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Everything posted by leatherpunk16

  1. I've experienced this. Didn't even know he had emptied his bladder in me until he said had. Didn't believe him either. Not until I sat on the toilet, and a torrent poured out of me. That was ... different.
  2. I don't know who is responsible for it, but THANK YOU for changing the grammatical error in the title. That was triggering the hell out of me!
  3. Hungry for some good dick in Seattle. Ugh... 

  4. Some of it is personal preference. Where are you most comfortable? Do you want to be upright, or lying down? Depending on the toy, I change my position. I find I get the best insertion when lying on my back, knees to shoulders. A few times I've been able to sit on a toy, or take it from an angle (such as bending over in the shower to reach a pre-suctioned dildo on the shower wall). Each hole is different - some turn left inside, others turn right, some go straight down. Find out which way yours is by experimenting. But also be aware of your limits. If you don't know what they are, do NOT dive in headfirst. This leads to injury or not doing it at all through disinterest. Take your time, enjoy the exploration, and be prepared for an accident (they do happen! Blood, poop, lube spills, etc.). Let us know how you do.
  5. I think it will be a long time before we return to a level of normal like in 2019. This will now always be here at some level, but it won't be as catastrophic as it has been. Now it will be part of how much we are willing to risk, just liking weighing the risk of getting any other STDs from sexual contact.
  6. It could just also be plain dry skin. I get that itchy calf thing mostly in the winter of the year, and when I start scratching it, I can't stop. Could be eczema, even. Calming lotion usually helps. Try that. If it persists or worsens, then you can see a doctor. I'd try a dermatologist or your general practitioner.
  7. I had this experience only once. Cumunion party at IML 2019. Fucked a bunch of randoms without ever finishing. They would often tap out or go find another top to get as many dicks as possible. I got fucked twice at the same party. This wasn't my normal behaviour, but I think I did it because I was taking the PreP for a couple months, and I was eager to get some use out of it. I must have nailed 15+ guys over that weekend.
  8. Yes, definitely. I keep hearing "I just want to wait til after I get vaccinated". And it's hard when I see my peers fucking each other and making videos while I just sit here with my sensitive butthole and shrinking penis, and I can't do anything to keep them from atrophy. Also, people suck and have no follow-through these days.
  9. Do you intend to continue the Roshoman-style storytelling? All the perspectives add some depth to the story, but it's a drastic change from the standard style of the series. Not a complaint, just an observation.
  10. An update: I've asked around on the subject, and got an answer that addressed the cause. I can't mix oil-based lube with silicone toys! So I got some Swiss Navy lube, and after two experiments, there has been no blood. We found the culprit. Some of you will continue to push me to see the doctor. This is something that I will do, but before I go, I still have a question. Do I go to a general doctor - one who treats multiple things - or can I do this with a sexual health doctor? Sex is kinda how I ended up in this position, and I have a better chance of seeing such a physician if it's a better choice anyway. No more arguing over whether I need to see a doctor. I'll go. Let's focus on the other matter as well.
  11. I also want to point out as a counter-argument that it's harder to do what is prescribed (smiling seductively) these days. These darn masks hide that feature, so we must find ways around doing that. Anyone got any good ideas beyond winking?
  12. I will have to give this a try. I have no game when it comes to picking up guys. I usually have to be approached, and this results in me getting men who are often less than my standard.
  13. One of my fuckbuddies in town pissed in me during our last play time. I wasn't aware he had done anything, didn't feel warmer at all, or some kind of swelling. He had to tell me, "I just pissed inside you!" I didn't believe him since I couldn't feel it. And then I went in the bathroom to relieve my own piss. Sat down because I didn't want my PA ring spraying all over his seat and floor. And then the torrent of his piss came out my backside. WOW. Couldn't believe that. Super disappointed that I wasn't aware it was happening.
  14. For those who missed the status update a few days ago, I won a porn award!!! I got "Underrated Performer" from Ravens Eden. Last year I won "Best Newcummer", but we all know what happened a week after the win, and I really didn't have opportunity to make much of the distinction. Now that the world grinds back into turning in recent days, I have a new title, and hopefully directors get off their asses and put me in things already. Goodness knows I've applied over and over to a variety of studios, but I seldom get a response. The title means nothing if I just sit on the couch for the next year and wait for the phone to ring. That's kinda how I feel about it. It's like I set up a huge party, advertised it like mad on Grindr and other sites, and then I put my ass in the air, and not one of the tops showed up all night. (Surely some of you can relate to this.) I'm rambling here, but before I hit the "send" button, I want to thank each and every one of you who voted for me when the ballots were out. Thanks for taking the time to do it. Even if you voted only once and forgot about it after, IT STILL COUNTED. Couldn't have won any other way. Thank you for getting me here. Now - WHO WANTS TO BREED THIS AWARD-WINNING PORN STAR?!
  15. I won my category on Ravens Eden last night!

    UNDERRATED PERFORMER!!! (in a tie with Avatar Akiya)

    Thank you everyone who voted for me to win. I will offer a promo on my Just for Fans page if it's not considered spam. PM me for the link and code if you want some inexpensive porn that can't be got anywhere else.

    Ravens Eden Award notice 2021.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. viking8x6
    3. PissPigBrooklyn


      Congratulations!!! Now let's hope some producers start appreciating and hiring you!

    4. suckerboi


      You definitely deserve this!  Congratulations!  I hope it helps you get more work!

  16. I'm curious who is telling this story now. There's a short entry from Tom's ghost a ways back, but I'm sure it's not him, and that wouldn't make sense.
  17. Well, THAT was rude! Shame on them. Way to turn off people who support your niche outing, Hoist! You've got me thinking. I've got a bud who does lots of biking up in the forests around Seattle. He will probably know a place or two on the trails that could do for a mud pit.
  18. [think before following links] https://youtu.be/kLyC850K8M4 This is pretty fucking awesome. I love the perfect hawk, and the mud is really good, too!
  19. A recent communication with a rubber dragon has found my issue. As I suspected earlier, it's the lube. I'm using Elbow Grease lube, which is oil-based. And the Square Peg toys are silicone. This can cause all sorts of issues, and I think we found our culprit. I'll be going to the local leather store this week for some Swiss Navy, which always worked before and never did this crap. But it would probably still be a good idea to go to the doctor to at least make sure there's no permanent damage. Also, I'm getting to an age where the colon may start to go. Don't men in their 40s and 50s start getting colonoscopies and stuff? And I just may be due for one in the near future.
  20. Because I tend to overdramatize. It might not be serious enough to warrant a visit. I could just refrain from put things in my butt. Problem solved.
  21. My STI results are totally normal, so we can rule that out. I think it may be the lube, and also just getting too aggressive with the play. I want to feel something, I want to feel like my hole was thrashed. And I'm running out of time to get opened up, so it's probable that I try to rush the gape. Making up for lost time. And every time I use the Egg Plug, this happens. When I get a dick in there, this doesn't happen at all. Why should a toy have a different result? Before going to the doctor, I'll try one more experiment. I'm getting some different lube, and I'm going to try not using the plug. If it comes out clean or just poopy, then I think we found the culprit. Also, it doesn't really "bleed for three days." An exaggeration. It's a small amount, and comes only with a poo the next morning. After that, it's stopped. Rosebuds don't happen overnight, and I mustn't try to rush the process. And for the piggies out there reading this, if I'm going to bleed like this, it'll be one less thing you have to do to infect me. 😈 A built-in feature, lol.
  22. I actually got an incredible amount of sex last year. It sounds weird to say, but between the start of March and mid-July, I got nothing. I was a good boy, but I was also pumped full of synthetics. One can imagine how horny I was at the end of it, and I lived in an area where we weren't hit too hard by the disease. Local hookups, however, just weren't easy - in fact, I think I had to go elsewhere for them. My partners were similarly prepared, and none of us got sick. When I reached Seattle, I was just off my steroid cycle, and climbing the damn walls. I actively pursued a detectable poz guy for a couple weeks until it was apparent that nothing would happen between us. If my housemate had a guest over, I fucked him. Then I started focusing on higher quality guys, and had some really amazing sex with them in the autumn. So far in 2021, I haven't had a drop of cum anywhere near my hole, nor have I shared mine with anyone. People around me are at a point where they are waiting until they get vaccinated before they'll commit to anything, even just meeting. It's kind of annoying, but I get it. Makes sense and is much safer that way. By summer, I expect I'll get more porn stuff to do, and all this nonsense will be over.
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