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Everything posted by ejaculaTe

  1. The stuff the realtors don't tell you when you're moving to Florida...
  2. Another example of justice in Kentucky.... [think before following links] https://lawandcrime.com/crazy/any-luck-finding-that-video-kentucky-prosecutor-suspended-for-spending-years-demanding-nude-images-of-defendant/
  3. So the owners had the choice of selling now or being slowly driven out of business, the ordinances prohibiting the behavior that made the place profitable. The arrests for indecent exposure make no sense: second degree I/E requires exposure under circumstances "in which he knows or should know that his conduct is likely to cause affront or alarm to a person eighteen (18) years of age or older." If you're in the back room of an adult bookstore, who the hell is going to be affronted or alarmed by someone displaying his genitals (almost typed "displaying his wares")? I know, it's easy for me to sit here and ask that question, but the guy who's been arrested probably isn't inclined to fight the charge. So much for justice in small town America....
  4. Unsurprisingly, this story is as hoT now as it was when I first read it in 2015. Just goes to show that some narratives are timeless.
  5. I wonder what the Carrie Nation of the county will do with all of her free time now that the peddlers of skin have decamped.
  6. Thanks for clearing up the ownership question. ABS in my hometown were also the target of the local churches. In fact, the building in which one was located was purchased by the Lutheran church 2 blocks away. No prize for guessing that there was no renewal of the lease.
  7. Give a shout next time you’re in Tampa/St Pete, and perhaps we can get spun and naked.
  8. Property taxes and utilities, even for an almost empty outlet mall in central Kentucky, can't be cheap. We simply need @ErosWired to fill in the blanks for us.
  9. The account given by @ErosWired reads as if the ABS owners are also the mall's owners. That's not impossible, but it would be inconsistent with general principles of commercial real estate development. Moreover, at a time when commercial real estate isn't (and hasn't been) exactly the hottest property market, it would be very odd.
  10. thanks for the latest insTallment....
  11. I admit to a bit of confusion. If the ABS was in the middle of an outlet mall, what property interest did the store's owners have that could be sold? I'm assuming that the store owners only had a leasehold on the particular section of the mall the store occupied. As to who would have standing to enforce the restriction, I'm guessing that no one thought of that detail, especially if the transaction was hurried. If anyone did pause to consider the issue, they may have decided to keep the restriction as a means of scaring away anyone who thought of opening "Mall of Sex."
  12. Mens Room: Bakersfield Station and Gale Force were totally enjoyable.
  13. You're certainly forgiven, it's just a question of penance. We can discuss that in the vestry....
  14. Back in the day when I had DVDs, few of us used Crisco, but the discs would have a fair amount of Wet, Gun Oil, etc. on them. I used a cotton handkerchief dampened with isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol). It could take a couple of tries to get the disc clean, but I managed to get them clean.
  15. A reasonable conclusion to draw -- it's unlikely he has a profile on BBRT just to find someone to go with him to see the Red Sox play.
  16. The appropriate response is along the lines of "thanks for the compliment" or "thank you." You've acknowledged the comment which is all any sensible person can expect, and you haven't left an opening for the other person to continue the conversation.
  17. I am a simple man with a simple mind, and the train of thought went "a fare jumper in your hallway would be willing to risk injury at the hands of the turnstile in order to reach your boudoir." And I'm glad I was able to provide a bit of humor to go with the morning coffee.
  18. A turnstile at your door might have led to an incident like the one described in this newspaper article. [think before following links] https://www.theblot.com/fare-jumper-junk-stuck-turnstile/.
  19. One could say that the lad’s cup overfloweth with love….
  20. Stories like this make me wonder what life would have been like if I had had a brother. Hmmmmm.....
  21. No doubt the vaccine is effective, but the most effective cure is of little value if there's no one to jab your arm. What the comparative experience of Broward and Miami-Dade illustrates is the value of public health services that are adequately funded and staffed. Sadly, the folks in Tallahassee seem incapable of seeing that.
  22. When you go to the baths, don’t have any expectations about what will happen. Tell yourself that if you only suck one dick or get fucked only once during the night, that’ll be fine. And it’s easy for me to say, but don’t feel intimidated by the ambiance — every other guy is there for the same reason as you. One more tip — lube your ass up before you go or as soon as you get there. That’ll help with situations such as the black guy….. You’ll do fine — and that picture is very hot. I can’t imagine why you didn’t have a line of guys following you all night.
  23. There's a post captioned "Give me the gift please" by PolishXmasTree which was posted Wednesday in one of the Backroom forums. I mention it only because, for me at least, it cast a little more light on PolishXmasTree's thinking.
  24. For the law geeks in the crowd, the first web address is to a summary of the July 29, 2022 decision of the Canadian Supreme Court in R v. Kirkpatrick. The second web address takes you to an earlier decision, R v. Hutchinson, which is discussed in the Kirkpatrick decision. If you want to read Kirkpatrick, which happens to be a mere 310 paragraphs (125 pages), click on the word "Decision" which is in the text box in the upper right portion of your screen.
  25. Using desktop versions of Safari, Firefox, and Chrome, the URL breedingzone.com took me this site. The URL breedingzone.net could not be found when using all 3 browsers. If I typed breeding zone.com (notice the space between "breeding" and "zone"), I landed on a search results page in DuckDuckGo.
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