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Everything posted by leatherpunk16

  1. When I was hooking, I always used condoms. None of my clients objected, and I would tell them that it's for their piece of mind as well as mine. Haven't used them but once since then, and that was six years ago. Never will again I have to include a joke with this. In high school, a classmate threw a condom at me and said "Here, Scott, you'll never use it!" If only he knew... Lol
  2. I've been pounding cigars lately. It's gone from fetish to addiction. Fuck, what has 2020 done to me???
  3. I got nailed by Brian Bonds last Friday night. He was in Seattle for a layover, and while we had intention of making a film, we did not. But I got that nice hot poz load, and his dick is thick and full and AMAZING. We also talked about life, industry things, and ideas for future scenes.

  4. This past summer, I started saving my wasted loads in a large medical syringe, and placed it in the freezer. It's hard to effectively collect it all in there, but I can get about 0.3mg on each wank. When it's full, I can breed myself. Had to throw one of them out. When my PA got infected, I made the mistake of putting some of that infected cum in there. Rather than give it to myself again, I just tossed it out. Wasteful, but smart.
  5. The first time I had gono, I was told that my case had to be reported to the CDC. I despaired a bit over that. This was nearly ten years ago. Had it a few more times since then, but it doesn't seem like anything is going to happen about it.
  6. We also miss bugRyan. Haven't talked with him since July.
  7. I might have said it before in this topic. I don't remember, and I'm too lazy to go through ten pages to see, so I'll say it again. My ex is a little-dicked bottom. He tries so hard to top, but he's really not good at it, and his pecker can't reach that sweet spot that I needed him to reach. If I put him in chastity, there'd be nothing left of his dick. I'd have to buy him a cock extender from one of the toy stores to get any satisfaction out of his tiny poz dick.
  8. I check the plumbing at least once a week, make sure it's still working. Since coming off my steroid cycle, sex drive is returning to zero. That stuff made me hornier than I have been in years, and what made it worse was putting a ring in my dick a month into the cycle. Then I couldn't play with it for at least a month, and I was horny as fuck. Beating off is a different experience with this ring, but I have to take care to clean after every time. I can't just leave a little mess and say "It will wash off in the bath tomorrow" anymore. Wow, I really got sidetracked there. LOL If I jerk too often, my dick begins to rub raw and stays red and sore. Can't cum as much as I would like.
  9. I have another sad story to add to this. Since I started injecting steroids, I had been wearing a nice red jock over and over, soaking it with enhanced sweat and odors. It was really quite an aphrodisiac! I loved that jock. Managed to have it for about seven weeks or so. I came home one day, took my sweaty clothes out of the bag, and must have grabbed the jock with the shorts that smelled like ass (and not in the good way), and tossed it all in the laundry. I was horrified to find the jock when I was emptying the dryer!! I cried.
  10. This is why I don't enjoy going to a bathhouse. I don't think I'm looking for perfection, but I certainly don't find anything that's even close. When I do, they don't want to play. And what I attract are guys I would NEVER consider doing sex with. There's no chemistry that I just need to "give in to"; he doesn't excite me in any way, and I end up leaving having wasted $25 and four hours of my life doing laps.
  11. I used to have such a guy in my life. He was a total pig, huge dick, and got me all smoked up and drunk as part of the fun. He would call, I would be coy and say no thank you, and then two hours later, I'd be in his kitchen with his monster dick down my throat. It was wonderful. But he died. Pancreatic cancer. I no longer have such a guy, and I think he was the last one. That was eight years ago.
  12. He is attractive. Too bad he's a homophobe.
  13. I've always absorbed the few loads I have received. There is one exception - one hung dude pumped so much extra air into me that I really had to hold a huge fart on the long drive home, and when I let it out, the cat ran scared. And my underwear was quite soaked from the expulsion.
  14. Update on my "newly" poz ex.

    His conversion wasn't as recent as I thought. He converted a few months after we broke up in 2016, so while I was getting to know my late husband, the ex was taking a raw poz load. What is disconcerting is that after my man died, I went back to the ex. He never said one word about his health, and resumed breeding me. You know what that means?

    I was taking his medicated poz loads in 2018 and never knew it! He just assumed that I knew.

    He was kinda horrified when I told him I am a bugchaser. But he says he feels no different from before - no extra desire to breed or spread or anything like the rest of us get. Even his conversion was super mild, no flu at all. It's so weird. 

    I got a load from him this morning. Didn't feel any different than any other I've earned.

    1. skinster


      I am probably overly cautious here. It sounds like there is some repressed emotion - he was horrified but continues to do the same thing and says he still feels the same as before. I don't recall if you ever offered your current opinion on this guy elsewhere. So probably it's difficult to expect this to go long term, and you're still processing too. If that's the case, ongoing developments may quickly become unpredictable in ways you're not looking at, regardless of his health affairs which he again may not comment on.

    2. leatherpunk16


      It won't be long term. We're not getting back together. Too incompatible. It just nice that we can be friends. I probably won't see him again since I'm moving in nine days. But I know him to be an honest and trustworthy guy, so I'm not concerned about whatever else he might be keeping from me. 

      When I asked him why he didn't tell me his status in 2018, he said that was undetectable then, so it was not an issue worth discussing. Wouldn't change anything.

    3. PissPigBrooklyn


      I guess he;s right. Undetectable=Untransmissible. I suppose though one would expect an ex to transmit that kind of news. It's a major event. I guess maybe you should be glad he was on meds. I don't think you wished to be converted by him and now you can continue to hunt for the right poz guy.

  15. One of my fuckbuddies is a fisting pig, and he has developed this knot at the entrance to his hole. Takes up valuable real estate, in a manner of speaking. It bleeds on occasion when he does this activity. He wants to get it removed. Might be a hemorrhoid, or something else, I forget what.
  16. Twice in the past week I've received messages on Twitter from guys who want to give me their charged loads. 

    Such a thing has never happened to me before in my life! I feel like someone's telling me to bug up. 

    Hey, has anyone heard from bugRyan lately? I miss his posts.

    1. PissPigBrooklyn


      He was online earlier today but hasn't posted anything since early August. I miss his posts too!

    2. LthrRaw


      Go for it Brother. Just make sure you've got a big fat stogie clamped in your jaw when he dumps his toxic load into you 😉

    3. leatherpunk16


      Hehehe, LthrRaw seems to know what I like! 

      Maybe I'm too obvious.

  17. I think you and I are the same. I fuck because I love sex with men. Other things that may accompany it are just second place or farther down the list.
  18. I would love to own such a suit. If, for no other reason, than to freak people out.
  19. I've been shooting testosterone for the past nine weeks, and let me tell you I feel incredible. I'm horny all the time, my muscles look fantastic, my ankle and hip do not hurt anymore, and my confidence is through the roof. I've also got the first signs of steroid abuse - shoulder acne. I wear it like a badge of honour. I earned that shit.
  20. Going to Walgreens today and dumping my PreP in the drop box. 

    Two reasons: 

    1. I'm a goddamn bugchaser, and I'd be a hypocrite to hang on to this.

    2. It's expired. Not any good anyway. 


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. suckerboi


      Glad you made the decision you wanted to!

    3. Sarif98


      It's very freeing when you accept your nature instead of fighting it.  I fought it long enough myself until I eventually gave in and accepted my chasing desires.

  21. This is incredible, and at the same time horrifying. Imagine if that were a real thing! You get pounced by one of these monsters, and instantly swoon into their arms no matter your sexuality, and then they breed and you almost instantly transform inside and out. Horrific. But I doubt there's a reader among us who doesn't wish they could submit to such a thing. I can't say it enough. This is superb.
  22. Sometimes I'll be in the gym shower and catch a handful of my own piss, and taste it. All those hormones from the steroids need to stay in my body, lol. But usually I can't do more than that little cupped hand. Too much garlic in the diet, and I taste it heavily in the piss. But it's good to check once in a while. Ever eaten a dish at a restaurant that had way too much garlic? It's like that.
  23. In my mid-30s, I used to see this guy who would occasionally turn up on my cam page. He lived locally and supported my early porn efforts, and we screwed occasionally. I remember one time I was in his neighbourhood, and after a quick text, I was driving to his house. I got there, we promptly went downstairs, and he got on his knees facing away from me. Bent over, and I put my dick in his hole. He had only a few minutes while his man was out, and we worried we could be caught, so this had to be fast. I forced myself to pump a load in him after only a couple minutes, and when it was over, I was back outside and rushing to my car. We hardly said more than a few words to each other. Not a great fuck, but a hole is a hole sometimes.
  24. I notice that no one has so far mentioned the other possibility, the other outcome of telling a partner about hidden desires. He may be totally okay with it, and actually have those interests as well that he is keeping from YOU. It sounds like an unlikely possibility, but not impossible. Wouldn't that fix everything? There's also the other extreme: "Let me do ______ so I can be happy, or we're done." That's not designed to have a positive outcome, no matter what goes in the blank. Don't put him in that position, and likewise, do not let him put you in this position. From what you've told us, I don't think it will go that far, either, because you immediately expressed concern for your partner. Do let us know what happens, or if you need support in whatever you decide.
  25. Need help with one of my bottom pigs. He always cums early while I'm doing him, so I have an idea. I want to cover my meat stick with his jizz and continue breeding him. This is to be a surprise for him, and he's begging me for a hint. What can I say that won't give away this surprise until it happens?

    1. Willing


      Tell him , Do as I say bitch🤨

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