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Everything posted by sam_puppy
I hope there's more of this fic soon
Awesome can't wait to read more
So fucking hot had me cumming hard more than once
The Doctor And The Experimental Drug
sam_puppy replied to SlideItInMeChgo's topic in Chem Sex FICTION
Hope there's more to cum -
So fucking good, almost as enjoyable as the first set
So fucking hot would love to read more
- 2 replies
- bareback sex
- breeding/seeding
- (and 4 more)
Fuckin hot
A really great start, can't wait for more
Fuck I wish someone had done this for me I'm like a rock atm
Can't wait for more of this
Daddy makes me into the slut boi I was born to be
sam_puppy replied to nikos678's topic in Chem Sex FICTION
Sot freaking hot, I am so jealous of the bttm -
So fucking hot
This seriously needs more
Tina Turns My Straight Friend Into My Straight God
sam_puppy replied to uncleslam's topic in Chem Sex FICTION
So fucking good. Nothing like getting fucked but a horny str8 guy -
Unfortunately there isnt
Again not mine I just altered it to fit breeding zones rules THE BUILDER - by pedro976 - This story is a work of fiction. If you are under 18 or material of this nature is illegal in your present area. By continuing, you are confirming that it is legal for you to view the material in this story. In addition, you are agreeing that the author, editor, and this site will not be held responsible for any consequences of you viewing or downloading the story. - - - - 1 - - - - Krzysztof's spunk splashed across Tom's open mouth, coating his lips and tongue in thick creamy cum. "FUCK YEAH" grunted the massive muscle hunk as he stroked out the last few drops into his little boy's mouth. Tom was lying on his bed staring up wide eyed at the builder who was straddling him, his massive legs were either side of the eighteen year olds head. Moments before the thick meaty thighs now framing his face had been pounding Tom for the second time that night. His arse was still raw and open from the merciless fucking. Once the effect of the cocaine wore away Tom was pretty sure he was going to be barely able to walk. At that moment though he didn't care. He was still experiencing the effects of the drugs and he was completely in awe of the man God who had opened up a whole new world of pleasure to him. Krzysztof looked down at him and smiled. "Good little baby?" he asked, wiping his slippery cum covered cock against the teenagers plump lips. "God, yeah, it was good" replied Tom breathlessly. Krzysztof raised an eyebrow and Tom realised immediately that he had forgotten to refer to Krzysztof in the way he preferred. "It was good Daddy" he corrected himself. Krzysztof laughed "You learn baby" and then climbing off Tom and standing up he said "I shower" and with that he walked out of the bedroom. Tom watched the massive Eastern European builder's broad muscular back and powerful arse as he left. He breathed a deep sigh and looked up at the ceiling. "Wow" he muttered to himself, but what now? He was completely wired on the cocaine and was not tired at all. He heard the sound of the shower from the bathroom. After a short time Krzysztof returned and pulled on his jeans and vest. "Are you going?" asked Tom disappointedly. "Yes" replied Krzysztof and saw the dejected look on Tom's face. "You come" said Krzysztof. "Oh" said Tom, a smile replacing the frown "Where to?" "You see" came the builder's mysterious reply. - - - - 2 - - - - Tom had showered himself then the big man had led him to his van and they had driven away from his house and into town. Tom's enquiries about where they were going were met with silence and so instead the two of them had made small talk about other stuff. The drugs were wearing off a little bit though and Tom began to worry a bit about what he was getting himself into. Soon enough Krzysztof parked the van next to a row of garages and turned off the engine. "We here" he said, picking up his bag and opening the driver's door. Tom got out the passenger side and walked around. They had arrived at a small block of flats. The building was well lit and looked pretty modern. Still, Tom could not help but feel more than a little apprehensive about what he was walking into. Then again it was night time, he was not too sure what part of town they were in and he had no means of getting home. Following Krzysztof who had begun to walk into the building was his only option. The huge man turned around to look at him as he caught up and must have noted the apprehension on his face. "Don't worry little baby" he said "I sort you out in flat, make feel happy again" and he gave Tom a reassuring smile. Tom assumed he meant more cocaine. It is ok he told himself. He had only sniffed a small amount. The tiny line in the bathroom and the two lines in the bedroom. That was not so much he reasoned. Even if he did a little bit more he would be back home tomorrow and there was plenty of recovery time before his mother returned from her business trip. Krzysztof rung a flat number and the security door buzzed open. The two of them went in and took the lift. "My friend, he has, what do you call it, top floor flat" Krzysztof tried to explain. "Oh" Tom realised what he was saying "You mean the penthouse flat?" "Yeah" smiled Krzysztof "The penthouse" and the way he pronounced the word made Tom laugh. "Hey, no laugh at accent" Krzysztof complained and he took Tom's head in the iron grip of his massive hands, leant down and kissed the teenager forcefully. Tom responded in kind and felt himself getting instantly aroused. Before he could do anything else the lift pinged and the doors opened. Krzysztof pulled away "Come" he beckoned and the two of them left the lift and walked into the corridor. It was obvious to Tom from the single door that the flat they were going to was the only one on this floor. Krzysztof didn't knock the door because it had already been unlocked. Tom could hear that dance music was playing inside. Pushing the door open the two of them walked into the flat. Tom had to admire his surroundings. The entrance led straight into the main living area which was modernly furnished to a high finish. There were two large leather sofas either side of the room. In the middle was a huge matching leather table that was the size of a double bed and Tom assumed could be used to sit on as well as keep magazines and stuff. Double doors led out onto a wooden decked balcony that looked out over town. It was lit up with night lights and the doors were slightly open to allow the breeze in. It was a bit much to take in, especially the massive flat screen television on the wall which was playing a porn movie involving a huge gay orgy. "Hey Krzysztof" shouted a voice and a guy walked in from a room that Tom assumed was the bedroom. He was a little shorter than Krzysztof but was still over six feet. It was what he was wearing that caught Tom's attention first. He had a leather cross belt strapped tight across his defined hairy pecs. On his wrist he wore a leather gauntlet and then a pair of tight leather trousers. That was it. Tom raised his eyebrows. He had seen guys wearing leather on the various porn sites he visited but he had never really thought it was something that would turn him on. It did now though, his cock stiffened a little at the site in front of him. Tom took in the rest of the guy. He had short close cropped dark brown hair, designer stubble and was around forty years old. He was muscled but nowhere near as large as Krzysztof. His face was angular and he had sharp eyes. He was very sexy. "Mateusz" greeted Krzysztof and the two men hugged. They spoke in Polish for a short while making Tom feel a little uncomfortable before Krzysztof turned and introduced him. "Mateusz, this Tom. It his first time" explained Krzysztof. "Hello Tom" greeted Mateusz and before Tom could say hi in return the man grabbed him by the waist band and pulled him against him. "Mmmm" he growled leaning down so his face was against Tom's. He stretched out his tongue and licked up from Tom's chin across his mouth and to his nose in one motion. Much like a lion may lick the face of its mate thought Tom. "We will make your first time a good one" he promised Tom and laughed. Tom was not quite sure what to do so he smiled nervously. Mateusz let him go. "Rack up some stuff Krzysztof" he ordered "then you can get Tom changed and we can have some fun" Krzysztof used a little mirror that was sat on the large sofa table and laid out six lines of cocaine. "Guests first" offered Mateusz and Tom took the rolled up note he was offered. He hesitated slightly. Should he do more drugs? He accepted that he didn't really have much choice given his situation. Fuck it, he thought. He would just do this little bit more, the first lines he had done back at home had made him feel amazing and if he was going to stay with these two guys then he guessed he was going to need that feeling again. He snorted both the lines and allowed the wave of euphoria to begin to take effect as he watched Krzysztof then Mateusz snort up the remainder of the cocaine. "Right" said Krzysztof taking Tom's hand "You change" He led his boy into the bedroom from where Mateusz had emerged. Tom followed not quite sure what was expected of him. The cocaine had made him not particularly bothered. He laughed when he saw the collection of leather gear on the bed. "I never thought I would ever do anything like this" he said picking up some of the kit. "You put these on" said Krzysztof holding up a pair of leather wrist gauntlets. Tom slipped them on and did them up. He noticed that each gauntlet had two clasps and he realised that they could be locked together like handcuffs. Krzysztof held out a leather jock strap. It was studded and the way it was designed meant that Tom's arse would be totally exposed and only his cock would be covered. He realised he was going to get fucked again. His cock twitched at the thought. He quickly got undressed as he chatted and laughed with Krzysztof at what leather kit to wear. The cocaine had done its work again and Tom totally relaxed. He slid into the studded leather jock as Krzysztof reached out and put a studded metal dog collar around his neck. There was a full length mirror standing in the corner of the room and Tom stood and admired himself. He looked hot. Krzysztof pulled off his own clothes and stood completely naked watching him. His cock was fully erect and throbbing. Tom saw him in the reflection of the mirror and turned to look. "Wow" he said admiring the man's muscular body once more. "Just... Wow" Krzysztof laughed and flexed his massive body. "Are you wearing anything?" Tom asked Krzysztof. "I too big" replied the giant and to illustrate his point he held up a leather strap that Tom assumed was meant to go around a bicep. Krzysztof flexed showing of his muscles and Tom realised the strap would not even fit around one half of the hunk's huge arms. "Come on you two" shouted Mateusz from the other room. "We need this" said Krzysztof and he picked up the full length mirror and carried it from the bedroom and into the living room. Tom took a deep breath and then followed. - - - - 3 - - - - He walked in to see Krzysztof positioning the mirror in front of the sofa table that dominated the centre of the room between the two large sofas. "Here's our boy" said Mateusz "Looking good you little leather bitch" he laughed. Tom laughed with him and his cock twitched in the jock. "Looks like your horny" said Mateusz and he came and stood right next to Tom looking down at him. He took Tom's face in one hand. "Are you horny for me baby?" he whispered to him. Tom's cock was rock hard now. "Yeah" he whispered back. Mateusz snogged him deeply. His tongue slid into Tom's mouth. Tom tried to respond but Mateusz's tongue dominated his own and pressed deep into his throat. "Mmmm" growled Mateusz pulling away. "Do you want to feel great Tom" he whispered to him. Krzysztof was stood watching them slowly wanking his massive tool. Tom, at that moment, only had eyes for Mateusz who held his head tight, gazed deeply into his eyes and fixed him with a smouldering stare. "Do you?" he asked again. "Yeah" Tom replied. Transfixed by the gorgeous eyes staring into him. Mateusz reached to a small table on the side and picked up a small clear glass tube that ended in a little ball. It was had trails of smoke coming from a small hole at the end and Tom realised it was a pipe of some sort. "Smoke it baby" ordered Mateusz. "Is it cannabis?" asked Tom. "Not quite, its meth" came the reply. Tom had no idea what that was. He guessed it was some sort of cannabis and because it was only smoking he thought it can't be that bad a thing to do. Mateusz held the pipe to Tom's lips and Tom inhaled. Smoke billowed out his mouth at first and Mateusz told him to breathe deeply and hold the smoke in. Tom tried again and this time he succeeded in smoking it properly. He exhaled and then had another go. "That's enough for the minute mate" said Mateusz and he handed the pipe to Krzysztof who held it to his own lips. Tom was about to ask what he could expect to happen but he didn't need to for just at that minute it hit him. The cocaine was one thing but this was something else entirely. The high was so intense. His eyes rolled back into his head. "Woh" he said. "Good isn't it" laughed Mateusz who had been smoking the meth before Tom and Krzysztof came in from the bedroom. Krzysztof came up behind Tom. He handed the pipe to Mateusz who took a huge drag and held the smoke in his mouth before bending down and snogging Tom. Along with Mateusz's tongue, Tom's mouth was filled with the meth vapours. His cock was raging hard and he opened his lips and let Mateusz dominate his mouth once more. He felt Krzysztof take his hands and pull them behind his back. He heard the clasps of the wrist cuffs lock. His arms were now secure behind his back but he didn't care as he took all of Mateusz's big tongue into his mouth. He moaned and Mateusz pushed harder against him, gripping the back of his head and snogging him hard. Tom flinched slightly as he felt Krzysztof slide a finger into his tight hole. "You so tight baby" growled Krzysztof as he pushed in a second digit and began to finger fuck his little boy's hole. Tom couldn't reply as Mateusz's tongue pushed his own down and pushed deep into the back of his throat. He could only moan with the pleasure flowing over him. Mateusz released him and Krzysztof took his fingers from Tom's tight pussy and put his massive arms around him from behind and held him tight. Mateusz stepped back and took a final drag on the meth pipe. He put it down and then slowly and deliberately undid the zip on his leather trousers. Tom's eyes widened. Mateusz took out in his hand a massive cock. It was well over twelve inches thought Tom. Longer and thicker Krzysztof's and that was the biggest tool Tom had ever seen until now. "Hold him" Mateusz said to Krzysztof and Krzysztof spun Tom around so he was facing him. He gripped the trussed up lad tight in a muscular embrace. Tom's head rested against his powerful pecs. Tom felt that Mateusz had come up behind him and then he felt the huge cock at the entrance to his hole. He squeezed his eyes tight shut. Mateusz took hold of his hips and Tom felt his sphincter begin to rip open as the massive cock head pushed hard into him. His arse muscles gave way under the onslaught and Tom felt the huge shaft follow. It never ended and Tom felt light headed and dizzy as Mateusz grunted and pushed into him further. Krzysztof tightened his hug and held the boy still. "FUCK BITCH" grunted Mateusz "TAKE IT ALL" and he pushed the last few inches into the teenager. Tom cried out and Krzysztof pushed his head against his massive chest muffling the cry. "FUCK YEAAAAAH" laughed Mateusz. "The little bitch has taken it all." He put his mouth next to Tom's ear and whispered "How does it feel to have all my cock in you baby?" Tom let out a muffled cry. "Fuck him" growled Krzysztof and Mateusz took up the idea. He slid the massive shaft out all the way and just as Tom's tight hole began to close he slammed it back into him. Tom's cries were muffled into Krzysztof's huge body. Mateusz began to fuck Tom relentlessly, pounding in and out of him. The meth, mixed with the pleasure and the intense pain caused Tom to black out for a moment. He tried to say something but only animal grunts were coming from his lips. The fucking was intense and Mateusz was moaning loudly as he fed his monster meat into the boy. Tom felt himself blacking out again and the last thing he heard was Mateusz moaning that he was going to breed his hole. - - - - 4 - - - - Tom slowly opened his eyes. He was laying face down on the sofa table in the centre of the room. Jesus, he thought, he must have finally slipped into some drug and sex induced coma. He tried to move his arms but realised that he was still wearing the wrist cuffs and they remained locked behind his back. He was about to get up and ask for someone to take the things of him but before he could do anything his tight boy hole suddenly exploded with pain as it was forced open. "AWWWWWWW FUCK" he cried out as the pain around pleasure rippled out from his sphincter muscle. Tom could not turn to look behind himself but the full length mirror was still positioned in front of where he lay and he looked into it to discover the source of his violation. He expected to see Krzysztof or Mateusz behind him but instead there was an insanely muscular ripped black man stood there, his huge hands clenching Tom's hips tightly. He had obviously just driven what was an enormous thick black cock into Tom's little arse. Tom took in the stranger's appearance. He was very tall and very muscular, every bit the size of Krzysztof. His pec muscles were so ripped they had thick veins appearing at their edges that ran over his shoulders and down his bulging biceps and trunk like arms. His nipples were massive and one of them had a silver metal bar piercing. The defined six pack of his stomach was matched only by his perfect V shaped torso. There was not an ounce of fat on him. Finally Tom was able to look at his face. He had strong afro-Caribbean features, a neatly trimmed goatee beard and from what Tom could see a shaved head. He was wearing a leather police officers cap. Around his arms were tight bicep straps making his muscles bulge even more. He wore a leather harness over his shoulders and chest and leather gauntlets on his wrist. He looked as if he had walked straight out of a fetish porn movie. He must have arrived when Tom was out of it. Tom felt the man's massive shaft push further into him, it kept coming and Tom thought it would never end. "Urrrrrrrrrrrgh" he closed his eyes tight and winced as the cock slid up deep inside him. Just when Tom thought he couldn't take anymore he felt the man's thighs touch his little bubble butt and come to a halt. "I have woken our little slut up" he heard the black man say in a deep voice and there was laughter. Tom lay still with his shut and tried to get used to the monster cock throbbing inside his hole. "Hey Tom, Tom baby, open your eyes" said Mateusz. Tom did as he was told and saw that Mateusz was knelt down next to him. The man cupped Tom's face in his hands. "Ok baby?" he asked "You are going to love Marc fucking you, but you probably need some help" and Tom saw that he had in his hand the little pipe that contained the meth. Mateusz held it to Tom's lips and the boy smoked it. He inhaled deeply. "Hold it in baby" commanded Mateusz and Tom held the smoke at the back of his throat and felt the vapours rushing straight to his brain. He eventually breathed the smoke out. The high came to him almost instantly and it was very strong. Mateusz watched as Tom's pupils dilated and then he gently patted Tom's cheek before standing up. "You're good to go stud" he said to Marc. "Right on" he replied, the sense of anticipation in his voice was clear. Tom breathed deeply as his high swept over his body, loosening his joints and relaxing his inhibitions once more. He looked into the mirror and saw the black hunk keep one hand on his hips and place the other over the wrist cuffs that still bound his hands behind his back. He pulled Tom back towards him so that his cock entered the lad all the way. "Mmmmmm" moaned Tom in pleasure. "We are going to start slow baby boy" promised Marc and Tom felt him begin to withdraw his huge meat. It slid back out of his cunt almost all the way to the huge cock head. Marc let it rest at the entrance to the teenager's hole for the moment before he let his powerful hip muscles move his tool back down inside the boy's cunt. "Yeah baby" he whispered "Nice and slow" "Mmmmm yeah" replied Tom. The gentle sensation of the cock slowly sliding against is prostate and deep into his guts made him shiver with pleasure. "Fuck that's good" he groaned as Marc began a slow but powerful rhythm. Each time making sure he pushed his hard thick cock as far as it would possibly go in, before slowly sliding it back out. Tom laid his head to the side to be more comfortable. He could see that Krzysztof and Mateusz were sat naked on one of the sofas smoking the meth from the pipe. Krzysztof saw him looking and blew him a kiss. "Don't worry, I fuck you more soon" he promised Tom. Marc slowly fucked Tom's hole with powerful muscular strokes. Tom moaned with each long thrust and withdrawal. Marc pulled out of him. "You're going to ride me now baby" he ordered and he undid the clasp to the wrist cuffs and let Tom's hands free. Tom brought his arms round to his front and sat up. He rotated his shoulder and felt the feeling come back into them after having been bound up in one place. "You ok little mate?" asked Mateusz who was still sat on the sofa smoking the meth with Krzysztof and enjoying the show. "Um yeah, I think so" replied Tom but as he tried to get up his legs were weak under him and he stumbled. Krzysztof jumped up from the sofa, the meth pipe still in one hand and caught Tom in the other him before he fell completely. "Easy baby" said the giant man and he cuddled Tom against his strong muscular chest. Tom rested against him, feeling his warmth and also feeling his legs come back to life. Krzysztof had encircled him with his huge arms and he looked down at the boy and Tom looked up. They smiled at each other and Krzysztof put the meth pipe to Tom's lips. The teenager was hooked on the intense high it gave and sucked in a deep lung full. Krzysztof still held the pipe there and so Tom inhaled a few more times whilst clinging to the hunk. Krzysztof passed the pipe back to Mateusz and picked the boy up in his arms. He cuddled him tight. "Now better" he said. Tom looked at him with big eyes. His pupils dilated from the wave of the high now washing over him. They kissed passionately and deeply. After a short time Krzysztof pulled away and moaned deeply. "Baby so horny" he growled then glancing over to the other sofa he smiled and said "Someone wants you" Tom looked over and saw that Marc was sat on the sofa watching them. The huge black man had his legs spread wide. He was still in his full leather gear and he had his massive dick in his hand. He was stroking it slowly. Krzysztof carried Tom over him. "I said you were going to ride me baby" said Marc. Krzysztof lowered the boy down onto the massive black shaft. Tom felt the dick stretch open his sphincter and then slide up inside him. Krzysztof lowered him all the way down so he was sat on Marc's lap facing the dark ripped stud. "That's fucking hot" he heard Mateusz comment and Krzysztof stepped away from the two of them. "Mmmmmm yeah" groaned Marc and he took hold of Tom's hips to make sure every last centimetre of his huge cock was inside the lad. "God that's so deep" moaned Tom, tilting his head back. "Ride it boy" ordered Marc. Tom lifted himself slowly to the top of the black dick and then allowed himself to slide down it to the base. "YEEEEEEAH" growled Marc and as Tom began to repeat the motion Marc thrust his hips upwards causing Tom to moan in pleasure and pain. The meth had hold of the teenager and he placed his hands on Marc's big pecs as he began to bounce harder and faster on the dick. "FUCK BABY" groaned Marc and he gripped Tom's hips tight and pistoned his cock into the boy's tight little cunt. Tom was moaning continually now as the huge shaft tore him into. They were fucking wildly. Tom put his hands around the back of Marc's head and rested his face against his. They looked into each other's eyes. Grunting and moaning, high on the drugs and determined to fuck like animals. "You fucking bitch" whispered Marc into Tom's face as he drove his dick harder and faster into him. He spat into the teenagers mouth. "Fuck me, fuck me hard" begged Tom as he swallowed the spit. Marc began kissing him hard as he gripped his hips tighter and ploughed him. Their tongues frantically exploring the others mouth, their spit mixing together. Marc spat into the boys mouth again and again. Tom loved it and gripped the man's head tighter so that his tongue could be as far into the hunks mouth as it would go. Marc plunged his cock into Tom as hard he could but gripped the boy hard so he stayed impaled on it. Tom leant backwards and moaned loudly. The frantic fucking had suddenly stopped and the contrast of having Marc's huge meat resting all the way inside him sent waves of pleasure from his arse all over his body. He leant back and rested placed his hands on Marc's thick legs to steady himself. "God" he whispered and took deep breaths. Suddenly he felt a pair of hands reach around from behind him and begin to tug his nipples. He moaned and turned his head around. Krzysztof had moved behind him and Tom lent his head back against the man's massive chest and looked up into his face. Krzysztof had seen how much his baby had enjoyed Marc's gob so he spat down into the boy's face. "You like" he said and before getting an answer he bent down and started to snog Tom ferociously. Tom moaned and kissed Krzysztof back, Marc's cock was still throbbing inside his tight hole. Krzysztof pulled away and produced two bottles of poppers. He handed one to Marc who undid the lid and sniffed deeply. "Come here baby" Marc ordered and Tom lent back in towards him. The two of them inhaled the poppers together. Taking long deep sniffs. Tom felt his head get hot and his face flush and let the effects take hold of him. Krzysztof reached around from behind him. Tom had heard him sniffing deeply on the second bottle of poppers but now that bottle was placed under his own nose. Mark held the first bottle up to him allowing Tom to have one bottle under each nostril. The aroma flooded into him and he felt dizzy at the effects. Suddenly next to Marc's huge black dick Tom felt his arse being stretched even more. He realised in a panic that Krzysztof was forcing his own massive dick into the tight boy cunt. Tom went to wriggle away. "Hold him" Krzysztof ordered Marc and with his free hand the black leather hunk gripped Tom around the waist in a vice like hold. "Just breathe deeply" Marc said reassuringly and with the two bottles of poppers under his nose Tom breathed in through his nose then out through his mouth. A continuous circulation of fresh poppers aroma was flooding through him. But even with the help of the poppers relaxing him Tom thought he was going to die. Krzysztof pushed into him slowly. Tom couldn't even cry out. He just squeezed his eyes tight shut and whimpered. All the while the poppers were taking holding of him. The pain was intense but it was mixed with a throbbing pleasurable ache that sent spasms through his arse. Just when he thought he was going to pass out Krzysztof stopped. "I in you now baby" he said. He had pushed his thick cock all the way into the boy and it now rested tight up against Marc's throbbing monster. The two muscle men's meaty spunk filled bollocks rested on each other. Both Marc and Krzysztof took the poppers away. They sniffed them themselves before putting them to one side. "Ready?" asked Krzysztof. Tom had become a bit more accustomed to the two huge cocks inside him. He breathed deeply. The poppers had made him feel like a dirty horny bitch. He wanted this. "Yeah" he said softly. "Tell us baby" said Marc "Tell us how much you want your Daddy's to fuck you yeah?" "I want my Daddy's to fuck me" begged Tom "I want your big Daddy dicks inside me, I want it so much" "Do you want Daddy cum in you?" growled Krzysztof in his ear. "Yeah, I want your cum in me, I want my Daddy's to make me their bitch" "MMMMMmmmm" moaned Krzysztof, turned on by hearing the innocent little boy begging to be treated like a whore. His dick swelled in the lad stretching his hole further still. "You're a lucky boy because you have got three Daddies' here" said Marc and Tom realised that Mateusz had come over to them. He was sniffing from a bottle of poppers and once he had finished he playfully ruffled Tom's hair. "Where do you want your third Daddy to put his dick?" asked Marc. "In my mouth" answered Tom quickly. Marc laughed "What do you say boy? Ask properly?" "Please Daddy" begged Tom "Please feed your big Daddy cock into my mouth" "FUCK" growled Krzysztof "It time for little bitch" and Tom felt him pull his cock out from his hole before smashing it back into him. Tom cried out in pain and Mateusz took the opportunity to stand on the sofa next to where Marc was sitting with the boy on his lap and grab Tom's head in his hands. He shoved his twitching wet cock into the lad's open mouth forcing it right down his throat. "FUCK YEAH" moaned Mateusz and he began to face fuck the little bitch. Tom's own moans and cries were muffled by the massive shaft pistoning in and out of his wet teenage mouth. Krzysztof had his huge hands on Tom's shoulders and was using his might to pull the boy down onto the two huge dicks that were inside him. The muscular builder began to drive upwards into him as hard as he could. Marc held the boy tight against his massive pec muscles. His arms were around the boy's waist and his biceps bulged as he hugged him tight. He began to thrust his hips upwards and he could feel his shaft rubbing against Krzysztof's as they alternatively ploughed in and out of the little cunt's tight pussy hole. "Take those dicks baby" moaned Marc "you take your Daddies big dicks" Krzysztof was wild. He only cared about getting off. The drugs had made it difficult to cum whilst driving him crazy with lust. He rammed his monster meat in and out of the boy as hard as he could. His great thighs smashed mercilessly against the little butt. The rubbing of his dick and smacking of his bollocks against Marc's was loud in the room. The three Daddies' were moaning loudly. Egging each other on as the dicks violated the little teenager. They drove into his arse and his mouth without stopping. Tom was held so firmly he could do nothing except take what his Daddy's were giving to him. The meth and the poppers had driven him crazy with lust and he moaned as the dicks tore into him. He wanted his Daddy's to give it to him so much. "I am going to cum, I am going to cum" cried Mateusz and he pulled his cock from out Tom's throat and began to wank it furiously. He used his other hand to grip the back of Tom's head. Krzysztof and Marc began to pound the boy as hard as they could. Their dicks smashing into him. Tom moaned and cried out his head back and his mouth wide open ready to receive Mateusz spunk. "FUUUUUUUCK" cried Mateusz and his nob head exploded as thick strands of Daddy spunk fired out his slit and coated Tom's mouth. Huge globs of it splashed across the boy's young face and into his hair. "AHHHHH, AHHHHH, AHHHHH" cried Mateusz as he shoved his cock back into the hot little mouth. He rammed it deep down the boy's throat allowing his spunk to dribble out and into the lad. "GOD" he cried before pulling his dick out and wiping it across Tom's cum coated lips. Krzysztof and Marc were still pounding the tight little pussy with stopping and Tom, the warm cum in his mouth and over his face, moaned loudly. "YEEEEEEES, YEEEEEEES" shouted Marc and Tom felt a great eruption in his guts as Marc drove into him with all his might and unleashed wave after wave of searing hot spunk inside him. "SHIT BITCH" he groaned and spat into Tom's face. His saliva mixed with Mateusz's cum and ran down Tom's chin. Mateusz laughed and Marc moaned in fulfilment. Krzysztof slowly eased off his pounding and Tom felt Marc slide out of him. "Lick his dick" ordered Mateusz as Marc stood up next to him on the sofa leaving Tom on his knees and Krzysztof still behind him with his dick imbedded deep to the hilt. Tom took hold of the huge black rod and put it in his mouth. Mateusz pushed his own dick against Tom's lips and the young lad took hold of it. He cleaned his Daddy's cocks with his tongue making sure to swallow every last drop of their cum. Krzysztof watched from behind him and when he saw that Tom had licked up all the creamy mess he picked up Tom by the hips and stood up being careful to keep his dick firmly plugged in the boy's arse. He carried him over to the sofa table and put him down on it so he was facing the mirror. Tom, on all fours, looked at his own reflection and the sight of the huge muscle stud behind him his giant hands clamped firmly on Tom's hips. "I going to fuck you now" promised Krzysztof and he began to plunge his dick in and out of the tight hole. All the time he fixed his gaze on Tom's in the reflection of the mirror and watched his taut hugely muscular body tense and flex as he pounded the teenager's cunt. Marc and Mateusz came and stood either side of the massive Eastern European builder and ran their hands over his chest and shoulders. Tom took the pounding, moaning and whimpering. He saw that Marc was pulling Krzysztof's nipples driving the huge man on even more. Mateusz had picked up one of the bottles of poppers and undoing the lid he held it under Krzysztof's nose. The hunk sniffed deeply and the poppers drove him wild again. He was a fuck machine. He pounded Tom's hole without any let up. The giant dick smacked into the cunt again and again. Marc's spunk still coated Tom's arse and Krzysztof's dick was lubbed up on it. It allowed the muscle God to drive into Tom without resistance. Tom moaned loudly as he watched the stud behind him high on poppers fuck him like an animal. Krzysztof took another sniff of the poppers then pushed Tom down so he was no longer on all fours and instead was lying on his stomach. The builder climbed onto the sofa table himself and began to pound Tom even harder. He could feel the spunk building and he drove on and on into his baby. "Get the Dildo" said Mateusz and Marc reached back to the sofa and picked up the large plastic object. He handed it to Mateusz who put it against the entrance of Krzysztof's hole. The powerful muscular arse of the builder was pounding up and down as he nailed Tom onto the sofa table. Mateusz pushed the dildo and felt the resistance of Krzysztof's own tight cunt. "YEEEEEEAH" growled the big muscle stud as he felt the dildo enter him and Mateusz pushed it in further. The dildo pushing into his arse sent Krzysztof over the edge and felt his massive bollocks tighten. "FUUUUUCK" he cried and he rammed his cock deep into Tom's cunt as his hot semen poured like a torrent out his nob slit. It flooded Tom's arse with thick Daddy juice. "AHHHHHHHHH" cried Krzysztof as he slowed his thrusting and let his dick empty. He slowly came to a halt and pulled out of the boy. Tom collapsed. "God, God" was all he could mutter over and over. Mateusz took hold of him and rolled him over. He laughed "amazing yeah baby?" "God" was all Tom could say and Mateusz laughed again. Krzysztof strode around to Tom's face. His body was glistening with sweat. He wiped his cock over the boys face. Mateusz still held the dildo that he had used to push into Krzysztof and he put it to the boy's lips. "Lick your Daddy's scent off of it" he told Tom and so the boy opened his lips and began to run his tongue over the plastic. Krzysztof put his own dick into Tom's mouth and the lad tasted his Daddy's arse and his cum at the same time. Suddenly Tom felt a wave of pleasure spreading over him. Marc had knelt down and put Tom's legs over his shoulders. He was deeply licking the cum out of the gaping teenager's arse whilst wanking his cock hard. "MMMMMMMM" moaned Tom over the mouthful of cock and dildo. Suddenly he felt his cock begin to spurt load after load of spunk. "Yeah baby" growled Mateusz as Tom's entire body convulsed as he covered himself in his juice. After every little drop had leaked out Marc stood up and the three men stood around Tom looking down. "Phew, fuck, that was hot. Lets shower" said Marc and led the way from the front room. "I will bring the dildo" said Mateusz. Krzysztof laughed and picked up his little boy. Putting Tom over his shoulder he patted his arse and carried him into the bathroom
This isn't mine I've just altered it slightly to make it conform to breeding zones rules THE BUILDER - by pedro976 - This story is a work of fiction. If you are under 18 or material of this nature is illegal in your present area. By continuing, you are confirming that it is legal for you to view the material in this story. In addition, you are agreeing that the author, editor, and this site will not be held responsible for any consequences of you viewing or downloading the story. - - - - 1 - - - - Barbara Hastings walked down her hallway to the foot of the staircase drew, in one almighty breath and bellowed: "Thomas Hastings! If you do not drag yourself out of that pit of a bed now then you will wish you had not been born!" She was fairly certain that her neighbour's four doors down would have heard her shouting but she could not care less. She had a flight to catch and she was running perilously late. No response. She sucked in another lung full of air ready to bellow again but suddenly her eighteen year old son appeared at the top of the staircase. He was quite tall for his age. His skill as a runner and regular attendance at the local athletics club had given him a thin toned build. He was wearing just his pyjama bottoms exposing his smooth hairless chest. His blonde hair was tussled from where he had been sleeping and he blearily rubbed his eyes. He was a strikingly good looking boy. He took after his father on that front thought Barbara Hastings as she looked up at him. Shame that shit bag of a man had left them four years ago for that slut of a personal assistant. "What is it Mum?" He mumbled "its 7am and the school holidays! Why are you shouting up..." "Tom. For crying out loud" cut in Barbara Hastings "You clearly do not listen to a word I say. I am leaving now to catch my flight to The Hague. The builder starts today on the kitchen and you need to be up and dressed by 8am to let him in. Do not leave him on the doorstep waiting because you are in bed asleep, do you hear me?" It suddenly all came flooding back to Tom. His Mum had to travel for work and was going to be gone for four days. He had persuaded her that he was mature enough not to need any form of baby sitter and in any event she had arranged for the kitchen to be refitted whilst she was away. He had used the presence of a builder to argue that he would not be alone in any event. She had eventually agreed but on the condition he let the builder in each morning at 8am and stayed at home to make sure nothing went wrong. That suited Tom down to the ground. He wanted to crash out playing computer games and watching movies and was looking forward to four days without chores or nagging because if there was one thing Barbara Hastings excelled at, it was nagging. "Yeah I hear you" he answered. His mother was about to say more, clearly unsatisfied with his dismissive tone, but he was saved by the horn of the taxi that had arrived to take her to the airport. "That is the taxi, I am off, see you in four days" With that she grabbed her suitcase and rushed out the door. The slam echoed around the house for a moment before all was quite once more. Tom took a deep breath, yawned, stretched and then went straight back to bed. - - - - 2 - - - - Whoever was banging, Tom wished they would stop. He rolled over to the other side of his double bed and pulled the pillow over his head. The banging continued. What on earth were they doing he thought. "Shit!" he suddenly muttered. It must be the builder banging the front door. He scrambled out of bed and saw that the time was just after 8am. He could imagine his mother's face if she knew that he had fallen back asleep. It was not a nice image. "Shit, shit, shit!" he cried as he charged out of his bedroom and down the stairs. He got to the front door and without thinking he threw it open. What he saw in front of him made him gasp in surprise. Stood on the door step was the man who was clearly there to refit the kitchen. Tom could tell because there was a bag of tools in his hand and a builders van parked on the drive. What made him gasp was the size of the guy. He was huge. He towered over Tom and must have been at least 6'7" if not taller. He had a shaved head, piercing blue eyes and a firm square jaw line. His head rested on a massively veined neck that lead to the widest shoulders Tom had ever seen. His huge pectoral muscles were straining to rip through the material of his red t-shirt and his biceps twitched with power. Tom couldn't help notice that his tight jeans barely held a great bulge at the front, framed by calf muscles bigger than Tom's entire torso. Tom was so shocked he couldn't speak. His mouth just hung open. The giant man in front of him raised an eyebrow and asked in a thick Eastern European accent "You have kitchen done?" "Um, kitchen, um yeah?" Tom stuttered in reply, desperately trying to catch his wits whilst being suddenly conscious of the fact that he was still just wearing pyjama bottoms and nothing else. He involuntarily folded his arms for security. "I come in?" the man asked when Tom made no effort to move. "Um yeah, sure" Tom stepped out the way and the man walked in. Tom could feel the power radiating from his body as he went past him. There was something frightening yet magnetic about him. Like when you saw one of nature's giants, a lion or a polar bear up close. Tom led the man down the hallway. "Ok then, here is the kitchen. My Mum has moved everything out so you should be good to go" offered Tom. "Mmm" the man grunted. He suddenly turned to Tom and held out a hand the size of a shovel. "I Krzysztof" he introduced himself. "Oh yeah, right" mumbled Tom, embarrassed at his lack of manners. "I am Tom" and he took the big man's hand. His grip was like a vice and Tom winced as they shook. Krzysztof grunted in acknowledgement, turned, and put his tool bag down. He looked back at Tom who was stood frozen to the spot and fixed him with his piercing blue eyes. Tom felt himself wilting under his gaze and wished that he had stopped to put a t-shirt on. He must look so puny to this guy. After a second of awkward silence Tom decided it was time to leg it. "I will be upstairs... um... yeah" he mumbled and bolted out the kitchen and back up to his bedroom as quickly as his legs would carry him. He shut his door behind him and dived under his covers. He felt his cheeks burning with embarrassment. What the hell was wrong with him he thought? He had opened the door without a t-shirt on for God's sake. That was all. Why was he so worried about it? He couldn't put his finger on the answer. There was something magnetic about Krzysztof that meant you couldn't help but marvel at his powerful physique. Tom also realised that it had something to do with the way he had been feeling lately. He was no stranger to sex. Well on the internet anyway. He had a laptop and Ipad and his mother was singularly uninterested in monitoring what he did on them. Like most boys his age he was a masturbation fanatic. He jacked off whenever he had a spare moment. The internet was awash with free porn and he trawled the sites looking for new stuff to get off to. He had never had cause to question his sexuality until a few months ago. Bored of the same old videos he had strayed into the gay section on one of the websites. He had been drawn to videos involving what were called "twinks", young guys in their teens. He had watched a video set in a locker room where two athletic guys had sucked each other off then one of them had fucked the other. Tom had to admit that it was hot and he had imagined himself fucking another guy in the locker room after athletic practice. He reasoned that if he jacked off to straight porn where the girl was fucked up the arse then there was no difference to imagining fucking a guy in the same way. He had never found himself fantasising about guys who looked like Krzysztof though. Guys like that were not twinks but real hard, strong men who could break you in two as soon as look at you. Was he embarrassed by Krzysztof because he fancied him? No that couldn't be it he told himself. It really couldn't. Downstairs he could hear the sound of Krzysztof getting started on taking out the old kitchen fittings. He couldn't help but let his mind wander back to thinking about how massive his biceps were. The old fittings stood no chance against his strength. What would it be like to touch those huge solid muscles he wondered? "Fucking hell" he muttered under his breath breaking the spell of his day dream. He was determined not to think about this anymore. Grabbing a towel he went and showered, doing everything he could not to conjure up images of the huge hunk downstairs. Having got dried off and dressed into his usual t-shirt and jeans Tom was about to head down to get a drink and something to eat from the makeshift kitchen his Mother had set up in the utility room. She had put in a mini-fridge and microwave in there so that he could survive for the days that the work was being done. He hesitated though as he reached the top of the staircase. Going to the utility room meant passing Krzysztof and he really didn't want to. From what he could hear the muscle man was well into ripping out the old kitchen. Maybe he would be too busy to notice him go by thought Tom and with that thought offering him some courage he headed down stairs. At the end of the hallway he stopped and carefully peeked around the door frame at the entrance to the kitchen. He really wished he hadn't. Ripping out the kitchen was obviously hard work because Krzysztof had taken off his t-shirt. His body was absolutely packed with pumped up muscle. Tom could see his two large pert nipples erect on top of his giant pecs. Every inch of the guy was covered in powerful gym pumped muscle. Tom also noticed the mass of tattoos running down the builder's arms. He was too scared to look for long enough to make out what the pictures were. Instead he took a deep breath and darted past to the utility room. Grabbing enough snacks to see him through the day he darted back the way he came and up to his room. He shut the door and breathed a sigh of relief. He was determined not to go back downstairs until Krzysztof had gone home for the day. He passed the time playing his Xbox and hitting himself in the head every time his mind began to wander back to thinking about the builder. Soon enough 6pm arrived and he heard Krzysztof shouting up from the bottom of the stairs. "I go for day now" he called. Tom slightly opened his door and shouted back. "Ok, bye" He heard the front door open and then shut. Breathing a sigh of relief he waited until he heard Krzysztof's van pull away from the drive and went downstairs. The kitchen had been totally ripped out. Tom would not have been surprised if Krzysztof had done it with his bare hands. He smacked himself in the head again. "Stop thinking about him" he muttered out loud. - - - - 3 - - - - "You slag!" shouted one woman at the other. Tom was eating his microwave dinner whilst watching the soap Eastenders. He had no idea what was going on but these two women were going hammer and tongs at each other in their local pub. It was quite good. Suddenly the house phone began to ring. He put his dinner down and paused the telly. He wanted to see the rest of this cat fight. He picked up the phone from the table in the hallway. "Hello" "Tom, it Krzysztof" Jesus thought Tom, what did he want? He had pretty much succeeded in getting all thoughts of the man out of his confused mind and now here he was on the phone. "I left bag in kitchen. Can I come now to get it?" "Um..." Tom couldn't think of a reason to say no so he agreed. "Sure. Just knock the front door. I am at home." "Ok, be there soon" Krzysztof replied. Tom put the phone down. Jesus Christ he thought. He walked back into the front room. His dinner and the catfight on Eastenders no longer had any pleasure in them and he slumped down on the sofa. What the fuck was wrong with him? He needed to get a grip. - - - - 4 - - - - Even though he was expecting it the knock at the door made Tom jump. He walked out into the hallway. It was definitely Krzysztof. There was no mistaking his massive shadow through the frosted glass panelling of the door panels. Tom took a deep breath and opened it. "Tom" smiled Krzysztof "Ok for me to get bag?" "Sure" replied Tom standing to one side. Krzysztof walked in. The evening was a bit chilly and he was wearing a zip up hoody with a white vest underneath. Tom could just make out the central line of his chest separating those huge pectoral muscles before it disappeared behind the white cotton material of the vest. Krzysztof went into the kitchen and came back with his bag. "Can I use toilet?" he asked. "Yep it is just upstairs on the left" offered Tom and tried his best not to watch Krzysztof's muscular arse and legs as he climbed the stairs. Not quite sure whether he should wait holding the front door Tom decided to shut it and instead hovered at the bottom of the stairs. After a while of not being able to hear very much he decided that perhaps he should make sure Krzysztof was ok, and thinking of what his mother would say make sure that he wasn't stealing anything. Reluctantly he went upstairs. As he reached the top he could see that the bathroom door was ajar. He hesitated but found the courage and walked up to it. He tentatively pushed it open. "Krzysztof are you ok..." He stopped mid sentence and stood shocked. Not sure what to do. Krzysztof had taken off his zip up hoody and was now just wearing his tight white vest top. He was leant over at the side of the sink snorting a line of white powder from the top of the cistern lid. He looked up at Tom. "Me ok, left my bag with my stuff and need it for weekend" He seemed completely unfazed by the fact that Tom had caught him clearly doing cocaine in his bathroom. His Mum would have been screaming the house down and dialling 999 even as Tom just stood there, too dumbfounded to speak. Krzysztof must have taken his shock for something else because he said "You try" and he held out the rolled up twenty pound note he had used to snort the line to Tom. Tom didn't know what to do. His first reaction was to tell Krzysztof to leave but he was completely out of his depth. Then he felt a sudden compulsion to agree to Krzysztof's offer. But what was he thinking? He had only ever smoked a cigarette for fucks sake and now he was considering taking a class A drug. "I have never... um..." stuttered Tom, unable to resolve the conflict in his mind. "You do little" suggested Krzysztof and again offered the note. Fuck it resolved Tom. What could happen? People did it all the time. His Mother was away for the next four days and he surely would have recovered from a single snort by then. He took a deep breath. He walked over to Krzysztof and took the note. There was a small line of the powder left and without allowing any time to talk himself out of his reckless agreement Tom lent down and snorted it. He straightened up and looked at Krzysztof who smiled at him. "You will be ok" said Krzysztof "it just little bit" and he laughed. Tom laughed as well. He wasn't instantly struck down dead and he felt the thrill of having done something incredibly mischievous. A few moments later that thrill was replaced with a feeling that Tom had never felt before. It was like the feeling you had at Christmas when you were a kid. Uncontained joy and excitement. Krzysztof laughed seeing the smile plastered on Tom's face. "It working yes?" "Yeah, I think so" replied Tom "Hey let's put on music" and with that he bounded into his bedroom to find his ipod. Putting it on shuffle he turned it up and felt the urge to dance. This was great. Krzysztof followed him into the room and sat down on the bed. Tom didn't know how long for but they chatted and chose tracks to play and Tom danced in front of Krzysztof. In his euphoric state he didn't notice the way Krzysztof looked at him. A passionate animalistic look of lust. The drug had put Tom completely at ease with this giant of a man. "You want more?" asked Krzysztof suddenly. Tom was too far gone now to give any answer other than yes. "Sure he said" and watched as Krzysztof took out a small bag of the white powder and racked it up in lines on Tom's desk. Krzysztof lent down and snorted two of the lines in quick succession. Tom took the note that he was offered. There were two lines left, much larger than the one he had done in the bathroom. He lent down and snorted one. "And other" prompted Krzysztof. Tom did as he was bid and snorted the second line as well. He felt the wave of the high hit him almost at once and he stood up and titled his head back as it washed over him. He suddenly felt the powerful presence of Krzysztof behind him and as he turned his head to see what had brought the massive builder so close to him he felt Krzysztof's arms encircle his waist and a hand go to his cock. "What... what are you doing?" he stuttered, still caught on the wave of the high. "Mmmmm little baby" was all Krzysztof offered by way of reply and he squeezed Tom's cock through the material of his jeans. It responded at once and was achingly hard within seconds. Tom was powerless in the grip of this huge stud. He was horny as hell though. The high had made him crazy to get off and he felt himself pushing back against the muscle hunk. "Yeah, baby wants me" growled Krzysztof and he let Tom go for the few seconds it took to pull of his vest, exposing his massive physique. Tom tried to turn but Krzysztof grabbed him too quickly and pulled him against him so that they were both facing once more to the front by the desk. Tom could feel Krzysztof's massive pecs pulsating and lent backwards against them as Krzysztof undid his jeans button and pulled both his jeans and boxers down to his knees. Tom was powerless as the effects of the two lines really started to kick in. His exposed teenage cock twitched in the air and his tight little bubble butt was exposed to the builder who held him tightly. Although he couldn't see behind him Tom could not mistake the sound of the zip on Krzysztof's jeans being lowered nor the touch of the man's massive cock head at the entrance to his tight butt hole. In a sudden moment of clarity he realised Krzysztof was going to fuck him. "Wait, Krzysztof, I..." he began but the hunk clamped a hand over his mouth and stopped his protests dead. "Shhh baby" he growled sexily in Tom's ear. Tom felt Krzysztof let go of him and realised he was reaching into his own jeans pocket to get something. Tom breathed deeply, trying to focus, the drug had him overwhelmed and before he could think with any clarity Krzysztof's arms encircled him again and he saw that Krzysztof was holding a small bottle of liquid. "Poppers baby" offered Krzysztof by way of explanation. Tom had no idea what that meant. Krzysztof undid the bottle top and held the bottle to Tom's nose. Tom caught the strong smell and guessed he had to sniff it. He inhaled deeply once and then again. Krzysztof took the bottle and Tom heard him sniff deeply himself. The effect hit him like a freight train. The wave of pleasure washed over him and there were stars in front of his eyes. His cock twitched uncontrollably. "Fuck" he moaned at the effect of the high. "I fuck" growled Krzysztof loudly who was clearly being driven wild by his own poppers rush. The huge muscular man put his hands on Tom's hips and suddenly he drove his monster cock straight into the boy's virgin hole. "ARRRRRRRRRRGH" cried Tom as the pain overcame the cocaine and even the poppers. Krzysztof bear hugged Tom against him as his pushed his cock in right up till the hilt. Tom was shaking uncontrollably in his vice like grip. Krzysztof still had the poppers in his hand and so he undid the lid and held the bottle to his boy's nose. Tom sniffed deeply, wanting anything to overcome the throbbing pain from his arse. Krzysztof lent down and sniffed at the bottle at the same time, the two of them inhaling the high.Krzysztof put the lid on the bottle and put it on the desk. He moved his hands down to Tom's hips and slowly withdrew his cock until only the tip was still inside the young virgin. Then he ploughed it back into the tight hole his huge thighs smacking against Tom's plump arse cheeks. Tom yelled out again but this time there was a cry of pleasure mixed with the exclamation of pain. He was so high all he could think was that he wanted this hunk to destroy his hole. His own cock was solid and leaking precum from the tip. "God Krzysztof" he moaned "fucking do me" The bull of a man needed no more bidding and he began to piston in and out of Tom who gripped the edge of his desk. Krzysztof's strokes were so hard and powerful that the boy was lifted from the floor. Suspended in mid air and held in place between the desk and the iron grip of his muscular builder Tom was nailed. In and in drove Krzysztof, wild on the combined high of coke and poppers. His cock was thick with veins and his bollocks heavy with spunk as he fucking nailed his little baby. "Fuck yeah" he growled "You fucking bitch" His insults, delivered in his thick accent turned Tom on even more. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he felt a pain and pleasure never experienced before. He could only moan and grunt like the whores he normally dreamt about fucking in the straight porn he watched. The noises from Tom drove Krzysztof on even more. Krzysztof suddenly pulled out of Tom's boy cunt, lifted him up and threw him over onto the bed. Tom lay there panting for breath. He felt down to his arse and could feel his hole gaping at the ramming he had just been given. He looked up at Krzysztof. The man stepped out of his jeans and stood there fully naked. His muscular body was glistening with the sweat of exertion, the beads running down his chest and tattooed arms. His cock was huge and pulsating. Involuntary spasms causing the shaft to quiver every few moments. "You like bitch?" he growled. Fuck thought Tom, this man was a God. His inhibitions were completely gone. "Yeah I like" he panted. "Call me Daddy" Krzysztof grunted. "I like Daddy, I like..." replied Tom feeling his cock throb. "You want Daddy to fuck you?" asked Krzysztof The reality of the massive cock tearing him open again caused Tom to hesitate. "Yes Daddy, but can I have a break..." he pleaded. "No break for little bitch" ordered Krzysztof and he reached out to the desk and picked up the bottle of poppers. He undid the lid and sniffed very deeply. Twice to each nostril. Returning the bottle to the table he stood looking down at Tom. Tom saw the poppers take hold of the stud and he saw the massive cock begin to twitch uncontrollably. Then with a grunt Krzysztof strode forward and grabbed Tom by the ankle, pulling him to him and flipping him onto his front. Two massive tree trunk arms planted down either side of Tom's head as the hunk lowered his massive body onto the boy crushing him. His huge meaty cock, aching with unleashed spunk found its hole and once more drove in deep. "FUUUUUUUUUCK" cried Tom but he was going nowhere. Krzysztof was making animal grunts and moans as he fucked the lad without mercy. If Tom had been nailed moments before this was something else. Drugs drove the massive animal on, adding to his power and stamina. For what seemed like an eternity Tom lay moaning and begging for his Daddy to fuck him as Krzysztof never let up. The only pause was when the builder flipped him onto his front so that his legs now rested on the massive shoulders and bent back down onto him exposing his hole to the air and then the builder began fucking him hard again. The sweat from Krzysztof dripped from his huge pecs and landed on Toms face and in his mouth. The drugged up boy swallowed it down, happy to taste his Daddies manly perspiration. The fucking went on, never letting up until Krzysztof changed pace and began to withdraw his cock all the way then plunge it as hard as he could into Tom. Each slow fuck was twice as powerful as the frantic pumping that had gone before and the whole bed shook as the builder's mighty tool speared Tom right into the gut. Krzysztof let out a huge grunt as he crushed his massive rock solid cock into Tom's tight hole. Tom was completely overcome by the feelings convulsing throughout his entire body. He moaned loudly each time Krzysztof drove into him, staring up into the hunks deep blue passionate eyes, begging him to fuck his hole. "Fuck me Daddy" he moaned over and over as Krzysztof did just that. Krzysztof's huge thrusts slowed momentarily as he lent back and reached for the poppers sat on the desk behind him. Picking up the bottle he undid the lid and lent in close to Tom, his massive shoulders forcing Tom's legs back behind his head so that Krzysztof's face was against his. "Sniff baby" he ordered and held the bottle to Tom's nose. Tom did as he was told and at the same time Krzysztof sniffed them as well. The two of them breathing in the strong odour of the drug and feeling it take hold of them. Krzysztof put the poppers to one side and lent back down to Tom. He began to passionately kiss the young boy, his tongue forcing its way deep into Tom's mouth. The muscle hunk's big full lips completely covered Tom's and completely owned him. Tom closed his eyes as his Daddy desperately and frantically snogged him. The poppers were doing their job and Tom felt their hot flush on his cheeks. At the same time he felt Krzysztof swell even bigger inside him. The stud pulled away and adjusted his position to ensure he could penetrate his young boy's cunt to maximum depth. He placed one huge hand over Tom's mouth and the other around his neck. He was going to cum inside this kid but the drugs in his system meant he was going to have to drill him without mercy. He wasn't going to let Tom even try to ask him to stop. This was about him now and no one else. He began by driving into Tom as deeply and forcefully as he could. He felt the boy buckle and shake at the violation and saw his eyes go wide with a mixture of pleasure and pain. "FUCK" Krzysztof growled. He pulled his massive meat almost completely out the tight hole and let the quivering of his cock massage the boys rim for a moment. Then he smashed it into the little cunt again, and then again and then again. He tightened his grip on Tom's mouth and throat and started to pick up pace. The ipod had run out of music to play and the only sound that filled the room was Krzysztof's massive muscular thighs banging against Tom's bubble butt, the huge roars of Krzysztof as he delivered each thrust and the muffled moans of Tom as he took the massive cock right up his tight hole. Faster and harder the muscular God went. He felt a huge load of cum building at the base of his shaft and he shouted out as he drove into Tom harder and harder, desperate to unleash his seed into his boy. He looked down at Tom who was staring wildly up at him, his eyes watering from being mercilessly ripped in two. Krzysztof gritted his teeth and the massive muscles on his arms bulged taut over thick pumped up veins. He drove Tom down into the bed causing it to creak and the headboard to bang against the wall in time with his massive thrusts. Then with one massive surge his cum was unleashed. It flowed up his massive stiff shaft and exploded out the huge round cock head coating the inside of Tom's arse with thick white spunk. Tom felt the hot mess spewing up inside him into his guts and cried muffled screams of lust and joy into the palm of Krzysztof's hand. "URRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH" grunted Krzysztof as he slowed down his thrusting and let the convulsing of Tom's arse milk out every last drop of his man seed. Sweat was pouring of his pecs and forehead and he released Tom from his grip and stretched his massive body. Tom looked up with a mixture of awe and longing. "God..." was all he could manage "God..." Krzysztof collapsed on top of him and Tom put his hands around those massive shoulders. Their sweaty bodies pressing tight against each other, Krzysztof's cock still resting inside him. Krzysztof began chewing at Tom's neck and ears and the touch of the man's tongue and teeth caused Tom to moan loudly. "Baby not cum yet" whispered Krzysztof into his ear and at the same time the huge man began to rotate his hips. Tom felt the massive cock stir to life inside him as it slid around in the cum that had just been fired up his arse. "Oh God Daddy" moaned Tom and Krzysztof rolled over onto his back, being careful to keep his dick inside his boy. Tom found himself on top and took a deep breath of air. He placed his hands onto Krzysztof's massive pumped up chest to steady himself and then he began to gyrate his hips. He felt the huge man's cock move inside him and was hit with a new wave of pleasure. Krzysztof held his hips to make sure Tom stayed firmly on his dick but gave him the freedom to move his arse in the motion he wanted. Tom began to gyrate more quickly. It was nothing like the massive pounding Krzysztof had just given him, Tom was being much more careful and slow but the wave of joy rolled over him as he felt Krzysztof's cock brush his prostate. He noticed that the bottle of poppers was still lying on the bed and he picked it up and took a couple more deep sniffs, he held it to Krzysztof who did the same. Tom then began to bounce up and down on the shaft and Krzysztof slowly rotated his hips so that his cock slid back into Tom at a slightly different angle each time, causing new throbs of pleasure and making the boy moan and groan. Tom took hold of his teenage dick and began to slowly stroke his own spunk out. He used the sweat from Krzysztof's body as lube and built up a steady rhythm. "Baby cum for Daddy" growled Krzysztof and Tom began to bounce harder as Krzysztof pushed his hips upwards to help the little boy take every inch of his massive cock. The look of lust on the studs face sent Tom over the edge. "FUUUUUCK" he cried as hot creamy boy spunk sprayed out of his nob head and onto Krzysztof's pecs. "AHHH AHHHH AHHHH" moaned Tom as every last drop dripped out of him. "Fucking good yeah?" asked Krzysztof as Tom looked down at the huge load running over the hunks pecs and nipples. "Fuck yeah Krzysztof" he panted. "Daddy" corrected Krzysztof frowning. "Fuck yeah Daddy" repeated Tom. Quick as a flash Krzysztof rolled over so that Tom was once more underneath him. "Daddy hard again baby" he growled and suddenly and violently he rammed his still stiff cock deep into Tom. "FUUUCK" exploded Tom who was aware of the tenderness in his arse now he had cummed. Krzysztof withdrew and ploughed into him again. "We have all night baby" he promised and he pulled Tom tight against the sticky mess covering his massive chest muscles. He began his relentless pounding rhythm again the bed began to shake again. "Fuck Daddy" was the muffled cry that came from the boy completely encased in the builders huge arms. It was going to be a long night.
The ending has been left very open I really hope that this is continued.
Well worth the wait can't wait to read more keep it going Hard
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Can't wait for more
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So fucking good hope more is coming soon
The Decline And Fall Of Michael Christian
sam_puppy replied to cumluvnbottom's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
Wow great twist at the end -
Such a pity this hasn't been completed
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