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Everything posted by leatherpunk16

  1. The best way to fix that is to go to piss parties. I recognize they may not be an option right now, but that's what got ME over it. I joined Chicago Waterbuddies in 2016, and it forced me to go in front of others. Problem solved. Nowadays I put it down to a prostate issue. When I have to start taking diuretics for it, my whole life will be a 50-yard dash! LOL
  2. When their vocab seems to be limited to "hi" or "sup" Or just the random "Do you know where I can score some T?"
  3. Don't worry about whether people think you're gay or disgusting. Just go and have fun, and be sexually liberated. Otherwise you'll miss out on a lot of fun. And take care of your body in your youth. Stop eating junk, work out hard, and play with your butthole a LOT more. It will be painful at first, even seemingly impossible, but once you get past the mental barriers, you'll be fine. Trust me, a lot of good is waiting for you. But YOU have to seize it! It won't just show up on your doorstep, and the old battleaxe is going to shame you anyway. So just let it happen. Also, don't go to the university. You were right to wait a year because it turned into two years of hell you never imagined. If you do go anyway, remember that you're there to learn, not party. But still be a ho if you have got to that point. Rob might turn out to be amazing in bed.
  4. Let's also acknowledge the neckbeard guys. For those who don't know what that is, the stubble goes down the chin, then looks like they haven't shaved for a month. Then it touches their adam's apple. This is NOT and never will be an attractive look. Plus, if he thinks he's going down on me with a neckbeard, I will not enjoy that sensation of his hairs bristling against my balls or whatever action is being performed. Just do the grooming, guys. A beard is fine, and I'm not particular about whether he has one or not, but in this instance, his appearance would be a turn-off.
  5. I did another video yesterday, and combined two of my favourite fetishes: gunge and smoke. If the neighbours saw this, they probably think I'm insane. LOL Great tangerine colour, too.
  6. Don't worry about the repetition. It's a good story, but honey is not a great substance for this type of play. Too damned sticky, and flows slowly.
  7. When I started making videos, I checked out OnlyFans. But I didn't care for its layout, and had some tech issues at the time. So I gave it up in favour of Justfor Fans. I intend to keep things going over there. I know one of you subscribed to the page for a few months. Maybe others will enjoy it as well. You can find me at justfor.fans/feral_o and on Twitter as Shannon O'Feral. I'm also workshopping a page on Raw Fuck Club, and I have no idea how it will turn out. Just need to get the queue filled with four more vids, and see what happens.
  8. I'm afraid he's... unavailable, and is likely to be so for a very long time. Possibly eternity. Probably. 😭
  9. Last night, I met a local who has an Only Fans page. We had talked some on Twitter, and he wanted to seed my hole. I need another film for my Raw Fuck Club page, so I went to his place. We talked a good deal before the reason to get together. His husband helped with the camera stuff so he and I could focus on the sex. We undressed, and when his back was turned to me, I saw it: a large biohaz on the backside of his shoulder. I made sure he knew I saw it. I asked him if he earned this, and he sounded proud when he said, "Sure did." When I said, "Good for you," he made a face like "WTF?" HUGE THICK dick. We swapped orally, and he fucked me good and deep. We were just about done when his libido started objecting to this treatment, so he proceeded to crank his dick til he got close. But he got there well before expected, so he climaxed outside me. I sat on that dick as fast I could and he pumped the last squirt inside. I scooped up the spilled cum from the bed, and used it as lube, and asked him to keep going. He gave me a second volley of cum, but it couldn't have been much. I stood over him, and cranked out my own spunk in a white shower. It was EVERYWHERE on that rubber mattress! That was really one of the best fucks I've had in this city! Am I chasing poz men, or are they chasing ME? 🤔
  10. Finally got one in my ass last night. Medicated, of course. Haven't had that since December. It's pretty sad when the pornstar roommate is the one of the three who gets the least amount of sex. LOL Long dick, and very much about the touch and contact. Great head of hair, too. Curliest pubes I've ever seen. He swallowed my load after he gave me his. My ass was a little sore when I got home. But I really needed that.
  11. Did some slime today in bright pink. "Unicorn Slime", they call it. Didn't feel great on the skin.
  12. Honestly, I have never felt it either. A lot of times I have to ask my top if he finished. (Sometimes it's not obvious.) I think we are made to believe that "a volley of cum" is something to be felt and experienced in what is really a tight, narrow space. I blame erotic fiction for this - it's part of the reading experience. Make the reader feel like they are there, and describe the moment, and it's a good frame of reference. But does it really feel like that? Do you really feel his toxic seed hit the walls of your rectal cavity? Nah. Probably just oozes out quickly unless the top has an exceptional shooting skill, which many, sadly, do not.
  13. I'm currently talking to a poz breeder in Seattle. He wants me badly.

    I am in so much trouble. 😈

    Now I have a choice to make: the bug, or my porn career (which is finally beginning to go somewhere). 

    Decisions, decisions...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Tavros


      The problem is some performers and producers don’t want to film with hiv+ men undetectable or not. And I think hiding an sti from the porn industry would get you in a shit ton of trouble 

    3. leatherpunk16


      What would be the point of converting to go on meds straight away? We chase to get it. I intend to stay off meds for a year after conversion. There would be very few performers that would want to work with me in that condition, and fewer studios. Sure, Treasure Island or Charged Up Media would put me in stuff, but why get bugged to work for only those two studios? It makes no sense, especially if it ends up being only one time. 

    4. billy88666


      Guess it then depends on what's more important to you for now. If you stand to make a decent living out of the porn, it would be stupid to chase ATM. I presume that if you do eventually convert and stay off meds for a year, you either intend to gift others or collect strains.

      For some, the sole purpose of chasing is to get it. There are a lot of guys who convert and they are satisfied at that, as if it was simply a box ticking exercise. They're not looking to gift and go straight to meds. Some want every bug they can get so they can share them with others. Some want med resistant strains and their aim is to go "full blown". There are guys that will go for the direct route with a simple blood exchange.  I don't question anyone's motive for chasing or their methods.

      I've chatted in the past with a guy in the Netherlands that makes a very good living out of escorting and selling his seed. He caters to guys who want to convert and are looking for for a handsome man who will provide them with what they are looking for. He did porn before he converted but the money merely supplemented his income as it wasn't enough to live on and he continued to work in the health service. His "personal services"  include gifting but he caters to guys with a wide range of kinks. He's heavily inked and a hardcore smoker into BDSM, leather and rubber. I found him fascinating to talk with. The last time we chatted he said he converted around 10 years ago and has never gone on meds. He does keep an eye on his own health and regularly check his viral load and CD4 levels. I was never gauche enough to ask how much he earned 🙂










  14. I generally don't have bad sex stories - if they are unsatisfactory, I tend to not remember them. This one, however, is recent enough that I do remember. During my first week in Seattle, I was living out of a hotel. A fisting pig approached me (probably through Recon), and came to my room. We chatted for nearly 30 minutes, I wore a red wrestling singlet and matching jock and red socks. This guy was definitely bugged, and that's probably what drew my initial interest. The back and forth was pretty good, and I expected a great time between us. I mixed up the last of the J-lube, and got him naked. He knelt on the bed and bent over. I had a look at his hole. Did not look blown out from years of fisting, but maybe it just didn't show. Maybe it's been a while. Maybe he's all talk. (I quickly found out that it was the latter.) I gave him my good poppers, and slowly applied the lube. Got my hand good and covered. I got no more than two fingers into him when he suddenly leapt up, said "It's not gonna happen tonight," and before I knew what happened, he was dressed and running out the door. In his haste, he left behind his mobile phone. I'm standing there, dumbfounded, with a handful of wasted J-lube, and wondering what just happened. A couple minutes later, he dashes back into the room, grabs his phone, and leaves without a word. I heard his thunderous footsteps as he pounded down the hall in a hasty retreat. This led to me calling up someone else who was interested, but fighting was his fetish, and that was even worse. I'm not skilled enough to really punish someone physically, and he wanted to beat the snot out of me. Doesn't do any penetrative sex, which isn't what he advertised. Two shitty encounters in the same night. Here's the fucked-up part: The alleged fist pig hit me up a week later, and asked to try again. I told him no. The fighting guy had nothing to say to me until months later when he asked if I knew where he could score some meth. I blocked his ass. Welcome to the PNW, right? LOL
  15. I got NOTHING off of the Sapphire. Disappointing. I also have a few remaining drops of their TRIPLE Scorpio, IML 2019 edition. Still good for a short burst, but after two years, it has lost a great deal of its potency. It was amazing stuff. Bought it, went to the Cumunion party, and sucked down almost half the bottle. LOL
  16. Seattle Steamworks is having Cumunion party tonight. 

    I'm tempted to go, but I don't do well in those places. 

    Would it be worth the expense? Convince me to go. Whatever it takes. 

    Or not go. I'm alive to the risks.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. akula


      try club z sleezier crowd

    3. NWUSHorny


      I still think you should go.  It will be among your best opportunities to find someone to fuck with in Seattle.

    4. leatherpunk16


      It's the day after. I'm glad I didn't go. I met someone! We had a date, and it was wonderful. Probably the best one I've had in quite some time. He's cute, sweet and kind, we share a lot of similar history, and while we didn't sleep together this time, I'd like to think we will in time, and I won't need to go to sex parties to fill the void in my life. 

      But if it doesn't work out, there is always next time. Gives covid a little more time to fuck off already.

  17. Maybe gauge the scrotum? A nice big open ring the skin could be really sexy.
  18. I envy you guys who can go out and get sex with anyone who wants to share their hole or dick. Despite my presence in gay porn, I am not really that much of a whore. I would LIKE to be, but it just doesn't happen. Are my standards too high? Am I not a sexual person? Do I give off vibes that I'm not interested in that, or that I'm not available? 

    The laws of attraction have never applied to me. On the rare occasions when they do, I am frequently disappointed. He's not available. He's straight. He has a boyfriend and doesn't play with others. He's just not my type. He's far too mature for me. He's really a shitty person. Something like that. 

    What can I do to reverse this? Because I want to be a big ol' ho, and I wish I were. He won't appear at my door - I must take a chance. But I end up disappointed when I do. Becomes a wasted investment, and I can think of better things to do than spin my wheels for mediocre dick. Help me out here. How do the rest of you do it?

    1. akula


      Welcome to the PNW

    2. switch2


      i hear those same things almost every day

    3. leatherpunk16


      So I'm not alone in this? I don't think it's a PNW thing - it happened back home, too, except that guys were in the closet and usually married. Made it too challenging to juggle all the balls - quite literally and figuratively! LOL

      This is why I think the problem is me. I changed my sky, but nothing really improved.

  19. Yes, definitely some interest in reading more of this. Thanks for sharing!
  20. Totally! In my teens, I did practically nothing. A kid with very limited resources and unsure of his sexuality, I think that's completely normal. When my 20s came around, I was a pearl-clutcher. The slightest suggestion of sexual activity shocked and embarrassed me, and I overdramatized it to the point that I actually started BELIEVING in my bullshit. This is one reason I didn't come out until I was 29. Then I met a piggy couple, and we fucked regularly, and that helped me explore. And throw away the pearls. LOL Then in my 30s, I kept seeing this couple until they became unavailable to me. And right after that, I went into porn. I was WAY more sexual in my mid-30s, and much happier with my choice. So far in my 40s, I'm almost a nun. I made a couple studio vids, and some assorted Justforfans videos. Haven't really done sex in 2021 for some reason, and it's not because of Covid. Plenty of others are still living the ho life, and I... my place is on the sidelines. 😭 It sucks, and I know I can do better than this.
  21. My film with Michael Phoenix, "Feeding the Homeless", shows me not enjoying his thick cock. That dude really hurt me. You might be able to find it somewhere that's not his website, but if you're interested (and other searches fail), check out michaelphoenixxx.com. It was several years ago, so it may be buried on that site.
  22. That sounds a little like me. I am not a fisting bottom and probably never WILL be. But there are times when I've been so thoroughly fucked or toyed or douched that when I have to go, I'm practically running to the bathroom holding my buttcheeks. It looks more comical than anything, but if I wouldn't do the high-knee running thing... lol And when it comes out, it's like a torrent. The post-douche is the worst for me. Volcanic. And yes, having that distinction is awesome. Both are fun for different reasons.
  23. He had a good time. Don't poo on that.
  24. Also, when seeking a partner, don't let your eyes be bigger than your hole. He needn't have a monster dick, and for your first time bottoming, definitely don't look for that. It can have two major negatives: one, sets a false expectation for later when you bottom again with someone else. And two, he might be strong enough to rip you apart and you don't ever bottom again by choice. Average size dick is a safe and reasonable choice.
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