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Everything posted by Medwaym

  1. Completely agree, something about a cowboy that is so hot!!
  2. I don't think he's ever been in the business sadly, I follow them both on Instagram.
  3. I think everyone wants Jessy, even to just share a smoke with him. His partner is hot too.
  4. So sad, somewhere I've been wanting to go.
  5. Tony Bishop is hot 🔥
  6. Love this, hot, romantic, sleazy.....perfection.
  7. 24 for me, nice head and low hanging balls to grab hold of....would like pierced though
  8. Share my DNA with you and bring real meaning to those tats. A PA to celebrate I think too.
  9. Thanks for the advice fella 😉
  10. If I ever convert, I'd take ownership of you!
  11. Your owner will find you!
  12. I will be brave, one day, to try again.
  13. I'm a strong believer that their is someone out there for everyone. I truly believe you will find what you are looking for, as long as you keep wanting it.
  14. We all grow and evolve over time, liking some things and others not so much. You have found what feels right for you at this present time and have embraced it, full credit and admiration to you. If we never try, how will anyone ever find their true selves.
  15. So hot, as always, thank you.
  16. So hot, my mind connected the 2 on the bed at the start as brothers as they look so similar, which added a hot dimension for me 😜
  17. I think the change of self reference from 'chav scum boss' to 'it' sums it up pretty well. The permanently inked adornment of what 'it' now is or wants to be, displays everything to the world like a big advertisement. The end goal now belongs to the superior who takes ownership of 'it'. Personally, I'm enjoying seeing the continual development with ink and I hope you achieve the status to match them. I'd like to see more metal incorporated though. Not forgetting the gear and smoking, which I doubt will ever stop.....hot.
  18. Well I'm sure the 2 new bio tats you now proudly display will lead to positive times, I'm loving seeing your journey and transformation (and slightly envious) 😜
  19. Oh I spotted it, I thought you may have had some positive news! Shame you can't upload here, I'm sure everyone would love to see both tat versions 😈
  20. Fuck, so hot. Thanks!
  21. There's only ever been one cock that I found was too big to suck. He was big in both length and girth, oh and a massive PA, I couldn't stretch my mouth wide enough to accommodate the girth and only managed the head. He is quite a famous London fetish photographer and I had seen many images of his cock, so it was quite the suprise in real life to discover his true size!
  22. And it looks fucking hot on you too pig, great design. Love your sleave too, which features another bio tat, doesn't it?
  23. Love this story.
  24. This guys posts wanking in plastic pants sometimes [think before following links] https://twitter.com/StevenEpsom/status/1390911170878574593?t=wGWhrzq1kYokfLa0Qm9KVg&s=19
  25. I've seen a few guys on twitter wanking in clear vinyl/plastic pants, so hot. Hearing the sound as they wank, and seeing their cock through them.
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