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Everything posted by leatherpunk16

  1. My experience with black cock has been quite different from you all. Let me share some stories. The first I had was a local funk musician who was married and managed a recording studio I used for a show in my early 20s. He was after me practically since we met, and one season when I couldn't afford his fee, he grabbed me by the dick and hinted that we could work out some other arrangement. This borders on something we're not allowed to talk about, but I was 21, horny, and broke. So we fucked. He topped me, and he was my first, so he wasn't gentle. Always insisted on condoms, though. I knew he was plowing others while on his tours, all women most likely, and he was trying to protect me from danger, so I forgive him that. We played a lot over a four year period until he started having trouble getting hard. My second was a bottom, some guy who picked me up at a friend's party. He had an acorn dick, and wasn't clean AT ALL when we played. In fact, he gave me chlamydia. Was a bad fuck. I met randoms at the bathhouse in my mid 30s but they didn't make any impression. One guy I played with claimed he was a virgin, and I was his first. He didn't care for the dick, but he loved the toy I had with me. LOL I also fucked my sling demo partner at IML 2016. He was black, but owned, and his Sir did not allow him to bareback with anyone else, so I had to respect that. He was okay. Then was porn actor Lawrence Portland that I made a couple videos with. He was a good fuck, and probably the best of them. But the standout has to be the guy who bred me at CumUnion during IML 2019. A burly fellow took me to a fuck bench, and bred me like a madman. Putting that PreP to use, we were! LOL. When he finished breeding, I didn't even know if he had finished or just quit. I actually had to ask him directly, and he confirmed it: he nutted and he's poz. That was totally hot, but I never saw him again. Think his name was Mike. So I never really had the "big black cock" that so many guys drool over. Most of my guys have been bottoms, and the few that were tops were not that great. It was nice to have that dark anaconda going in and out of me, but ... meh. Hasn't been ALL that special, and didn't live up to the hype. I'm not saying that all black cock is like this. Just my experience. There must be some good ones that I just haven't had inside me yet.
  2. Yes, foam parties are the most common in America, and certainly reach the most people at once, gay or straight or whatever. Anyone ever watch "You Can't Do That on Television" or "Double Dare" or "Fun House" in the 1980s? Those shows heavily feature this, though it was certainly not sexualized for children. But when I watched it, I got excited for the mess. And as a teenage boy rewatching those shows... the excitement was of a different sort! So much that when I got slimed at my 14th birthday party, I got super hard in my shorts, and worried that everyone saw it (I was sitting down so they couldn't possibly see it).
  3. One thing I want to make a "life mission" is to bring gunge to mainstream porn. Gunge generally refers to any messy substance that can be used in sexual play: mud, shaving cream, slime, oatmeal, chocolate sauce, etc. If you like piss play, this is also a form of gunge though it isn't called that (same with scat play). Even bukkake is a form of gunge! In Europe this perhaps is a bigger thing and has some following, but in America, it's still considered "strange" or "weird", and is not commonly done. Studios have stayed away from it for the most part, and consequently, not as many kinksters are familiar with the medium. This thread right here is for gunge-related stuff, any pics you might find on the internet (such as Twitter), or videos that feature the activity - even if it's non-sexual and just plain messy. Of course we don't want to see your five-year-old playing in the dirt, but I think the rest falls within the guidelines of the website. It certainly has an "ick" factor for people who don't like to be messy. As an introduction to the fetish, I invite you to read: Fetish for Beginners: Learning about Gunge with member MUDDY - Recon Meet the gay men who get turned on by sitting in a paddling pool full of gunge (pinknews.co.uk) Recon Presents - Gunge: Getting Wet and Messy - YouTube Take a look at these, and see if this doesn't turn you on in some way! THIS is what I intend to popularize in porn. (I've also got a gunge video on my Justforfans page, but I mayn't be allowed to advertise that here.)
  4. Something every good chaser should have! It's a necklace I got from Amazon. 

    LOL, why do I do these things.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. leatherpunk16


      The shirt belonged to my late husband. 

    3. Guest


      can you send me the link for it? 



    4. suckerboi


      This is why you are such an inspiration to so many of us.  You are out and proud about your chase.

  5. Actually, YES, one is going to claim otherise. Me. I don't get hungry for it. I'm finding as I broach my 40s that sex interests me less. That's not good for one who aspires to be a porn star. I seldom had the privilege of getting loads in my 20s and 30s. I was always the top because there were so many bottoms or guys who couldn't get hard enough to cum. Once in a great while, I would get a nice load from a buddy - like on my 32nd birthday, or from my late husband, or my shitty ex with the small dick. But because I wasn't brought up on it, I never had the hunger for cum. This might also be how I went barebacking for years without ever getting pozzed. There was simply no opportunity for such contamination. When I cycled the steroids last summer, the hunger was there. And I was the bottom for most of 2020, and most of the guys I played with were (and probably still are) poz. I could recite a list of names that you wouldn't know, but the standout was Brian Bonds. Back to your question, no, I don't crave it like you all do. And I think that's sad.
  6. Now THAT'S how to get rid of a shitty singer who puts out a ton of bad songs and draws attention away from decent musicians who need to make a living.
  7. I'm stealing this for one of my porn plots. LOL Nah, I won't do that. But it would be an interesting scene to wack off to.
  8. Relatable. I grew up a total phag without knowing what that was. Just did whatever came natural to me. At five, I had a thing for rainbows. (Hints of gay pride?) I presented little plays with my stuffed animals sometimes. (Lots of gays love the musical theatre.) When I was 7, I asked my mom for a cro-shayed afghan. What colours did I choose but the rainbow colours? Not surprised. I also identified as a girl for a few years, but that was partly because my mom *wanted* a girl and she tried to make me one as best she could. Bitch. In adolescence, I had an attraction to good-looking men. I didn't know what that was, but others somehow did, and I was pegged "gay". This got about somehow, and it was common knowledge among my peers and family. But I was the only one who really didn't make the connection that - OH YEAH, THAT'S WHAT BEING GAY IS!! - and I endured much bullying as a consequence. This one prick, Dane Lasley, was constantly after me in the high school. We had a couple classes together, and he would often make outbursts in class about my secret sexuality (which made the whole class laugh on multiple occasions), or he'd punch me in the back of my ribs in the hallway and run off. One of his friends taped a sign to my back in class. I totally felt him do it with a pencil eraser, and knowing it was there, I covered it with my flannel shirt before going into the hall for my next class. I later found it in the bathroom and removed it. The sign said "I'm gay, fuck me like the bitch I am." Of course I reported these guys for sexual harassment, but they made sure I wouldn't forget Graduation Day for this reason. Got assaulted on the way back to the car after the ceremony. I remember that more than I remember crossing the stage to get my diploma. College was no different. I had all manner of college pranks done to me in the dormitory: writing on my door in permanent marker (which I got fined for), obscene phone calls, banging on my door, the shouting of "rainbow" in the hallway, my power was turned off one night, etc. These, too, were reported and dealt with, but that didn't stop the offenders. Our floor's CA (community advisor) went away for a weekend, and ... a few things happened while he was gone. I made sure to get direct evidence this time, and they were sent packing a week later. This time, the pranks involved obscene voicemails, shaving cream on my room's doorknob (which my roommate didn't appreciate), a photo of me in the urinals that they could piss on, and the outline of a large red dick drawn on my door (which almost couldn't be seen unless you stood in just the right spot for the light to catch it). When I changed rooms mid-semester, all that nonsense stopped, though I later found out the same guys put a new print of the piss photo in ALL the urinals on that floor for the same purpose. The CA refused to take any action since I wasn't on his floor anymore. I don't know what happened to these guys. Don't care. I do know that Dane became a fat, drug-addicted loser with kids out of wedlock, and not much else. He hasn't dared to show his face at any of the reunions. But the college guys - probably all Trump supporters or something. I think that's punishment enough, LOL.
  9. He might be partnered, but I don't keep track of what other porn actors do romantically unless I really know them personally. I *do* know, however, that he has opened a business that serves healthy dishes.
  10. Hey, what does this spot look like to you? I guess I have a new bug. 


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. scott0882


      I caught syphilis before and the only sign that I had was a pimple like bump on the head of my dick. 

    3. leatherpunk16


      I've been to the doctor. Results inconclusive. The spot is considerably less today, like it faded away, but the raised area is still there. She says it doesn't feel like a wart, so it's not genital warts. Might be syph, but we took a rapid test and there was no reaction to the subterfuge and its chemicals. She did a rapid HIV test - that was negative as well, but I knew it wasn't that. So it's a mystery. I just get to keep my eye on it and see if it changes. Or if it was just a pimple and nothing more. Just such an unlikely place to get them.

  11. I used to sing in a community choir. I really didn't know the people in that closely, but imagine my discomfiture when one of them ran into me at a bathhouse in Chicago. We did not play. It was awkward. In the mirror maze, I heard him tell someone else that he's half-black. I had to stop myself from asking "Which half?" because that's not very nice.
  12. After I fisted HungerFF, I pissed on his rosebud. He liked that. Me, not so much, because it took fucking forever to get the piss flowing. LOL
  13. I have reason to believe that Christian Mitchell is also here on BZ. If I'm right, then the game's up, dude. You gave yourself away, lol.
  14. I must have had a mild case of chlam when I had it. Only penile, only annoying itching and a constant dry feeling. Never had discharge. I can't imagine having that itching in my butthole... although I've had THAT. A recent experience of rectal itching was quite literally a pain in the ass. I swear I was digging for gold almost every night. Fortunately a tube of Prep H took care of that nonsense.
  15. I've heard it said that most gay men are like this: In our 20s, we try to be the guy everyone wants to fuck In our 30s, we try to be the guy everyone wants to marry After that, we chase guys in their 20s and 30s. A cynical outlook, but who disagrees with this? Raise your hands. I turned 40 a few months ago, and I'm already guilty of this. I asked two men in their 30s to start a relationship with me. They said no, and in hindsight, they aren't really mature enough for it. Separate story. I don't mind dating a younger guy. My two boyfriends in my past were both older. I think when one grows into their maturity and has been out and active since their youth, they have a higher chance of scoring some tail. They've had years to perfect this skill and can be reasonably expected to fuck well, cruise well, know a few things, etc. All the marks of experience. But if one comes out late in their lives (say they had a str8 marriage for 25 years) and are totally new to it, they can come over as "creepy older men". Because of their lack of experience in the aforementioned activities (or maybe just a need to keep it secret to preserve their world), that can make it significantly harder to attract partners. A few can do it, but I believe that's a minority of a minority group. Don't give up. Geography is a factor too. And I can be totally wrong about this.
  16. I had my first piss-in-ass experience a month ago with the guy I was seeing. He pissed in me, and told me when he was done. I hadn't felt a thing! But he didn't continue screwing me. Come to think of it, I don't believe either of us nutted during that fuck. It was an... odd experience. The torrent of watery poo afterwards was something I could have done without, though.
  17. Given my line of work, yes, a few. The best I had was Brian Bonds, who nailed me hard during a flight layover in early October. Also did Lawrence Portland, Michael Phoenix, Ryden Coxwell, HungerFF, and Wolfie Braden. Porn guys just do it better.
  18. I went to a CumUnion party at IML 2019. This usually isn't the kind of event I go to. I was much more protective of my health back then, and I was eager to get some work out of my PreP. I was supposed to meet a minor porn actor there for a fisting party, but he never showed, so I amused myself with other guys until he arrived (which he didn't). Didn't ask a thing about status, and went from hole to hole, just plowing different guys of different body types. With the help of that party, I tagged at least 14 guys over four days, and got nailed myself by two of them. Totally fine when I got home. Glad I did that because such events are gone now.
  19. Interesting twist. I like it. And as a side note, I *know* a ginger named Connor from a gym. Nice to have a visual reference this time. 😏
  20. Hey pigs. I've been nominated for some porn awards this year, and I humbly ask you to vote for me. 


    Vote for Shannon O'Feral in the categories of "Best Muscles", "Underrated Performer", and "Hottest Smoker". 

    Doesn't cost a thing but a few minutes of your time, and you can vote multiple times daily if you like. (I think the limit might be 8.) 



    cigar pic 3.jpg



    fisting RJ.jpg


  21. The first time I fisted a guy was in 2011. I was visiting my fuckbuddy Jim, and he had been watching a lot of German porn lately. After our usual dance of me gagging on his thick dick, we had a smoke break, and watched one of his latest purchases. A guy on the screen got fisted deeply. Jim turned to me with his drunk eyes and said "Do you think you could do that to ME?" I was willing to give it a go, so we went to his sling. I covered my hand and forearm in Crisco, and knowing he could take some toys deeply, I went for it. I had no idea what I was doing, and while I didn't rush in, I didn't exactly take my time with it either. I was nearly elbow-deep in Jim after only a few minutes of play. His safe word was "banana", and I kept telling him to let me know when it's too much or if he's had enough. I had no complaints. He just reclined in the sling, and let me do my work. After some time, my hand began to ache and go numb. I finally spoke up and asked him for a break from it. I got a small sound that sounded close to "no", so I kept at it a little while longer. The second time, I didn't give him a choice in whether I was done. I told him I'm pulling out and that it may sting a bit. Silence. I withdrew my hand, and found it covered in blood. I was alarmed, so I stood to show it to Jim. But he was passed out. Done for the night. I went upstairs and showed his partner the blood. I was certainly tempted to lick it, but I had to remember where it just came from, so I went to the sink and thoroughly washed myself. A couple days later, I called Jim and asked if he felt okay after the fisting. Everything came out normal. I then told him about the blood. All he had to say was "It happens." And he admitted he forgot the safe word before he went out of consciousness, but admitted that it felt amazing and he loved it. We did that almost every time after that until we were no longer able to see each other. There's a small addendum to this that the pigs of the forum may appreciate. This past Thanksgiving, Jim's partner (now widow) told me that Jim had been poz for years and didn't treat it or tell anyone. What do you think would have happened to me if I had given into the temptation to lick the blood from my forearm? That's another topic in another forum, but let's just say it was a missed opportunity that I would not have been ready to embrace. Nowadays... who knows. 😈
  22. Had a feeling that Gray would be the last one left. I'm guessing by the last sentence that Nick and Nate do not want to be part of this. Or perhaps it's a chase after Gray? In any case, yay! The story is back on the air. Thanks for the updates.
  23. I have also worked with HungerFF. Really a sweet man, but a little too much on the Alpha-male side. Working in his hole and waiting for the amazing blossom was really a dream come true. I remember first seeing his videos with the "UCLAStudent" and my eyes popping out in surprise when he got fisted with a foot. (What would one call that? Footing? Sounds wrong.) Cut to a year after that initial viewing, and I've got my arms buried in that nasty noisy hole.
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