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Everything posted by CamoPup

  1. it seems odd that they took this long to add it; I went and changed my profile
  2. I keep getting this message every time I try and log in. I've contacted the site and never heard back from anyone
  3. I started at an early age and I don't think that I ever used rubbers as a bottom so way over 10 years
  4. cruising spots-give me a good old bathhouse over Grindr any day of the week
  5. Sarah Palin is scarier than any creature of Hell
  6. Have you all ever went to eat a pit and the guy has deodorant on? Nasty tasting
  7. I like guys with longer hair and I love manbuns
  8. have you checked out your local AIDS/HIV groups? there are programs to help you pay for meds
  9. it's the Castro-it could have been any time of the day
  10. and people say romance is dead
  11. I can actually see where the Grindr person could mistake your ad for solicitation. With the government cracking down on sites like Grindr, I completely understand why they'd want to be careful.
  12. Give me a good bathhouse, or even a bad one, or the dark room of a bar over an app any day of the week.
  13. I've cheated on all of my boyfriends. I'm pretty much a sex addict and used sex instead of drugs. Of course that led to me being pozzed but I knew that it would happen sooner or later. I'm heavily medicated now and I think I could be faithful. I can use other methods to calm myself down, get myself up, and all the above. I said I was a sex addict.
  14. Yeah, but how hard would it be for the powers that be to force BHs to keep some sort of records of patrons? I'm not talking about scribbling a name on some book but keeping track of people's visits? I'm not sure how hard it is to declare something a public health hazard but in these red bum fuck places, I'm sure they could get around rules.
  15. I find it creepy. That's even too twisted for me and that's saying a lot!
  16. get on a "dating" app and see if anyone else is on there in the gym; might say hi and who knows what might happen
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