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  1. I love the concept of spreading virus in college like wildfire. Thank you so much for this incredibly hot story!
  2. I really love this story. I hope another chapters will come.
  3. Fuckin amazing…
  4. Hot as fuck…
  5. I shot cum so much. And my cum as I read next chapter will be much more 💦
  6. This is one of the masterpieces in BZ. I’d love to see the boy’s fuck flu and a mindless fuck if it’s possible. 😈
  7. Amazing. They should have an employee training here every year.
  8. Thank you for an amazing story. Maybe the new Santa regifting journey sometime? 😈
  9. Amazing. It would be a white flag when he face to the poz dick. 😈
  10. Fuck… The way he seeded the first poison. 😈
  11. Fuck. It’s getting hotter and hotter. 😈
  12. I've just caught up this. Thank you for an amazing story! Ben should be proud of his kids for growing up so well. It’s time to become a real family. 😈
  13. The body reaction of surrendering is so hot. Brilliant.
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