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Everything posted by Kayne

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. Loving someone takes an investment that comes from your soul. Its okay to mourn that loss. Something I heard said once has stayed with me when it comes to dealing with a loss... "Live your life. Live every day to its fullest, but take 10 mi uses each day to talk to your lost one. do it faithfully..share all the happiness, all the sadness all the frustration all the mundane things you might otherwise take for granted. Living you life and honoring your past are healthy ways to move on. just do it at your pace I believe in you.
  2. Some people are just not assertive. social awkwardness is the demon here. I get off on stories like this. Then again badlybtranslated doujins in which Tops/Doms take special joy in pointing out how lewd/ erotic/ needy/ honest a bottom/ sub's body is also get me off. this is much better written, and I'd like to see whether our Protag makes it unscathed. the landlord interests me.
  3. Oh my Fuckin God! Yes. He could be everything I want visually. and Fuck it up with his voice. by the same token, I'd go insane for a guy I wasnt otherwise attracted to from his voice alone. Its why I outgrew phone sex.
  4. Putting the Kink aside. You gotta do what is best for you. Be upfront about who and what you are. but be warned that there still may be blow back. There are certain things that legally, one cannot consent to, because the consent is seen as a defect l..its stupid butnits the world we live in. whate er you do. be careful for your sake bro.
  5. Given I've only ever done them twice, and the second time, my heart felt like it would burst from my chest like a Xenonorph... I'm gonna go with placebo. Tnats just me tho But I get it. my stomach flips each time I smell them in the air, which is crazy because its a smell common to some of my favorite places
  6. would it be nice to be able to upload a photo or.gif more than 1 mbin size? yes. is it frustrating to not be able to share something you find interest in? also yes. Do we have to deal with disappointment in life? indeed we do. is it fun? no, but its also a first world problem. There are a ton of free online photo file optimizers, editors, and file shrinkers that are free to use and display photos in a format best optimized for modern hand held devices without much fuss. there is no real need to get upset or pissy about the file size when you can reduce e the files with a few clicks. I donit all the time from my phone. Does every image I want to upload or reshape wind up posted, sadly no. but some things just don't have a place here. if it is that much of a big deal. one could use any number of ways to share and trade images amongst ourselves. it is not hard, unlike some dicks.
  7. I'm going to have to take umbrage with that statement. I worked in the trade in my younger days. I dont want to get too graphic and violate rules about S3x Work but suffice it to say that fn-dom was some of the easiest and best paid work I ever did. And I wasn't afraid of it. Today I find many people only claim that they wish for that kind of interaction but are about as serious as one is before and after he nuts and his post nut clarity / shame kicks in .
  8. Sure is. I stay away from it. me with three radioactive N****R Spunk won't touch THAT dayglon toxic shit. lol
  9. Okay... Tell me you're a Dumb ass without telling me you're a Dumb ass. One I LIVED in NYC as a young Black Kid during that time and Her a amends Never Released because ahe was so badly injured and had retrograde amnesia. Her name was even withheld during the suspects kangaroo court trial. it wasn't until more than a decade later that her name came into the public. I will use her initials here... "TM" But you're a real Prince to intimate that I'd know one set ov victims without knowing the 'real' victim And one might be forgiven for a bigoted disgusting view from half a century ago... but how do you explain that same vile bullshie spewing from his lips in the Whitehouse while holding the highest office in the land where he was supposed to be representing EVERYONE while shelping Mitchell Mc Connel stuff the courts with people who in their conservative agendas have hits out on the "alphabet mafia, and basic human rights " Gobahead. Keep sucking pumpkinspice motherfucker's candy corn dick.
  10. I can answr that. The answer is zero. He was on record in the late 70's saying he didn't hire " faggots" Dude, I AM a New Yorker. Trump used his Massive Platform to persecute 5 Black Teenagers, Who were railroaded into confessing to a crime they didn't commit. He advocated for their Deaths. and was an instrumental force behind NYS returning to A Death Peanalty State Under Republican conservatism and corruption which lasted for 11 years. And while Being one of the largest Democrats and Democratic Donors, He supported Giuliani, a man who endorsed brutalization, between women, gays, people of color... anyone that didn't fit the "sanitized faxsimilie" that New York is today. He did it all because Property Values around Central Park took a dip after the crime they were accused of happened. The kicker to all this is that he himself is a multiple rapist. whoremonger, womanizer, homophobe and abuser. When science exhonerated those teens, now men, he denied the irrefutable truth then too. he doubled down he never made it right. Did I mention that Homosexuality was one of the things used to keep people from renting / buying/ owning property in his holdings? Did also mention that he was admonished by Richard Nixon's Justice Department, AND the New York State equal Housing Commission. New York fined him Several times for human rights violations. Don't trust that Tang skinned fucker.
  11. Because ther are places in this world where being "Out" Can lead to separation from friends, family, and community. There are places AwherenyournHome ,Job, and even life can be taken away, and not just by random xitizen, but by the state. There is real Danger. But putting that aside, perhaps his sexuality is fluid. As I said, He might be Hetero-romantic. while enjoying Sex with men. but in order to find out, you'll need to bite the bullet my friend. Go for it and Good Luck!
  12. Please continue I am heavily invested and I Live for A man's strong musk I love Uncut men like myself, and I envy those with Smeg. The Dominance of Daddy and the Eagerness of the Boy are endearing! Thank you!
  13. Real Talk Bro. From what you said, at the beginning, you were casuals. -more than acquaintences, less than friends- Then you were there for him at a moment of crisis and provided emergency care. Now stickers would say that since you have a Health Care Provider relationship with this man, pursuing any further relationship is patiently unethical. I disagree. its not you you're his regular doctor or even an occasional one. I think you should be free to pursue it. That being said, This guy presents as Straight. But you only assume that because he has a female partner. He could be bi, he could be closeted, or he could be a straight man who has sex with men but has relationships and romantic connections with women ( personally I think MSM is stupid, but I was born in the 70's ) Trouble is, you can't know what's going on in his head unless you open your mouth and ask. Is it hopeless? Not necessarily. Is there a risk? only if you value whatever it is you have now and fear fucking that up. But here is where you gotta put your big boy pants on and decide what it is that you want from this situation, be the "bravest you've ever been" and "Speak your truth" lay it on the line and tell the man you like him, or that you are gay ( if you are, no assumptions here) tell him so boldly and tell him you are attracted to him. We're entering 2023 in 9 days. Its well past time to Normalize not pining away for someone like an incel with main character syndrome. * *Remember to Take steps to protect yourself. DO NOT do this if you have even a whiff of an idea that this man may be violent if you make this advance Bottom line, this situation is only Hopeless if you allow it to be the *worst* that can happen is you get rejected. And we're Adults . we can handle rejection. But if we never risk that potential rejection we'll miss out on something that could be wonderful
  14. Been a long time for me, butbI DO like it rough. in a perfect world I'd be in fighting shape able to grapple wrestling trade some real blows anFightbfor Dominance, Fight for the right to top an Fight for a nut. Unfortunately, it seems that level of engagement is now recognized as non consent. I just miss the old days
  15. Personally grinds my gears that Inhave a fully fleshed out profile, clearly stating who I am, what I want, what I got and what I'm willing to give. and yet, I will inevitability, and without fail ask me basic shit I Just covered. Ten, they get mad at me when I refer them back to the profile, they obviously had to see before messaging me. Then, As usual, I wind up in Teacher Mode. Again like... Dude, you're older than me and you don't know what a cock ring is... or what its for.
  16. I can resist everything... except temptation. -Oscar Wilde Dude, its the temptation for me. and its the satisfaction in giving in to said temptation for me as well
  17. It not so much "trust" as it is "fear" When we've seen Black Letter Law, Established by previous High Court pre ident "revisited" and "undone" which members from that body making (paraphrased statement) "We're gonna do it right this time" Voting Rights, Roe, Double Jeopardy, Environmental issues. Things have already changed and fallen into chaos.
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