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Everything posted by Close2MyBro

  1. Are there any recreational drugs involved? Many recreational drugs can play havoc on normal digestive function. You can search the internet and find various articles about this topic.
  2. What infection did you get?
  3. Always swallow. If you're going to spit, then you may as well not suck dick.
  4. It doesn't bother me at tall, that's the tops prerogative. We both know he's there to fuck me and get off, conversation is like icing on the cake. Sometimes they may be in a hurry to get home to their girlfriend or wife and don't have time to talk. I don't read anything into it. If he enjoyed the fuck and wants more, I'll hear from him again.
  5. I have a gay friendly doctor. When I first switched to him we had a very lengthy and honest conversation about my sexual habits.I told him flat out that I was not going to use condoms and that my current activities would likely continue. He told me two things, first, that he was obligated to let me know the risks, and second, that he would proactively screen me on an ongoing basis. We had that conversation once and it hasn't come up again, although he does ask me if any of my sexual activities have changed since i last saw him, likely to assess the risks once again. If you can establish this kind of relationship with your doctor that would be great, if not, then it probably wouldn't hurt to find a more gay-friendly doctor. When I first moved here I reached out to the local gay and lesbian centers and asked them to recommend gay-friend doctors and they all had recommendations to share, so you may want to try that as well.
  6. If it's not your thing, then NEXT!!!!
  7. Most drugs have potency long after the due date. I had to switch my PREP regiment because I was having kidney problems with Truvada and the doctor asked me if I had any of it left if I could bring it in so they can donate it to health clinics. They can't legally sell it beyond the expiration date but they knew that it was till potent past its expiration date so they would donate it for health clinics to distribute for free to patients who could not afford the medications. There have been numerous studies about the efficacy of expired medications and the majority of them have shelf lives way beyond their expiration date. They're not tested beyond a 3 year shelf life. He's one study example: [think before following links] https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2017/07/18/537257884/that-drug-expiration-date-may-be-more-myth-than-fact
  8. I've been with a lot of black men who don't care what you think about them, they want to dick your ass down and move on. They use the term BBC and they know that BBC carries some swag with it. Nothing wrong with that.
  9. It definitely does that, I can attest to that!
  10. Dallas and Atlanta were two cities that were very good to me when I used to travel a lot on business.
  11. All I can say is that the "gifters" have to be out there somewhere.
  12. You mentioned that you had a biopsy. Did they find any sign of prostatitis? That would show up in the tissues as well. If they did, you should ask your doctor if it needs to be treated. Chronic prostatitis sometimes does nothing but other times can cause pain and discomfort. Everyone's symptoms may vary. It may not have been enough time to completely heal from the biopsy. I purposely waited at least 6 months before having anal sex after mine to make sure that it had healed properly. Since they puncture the colon wall to get at the prostate, I figured I'd be safe rather than sorry.
  13. I think meth has something to do with it. Everyone is a bottom now because a lot of people on meth can't get or keep an erection. And the meth situation continues to become more widespread every year. I tell all my potential hookups that they need to be able to get hard, stay hard, and cum, and every year there seems to be more and more who choose to end the conversation because they can't promise that. I've also encountered 'tops' who ask me to fuck them instead when I get there. Why they think that's going to happen is beyond me because I make it clear that I'm a total bottom.
  14. I've been to St. Louis a few times for business and found it to have a pretty dead gay sex life.
  15. I learned a long time ago if someone is "on the fence" for a while, just let it go. Trust me, I've seen some guys struggle with their desires for sex with men go on for YEARS. Some guys get over it quickly, others take forever. If you're at the point where his acceptance is bothering you, then it's time to walk away and move on to someone else.
  16. Has happened to me a few times, most recent was a few years back at a Staples, I posted about it. You can find the original post here:
  17. Thank you for proving my point.
  18. I'm guessing a lot of people are not familiar with the Paradox of Tolerance. We keep speaking about inclusivity and tolerance and labeling those people who don't meet a certain "standard" of tolerance as ignorant bigots. The truth is, as I mentioned earlier, that by the same standard, those people are also ignorant bigots. The only way to have true tolerance is to accept those people to whom you have "no tolerance" for. If you don't then you yourself are intolerant. [think before following links] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance
  19. I think we're all trying to block the same person.
  20. It makes a HUGE difference. This is the difference between subjective an objective. This entire discussion is subjective, not objective, meaning that it is solely driven by opinion, not fact. To call someone a bigot because their opinion differs from yours is ridiculous, because you then would have to be a bigot yourself by the same measurement.
  21. His original post made no mention of any use of PREP, which can affect the NAT test, there's a 10% margin of error on false negatives when testing for NAT while on PREP. [think before following links] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32965051/
  22. No amount of hormone replacement therapy is going to change an XX chromosome set to an XY or vice versa. We're all entitled to our own opinions. I would consider it absurd to expect everyone else to adopt a false science simply because you and others may choose to. You can "identify" with whatever you choose to, but that choice will never change the truth. If I wanted to identify as a tree, that's my right, correct? But that will never make me a tree.
  23. You should probably ask your doctor to test for a viral load. If you're not on prep, or have stopped prep for at least a week, they should find a viral load present if you're positive. If they can't detect a viral load, you're likely negative.
  24. If you really want to get degraded or humiliated, you're going to have to take on some form of public activity, otherwise you're not really going to be able to fully appreciate the degradation or humiliation.
  25. I had a blindfolded fuck buddy who occasionally would send someone else in his place. It was hot as fuck.
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