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Everything posted by drscorpio

  1. Go up to the menu bar at the top of the page. A couple of spots to the right of chat is a dropdown arrow labeled "Other." You can find the Cumdump Map" there.
  2. Depending upon how closely interrelated all these people are, you could be putting the black guys you hook up with at risk for violence from your family. Even worse, you could be putting casual acquaintances at this same risk, if they assume every black man you talk to has been inside you. All in all, you are throwing gasoline on a fire. Make sure you and everyone you care about is far enough away from it before you do.
  3. Moderator's Note: If it was on bugshare, it was most likely belongs in the Backroom so I moved it here. I know it has been a long time, but that doesn't ring any bells for me. I thought I remembered every story from back then.
  4. Moderator’s Note: I had to do some editing on a few posts. If you are going to tell us a story about something that happened when you were under 18 and you want to give the actual age, you need to give no more details than this example.
  5. Until/unless we have an HIV test that is 100% accurate as soon as someone is exposed, you cannot "know before playing." Yes, your method would catch people who were intentionally lying about their status or unaware of their true status as long as they converted 6 weeks ago or more. It would not catch the person who is most likely to infect you - a person who has contracted HIV since their last test but who is not yet showing antibodies. This person is usually highly infectious, and no home HIV test can protect you from him. Asking every partner to take a home HIV Test would be expensive. It would also be off-putting to some. But most importantly, it will do nothing to protect you from the most infectious people you are likely to hook up with. Here are your realistic options for protecting yourself with today's medical technology: Assume all your partners are poz and proceed with whatever activities you would feel comfortable doing with a poz partner. If that means sex with a condom, remember that condoms can and do break. Get on PrEP yourself. Then you do not have to worry about anyone else's status.
  6. Moderator's Note: Yes, please. There is a whole forum for discussing politics. Please don't drag it into regular sex threads.
  7. Moderator's Note: There is no reason to be nasty. If you don't like reading stories that sound fictional to you, then read another area and keep your unpleasant comments to yourself.
  8. Moderator's Note: Thank you for the clarification. No discussion of sex for hire or facilitating sex work is allowed. Please reread the details here:
  9. Sorry our system is kind of clunky for this. What you did was the best solution. I have merged the two threads, so you can see all the comments. I deleted the old version as well. Here's how you handle the format issue. When you cut and paste from another app into BZ, you should see a little link at the bottom of the window where you pasted the story that offers you the option to "post as plain text." Click that link. It removes all the formatting from the other program, so it looks like you just typed it into the window. That will take care of the majority of cases where the cut/paste story has a weird text color or size.
  10. Moderator's Note: I have no idea what you are talking about. I don't know what you previous account was. Regardless, the only person who can delete and account is the admin, rawTOP.
  11. Moderator’s Note: Generally, you cannot. We will remove pictures or contact information. Report the post you want removed and tell us why you want it removed. A moderator will respond within 24 hours usually.
  12. Please do not post your true life experiences here. If you feel you must, post them as if they are fiction; don't go out of your way to tell us they are true stories. If you want to post a true story, it can go in a blog post or in "Your Last Load." In either case, it will have to be approved by a moderator before it appears. We have to pay much closer attention to the content of true stories. For example, it is fine to write a fictional story about escorting, but an account of your work as an escort or hiring one will get us in trouble with FOSTA/SESTA.
  13. There is a mitigating factor here though. HIV that is resistant to both drugs in Truvada is particularly weak and doesn’t spread very well. That is part of the reason Truvada was picked over other drugs to use as PrEP. That’s not saying what you are talking about will never happen, but there are no signs of it happening yet. Details of a study done in the Seattle area http://www.aidsmap.com/How-much-PrEP-resistant-HIV-is-out-there/page/3245143/
  14. We do not monitor chat for content. The messages aren't retained. Really not sure what you were trying to say, but personal attacks on any member are not acceptable.
  15. Moderator’s Note: If you want to talk about Chem piss, go to Sex with Enhancements. No Chem talk in here.
  16. Yeah, he’s out hustling on that street where you saw him shirtless. Yeah, he is taking everyone’s cock and ass bare. He wants you to think he only does that with you, but that is bullshit. If that scares you, I think you’re done with him. He probably won’t ask you for money every time just every time he needs it. He probably had a bad run of luck or needs money for something specific, so he hit you up for some. He’s probably more than happy to give you freebies when he is flush, but today he wasn’t. If he asks again, tell him “no.” You are way too young and hot to need to pay.
  17. Speaking as a chubby bottom, you need to find guys who are into chubby bottoms. There are plenty out there. There are bear and chubby/chaser organizations and events.
  18. Moderator's Note: I split it off into a new thread for you. Let me know if you want the title changed.
  19. Moderator's Note: I had to remove a few posts that were stepping over the line. The post I quoted is fine as an example of talking about underage sex. It describes what happened to the poster themself and it is brief without a lot of erotic detail. Please do not ask anyone who had an underage sex experience to elaborate on it. That is against the rules. If you are currently having sex with someone who is underage, do not talk about it here.
  20. If you have been taking it regularly for a long time, you should have substantial protection from HIV for about a week after you stop taking it.
  21. I am probably showing my ignorance of the dark web. I don't know anything about what people find there other than stolen identity stuff.
  22. Moderator's Note: Don't bring up any topics here that you aren't not allowed on this site. That includes anything about how to pirate commercial porn as well as thing like scat and underage porn.
  23. Talk to your partner about an open relationship.
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