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    Fisting (fist, fists, foot fisting) is mandatory and all the following are welcome optional: BBC & Beer Can Cocks, Watersports & Cum, Rubber & Leather. Sounding & Electro. Dildos & Toys. Kissing & Cuddling. Rimming & Nipple Play. Fucking & Sucking. Booty Bumps & Poppers. Versatile but mainly bottom, I do sex with all my body.... brain included.
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    Maybe this will make me quite unpopular but I'm not in bugs sharing, I'm simply a proud BBarebacker, I'm not on PrEP, I love cum and piss and I'm into "don't ask, don't tell" politic BUT I take care of myself and others and I tend to cure any curable disease when I know I have got them.
    Remember: The diseases doesn't give you the Freedom, you will be free only when you will be ready to accept the consequences of your actions.
  • Porn Experience
    No, but many European porn actors have had FFun with me and I with them... (no, I haven't paid them) and some are currently my friends.
    > In my main pic I'm the bottom <
  • Looking For
    Temporary not looking for dates.

    Versatile Top BB FFister & Fucker into the same sTuff.
    Thick, wrist wide, beer can sized and heavy cumming cocks at top of the line, I love to be stretched and breeded before the FFun begins.

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  1. Honestly… with those huge cocks I really don’t mind about who is who as long as I could take them up my ass… at the same time too 😉👍
  2. So I really am the only one whose fells to be deceived, betrayed and deluded? 😉 Well, nothing that has been wrote is bad, I could say it’s has been great instead… but after all those teasing about fisting, partying and more … but all those expectations have simply and sadly eluded by few paragraphs 😫: In my opinion a whole chapter has been ripped off … of course I wouldn’t be so pissed off if that story wasn’t so hot. Thanks for your writing 👍
  3. At this point... you HAVE to! 😋🍆💦👊
  4. In my opinion the only way to continue the story and keep its credibility is to end this already long session, let the characters to rest and maybe, even in the same chapter, start a new session at least a week later otherwise the story slide in a twilight zone with hipersexuated godlike creatures. In any case don’t worry the story is hot and every chapter is FFuntastic. Maybe you should add a warning for newbies like this: FFisting has to be considered as like as an extreme activity, be aware of your and others body limits and respect them. Have FFun. 😁👊
  5. Nice story, I think it’s time for Ben(ny) to have some real FFun. 😉👍👊
  6. Ok, this was the final chapter but… it’s still Sunday morning and a second round with their already sloppy holes sounds sooo FFucking hot. 👊👊😉
  7. I hope he will stuFFed as well 😉👊
  8. I suppose this would be a great idea!!!
  9. Ok, ok that's is FICTION so that's fine... We know all people have desires, fantasies and even dark fantasies so I think it's important and useful to have a place, like that, where discharge our frustrations without been judged nor ashamed, between few limitation and in respect of others. SO it's not my intention to comment this story BUT I have to add a clarification about Fisting : - Fisting doesn't requires great amounts of chems. Indeed you can do it with nothing even without PP as I did, taking my first hand, my own hand, while taking a shower 😅. - Chems are just a shortcut to take Fists but they won't NEVER teach you how to relax your body, how to breath correctly, how to manage your limits and the pain signals. - Fisting isn't just a Fist up the ass and more important it's not a degrading nor humiliating activity. SO, IMHO I suggest to anyone who want to approach to the pleasures of FISTING, as a bottom, to start with no more than just some PP, with someone you know and trust and who knows what he is doing. Perhaps more than one session may be needed to take your first fist but they will be worth it. This few tips could also save lives and avoid injuries, pls don't underestimate them. Thanks for the reading. Have FFun!
  10. Before to do irreversible procedure try this orthodontic tool used to keep your teeth aligned… He will still feel the teeth but they will doesn’t harm anymore.
  11. Thanks, waiting for the next chapter 👍👊
  12. Could it be something like that? Posted by @hornynhung[think before following links] https://breeding.zone/gallery/image/99158-img33jpg/
  13. Well, that seem the beginning of a new life, let him and us have some FFun 😉👊👊
  14. Thanks for the story but I suppose the years spent with Wayne deserves at least two or three chapters 😉 👊 🍆
  15. Probably it is referred to a quantity… an amount of the same size of an egg…
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