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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. To elaborate slightly, yes, breath control covers a wide range of practices and not all of them are as potentially lethal as others. In the case of the OP, however, he indicated that 1. He was looking for an experience more intense than vanilla or BDSM, 2. He was looking for a situation in which he would not be in control of what was done to him, and 3. He specifically used the word ‘strangle’, which strongly implies physical constriction of the airway. There is a great deal of difference between a Top who places his hand over your mouth when he fucks you, or even one who throat-fucks you to the point that you feel you can’t breathe, and a Top who fucks you while using the full strength of his hands around your neck to strangle you to the point of unconsciousness. Or using his full arm strength to clamp you in a chokehold around your neck until you pass out while he’s rutting. Or applying his body weight to keep your face buried airless in a pillow. Any of these is an act of irresponsible aggression that carries a pronounced risk. There are predators out there, and the OP writes as though he is contemplating seeking out a potentially dangerous type of this experience. I think caution is warranted, particularly for the uninitiated. Cautionary tale: I live in a small rural town. Not many people are gay here, and you sure as hell don’t walk down the street with a “We’re Queer And We’re Here” tee-shirt on, but if you keep it to yourself people can look the other way. But if something happens, they will never, ever forget it. There was a druggist, gay, nice guy, well liked, well known. One day he took a trip out of town. Hs body was found a few days later in a hotel room in a city, stuffed inside a suitcase. The town will always remember him as the gay who got in trouble in the city and ended up dead in a suitcase. Sounds like an urban legend, but absolutely true. I don’t know that he was strangled... but he met a predator of some kind. It really doesn’t matter if ‘a lot of people do it’ - more people doing it doesn’t make it a smart thing to do (having more cops kneeling on suspects’ necks until they suffocate would not somehow make the practice justifiable). It just means more people aren’t thinking it through. Without a doubt, when mild/moderate choking is performed, many people experience an erotic charge from both the power exchange and from the adrenaline rush. But a To has to know when to let up, a bottom has to know when to signal distress, and both have to have a means of understanding how to communicate non-verbally in that kind of scene.
  2. Here’s the difficulty I run into with that - I can never see a Top’s load as garbage. Every load is precious, like gold. Loads aren’t something that one should be just throwing into the garbage can as though they had no value. I can easily understand myself being an unworthy vessel to take the load if that’s how the Top sees me, but not that the load itself is somehow worthless. The analogy breaks down for me at that point.
  3. What to look for in a Dominant has a lot to with what your personal goals are for training. It’s unlikely that you’re going to find one single individual who is going to be able to fully explore every facet of your personal sexual/submissive growth. I have had the benefit of servicing a number of remarkable Dominants who each took me down his rabbit-hole-of-choice for a short time even though I wasn’t owned or collared. Each of them taught me something no other Man has. One taught me the true meaning of submission simply by finger-fucking me beyond the point that I could take it any more. One taught me how to take intense electro (a skill I would very much need later). One taught me the power and perils of hypnosis. Lots of small lessons. Then I met my Master, and for six years my body was owned property, but my mind was his main interest. The training was much deeper, and could accomplish much more, because it built on itself over time. He actually made permanent changes in me based on his training techniques - he was a Sadist, and methodical. Yet even though I loved the time I grew with him, in the end I could feel the need to grow beyond him as well, because he couldn’t be everything I needed. He did share me out to a few others for expanded training experiences - there was one edger in particular who I will never forget - but I felt a need to be taken to a place if even deeper debasement that he wasn’t interested in pursuing. He released me in the end to follow other interests, and that has allowed me to take what he revealed about my sexual purpose and come to terms with what it means. But I still feel a very strong need to submit to a Dominant male - the difficulty is in finding one who would enjoy using me in debasing ways that would fulfill my need. This is exactly what I mean about your choice needing to fit your goals. You can’t allow yourself to be hamstrung by other men’s preconceptions. Take, for instance, the assertion above that it’s unbecoming for a Dominant to whore out his submissive - that’s hardly a universal opinion, may run counter to some Dominants’ training goals for their cumdumps, and doesn’t take into account the kind of experience that teaches a submissive that his holes are not his own. While that kind of mutually exclusive ownership relationship may work well for some, others might find it impossibly stifling and ultimately unworkable. In sum, I would say don’t be in any great hurry to find “the” Dominant for you. Shop around, gain some diverse experiences. That way, you’re more likely to know him when you find him, and have the experience to be a match for him.
  4. What if you have, say, two cumdumps: One is an uninspired fuck who just lies there while you use him; the other has sexual skills and actively uses them to provide you with a high-quality fuck. Do you see no difference between the two?Are they both equally trash simply because they both take your load? If so, doesn’t this limit your own potential pleasure? If not, is the cumdump who actually provided a value-added service then worthy of some recognition (however slight) compared to the one who did not? Or do you simply fuck only those cumdumps you consider the trashiest as a matter of personal preference, and so the question doesn’t arise?
  5. @BreedingTop71 - The topic of the thread, as expressed by the OP, is “have you been raped” - a question both explicitly and implicitly directed at the victims of sexual aggression to canvass their qualified viewpoint. To barge in and hijack such a thread, where men are sharing some pretty personal and sensitive shit, with an unapologetic pro-rape manifesto is crudely misplaced, and wildly inappropriate in this context. That’s not to say your discussion lacks interest - in a thread of its own, I imagine it would stimulate a fair amount of commentary. Read the room, man.
  6. @ACURBOT95 - Your concern is not meritless. Choking sex is a type of paraphilia, an atypical sexual desire usually involving extreme or dangerous activies. In BDSM circles, any practice in which a submissive’s air supply is limited is referred to as breath control, and it is always inherently dangerous. You need oxygen in order to live. Even if a loss of oxygen doesn’t kill you, prolonged deprivation can cause brain damage, and no orgasm is ever worth that risk. No responsible Top or Dom should ever asphyxiate a bottom or sub to the point of unconsciousness. (No, you callous sons of bitches, there’s no excuse for it.) The risk of harm is too great. Never, ever allow someone to place a plastic bag over your head. You should never agree to allow another man to go that far with you, and before you begin you should establish a safe signal (a ‘safe word’ won’t work for obvious reasons) for you to use in the event that the scene goes beyond your limit. Once you pass that signal, the Top must stop immediately. If he doesn’t, go for his eyes first. Although atypical, your sexual interest in being choked is not that uncommon, so don’t feel that you’re somehow unusual for it. Many guys share that paraphilia, both from the giving and receiving end, and you’ll find that expressed here and there on these boards. Do not feel badly about yourself for having these desires, though if they cause you distress, you may wish to consider speaking to a therapist to work out the underlying issues. Otherwise, if you plan to act on your desires, exercise caution, restraint and moderation, do so only with agreed-upon safeguards in place, and do so only with a partner with whom you have established a level of trust. Your life could depend on it.
  7. “Without anyone the wiser”, he posts on his Twitter feed for his entire family to suddenly become privy to one day? Still, it’s practically invisible isn’t it, it’s only been watched 48,000 times...
  8. This is potentially confusing. The initial effect of, for instance, methamphetamine, may wear off after a few hours, but damage to dopamine receptors may be lasting, and the foundation for life-changing addiction may have been laid. Plus, dosing another person with a psychoactive medication - or indeed any pharmaceutical - without his knowledge and without knowledge of other health factors or other medications that might contraindicate it is not defensible. The reality is that stealth doping another human being is dangerous no matter how you color it. In fictional stories, the tale can be told that everything turned out fine - as it might, if everybody stayed lucky. But everybody doesn’t always stay lucky in real life, and sometimes harm is done even if it isn’t immediately obvious. Similarly, advocating for giving someone HIV is not to be an infraction in the way advocating for giving someone AIDS is, but the hard truth is that, at this point in the state of medical science, giving someone HIV causes him harm. Meds may hold off the development of the disease, but they do not stop it completely, and every single person with HIV, without exception, is fighting an internal battle against constant inflammation that is wearing down his systems and shortening his life. Period. What if the guy who just gets pozzed keeps getting false negative results on his HIV testing and doesn’t get on meds at all? (I’ll tell you what: He ends up with a CD4 count of 49, a viral load of 85,000, and fungal meningitis, and we’re back at AIDS even if it was never mentioned.) So it’s not as though one can say that giving someone HIV is harmless, even today. It may not be the death sentence that it was, but it’s still a chronic disease, and it sure as hell ain’t gonna wear off in a few hours. I think that this barebacker community, by its nature, tends to be one that takes a certain you-buys-your-ticket-you-takes-your-chances view on personal risk that lays the responsibility for risk on the person who experiences the effects. Such a view is sometimes at odds with a sense of responsibility for the well-being of others, and doesn’t necessarily promote an ethos of preventing harm. For that reason I think these extended restrictions are forward-thinking and necessary, and I am glad to see them implemented. I do think sometimes we as a community would do well to think a little deeper about our responsibility to prevent ourselves from becoming agents of harm to others.
  9. Even though I don’t really care what a Top chooses to call my hole, I more and more find myself referring to it, and thinking of it, as a cunt. Mine is not a delicate, feminine thing implied by ‘pussy’, but ‘hole’ is too sterile a term for its function in a sexual context. On a man like me, this orifice has a very specific designated use, which is to accept penetration and insemination by cocks - I was born to serve this function for men, so this is part of my anatomy in a way that it isn’t for a total Top. Therefore, this part, to my thinking, naturally needs a term that aptly describes what it is intended for. Yes, there are any number of alternatives, but most of them are just variations on ‘hole’ or ‘tube’ and aside from having ‘fuck-‘ prefixed to them don’t necessarily evoke the true sense of a sexual/reproductive/breeding act in the way ‘pussy’ does, and ‘cunt’ does with a harder edge. ‘Slit’ comes close, perhaps, because we don’t usually speak in terms of humans having slits except in a vaginal sense, so that translates. In the end I think I self-identify mine as a cunt because I recognize and accept that it has always been meant for fucking independently of its other use, without soft or delicate treatment that might be suggested by a softer word. If I had to say what marks me as different from men who have never been fucked by another man, I would say that I have been cunted - it’s something that, once done, can never be undone, and when a man like me has been cunted by other men hundreds of times, there can be no doubt that the thing that defines him is a cunt.
  10. I’m curious about whether you had any sense beforehand that it would be awkward afterward, and if so, what prompted you to do it rather than simply confront him. My son is college-age, and bi, but it would never cross my mind to interact with him in a similar way if there were ever such a circumstance - I know my son and I know our relationship and I can tell you without any doubt exactly how oddly/wrongly such a thing would play out for us. You say you were “50/50” - was it because part of you felt an uncomfortableness about the idea in general, or was it more that the idea didn’t bother you but you weren’t certain how he would react? And were you surprised by his choice to continue? Families are different, and I’m just asking to try to understand the family dynamic that would make your experience possible; in my family, it absolutely could never have been, not with me and my son, nor with me and my father.
  11. My current regular Top has taken to holding me upright in front of a mirror - to make sure I’m watching what’s being done to me - pinning my arms to my sides with one arm, and then savagely raping my hole with a dildo. It’s as though he wants to ram home (literally) the point that Your ass belongs to me and I can make you take any kind of cock up your cunt I want any time, in any way - and if you don’t believe me, just watch. And then he proves it.
  12. You’re the only one who can accurately speculate about what might have happened. We can guess, based on experience, what the men you might have encountered would likely have done when presented with your fresh, naïve young ass. But put yourself inside the head of your young self - how would that young guy have responded to an intense penetrative sexual experience? Would he have been chill about it, or might it have spooked him, especially if it was rough or aggressive? Would the same emotions that prevented him from walking through the door have raised warnings later if he had actually crossed the threshold? If he had gotten fucked and discovered that he loved it, would part of him had felt hesitant to allow himself to indulge in pleasure? Since you say you never had a father-figure, how would that young you have responded to the sudden influence of dominant male personas seeking to take advantage of him? Any number of factors could have shaped what might have happened - only you can say what would have been likely.
  13. I’m always fascinated by men who derive pleasure and excitement from forcing other men to experience sexual degradation. I’ve been on the receiving end of such acts so many times, yet I still don’t really understand what’s going on in their heads and am always looking for insight in hope that it will help me improve my response. In a way, though, I wonder if that wouldn’t be counterproductive - if I end up responding in the way I think a Top wants me to respond, that might risk depriving him of the pleasure of observing my genuine confusion and distress when he degrades me.
  14. Every now and again you see an amateur clip of two men fucking in which the camera shifts position, and a moving shadow falls across them - the shadow of the man holding the camera. Suddenly you’re very aware that not only are the two not alone, but their rut is being witnessed, and recorded, by a third person present. You don’t always think about there being another person there, because sometimes a static camera is doing the shooting, and even if the viewing angle moves, you don’t always immediately think of the cameraman. As soon as I see that shadow, though, the spell is broken and I get a strangely voyeuristic charge knowing that there’s someone else there watching them. Anyone else get that?
  15. A notably difficult section to navigate are the Blogs. Selecting ‘Blogs’ from the upper-right dropdown menu opens the blog section with the most recent entries in date order, but there is no mechanism for sorting or finding a particular blog. Using the search function is unreliable; telling it to search in Blogs for ‘ErosWired’ revealed only one of my blog entries, even when I tried presenting the search term in quotes, brackets, etc. Once you do manage to find and open an entry in the blog you want to read, it’s not intuitive how you can find the listing of all the posts in that blog. I find it tricky to even get into the position where I can add a new entry, even from my own profile page. And, in the ‘Bareback Bloggers’ section of the site, the pinned topic at the top of the page about how to find bareback bloggers on this site is itself a dead link. Without a basic mechanism for sorting and filtering desired reading content at the landing-page level, it’s kind of like having to sort through a bowl of marbles every time you go looking for a blog.
  16. What is your objective? That is, what are you hoping to get them to do by humiliating them more? Or is it just that your experience is enhanced by your power to degrade them?
  17. The about:config functionality does not appear to be available on Firefox for iOS. When I try it on either an iPhone or an iPad, all the browser returns is a blank white screen. And why should we be surprised? This is a company that will allow no app to be sold through its app store unless the app meets its content restrictions. They have no interest in allowing users of “their” equipment (oddly overlooking the fact that we bought it from them in exchange for our money) to be reconfigured to bypass their control.
  18. Sounds are actually medical tools used for enlarging the size of the urethral opening and passage. There are different types, from straight rods to long s-shaped rods to narrow rods with a bulb on one end and a handle on the other (‘rosebud’ sounds, which are what I use. A set of sounds will usually start with a diameter of about 6mm and increase to an eye-opening 13mm. So far I have not been able to manage anything larger than a 10. Most sounds are made of stainless steel, which is the material of choice because f the ease of sterilization. (It also makes them handy as electrodes. 🙂 ) There are other urethral insertables out there made of other materials - silicone in particular - but I have no experience with these and cannot make any recommendation other than to avoid anything that is porous and cannot be made sterile. Sounding has to be done with care, and with attention paid to cleanliness. This is really important. Your urethra is naturally sterile, and if you go shoving bacteria-covered rods down it you will end up with a urethral infection, bladder infection, or both. Pre-play sterilization of the sounds is essential, and there are several means to do it. My low-tech method is to clean them thoroughly with hot, soapy water, immerse them for five minutes in an alcohol bath, and then wrap each sound individually in a wet paper towel and place them in a 350° oven for 30 minutes. This may sound like overkill, but you do not want an infection down there. Do not sound your cock with the sound that was just hilt-deep in your buddy’s cock. Sounding should be done with gloves, no matter who is doing it to you. Your lubrication should be sterile and applied directly from the bottle. Never use force. If the sound isn’t advancing, reposition and let gravity work. Sounds must be absolutely smooth, without any roughness or projections, or they will scratch you inside. If you allow someone else to sound you, make sure that person has experience, and is attentive to your response. If he acts like he wants to get rough or stabby with it, ccall it off. My former Master used to deep-sound me and then stir, so that it felt as though he was stirring my reproductive system like soup. He was a demon, but he knew what he was doing and then some, and never damaged me. Sounding can be fun and rewarding, but it can’t be done quite as casually as some other forms of play.
  19. It depends on whether you mean ‘orgasming’ or specifically ‘ejaculating’. I don’t particularly have to do either to consider a fuck enjoyable - my physical delight isn’t the point, the Top’s is. My reward comes from the process. I very seldom ejaculate when I’m being fucked, and I prefer that I don’t. There’s no question that having a full ejaculating orgasm while a cock is in my ass greatly enhances the experience, in the immediate aftermath my internal muscular control becomes temporarily weak because all those muscles just went into overdrive to orgasm and now they’re tapped out and weak. Not long ago my current regular Top made me shoot while he was cunting me, and I could feel how much harder it was afterward to keep myself from clenching up inside because I had no control. That’s not at all the same thing as having the semen literally fucked out of me by the Top’s assault on my internals - I often end up with my own cum flowing out simply from pressure even without orgasm, and if the Top notices it, I find that I usually end up swallowing it, or it gets used to lube me. But I don’t know whether you consider that cumming. The last time I hosted, one Top did milk me by hand after he fucked me, and was so good with his hands that I shot a load into his palm in less than a minute - which he then poured straight into my own cunt, still gaping from his cock. I guess he believed in recycling. I also very often orgasm without ejaculating, because my former Master worked on sensitizing me to having non-ejaculatory climaxes with a minimum of stimulation. Most Tops will bring me to orgasm at least once this way. There have been a handful of cruel fuckers who have discovered that they can give me repeated anal orgasms, one right after the next, by just fucking my ass-ring, until they become so intense I’m begging them to stop. (They never stop.) I guess you could say I like being able to cum that way for them because they like making me do it, but it’s not something I would ever try to make happen.
  20. Every syllable of this is spot-on. Learn from this man.
  21. Where do you get a figure of 7% viewership, and how is it arrived at? If condoms in porn are as commonplace as everyone complains, how is such a figure even statistically possible? It would mean that a huge percentage of porn produced isn’t watched by 93% of its target market. Plus, we know that men who strongly dislike condom porn still view it, because they’re here griping about what they watched. Your question is very loaded here on a forum for barebackers. You ask us what we think of guys who watch condom porn, which implies that there is something in particular you believe we should be thinking about such men, though you yourself offer no observation or opinion. It’s not at all the same question as the one asked in the title of your topic, which simply asks about the trend in condom porn, so I’m confused about what kind of response you’re actually hoping to get. Can you clarify?
  22. Let me preface this reply by apologizing, as I realize you directed your question at other medical professionals, and I am not a doctor. My reply may be less useful to you. That said, If you’re asking whether being gay devalues a doctor’s M.D. to the point that his training, knowledge and skills are considered on a par with a stylist, I think the answer is pretty obvious - how many people would trust a hair stylist with their appendectomy? Their heart condition? Their broken arm? Their case of COVID? When a medical professional, gay or straight, is dealing with the well-being of a patient, most such professionals quite correctly view any prurient interest as a distraction from the work at hand at best, at worst, contrary to the patient’s interest. I have a hard time imagining a social stigma such as you describe being at play. The very real social stigma, however, applies to medical professionals who fail to follow their profession’s and their institutions’ codes of ethics regarding inappropriate contacts with patients. If you find peers unwilling to talk about their unethical attractions toward the people in their care, consider that it could be that they simply don’t entertain them. They’re professionals.
  23. You “took a look”? What put you off is the description blurb on the title page. Did you take a listen to any of the six parts of the podcast to understand the views (and science) expressed, or are you once again drawing from your deep well of personal bias and assumption to find something - anything - contrary to say? hungry_hole, you and I have never really seen eye-to-eye on this forum, but I’ve always tried to treat you with respect. In this thread you’ve lost my respect. Maybe you couldn’t care less. But you’re on an Internet forum among your peers and you’re trolling them. For that you deserve a special kind of universal contempt, and the best way I can put it is this: On Breedingzone, I’m a faggot cumdump - and I look down on you.
  24. Um... because professional athletes who are “deep in the money pile” didn’t just fall out of the sky and stick the landing. They started somewhere, usually in high school and college athletics, where the opportunity to hone their abilities in competition made it possible for them to become professional-grade performers. Plus, how do you suppose all those moneyed pros end up being noticed by the movers and shakers that pull athletes into professional gigs? They get noticed because people are watching high school and college athletics to see what talent is rising. That is why all this matters. It’s not the money at that level (there’s not even supposed to be any) - it’s the opportunity. It’s about being able to be even given the chance to try to become and excel and dream of something in the future. What? You’re transgender? No way - you don’t get a chance. That’s what it’s about.
  25. Amazing. The OP’s question, above, is plainly directed to Tops, yet every response save one so far has been from a bottom saying how he feels about hoods. Guys - he didn’t ask. If you want to talk about bottoming in a hood, go start another topic. I, for one, am very much more interested in the Top point of view on the subject. I’m interested in learning everything I can about how I can enhance a Top’s experience. The only thing I learn from bottoms talking about why they like to wear hoods is that most bottoms are more focused on their own pleasure than serving a Top. I could explain why a hood can make me a better bottom for the Man counting me, but I won’t - he didn’t ask.
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