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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Transwomen, women, bi sex, fisting. Being verbally degraded sexually.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
  • Porn Experience
    Trying to make some ;)
  • Looking For
    28 year old Bi bottom (usually in Virginia but also Texas). Lately trying to slut it up as well as stretch out my hole. I gladly get fucked by men but I honestly prefer more to be with dominant transwomen or women. Wanting to become a true cumdump.

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  • BarebackRT Profile Name
  • Adam4Adam Profile Name

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  • Website URL
    [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/users/14pulc

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  1. Here is the main video that has generated the comments for me. [think before following links] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jKWq-voRD31HWflQ3xZglh-v_XHaFvgX/view?usp=drivesdk
  2. I used to have some amateur content on pornhub that was all removed when the great purge happened, but I still have some of the videos. There have been quite a few times on grindr that I have been chatting with a guy and after I share my videos they tell me that they used to wank off to them on pornhub 😊😊. Makes me feel like a good slut.
  3. Not necessarily, they could just enjoy the physical aspect of having sex with guys but have no romantic attraction to guys. That being said most probably do fall towards the bi/gay side of things but sexuality is a spectrum.
  4. Hot! Very enjoyable story so far!
  5. I am a bottom that sometimes asks after the fact. I am honest about my testing and status, and keep my profiles updated. That being said I enjoy being a cumdumpster and taking unknown loads from strangers. I enjoy the high of the moment not knowing if a charged cock is breeding me and just accepting my role as a cock sleeve for strangers, but after the fact I sometimes ask out curiosity, not remorse. I do make it clear though I am good either way with the answer 😜
  6. Love the photo touch with each of your stories!
  7. Definitely an unexpected turn, interested to see how it turns out.
  8. Really hot story! As to where the continuation of the story needs to be placed, I think that as long as you tag it right it stays in the fiction section as it is just a story and not real events. Though it might be wise to ask a mod to be sure.
  9. Very hot story! Excited to see how it continues.
  10. This is such a hot story, would certainly love to read more 😊
  11. I miss Craigslist as well had some fun encounters in the 3 main casual encounters sections. Though unfortunately Craigslist was saturated with scammers and people asking for money. Sniffles is certainly geared only for gay sex but the profiles are almost all real and best of all it shows active cruising spots in your area. It's great to use when traveling.
  12. Definitely a dream come true. Love getting used in booths.
  13. Recently had a great great hookup with someone. Usually for me hookups are just quick I bend over and get bred. This hookup was passionate, lot of kissing and I topped as well (hasn't happened for months). Next day I noticed a deep red/purple patch on the head of my penis (like almost a bruise or blood vessel popping) which has left a shiny patch of skin. Then a few days later my throat became sore and looks bad. I am getting tested today but I am wondering about good advice how to tell this person that I may have gotten an STI from them or exposed them to an STI? I hope to hookup with them again so I am not trying to burn any bridges.
  14. Glad to see that you are continuing to write. This story was great!
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