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Everything posted by ejaculaTe

  1. Bottled water and snacks for those standing in line....
  2. Good boy.... I'm sure you're making your daddy proud. 🐖
  3. Out of idle curiosity, if nothing else, the mention of Rock Island leads me to ask if you went to Augustana. (I considered it, but I ended up at UChicago.) And as I recall the place, your description of the theater in Chicago is pretty charitable.
  4. At first glance, the guy looks rather innocent. He's anything but. And he's hot -- I see why you like it, and I made sure to bookmark the page. Thanks for cluing us in on this one....
  5. Try these two, both here in Chem Sex Fiction: A Graduation Gift for My Little Brother and Varsity Athlete. Honors Student. Cum Slut. Son. If you haven't shot a couple of loads by the time you finish reading either story, have someone check for a pulse.
  6. Tampa Men’s Club?
  7. It struck me that you did a lot of educating in this installment. Vice is the obvious example, but his encounter with the sales clerk at the leather store showed him to be a quick learner. Doug was an intriguing surprise, and "plot foreshadowing" crossed my mind after Jimmy briefly explained what he had arranged at Cassie's request. But the glory hole scene, with Vice getting nailed by his best friend from grade school, was just too good. I know I say it all the time, but thanks for sharing that weekend with us.
  8. A couple of observations -- if Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac owns the mortgage, the borrower has to have homeowner's insurance (and flood insurance if applicable). There doesn't appear to be any provision in the servicing guide of either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac for self-insurance. (For an explanation of what Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac do, check out [think before following links] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fannie_Mae.) The same pressures that lead an owner to sell also lead prospective buyers to look elsewhere -- buyers don’t want a unit in an aging building requiring expensive mandated upgrades with hefty COA fees and special assessments. (This article tells you more than you want to know about the situation: [think before following links] https://realestate.usnews.com/real-estate/articles/floridas-condo-crisis-why-condo-sales-are-plummeting.) Enough of real estate for now -- I have more work to do because of Helene. (At least I won't have snow to shovel in January.)
  9. Just read part 5. Jeezus F. Crisco, if this was any hotter, my computer monitor would have exploded (just like Noah and Brad).
  10. I'm idly wondering if it might be time for another installment of the P'town Party Weekend....

    1. versmetropig


      Got derailed for a while, as I mentioned to a few other members privately, that I've been having issues putting into words something that happened that Saturday evening - it's a thing I'm both embarrassed and yet oddly proud of, and I cannot make an account of that incredible weekend without mentioning this event, however, I know I can't delay much longer so I've written through early afternoon and have been getting my notes from that Saturday afternoon and evening together and should have the next installment or two out very shortly! Thanks for asking @ejaculaTe!

    2. ejaculaTe


      Thanks for taking the time to assemble your notes into what is sure to be a hot and compelling account.  (No prize for correctly guessing that I’m looking forward to the next installment.)

  11. You only need one hand free to type, but then we don’t know if both of your hands are busy at the moment.
  12. Anyone who can write phrases like "his body was lean yet ripe with innocence," "a body built from sin itself—rough around the edges and brimming with desire," and "a night filled with untold horrors and unparalleled pleasures" instantly gets my attention.
  13. You have plenty of us eager to hear about the rest of that night.
  14. Damn, damn, and Triple damn....
  15. [think before following links] https://classics.treasureislandmedia.com/movies/bone-ready
  16. My trip through Google Land uncovered Bone Ready by Treasure Island, scene 3 ("Date with Daddy") and scene 8 ("Daddy's Request"). Hope this is of some help...
  17. @Sfmike64, you could write directions on how to boil water, and I'd read them.... It goes without saying that I'm hooked already on this story.
  18. The guy talking at the beginning is Cole; Hunter is the guy holding the third guy. Cole and Hunter run Maverick Men. Gay Demon has a review of the web site: [think before following links] https://www.gaydemon.com/reviews/Maverick_Men.html.
  19. So, how was the party next door?
  20. Oh, I totally agree, and in fact the first sentence in the quote makes that point. The second sentence is no more than internal guidance expressed by the folks at Main Justice, likely because it's easier -- there's no need to bring the defendant to a different district for trial, etc. (And I suspect that any assistant US Attorney who wanted to depart from the administrative guidance would need a good reason.)
  21. From the DOJ Manual, §9-75.400: "Cases under the child pornography and obscenity statutes in which the crime was committed via computer may be prosecuted in the district where the defendant committed any of the acts proscribed in the statutes. In general, in cases in which the crime was committed via the computer, all of the charges (distribution, receipt, possession, etc.) should be brought in the district in which the target and his computer are located."
  22. The sentencing guidelines take into account the number of images involved, the offense level increasing according to the number of images. Paragraph 8 of the complaint shows that investigators, looking at cell-site data, determined that Wolf was in the Southern District of NY on March 24. The FBI may well have connected Wolf's various locations with the location of the phone. [Much legal mumble-jumble for anyone who cares: "Images" has a slightly different definition than the one you'd find in a dictionary. A photograph, picture, or computer-generated image is "one image." A video, video-clip, movie, or similar visual depiction is treated as 75 images. (US Sentencing Guideline §2G2.2, Application Note 6) When more than 600 images are involved, the offense level is increased by 5. (US Sentencing Guideline §2G2.2(b)(7)) As part of a plea agreement, the government can agree to a lower number of images which in turn leads to a smaller increase in the offense level. It might sound like small beans, but 2 points off the offense level, say from 40 to 38, can mean a sentence range 5 to 7 years lower. Acceptance of responsibility, which drops 2 points off the offense level, can have a similar effect.]
  23. If you got that far in paragraph 6(d) of the complaint, you should have seen the next sentence: "The video shows a child of approximately 10 years old bound, beaten, and raped by an adult man." The magistrate judge who issued the arrest warrant on the basis of the complaint could reasonably infer that the FBI agent had watched that video. Yep, 30 days. It's in the Speedy Trial Act (18 USC §3161(b)).
  24. Just because I'm bored and don't want to resume painting the trim in the back hallway, I'll take a stab at translating. It won't be 25 words or less though.... ======== -- We have an obligation to build the finest world we can possibly build. Do we really want to be mini-Epsteins? [The reference is to Jeffrey Epstein.] What is the distinction between vice and virtue? Does sexual freedom and financial freedom always end in "human degradation and self aggrandizement?" -- There exists only one group -- the "superior class" -- the OP can ask for answers though he expects to be met with a wall of silence. The question the OP asks [presumably the first question since the OP says he has "a few questions"] is "How many of you who claim the title of "superior" actually believe themselves to be such?" The question is not directed towards "the Bruder Class" [this incorporates the correction in OP's second post]. The Bruder Class is nonetheless free to comment even though the lines likely to be drawn by them aren't necessarily the lines drawn by "those of whom I speak." In any event, in OP's view, "at least the 88 crowd" articulates the rationale behind their claim of superiority and "owns" it, "bullshit as it is...." ========= Text in brackets is an explanatory note by me. I'm returning to painting the hallway trim.
  25. I initially thought the knock at the door was going to be the host's probation officer. "How to introduce your Grindr trick to your probation officer" likely isn't a self-help/DIY video on YouTube.
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