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Everything posted by leatherpunk16

  1. Don't let that be a reason to not go. There's something for every taste at this event, and they are quite receptive to newcomers. Go for a day or two - walk around the market and browse and cruise, meet people at the hotel and surrounding area, chat up your favourite porn stars, go to one of the many advertised parties or official events. There is SO MUCH to do, and rather inexpensive to do most of them. I've been five times on a shoestring budget, and always had a blast. It can be a little intimidating at first, but it's totally worth it, and at the end of the event, you'll have a few souvenirs, some pictures of your visit, and maybe some new friends. Do give it a try.
  2. Personally, I think a better name might have been the Poz Pit. That way, it's alliterative. But I tend to focus on minor details, so don't mind me. LOL
  3. How is his hole? Amazing. He can take a pounding and beg you for more. It has a good smooth feeling, but you feel like you've got a lot of room to move around in there. That's not to say that it's like a hot dog down a hallway - but more like... you know the guy's experienced and it's only a matter of time before his butt swallows a traffic cone.
  4. It can be fun. Since the age of 12, I was aroused by the idea of smoking. I finally had my chance to try it when I was 15. It was okay. Didn't learn I was doing it wrong until 17. I went full-time with it once I was of age, and did that for six years. Always in a non-sexual context, of course. What did I know about sex and smoke play?? I gave it up after college. Wasn't getting anything out of it, and my money was really tight for the next couple years, so it was a good thing I gave it up. On my 29th birthday, I played with a giant who smoked like a chimney. We shared the same birthday and met at our public birthday celebration. He and I fucked, and afterwards, I asked him for a cigarette. I enjoyed smoking it: a Camel Wide. Later in the summer, I started playing with a piggy couple, and they were smokers too. So whenever we got together, the room with filled with the scent of tobacco, manass, poppers, and sweat. Good times. I smoked on and off over the next few years. Did it when the urge hit, didn't do it when I didn't feel like it. I was fine with that. But during IML of 15 and 16, I was smoking the entire weekend. It was a scene thing, and it was still sexual to me in some way. When I realized how it made me feel - awful - I quit for good. Took up vaping instead. Bigger clouds, better taste, and it eliminated all the drama and social stigma that comes with the analog version of smoking. Now I'm a vapehead, and can't get enough of it. Last IML, I met a smoke pig named Nick during the contest. He was fairly attractive, and chain-smoked while we conversed. I asked him what it involved, the smoke play, and he quickly gave me a shotgun of it. "Is that all there is to it?" I asked him. He said, "There's more, but we can't do that here." And that was the end of it. We talked about other things. If I cross paths with him again, I'm going to take it a step further and see if I can't get him in the sack. Maybe someday, vape play (instead of smoke play) will be a thing.
  5. All the times I got treated for STDs, I was told "no sexual contact for at least 14 days."
  6. The first time I had gono, I got treated quickly and was ordered to not play for the next fourteen days. But one of my fuckbuds called. He wanted to play. I told him what the doctor said. He said it didn't matter - he wasn't going to get it from me. And we fucked. And he didn't.
  7. You might just have a fetish for it. Guys know how to suck cock. Most women just bob up and down like it's a popsicle or a lolly.
  8. Didn't you used to be Lone_Wolf? You and he sound a lot alike in your profile and language.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. leatherpunk16


      I thought so! I think the change is good, especially the profile picture. If that is you in the photo... well, the pastor told me that Lucifer would be beautiful. LOL

      PS - you can't "become more sicker". That's not a phrase. Just "becoming sicker" is more correct.

    3. Dirtyfuckboy


      Thanks bro. I was brought up to be humble and to not take pride in appearance or have vanity. Thank fuck that's all changed now lol. Guess I should have called myself el diablo

    4. pupHawaii


      ah .. but you DO give a fuck .. you give lots of fucks .. pozfucks!    ;>



  9. Fisting is one of my favourite fetishes! I'm way too tight to be a fisting bottom, so I'm always the top. As a sidenote, I made a film with fist pig HungerFF last December, and it will be appearing on his Justforfans page next week. The 11th, I think. So yay! I love getting all messy and rearranging a man's guts like that. It's fun.
  10. I wish to do a bit of speculation here. Let's say this works and becomes a viable cure. How many of us BZ guys would queue up for it? Who would go and get the cure, and try to get infected again? I imagine a weird convo to be something like this. Guy 1: I have to go the clinic for the HIV cure again. Guy 2: What is this, the fourth time for you now? Guy 1: Something like that. I'm such a whore, LOL. Guy 2: Make this the last time, okay? See how weird that would be?
  11. Perhaps this is something I should try once when I get my buttplug back. I need to be stretched out a bit - too damn tight!
  12. An idea that should drive the poz pigs wild:

    Surely you've seen those contact lenses with designs on them? What if they could be custom made to have a biohaz symbol in them? This is good for guys who communicate through their eyes, and it would look evil as fuck. Well, maybe not "as fuck", but I think you get the picture!


    1. phukhole
    2. leatherpunk16


      Ah! So it DOES exist already. No worries.

      Now some of you know where to get them. Thanks for that update.

  13. I feel exactly the same way. I cammed for Randy Blue a few years ago, and once I got the hang of it, I was pretty good. Got me nominated on a gay awards site for "best webcam performer", and I took 3rd place. It helped me get comfortable with an audience and the camera, and allowed me to explore myself in ways I hadn't previously considered. It even got me an offer to shoot for a minor porn studio, but that fell through when I discovered what a shit the director was. And I had a few interesting hookups because I had been camming, and people bought time with me in person. Nowadays, I wouldn't consider going back to the cams. I prefer studio and in-person work. I have better things to do with my time than sit shirtless in front of my computer for three hours to not earn a penny.
  14. I have no number, but I can probably guess. I don't bottom often, so it can't be very high. I used to try it with my small-dicked ex, and he would always shoot within a minute. But that happened a lot in our one year together. Apart from him ... (thinking)... maybe six? I just checked my list of partners, and they are almost entirely a bunch of bottoms.
  15. Thanks for your sympathies. Holy cow, what you describe here is horrible. Why do people feel the need to do this? The body isn't meant to handle that kind of poison. If you're lucky enough to survive, you'll find yourself fucked up in other ways. You might pursue the high for the rest of your days because your brain has been rewired by the drug. You might be sick long after the parTy ended. And if you're really fortunate, you'll come out the other side in one piece. A lot of people aren't that lucky.
  16. Followed you both. I'm there, too. @sfarrell_leathr If that doesn't work, search for Shannon O'Feral.
  17. My husband is dead because of meth. He wasn't a user at all. Last March, he went to a party with a known meth dealer and sex pig, and when it was all over and Mark was returned to me, he said that someone at the party slipped him something. Mark collapsed at the party quite suddenly and had a seizure. The doctor who examined him said that he found a hefty dose of methamphetamines in his system. Mark came home the next day a broken man. Two weeks later, he was dead from a blood clot to the lungs. The coroner found no evidence of drugs in Mark's system. So the drug didn't directly kill him, but when he got his dose, he reacted badly and fell. That fall caused the blood clot that killed him. See what I mean by this? This same dealer pulled the same act on his now-ex fiancé. Drugged him up to the point of OD because it was "fun for him". They brought him back without professional medical assistance, and when the victim got better, he was turned out into the alley behind the apartment at 2am. Now this dealer has gone into hiding. He knows he's a marked man. Party drugs are simply not worth the risk, the harm that you cause to others. My life is a wreck because my husband is dead, and all because some prick decided his parTy was more important than his friends.
  18. 23. I was getting plowed by a married black man in his basement when his student showed up early for his lesson. Talk about a boner killer! We threw out clothes on in a great hurry, and he pushed me out the side door as the student came in the front door. Later we started fucking at my home so we wouldn't be so interrupted again.
  19. EEK! Just got a notice that the film I shot over Mr Chicago Leather weekend will be dropping on the AlternaDudes website this weekend. Leatherpunk has returned to the world of gay porn. Do watch this space for a link to the video and trailer. (If that's not permitted, I want one of the mods here to say so.)

  20. I had a fetish for it as a growing boy. The thought of it would get me hard. When I finally had access to it, of course I got them and smoked for years, but I found I had low tolerance for all the chemicals. It never really built up. I gave it up after college because I wasn't getting anything out of it. Then when I started fucking raw with my buds, we would smoke while fucking. That was nice. I've since become a vapehead. I am a singer and I need to preserve my voice. Plus I hated all the drama that came with smoking tobacco: the smell, the sneaking around, the way it made me feel. I didn't find it erotic anymore. Last IML, I was outside the theatre during the contest, and I met a smoke pig named Nick. Cute guy. We talked some and he revealed his fetish to me. I was intrigued, so I asked him what all one does during smoke play. He shotgunned his smoke to me. I kinda liked it, but that was as far as it went. If I ever cross paths with him again, I'll invite him for a roll in the hay to show me what it is all about. Does this really belong in the HIV fetish section?
  21. Also, it's not recommended to mix Viagra with Maximum Impact. Learned that at a fisting class last summer. The story went that a guy mixed them and died in the sling. It stopped his heart, or he couldn't breathe, or something.
  22. My ex is a bottom. He tried to be a top during our relationship, but he sucked at it. Couldn't even get past the first ring on me. Fortunately, I didn't have to suffer long. He'd cum in under a minute. I wouldn't feel a thing. He advertised himself as 6 inches, but he was def under 5. If you want to fuck ME, you need at least 7. If you want to destroy me, then 9+.
  23. It's fun how you tell it from different perspectives.
  24. One of the fuckbuds I used to see pounded me good for my 32nd birthday. He was close to 10 inches, but definitely not over 10. Don was the sort to arrive last to the sex party, and the first to cum. On this occasion, his partner was not ready to play yet, so Don just nailed me over the couch. He kept whispering "happy birthday" in my ear as he drilled my hole. It hurt, but it was a good kind of hurt. We were totally a good fit sexually. He fired a huge load in my ass after several minutes of pumping, and I expected to feel something in there. But no sensation. For all I knew, he could have faked it. But that was the last time he fucked me, and one of the last times I saw either of them. I haven't had as big a dick since although my scene with Michael Phoenix ripped me open from stem to stern (my two favourite parts).
  25. I have been going every year since 2014. I love it. Haven't decided on lodging yet.
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