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About canail

  • Birthday 06/11/1969

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  • Gender
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    upstate NY
  • Interests
    history, anthropology, art. I seem to have been collecting degrees, college as a hobby.
  • Role
  • Background
    Latex reactive so I've always barebacked. Never been fucked- happy with things that way. been bare backing since late 80's have no clue how my tests have stayed negative.
  • Looking For
    I know it when I see it. I am not looking for hookups.

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  1. Scorpion now only posts his writing on his web site. If you want to read anything new from him you have to contact him for the address and password.
  2. make a telegram account, send them to a private group there, download them to your pc. I suggest you use manga studio or something like that to edit them. you're easily able to do anything you want with photos in such a program without much difficulty.
  3. *much snippage* NP we should all respect others right to privacy with creative works. I am very sorry to hear of your loss, condolences. I do still check often for new chapters. lol.
  4. once you are active enough, you will be able to message him and he will send you a link and a password if he chooses to do so. I believe he sends them to everyone that asks, but do not know that for sure. I do not feel comfortable personally handing them out, since he would not have a password protected website if he did not wish to control who access it.
  5. Scorpion now posts his stories on his web site, if you want to read them you must ask him for a link and a password.
  6. I meant after the fact, seeking medical aide etc. The actual event is something I purposefully was not addressing in any form.
  7. I am not going to address the behavior, risks, drug regimen, effectiveness of it or what sexual actions you may wish to consider in the future. None of my thoughts on these things are relevant to your situation, nor do I have any special crystal ball to be able to adequately comment. What I do wish to address is the Anxiety. First and foremost anxiety is not always or even often rational, expecting it to be rational is not going to help. Second it sounds like you reacted in a very rational manner and have done what the medical professionals you chose instructed/recommended/prescribed in order to minimize the risks of the encounter. What more do you feel you could have or should have done? I have had some treatment for anxiety in a situation that I found extremely difficult to deal with. I sought help from a Doctor and had a short term anti-anxiety med prescribed that I absolutely hated. It was in fact worse than the anxiety, it made me just not care about anything. I should add I rarely respond ideally to drugs. after discussing the situation with the doctor again he suggested an antihistamine as they can reduce anxiety. This was a good answer for me, it simply took the edge off, and allowed me to accept that the outcome was not within my control, and that what I was dreading was either going to happen, or not going to happen, and remain calm, or perhaps calmer about the situation. Perhaps in the future (as I see this was posted some time ago,) if you are feeling unable to cope with anxiety, you should discuss it with your doctor? It may not change what is causing you the anxiety, but if you can cope better with it perhaps you will then be able to deal better with the situation causing the anxiety. example, Perhaps if you had help controlling the anxiety you could have done more or better research to reassure yourself of the effectiveness of the course of treatments that had been prescribed and have been easier in your mind with the risk involved? Good luck in the future dealing with the anxiety.
  8. Is there more of this story coming?
  9. That would depend on a number of things, the goal, the current level of the subject, and the taste of the trainer/owner. even with easy topics such as submission (as an example) the goal is likely not total, the subject may be anywhere from new to already quite submissive, and the owner/trainer in question may like a level anywhere from able to function quite independently to needing to be micromanaged or ridden herd on. lets say for instance that the boy is not new, and simply has some issues with submitting in certain situations- perhaps social. The goal being that specifically and the trainer doesn't want a situation involving harsh breaking, but one that doesn't involve further issue. (for obvious reasons- that being that such a difficulty is likely based on fears or early acculturation) In that situation one first needs to find the reason for the resistance or inability to comply. beating isn't going to help break down resistance because its not generalized resistance. isolation is not likely to be effective, nor is sensory deprivation because the issue isn't identification as a slave. If the reason discovered is based on early acculturation- for example a harsh parental situation where the message was 'what real men' are, no amount of harsh methods are going to achieve a result that includes no further mental issues. That leaves methods such as repetitive scenes involving the level of submission required in private and actively introducing people to the situation. This method allows for the private submission to become public and break through the inability to submit in from of others gradually. another strong option is hypnosis, creating a different contextual structure. That is one I personally feel is easier. there are other options. I'm not going to get into discussing here. suffice it to say that it can be anywhere from very gentle to extremely brutal depending on what the individuals, situation and goal calls for. for 'breaking' a new slave into a pleasing boy, without there being a fairly large need to submit, I'd say you're safer expecting it to be more painful than not. if all one wants is a gang bang, there are much easier and much more guaranteed ways to arrange that then to sign up for slave training. trust me on this. If one wants to be a slave well that's a very different story, and that still doesn't guarantee the path is all pleasure and joy. It is still best to know exactly what one is signing up for, and why one wants to do so.
  10. That is a light description still for ones that are easy to mold. there are other possibilities such as isolation, physical means of breaking etc. there is a reason why it is so often referred to as breaking.
  11. good. If you were eager to rush into it, there would be serious questions as to why.
  12. I am an anthropologist and professional artist. otherwise I just collect degrees.
  13. Understand that the purpose of training is not to provide entertainment for a boy. The purpose is to condition a boy and create a better slave. The goal in serious training is mental changes that are permanent in the boy. Very few have the proper mindset to begin with, although some may be groomed, to be a lifestyle slave; ie 24/7 tpe. Methods employed are not likely to be what most are imagining in most cases. They can include and frequently do include processes that are much more closely related to brain washing than to a gang bang orgy for a cumdumps gratification. there are times one would involve multiple men, that however is to break down the sense of worth and create an attitude that it no longer matters who they serve, or how. It should be obvious as to why trainers do not advertise on line as if they are providing a summer camp for bored bottoms.
  14. I find its the same for me weather the boy is collared, a lifestyle sub or just a random fuck, if he's not into the fuck I'd rather find someone that is.
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