thought the other wanted to use them. We fucked covered for over a year with both of us wanting bare but thinking the other was against it.
  22. The superdelegate rules have radically changed for 2020. Only 1/3 of superdelegates are allowed to vote their own choice. The other 2/3 must vote as their state did in the primary/caucus. It's not perfect, but it is a great improvement over 2016. I looked at the HRC website. They say they will only endorse viable candidates. My guess would be that it is too early for them to consider anyone viable. That's just a guess though.
  23. Moderator's Note: I guess it's not that surprising. I moved that stuff almost 4 years ago. The thread that the content was moved to got out of hand and was removed. Sorry.
  24. Moderator's Note: To the best of my knowledge, the map was not removed as a policy decision. I suspect it has something to do with the on-going maintenance and updating that @rawTOPis engaged in at the moment.
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