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Everything posted by tightpussyboy

  1. I would describe myself as a cum dump. I’ll let someone cum in me anonymously or trust them when they tell me there status. I’m not on prep, no condoms if that top wants bare, I’ve been tested recently, still neg. but my experience is that most poz hvl guys won’t breed me as they will only mount undetectable guys or guys already poz. I’m not finding a lot of guys, or at least guys near me who get off on pozzing a negative butt or even want to. I’ve had guys refuse to meet up when I tell them I’m negative and they say they are toxic so they refuse to screw. I’m not necessarily looking to be pozzed but I’ve never turned a guy down because of it, it’s actually been the other way around. One guy told me to get on prep then he would think about screwing.
  2. Ive actually had my fair share of guys piss in my ass before. Almost always happens don’t know why, that and ass to mouth is what guys always want to do.
  3. sounds good, when you want to do this, weekends are best for me for the drive, friday afternoons, saturday or sunday, preferable saturday. What time works for you? also i dont seem to be able to send pms on here for some reason, is ther some other way we can communicate? my email is tightyoungpussyboy@yahoo.com

    1. killer52lt


      Weekends are good for me. Friday sat night are best. Txt my cell. 705 9232486. Be discreet.

  4. for me, i travel alot around north america, so if they are in north america, it is conceivable that i will be in there area at some time in the near future to meet up. 🙂
  5. im three hours from you, if your still looking, will travel to you to get knocked up, got a neg hole here for your charged load.

    1. killer52lt


      Yeah let's set something up

  6. one time i got fucked, the top just stuck his finger into my ass and scrapped the side of my ass before fucking, hurt like hell, and after there was a mixture of blood and cum, like pink liquid.
  7. ive done it, it was hot, new taste for sure, but hot nonetheless.
  8. Hey there, im in toronto, same name profile on bareback rt, love to hook up and let you poz my ass, i need a good high vl load in here, hit me up and we can get this started 🙂

    1. Collar4chemboys




      Let's fuck I mesaage you on Bbrt Toronto here and exactly what you are looking for boy.. Rough rape bdsm, Ws  can be completely anonymous can host you entire long weekend and post ad invite others to pump u full of loads and loads central location here. .. Hope you can take what u say on here. Mesaage me back on Bbrt or on Kik 

  9. done ass to mouth, loved it
  10. Hi would be willing to meet up im tightpussyboy on barebackrt, please ignore my rep, there is nothing i can do about that if people vote down old posts of mine, but i am anxiously looking for a dom top
  11. neg here, most tops i meet are neg on prep or undetectable, getting harded to find a truley poz top, talking to one right now so i may end up hooking up with him, i not really chasing but i dont refuse barebacking or loads from any top
  12. most tops i know wont even fuck with a condom, its bare or nothing
  13. no one is puyshing anyone. im free to use this forum just like you. for a site called the "breeding zone" no one should really be spositing "safe sex". This site is primarly about bug chasing and gift giving.
  14. taking undetectable loads is one thing. taking high viral loads is another. I have yet to hear a story where a guy knowingly took a high viral load, on prep, and did not convert. Lets also not forget Prep does zero against Hep-C, HPV and other STDs. The idea that someone is on prep and that they can do whatever they want is not true.
  15. https://www.poz.com/article/meet-man-got-hiv-daily-prep
  16. prep does not protect you from everything, including med/prep resistant strains of hiv. If your going to go all out into bareback sex, dont ask dont tell etc, then you shouldn't really be using prep, cause your going to get pozzed anyways.
  17. do it without prep
  18. i don't think insurance should pay for any treatement, prep or hiv drugs. if you cant afford it out of pocket, well...best of luck.
  19. why not just stay off the meds and see what happens...
  20. i know of a top who wants to fuck me bare, and has a VL of over 1 million, not really looking to get pozzed myself, but if I did it would I be at risk of converting. Im not on prep btw
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