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Everything posted by leatherpunk16

  1. Yeah, kinda. Mostly a vapist these days. I pounded big cigars over the summer, but since my money ran out, not at all.
  2. Ask him about his sexual health. If he's fine, then no risk. If he doesn't know his status, how do you feel about continuing with a barebacking? Judging from your concern, I'm guessing you have negative feelings about it. So you're not okay with getting pozzed, right? Or even being exposed to the possibility of it? If you're not ready for the consequences, don't do it. Once you cross that line and get bred, you may not be able to get back on the other side of it. And that's the slippery slope. I used to be a condom nazi, and when I started fucking guys without them, I couldn't stop. I seldom used them after that, and a couple years ago, I went full barebacker and bugchaser this past summer. See where it leads? One little choice makes tidal waves.
  3. My information has changed along with my residence. I'm now in Seattle, Washington. Open to getting nailed by guys I barely know. Someone will poz me HARD one sunny day. Just message me here. I'm around daily and will surely get any messages.
  4.  I got nominated for some porn awards, and I wonder if I might ask you for some votes. I got nominated for:

    - best muscles/bodybuilding

    - underrated performer

    - hottest smoker

    Go to surveymonkey.com/r/2021RavensedenAwards, and vote for Shannon O'Feral in those categories. You can also vote for others in other categories, your faves in porn over the past year, and the window for nominations is still open if you want to do that, too. You can vote multiple times a day, and there's no signup required at all (like using an email). 

    1. ssoranaid
    2. leatherpunk16


      Thank you! Don't forget you can vote every day if you like, or even multiple times a day. But that would be stuffing the ballot.

  5. I'm not feeling 100% today. Splitting headache. And all I wanna do is play with my dick. 

    Isn't this a sign of something else that chasers go through when it comes? Probably not that, but I wanted to share that I'm touching my dick! Lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PissPigBrooklyn


      Feel better and if you still feel bad tomorrow, get to a doctor's.

    3. leatherpunk16


      I'm better now. I have way too many headaches lately. Mostly stress and inconsistent sleep.

  6. Dark Alley Media is known for great fisting scenes. I highly recommend "Pigs Don't Stop". It's a few years old, but still gasp-inducing.
  7. Definitely! I used to be a member of the Chicago Waterbuddies, who hosted a piss party every 2nd Saturday of the month. My late husband and I were members of this. Good memories there. I've done piss and fisting scenes in my porn. I can top and bottom for piss, but top only for fist. Something about putting my hand in a slimy hole and punching away gets me excited, but also mentally focused. I need a regular diet of that.
  8. On Monday I had a day-long unofficial date with the poz pup from the fisting party I posted about. We walked his dog, talked a great deal, and he eventually invited me back to his place for food. I went, we smoked some greenz, and ate. And then he bred me. THICK DICK, and surprisingly cut for a Latino boy. We connected, and I decided to be bold and ask him for an actual date. He said yes! I stayed overnight since my roommate is a piece of shit (and the ceiling caved in while I was away), and got a great night's sleep. We fucked again in the morning. I gave him a damn waterfall of semen after. Sweet guy.

    We're going for sushi this weekend. I really like him. 

    And before you ask, he's medicated. But I'm not after him for that. 

  9. Got some great dick last night! It was the guy from the fisting party on Saturday. His touch is so gentle, so inviting, and one would never think he's a PIG. Eats ass like it's the last time he'll ever do it, fucks with an incredible passion, cums multiple loads, and kisses well. He even got a bit of poz talk in there even though neither of us has it. He knows what I am, and even told me that chasing is hot. What do you make of this exchange?

    Him: You really want the gift, huh?

    Me: We don't have to do that right now. (pause) Unless it's already too late?

    Him: No, it's not too late. 

    He had already bred me by that point, and I was giving him a chance to be honest with me. He's kind enough and level-headed enough that I think he WAS being honest, and nothing to worry/get excited about. Just chatter.

    But a great fuck all around. He wants to help me destroy my hole and grow a rosebud. Will definitely see him again. And again. And again. Something of him reminds me of my late husband. But I mustn't fall in love with him. Too soon for that, and besides, this is just sex. 


  10. Went to my first BB party in a while last night. Got my ass eaten (best ever), bred a poz pup, watched others do likewise. Got a new friend and a guy who wants to breed me as well. A good night means I wake up without all this pent-up poison in my system, and I feel considerably relieved. 

    I need to do this again!!! LOL

    1. rawsatyr


      When you say: "Pent up poison in your system..!" I feel an electrifying chill! I want to hear and imagine more Should we take this conversation in private? Enquiring minds want to know more! lol

    2. leatherpunk16


      It's all right, I can say publicly. The poison refers to a long buildup of masculine energy and cum and horniness that nothing was alleviating. So I fucked and got it ALL out.

  11. I see the appeal, but... nah. Not for me. I like meatier men. Like the wrestler in your profile photo.
  12. What you describe is actually pretty common. You could totally be spreading and not know it. I remember reading an article from one of the gay publications, and the author talked about several HIV-related things. I distinctly remember a commenter saying "#3 is teh [sic] scary." #3 was "He didn't know he was poz." One may not suspect it - no flu, no signs, just a long history of not testing, then lo and behold, he's also got a list of guys he needs to call when the diagnosis happens. Not only to let them know what's transpired, but also to build a timeline for when this happened. Doesn't change anything, but knowing makes it a little easier to accept. On to your question. If you don't know you've got it, I don't think it can qualify as stealth. But do get tested. Yes it can be scary and something really shitty may happen. Or it might turn out as you want it, and it's the best day ever. Sounds to me like there's some post-event guilt there, and you can easily clear that conscience by getting checked out. And make a habit of that every three months. Unless the need arises to never have that test again. For some reason, the status doesn't seem to go back. IDK WTF that's about.
  13. This would actually be a good direction to go in if one of us has to finish the story. We all hope Lucky returns to share the next part of it when he feels it's ready to be viewed.
  14. Unimportant story: When I had to change insurance in 2019, I wasn't able to continue my Truvada. I called one insurance company and they told me that I would have to pay $2000 a month for a bottle of it. I told the woman on the phone that I'd rather be poz than pay that price. She was not amused. Now I think I took that as a challenge. I've got chaser problems, lol.
  15. I had this as my status a few days ago, but it didn't get many responses, so I made a topic about it with a view to get some answers on the matter. My neighbour is newly poz, and has been on his meds for a month. In my mind, this isn't long enough to get to undetectable. If I can get a load out of him (say from oral or JO, and NOT anal sex), I can save his spunk in a syringe and freeze for later injection by myself. My question is this: Let's assume he's still contagious. If I saved his charged but slightly medicated seeds and use them later, can I infect myself? Or will they be dead by the time they hit the freezer? I could be wrong about how long it takes to get to undetectable, but let's forget that for the sake of the question.
  16. In the past twelve hours, three people I don't know have asked me if I'm poz.

    Think it's a sign? Do I give off those vibes?

    1. skinster


      It's just an open mind showing.

    2. pigoma


      Open minded and poz go together. 😁😁😁😁

  17. I've been told that Club Z and Steamworks are open in Seattle. Haven't been myself, but I don't enjoy going to bathhouses anyway.
  18. I have a long question.

    My neighbour is a recent convert to the Brotherhood. He got stealthed and was furious about it. Attractive guy. I want to fuck him. He's open to the idea, but when I told him I'm a chaser, he was appalled. But he is still interested all the same. He's been taking his meds for a month. (This part is important to my question.)

    He has a problem topping men. Big dick and bisexual, but prefers to plow women and gets nailed by men. I wonder - if I can get him to blow a wad (whether through oral or JO), his seed will be exposed to me. I can save it in a syringe and freeze it for later self-injection. Will his bugs survive the freezing and I could poz myself with a turkey baster? I am thinking he hasn't been medicated long enough to still be toxic. 

    I want to know - is this a possibility after the fact (and the fucked)? 

  19. I really think this story (or something like it) needs to be pitched to one of the major porn studios so they can bring it to life. There is nothing quite like it in the entire porn output, hitting so many targets at once: rubber porn, poz porn, military porn, horror/sci-fi porn, and suspense porn. Let me ask around to the studios and see who would do this. But keep this story going! Also, read back through the chapters. None of the monsters actually speak once converted. Hmmm...
  20. Not really. For a porn star, I am generally not a sexual person. I can DO it, but my interest comes in waves. BZ doesn't excite like it did in the beginning. It's not better or worse, just *different*. But I will say that my mind has been opened to a few things I didn't expect, and I'm happier with those discoveries. Am I hornier? No. Am I getting laid more? Not really.
  21. I can't stop thinking about this. Fuck it for being an "intake", as if we were eating it.
  22. Recently bought marijuana for the first time. Legal here in Washington. Fuck, this "Gorilla Glue 4" gives an incredible high. I have yet to fuck while on this stuff. I could easily become a stoner out here, LOL.

    1. Justaholeff
    2. leatherpunk16


      I'll bring it over sometime if you like.

  23. One CAN, but it's not recommended. Cigar smoke is thicker, and while it has no additives like cigarettes, it's actually worse for you. When we inhale cigar smoke, it becomes more fetish so you can do those sexy nose jets and maybe other things. A fan sent me a number of cigars because, apparently, fuck my lungs. LOL
  24. It's possible! The time frame fits the traditional incubation period.
  25. My upstairs neighbor is poz and asked me to open his rosebud. He got stealthed last winter and just started meds. He's a hot bottom with a monster dick and wants to do sex with me. 

    And here I sit, flirting with the idea that I can open his prolapse in exchange for a poz load. God damn, what is wrong with me??? I think this is a source of trauma for him, so maybe I better not tell him what I am.


    1. switch2


      sounds like a great time, would be up for that also

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