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Everything posted by Oldercumslut

  1. I've been trying to arrange a DP for awhile. I've got dildo that I use to prep for it. Still haven't been able to get two guys together to do me.
  2. One reason that anon, blindfolded, ass up, door open can be dangerous. Couple of years back I had just checked into hotel, mid afternoon. (this was still CL days). Two guys claiming to be college kids wanted to come over. I was already prepped so I told them to come over. Had blindfold on and headphones. They came in, and it till a bit before anything happened. One pushed his cock into my mouth and the other started pounding me. They alternated. Both cam, but stayed pretty hard and did me again. As the left, one pulled up the headphones and whispered their actual age. Let's say I was pretty paranoid for awhile after that. I may be an all loads cumslut, but I've learned to be a bit more careful.
  3. Got onto Grindr last night for a Hail Mary attempt. DIdn't take long. I was looking for someone who was interested in a little risk. Young black buy. I told him where I should be and what I was going to be wearing. It was dark and right at curfew time which was 9pm, but park was still open till 10. Bent over the railing over the river. He walked up behind me and quietly stood there. I pulled by shorts down and handed him some lube. I hadn't asked how big he was, but I guess I should have asked. He grabbed my hips and took me balls deep. It was all I could do not to scream. Damn he was big and hard. He pounded fast and hard for just a couple of minutes and then went balls deep again and grunted. Stood there a bit as he got soft and I handed him a bar towel. ( I buy them by bulk at Sams for just this reason. ). he walked off leaving me with my shorts down around my ankles and cum leaking down my leg. I pulled them up and headed home. (about 2 blocks) Have hopes for tonight. Although it's suppose to rain, might still be fun.
  4. it means I'm having to work to much to have any hook up time.
  5. Going back and digging through my diaries, at best I can come up with is about 750. I tend to go in cycles. Sometimes nothing then I'll get a lot. When I added up the lights out ass up nights where I go lucky and got 20 some loads combined with my regulars over the years it does add up. I to started with a bang as a teen and got gang banged by groups of guys who probably didn't know how old I was. Now that I"m old and fat it's prob going to be hard to hit that number.
  6. I'm starting to plan for conferences this summer and fall. There are a few in Vegas. I'll probably be at the Venetian Sept 8-12. Anything normally going on during that time frame? I'm pretty much stuck at the venue hotel, but I've been known to sneak out and get a room somewhere else when needed.
  7. The prime reason I don't like his is that you can't trust a single word that comes out of his mouth. Sometimes I can't decide if he is just spouting and doesn't care or if he is intentionally lying. Look how many times he's said "I don't know him or I never met him, when there is an over abundance of video evidence that he did. He doesn't seem to care that in todays age, there is no shortage of ways to prove he's lying. What he is betting on is that his supporters won't take the time to check and/or they don't care. They like trump for the same reason medical people liked Dr House. They wish they could get away with what he gets away with. What Trump HAS proved is that we as a nation have been deceiving ourselves that we've managed to address the prejudices that are prevalent in our country. White nationalism has always been here, it's just embolden now because of him. I'm hoping that when he's gone, we can address these things. My fear is that he's irrevocably damaged the democracy. He's trashing everything the founding fathers worked so hard to create, and what so many people have died for over the decades to defend.
  8. I"m guessing most of them already know without me telling them. Since they found me on Grindr, A4A or BBRT, I'm guessing most have already figured it out.
  9. Yeah I was already messed up. That's how I got into the position to have sex at that age. And for some the only ones close enough are probably too closely related to us to be socially unacceptable. To this day I have no idea were the idea came from to bend over and start sucking. I know it wasn't his idea either. But he took advantage of it then again frequently afterwords. Now the adults a little later on definitely fit todays definition of predators. They set the whole situation up.
  10. It’s my responsibility to do whatever it takes to get him hard enough to fuck me. If he’s hard and ready I bend over. I’d be needs some help it’s to my knees and open my mouth.
  11. Quickie this morning. Guy I’ve met a few times before on Grindr. Before work for him and after work for me. Total contacted lasted about 5 min from start to finish. He’s one of those guys go you KNOW is cumming.
  12. It would be nice if more of these apps also had a web interface for when I'm working. It would be easier for me to use. One reason I use A4A as much as I do.
  13. This morning. A truly anon hook up. A rare real double contact. Black guy claimed 9”. Had lights dimmed, hooded, ear phones in. I could sense someone in room. Lots of moving around. Felt him on bed and a hard cock against my pre lubed ass. I’m glad I pre lubed and used a but plug before. He took me balls deep in one push. Have no idea how long he lasted. Long fast strokes. I could tell when he came though. After just a second he pulled out and fed it to me to clean off. It was that moment I realized there was another guy there. He also took me balls deep, while I was cleaning off the first guy. I’m pretty sure he was thicker than the first. He fucked me with an irregular rut hem that kept changing. It wasn’t long that he grunted and came. It was long enough for the first guy to get partially hard in my mouth. The second guy pulled out and after a bit of work, the 1st guy got his cock back in my ass. He didn’t move, just stayed there for a bit, the. Suddenly I could tell he was leaving a wet surprise. He pulled out and they both slapped my ass laughing. I have no idea how old. He’s got my number let’s see if I get seconds. This year has already been a lot better than last year.
  14. Spent about 30 years as a 3 now I’m a 6. I don’t even ask. On PreP for year and neg (had a couple other bugs This past year though)
  15. Sounds like the old days of multiple pill HIV treatment. People had pagers and would get paged when It was time to take their meds.
  16. Some of us don’t have a lot of other options. Just don’t let it consume me. It did get a lot easier when I could host. But still get ghosted a lot. youndo know your bored when you find yourself chatting with a bot. 😜
  17. The last couple of days have been really frustrating on all Apps. Chatting then getting ghosted. People not responding. The ones who take the time to say thank you but no thank you are few and far between. I can deal with the Russian Bots and Spam. That crap has always been around. Hell back in the day when it was mainframe to mainframe IRC, people were even trying to sell Avon and Amway. B But the apps have their place. Because of where I live, there isn't a lot of club scene and apps are generally all there is. So I guess I learn to deal with it. I do miss Craigslist every so often.
  18. For me it's not a preference one way or another. When I'm cruising, there just aren't a lot of white tops. Now at parties it seems an even mix.
  19. 4am Grindr contact. Had been playing tag all day and I was beginning to think he was a flake. Cute guy. Nice 7" cock. Pounded away for over an hour. Just when I couldn't take it any more he pulled and whacked until he started to cum and then shoved it back in as he came. Hopefully this streak will continue for this old fat white dude.
  20. Ok so the title courted clique bate. Had a discussion with my therapist and she asked my why I seem to have more BBC for hookups. I think she was pushing the race issue. ( she knows I'm not a size queen) For me I can say that it's just because there seems to be more of them online, or in some places the white guys tend to be bottoms like me. When it's 2am and I"m looking for cock, it's usually not a white dude of any age that's online. Any thoughts or comments?
  21. Anon is the best way. It's nice to have a stable group of hook ups, but I do so love anon. A little bit of fear and uncertainty. It's the spice of life.
  22. Starting out good. 12 Loads. One bent over the back of my car on a side street New Years morning. Got to keep it up. Now that I can host I'm hoping it gets better.
  23. Got lucky again tonight. Even us fat old guys can get a load or two. 1st load was in local hotel. Visiter. Initially only wanted head because I hadn't cleaned out. While I was going down on him I heard him say fuck it and he rolled me over and took me balls deep. Perfect size. Big enough to feel but not too big to hurt. Took him about 5 min, but he left and good size load. We set up plans for tomorrow. the second load was from Grindr. Young guy. Offered to do me in an alley way because neither of us could host. We found a spot and he pushed me up against the car, pulled my shorts down and again took me balls deep. Let's just say he was a but thicker than I was expecting. A minute of pounding and he grunted and filled me with a load. I drove him back into town. 3 loads in less than 24 hours is better than average for me.
  24. Got my first STD. A twofer. Syphilis and Herpes. Let me tell you that first outbreak of Herpes is a killer. No symptoms with Syphilis, I get tested every 23 months so I know how long I've had it. Pretty sure I even know who I got it from.
  25. My last load was an anon hotel hook up. I had posted on BBRT, Doublist, and anywhere else I could find. After most of the evening and night going by with no hits at all I felll asleep. Committed the ultimate in danger left the door open. Still had my blindfold on. I woke up to a hard cock being shoved into my ass. Was average size and uncut (which I found later) and as hard as a rock. He paused for a second as he bottomed out and then just started pounding away. Still groggy from sleeping I have no idea how long he fucked me. Felt like forever. He grunted and I could feel him twitching. He pulled out and grabbed my hair and put his cuck to my lips. I sucked and licked it clean. He pulled away and A few seconds later I heard the door close. I never took the blindfold off and the room was dark. It was about 4 AM. I had burn phone set to respond with room number when it was txt so that's how he got my room. Laid there feeling well fucked and used.
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