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Everything posted by leatherpunk16

  1. I'm a bit confused by all this. First you suggest that you might have the fuck flu after a potential exposure in a short time frame. You don't want to be poz. Then you decide "eh, what the hell" and just go with it and actively try to get it. That happened awfully fast. I don't buy it. Sounds like you are just jumping into it based on information you don't have yet. That you're not mature enough to make this important decision. If it's really what you want, I won't say any more about it. But based on all that went before it, I'm not sure you know what you want.
  2. Seems like the punk got bugged!

    I'm having a discharge of some sort right now. It's constantly coming out. No itching and definitely uncomfortable, but that's it. Going to a doctor this morning to find out what I've got. Have to wonder which trick gave it to me.

  3. A decade ago, I started seeing a hung gay couple for sex. On the majority of the play dates, I was the top, and they wanted to be seeded. So I happily obliged them. Once in a while I was the bottom, and it was always raw. When I had a gono outbreak, we used condoms for their safety because I didn't want to put my friends through that and risk losing my fuckbuddies. We last got together in October 2012 and I haven't seen them since - moved to Texas, then one of them died. When I was an escort in 2014, PreP was not widely used, and undetectable was still a new term. In these cases, I always wore protection but I was also the top. All my clients were bottoms. Then I had my first two relationships, and we never used condoms. From 2015 onward, I used condoms maybe twice. In all my hookups these past three years, I have not once used a rubber or insisted on my sex partners wearing one. RAW DAWG ALL THE WAY, BITCHFACE!!! lol
  4. This is a good question. What exactly is the timeline for such a thing? We read stories with sex partners saying "their very last NEG load" right during the sex when they got a poz load. It hasn't had time to work its magic. He might still have a NEG one tomorrow, or the day after. There's no logical way it transforms you that instantaneously. I doubt even the superbugs do that so soon! Prove me wrong.
  5. I am beside myself with surprise. My porn film "Horny Strangers Meet & Fuck" for Alternadudes.com got nominated for a Ravens Eden award! It's one of many porn awards given out this time of year (think Grabbys but not as big). I would be honoured if you would vote me (Shannon O'Feral) as Best Newcummer, and for Best New Fetish Film. 

    Thanks, pigs! Keep on breedin and seedin''! 

    1. Fistulike666


      Great news Punk xx

  6. Last summer, I got on a plane and went from Chicago to Ft. Lauderdale for a guy. My deluded mind thought I might begin a relationship with him, but once I met him and spent a couple days with him... yeah, not relationship material. But we did fuck a couple times. Planted some nice gooey babies in his hot hole. We got a video of it, so at least there's that. All that expense for what turned out to be a weekend fling. Don't think I'll be doing that again any time soon.
  7. Here's one I have a hard time accepting. A story pops up, and I decide to give it a try. I'm greeted with a wall of text, like the author didn't have access to an "Enter" or "Return" button to properly space paragraphs. I can't mentally separate the segments, and it becomes hard to read. Fortunately, I can choose to quit the story with the click of a button. Mister Gorbechav, tear down this wall of text!
  8. An interesting take on conversion therapy! But I personally think that inhaling that much popper aroma would give a man a splitting headache. Or stop his heart.
  9. Indeed, one cannot. There's a very small percentage of guys doing porn that can do exclusively that and make a livable income. Nearly all of us who thus expose ourselves will also do escorting, gogo, etc. to make it more lucrative. But a day job is necessary because of the random jig aspect of things, and you need the flexibility to be gone for a few days for filming. Working in retail, for example, might not be ideal for a porn star because things are filmed on weekends, and stores are busiest on the weekends. Some examples: Jesse Jackman works in IT. Silver Steele works for an oil rig company (I think). Aleks Buldocek is a social worker. I work for a church - and yes, they know what I used to do. It was a very awkward conversation. It's just a side hustle. But most employers don't need to know about such things.
  10. I couldn't say for poz tops, since I am not one, but when I interviewed with them six years ago, they told me the pay "wasn't much". When I enquired about the amount, it was around $200. I was told that they don't cover travel or hotel expenses like some of the other studios, and they use local models to keep their expenses down. The gist of it was that these local disposables are getting the privilege of fucking hot guys and appearing on film, and the pittance is just a bonus. It may have changed since then, but I doubt it. My late husband was incredibly proud of snagging a lover who used to do porn. He would introduce me at public events, tell people where to find my one available film, and talked me up to be greater and more famous than I actually was. Perhaps he was starstruck. I did show him my film - he said it was not impressive but also that it wasn't my fault that it wasn't impressive. The director and my co-star pretty much took care of that.
  11. When I first got treated for gono in 2011, I heard from my usual fuckbuds. They knew what I had and what I was going through, and I told them when I was treated. Not a couple days later, the bottom invited me out to play. I remember that I reminded him I was just treated and informed not to have any activity for the next couple weeks. He said, "You got your shots, right? You'll be fine, we'll be fine. Come over." So I did. We fucked. They didn't get anything at all.
  12. I enjoy the piss fetish. I give, I take, and it is one of the safer kinks. Story time! I used to be a member of a piss club for men. I started going in February of 2016, and on our third date, I took my late husband (Mark) to this party. He had never been to one, and when we arrived, I told him, "This is the kind of place where bonds are formed, and friends are made. So go make friends." And I sent him on his way. This was not so much me ditching him for our date, but rather... well, he was a more social person than I, and generally had a good time no matter where he went. Even though we were in the same room, we were hardly spending our time together that night. He told me about his adventure right after it happened. He cruised a bit, then sat on a bench inside the caged area. He was quickly joined by an Asian gymnast who quickly whipped out his dick. Mark thought, "Oh, he wants me to suck it", and completely forgetting where he was, Mark went down on the gymnast. He was rewarded with a salty mouthful of piss. Mark almost gagged at the surprise, but decided "I'm not going to be that guy at the party who gags and spits", so he did the only thing he could think of: he swallowed. Mark came to me, and told me what just happened. He found me quite plastered at this point in the party. I was a little pee-shy in those days, and needed to tank up in order to piss. In the short hour Mark and I were apart, I had consumed four draft beers. Considering that I don't drink alcohol, this was quite a feat! I listened to Mark's story with glassy eyes, and when it was done, I grabbed his wrist to raise his arm to the ceiling. "Hey, everyone, we got a first-timer here, and he just swallowed his first piss!" I expected an enthusiastic cheer - at least ONE - but none occurred. Mark was a little embarrassed, and withdrew his hand from my grasp. "Baby, don't call attention to me for that." We returned to the festivities, pissing on guys, chatting with guys, getting piss by the bucketful. And me getting drunker. Eventually, I was so turned on by the environment and the booze that a wicked idea entered my head. I saw Mark leaning on the bar into the bartender's station, and moved around the room so he wouldn't spot me. After fishing through the basket of condoms for what I wanted, I found my prize, and opened it. Poured a generous amount of lube into my hand and walked up to him from behind. I quickly lubed up his butt while whispering, "Surprise", into his ear. Mark bolted straight up, definitely surprised at the sudden wetness and coldness of the lube. Wondering what was going on, he turned around and saw me, drunk as a skunk, with a shit-eating grin on my face. "I want to fuck you," I said in a slurred voice. I bent him back over the bar, and nailed him right there. The angle proved to be too steep for me to keep it up for very long, so we moved to the cage where I could be face-to-face with him. While we were fucking, we were joined on both sides by two bears who were totally naked, and playing with their dicks as they watched us. As I reached climax, I finally pulled out and in true pornstar fashion, I blew a hot load on Mark's chest and neck. I collapsed to the floor, wiped and completely spent. As I was lying on the floor, the two bears were ready to unload also. Mark raised two fingers to scoop up the cum from his chest, but before he could get there, the bears washed it off with their piss. Mark was so mad. "Aww, I wanted to taste it!" Upon hearing this, I got to my feet, though a bit unsteady, and I felt a sudden need to release something else. I kissed Mark, and said in a hurried voice, "I love you. Please don't take this next thing as a commentary on our sex." I left the party in haste, and rushed to the bathroom to empty my stomach. Too much beer, and the friction and movement of sex caused the need for an expulsion of it. When I returned to the party, Mark came to me, quite humbled. I expected a reprimand for practically raping him at the bar, but instead, he said, "That has always been one of my fantasies. Thank you for bringing it to life." "You're welcome... urp!" I said. We checked out of the party shortly after. He drove my drunk ass home. Four days later, he asked me to marry him. ❤️ Point is, piss is great. It really does bring people together, and I will always cherish this memory I created with him.
  13. I think Mike Dozer did a film like this. I could be wrong, but I seem to remember something like that.
  14. I wonder if the condensation from my sweating glass of water is trying to tell me something.

    Do YOU see it? I totally do... 


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. skinster


      Are you sure that wasn't Virus Vodka? Look it up man, it's a real thing.

    3. leatherpunk16


      What what WHAT??? Virus Vodka? Weird...

    4. ScorpionFF


      Brilliant! 🐷

  15. Steamworks is a good location. Lots of traffic over three floors, but it really depends on the crowd and the time of day you are there. I've had a weekend in HOC hotel. It's not in a very good spot. A bit hard to get to, and parking isn't great. Plus it's a little costly when you're there for only a few hours. I don't know what Banana Video is. Never heard of it. Don't forget that RAM in Boystown may have playspace in the back.
  16. I think you are trying to blur the line between fantasy and reality when the line is clearly defined. If you don't want it, what the hell are you doing by hooking up with a gifter who will give you something you don't want??? It's an extreme analogy, but I think it needs to be said. You're asking us to give you permission to kill yourself.
  17. Yes, there's that, and it's certainly a good option for someone who wants to have numbers. But I'm a little picky and don't enjoy sex with men I'm not attracted to. Such events are free-for-alls and that's just not my scene.
  18. My numbers are virginally low compared to the rest of you. I think 2019 is probably my highest count. I went to a CumUnion party at IML last May, and fucked at least ten guys. Got bred by only one, but I was pretty spent by that point in the night. It's hard to be a porn star when you don't ever get laid. LOL
  19. As a porn performer myself, I have to wonder: Why? There's not much money here, and it's a really tough business. Tell us more about yourself, share a few pictures. Name some sexual interests and kinks that make you marketable.
  20. Okay. A bit of advice - when the next part comes round, use a different colour font. The black text against a grey background is a little hard to read, and people may skip over your story because they can't read it.
  21. I think many guys actually DO, but they seldom get to use it. The bottom sees that and being face to face with all that jewellery makes them think twice. "That's gonna hurt and rip me open, and we'll have a bad playtime" or something of the like. So the top offers the bottom a way out by asking if they need to remove it. It's out of courtesy, I think. I've bottomed for a few pierced guys, and this scenario always happens. An experienced bottom slut, like yourself, might agree to get fucked by metal things, but I think the majority is that they don't want to be ripped open from stem to stern.
  22. I have an issue. Since the upgrade to the site, my buttons for reputation points have disappeared. I can't react to posts anymore except for status updates. My browser might be out of date, but my computer does updates regularly, so I'm not sure what the problem is.
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