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Everything posted by bblabb

  1. Holy fuck this is one of the best stories on here! I’ve been hard the whole time reading it!! I hope the boyfriend finds out soon...and he has the reaction i think we all want!
  2. Throwing my cock in the ring...keep us posted!
  3. Fuck! I came to this story at least 6 times! I’ve been reading it slowly over this pandemic and am so sad to see the thread end! What happened to the boys? I sure hope they fucked their dads and got the gift too! Fuck...I need to rub one out again just thinking of the possibilities of this story!
  4. Fuck this story has been the hottest fucking one i’ve read in a long ass time! Fucking wish it was my autobiography! Great job!
  5. Fuck! You’re certainly welcomed here! Love that sloppy loose hole! Feel free to post all your encounters here!
  6. Thanks man...it’s a small pic of your ass, but I could spend a lot of time eating and breeding it...for sure! Here’s me at work a minute ago...CAE84956-EAD6-4457-AD0E-8B4F5E663F95.thumb.jpeg.ca092c0bb31c51b59859bc35ea12040f.jpeg

    1. BruxoCub
    2. shinelover


      Fuck, nice cock! I'd love to take as many loads as that great cock can give me.

  7. Fuck me too! I’ve jerked off twice at work reading this whole thing start to finish! I wish I was fucking this boy’s cunt after all that abuse!
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