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Everything posted by drscorpio

  1. I have no idea what you mean by "orals" in this context. If you want guidance, please spell out what you mean and I will try to help. Pot, poppers, and alcohol are okay to talk about everywhere. I am glad you found rawTOP's reply helpful although I fail to see how it is materially different from the one I gave. He just gave you more examples of the same concept. Making a report should be viewed as "Hey could you look at this? I think it might need attention" rather than "This person is bad. PUNISH them" although we get plenty of the latter. In any case, your report is never going to automatically trigger an infraction for the person. The moderator will assess the problem and act in accordance with the rules as he understands them. This is a really shitty week for me. Today is the first anniversary of my husband's death. I am probably a little more churlish that I should be, but your response got on my last nerve last night. I apologize.
  2. @viking8x6, I just this very minute got through fixing something that I might never have caught if you hadn't reported it. I don't get why this situation is different. The fact that you report something does not automatically mean the person gets an infraction. It just means a moderator knows something is there that need to be examined. If I were expected to write some sort of public report to fill everyone in on what happened every time someone gets an infraction, this would have to be my full-time job with compensation. As it is moderating this site takes hours of my time every week. All the moderators see reports until one of us marks it complete. All reports are saved in a log that moderators can view, but honestly, I might look through it 3-4 times a year to remember how I handled a similar case. The offender can protest how they were treated, and if their protest has merit, the infraction can be eased or removed. The only reason the person reported will ever know you reported them is that you tell them. I mean I suppose a moderator could as well, but I have NEVER done that.
  3. Thanks for your unwillingness to help with the problem while still being willing to come in here and bitch about it. I don't know what else to tell you.
  4. Yeah, paying for a month is usually all you want to do. Very few guys post often enough to make their subscription price worth it, but paying it one month to browse their back catalog is worth it. I will say that most guys are stepping it up for the quarantine. A lot of them are posting at least something every day.
  5. Here's my tip. Do a web search to find your favorite porn star's twitter. If he has an OnlyFans/JustForFans/FuckKnowsHowManyOthersThereAre account, he will have links to promotional clips of his pay site. That way you can get a sense of what the page is like before you subscribe. One Warning - the Covid-19 Apocalypse has hit these sites hard, too. Most guys have burned through the backlog of things they filmed pre-quarantine and are only posting solos for the last week or so. You probably have to work back a few weeks to start getting to good stuff. Actually, a lot of the solos have been hot enough, but you know what I mean.
  6. There is really no reason (other than some underlying health condition that makes taking Truvada or Descovy dangerous for you) for your doctor to refuse to give you PrEP. If for some reason he will not, ask for a referral (or simply go yourself) to an Infectious Diseases doctor. Another option would be an LGBTQ+ organization in your area can probably point you to someone who will prescribe it.
  7. @BlueBear4044, people are attracted to things they find exciting whether or not they want to actually do them. I love watching videos about skydiving, base jumping, and wingsuits, but I am way too petrified by heights to ever do those things. Bugchasing is extreme and dangerous; humans are attracted to those kinds of things. Maybe it's more than that for you, but it doesn't have to be. If you are sexually active you should consider getting on PrEP. There are untrustworthy guys out there. If you protect yourself, you don't have to worry about what they do.
  8. Please be that guy, @BootmanLA. We aren't omniscient on the moderation staff. We miss things. Generally, a passing mention of chems (ex That night at the baths, a few guys were clearly tweaking, but I didn't pay any attention to them.) isn't a problem. If people are talking about chem sex in the bugchasing area, it needs to be moved.
  9. You can find a video of Austin wolf fucking Armond Rizzo. They did it for OnkyFans
  10. John Thomas who is an exclusive at Tim Tales. He is cute. He can take a big dick or a fist. He can take big cock down his throat until his lips are against their body; in some case with dicks I would have sworn no one could swallow.
  11. @Voyeurboy69, please feel free to continue your story. There are plenty of other stories with the same theme that no one has raised objections to.
  12. Moderators Note: This is a valid point. But someone had asked a direct question, and most of those posts followed from that. I have split those posts off into another thread. If you want to post about your chase, please go here:
  13. @RawSubDad, you are perfectly within your rights to object to a story's content. "It is just fiction" is not a blanket defense there is certainly some fiction we don't allow. Rape fantasies seem to be pretty common around here, so you will probably see more of it. Generally, I think it is wiser to ignore things you do not like unless you find them disturbing enough that you feel obligated to call them out. That may well be the case here, but you have raised those objections now. @a6uldeve84u, please do not be intentionally obtuse. I have read every word of this story twice. The consent the narrator extracts from his partner is murky at best. The partner resists being gagged, and then the narrator lies to the participant of the gangbang to convince them the victim is enjoying himself. This is clearly a rape fantasy. Even if the conclusion of the story is the partner secretly got into it, the scenario is unarguably rape and probably unlawful imprisonment. All that said, I appreciate your defending the author's right to tell a hot story that interests him. You have both had your say. Let's leave this dispute, and allow @Voyeurboy69 continue his story.
  14. Moderator's Note: Since the images are watermarked (the boycreeper.com in the corner), they are promotional images for a video rather than the product the site is selling, and boycreeper.com is not on rawTOP's black list of people who are overly litigious (there is a pinned thread about this in Tips & Tricks), they should be fine.
  15. If it would only take out the idiots, that might be a good thing. I understand the temptation to hookup. We are under stay-at-home in the whole state, but we have only a handful of cases in my rural area. Consequently, all the apps are full of guys ready to hookup - really ready - not waiting to see if a guy 2% hotter shows up in an hour. It's hard to resist when you haven't had sex in a month or more. But we have to.
  16. I definitely enjoy my own pit stink. Other guys it varies; some guys I really get into their scent but not everyone.
  17. No sex since we got the Stay Home Order from the governor two and a half weeks ago. I had blown a regular the day before. It’s been about a month since I got fucked. I’ve been chatting a lot on apps which was just fun at first. Now I am starting to feel legitimately tempted; I probably need to stay off them for a while. 10pm to 5am curfew starts tonight which is good.
  18. My best advice is to get on PrEP as soon as possible. Then have a good time taking loads.
  19. Up near the top left of the page you should see your username and the blank square. Click on the dropdown next to your name, and choose "Profile." You should be able to click on the square and upload a picture there.
  20. Porn (written and video) is what we have now. Please share.
  21. I am working on answers for you. This honestly hasn’t come up before.
  22. I dribble so much pre-cum when I am getting fucked that tops sometimes think I have shot a load without letting on. My belly will be sopping wet with it. Although it isn't just when I am getting fucked. Last fall, I was blowing a guy. He was lying down, and I was lying on my side between his legs. He had moved one of them in close, so I was basically humping his leg. At one point, he groaned for no obvious reason. I asked what was us. "You're pre-cumming so much that my leg is getting wet. That is so hot."
  23. It looked to me like those guys were a couple or at least fuck buddies. They clearly knew all of each others buttons to push, and they seemed to be in sync with one another without looking like they were being directed. It's a shame the top pulled out to cum though.
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