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Everything posted by wildbottom

  1. Free all night. I'll get high on gummies, then you and all your top buds breed me until everyone's out of cum! Tell me where & when to come and I'll be there! I'm caged and always horny for my hole to be used and bred.
  2. Two Daddies took turns on me at one of the guy's house. I'm in my early 50's so a Daddy to me is 60-70. I LOVE big-dicked guys older than me! I started off like I normally do, on my knees begging to swallow their first loads - they accomodated me. After that I got on his bed on all fours with my lace jock on and begged for more. The one guy took a while but bred me once - the other guy, he was the stud. Over an hour period he gave me three more loads. Dude had stamina for his age! I was caged at the time (they loved it) because it makes me hot knowing my dick is useless. But my holes are always ready.
  3. Dynamix. Their website is Purchase-prep (add dot com) They are a non-profit, global-shipping business whose goal is to make sure ANYONE can get it. Does require an image of your prescription and your passport. My latest 3 month supply cost $69 with free shipping. It's on its way now.
  4. Testing, neg for all STIs bottom needs cock in both holes and as many loads as possible pumped in my and for me to swallow. Find me on Grindr - you'll see my title Ineedsomed*ck.
  5. Wild bottom here. A few months ago, I went to see family in FL. I found a guy on Grindr who was my type (top, older than me, into using a cumdump like me). When I arrived, there was another older guy there, too. A surprise like that is HOT. I got naked except for my jock and dropped to my knees to suck both those delicious cocks. Before long I was on his bed, on my hands and knees with the bigger one in my mouth and the smaller one sliding in and out of my hole. Nice of them to coordinate opening me up 😉 The smaller one pumped a load in me but with poppers-a-poppin, I was devouring the other guy's cock, so I didn't want to stop. Smaller dude went to clean up while I kept sucking but soon he was back and the bigger guy clearly wanted my ass - so they switched and I assumed one more load in my ass and I was done. I was wrong. Smaller dude gave me a second load which I happily swallowed, but bigger guy pumped one in me, then another, then another and then a fourth over the next two hours. Best sex I've had in years, two wonderful older guys, careful about who they fuck, both getting tested regularly, like me. I can't wait to see them again.
  6. Four black guys ran a train on me a few years ago there - I was high and loving every second of it. I like people watching so the "open space" turns me on 🙂 I'll have to try to get back there for some loads in both holes.
  7. I temporarily stopped so that I wasn't wasting pills during the COVID lockdown. I started back again recently...just in case. But if things continue as they are I'll probably stop again. Why waste the pills!?
  8. I get my script from my primary physician (KP) and she has me set up for full STD testing every 3 months. But then I use a PDF of the script along with a PDF of my passport to purchase from Dynamix. purchaseprep.com I think. For payment I do a bank transfer to their bank in Australia. It's $69 for a 3month supply and that includes shipping. The PrEP I've received from all three orders so far was labeled for Singapore - same factory as our Gilead PrEP.
  9. When I was a little kid my tongue couldn't extend far enough - a doctor purposefully CUT that part to allow more reach. If it hurt you as much as it did me all those years ago, I'm sorry!! lol
  10. I've stopped poppers in favor of THC gummies. I chew a whole gummy, wait about an hour and then for the next 4-5 hours I am slutty, carefree, relaxed and can't get enough cock. Taking one about a half hour before walking in the bathhouse is just about perfect. ;)
  11. After 20 years of barebacking, I'd caught throat gono, syph, herpes and hepB. No doubt the sex clubs, the theaters and the glory holes (except for the herpes - she was too hot to pass up). Throat gono is the only one of the 3 that goes away after 3-6 months. In 100% of all cases. And since it's the most prevalent of all STDs if you suck dick you've probably had it. Most caregivers follow a protocol that if you have throat AND 1 of the other 2 (urine, rectal) you get treated with a shot., if you have either of the other two by themselves you get treated as well. Now it's spreading more broadly so my doctor treats even if just throat. Syph, well what can we say, it's the second most prevalent STD so it's no surprise I got it long ago - but treatment within a year or so is advised so as not to develop long term damage. Mine was who-knows-how-long because I hadn't been tested regularly like I am now, so we'll keep our fingers crossed (I have no indications of liver or kidney scarring or other problems so all might be ok). Herpes is one I got from a lovely 18 year old girl (I'm bi) who was too resistible to bang repeatedly while I was drunk and/or high so no wonder there. In the 15 or so years I've had it I've had maybe 5 outbreaks, 3 of which were so subtle they were gone the same day. If you feel a weird numbing/tingling (mine happens on the entire right side of my torso, then you know it's coming. I don't fuck around if I have an outbreak and otherwise it's not contagious at all. HepB - my bad, I should have been immunized LONG ago and kick myself daily since I now have it. Mine went chronic (AG still registers but AB does not) but treatment is actually convenient since it is literally half of PrEP (300mg TenofovirDF) so it's automatically taken care of by taking PrEP. I stopped PrEP during this lockdown so I still take just the Tenofovir DF until I start up with PrEP again. Would I do it all over again...hell yes.
  12. My KP clinic has stayed open (along with the pharmacy) but all other services are online unless deemed necessary (radiology, etc). I think the lack of risky activity over these 3, 6, 9 months are going to result in a big drop, but you're right - won't matter much if peeps aren't also being tested/treated during this time. For me, it's throat gono - I have no idea why but nothing anal for me, ever - no chlamydia & no gono - and I've slutted it up by the dozens-a-night for a decade. I'm with you, would be nice NOT to have anything for once.
  13. I think the situation mentioned by the original poster will only happen if ALL the following happens: 1. almost everyone goes on PrEP post lockdown, 2. almost everyone gets tested right after lockdown AND every 3 months after AND 3. everyone responds accordingly with whatever treatment is needed. Sadly we all know that ain't gonna happen because one trait deep inside all of us slut fuckers is a love of the anonymous unkown, both in partners, locale and status. I've regular shy'd away from tops who want to talk before fucking me - I don't want to know how much they love their grandma's strawberry jam, how much they like Panera Bread's grilled cheese sandwiches OR that he's neg on Prep or Poz or has this or had that...I took my own precautions and I own the results so just give me that cock. I just want it in my mouth, then in my ass while his buddy puts HIS dick in my mouth to get ready to be the second one dumping a load in me while I suck #3! I'd love to see an "instant test" that prints an armband with the appropriate colors to indicate what you're positive for; at bathhouses, theaters and sex clubs you could choose to match wristbands, pass if you don't like what a guy is positive for or just ignore it - but in any case you'd know beforehand without ever uttering a word.
  14. Here are some basic rules and precautions. PrEP daily, prevention against HIV (99.9% effective). Your doctor can prescribe this. It goes without saying but please don't fuck around if you have HIV and it's detectable or you've decided NOT to treat it...unless you're a gift giver AND your bottoms KNOW you have it. Not many uninhibited bottoms want the gift, we just want to be sluts. Doxycycline, 100mg daily (or more preferably 100mg before fun and 200mg after fun) acts as a prevention against syphilis and chlamydia. If you REALLY want to be paranoid, take 100mg of doxy daily for 2 weeks before fun and 4 weeks after fun. That dosing prescription is sometimes used to prevent malaria as well. I got a 100 pill pack from overseas and just use it if I need it. But, please don't fuck around if you test positive for either of these, even after treatment they are communicable for at least 2 weeks. Immunizations for Hep A and Hep B. Request them from your doctor. (95% of cases of both of these go away by themselves before becoming chronic - but don't rely on that, take my advice and get both immunizations. My Hep B became chronic and yours could too if you get it) Good news is that the medication I have to take for my Hep B happens to be 1 of the 2 ingredients of PrEP - so my PrEP prescription covers them both. 😉 But, please don't fuck around if you have either of these and the test results are above the acceptable threshold - it is communicable. Mavyret 8 week treatment (cure) for chronic Hep C (45% goes away by itself before becoming chronic). In 20 years of uninhibited sex I've never contracted this nor do I know anyone who has. But, please don't fuck around if you have it and the test results are above the acceptable threshold - it is communicable. You will get gonorrhea. There's no way around it. There are three types, throat, anal and blood. Throat goes away within 30 days, anal and blood require treatment (a shot) and protocol for treatment of gono is to also treat for chlam whether it's detected or not, treatment for that is just 4 pills. It seems that 1 in about every 5 cocks I suck seem to give me throat gono, but almost all those cocks fuck loads into me as well and I've never gotten anal gono - go figure. Please don't fuck around if you have gono and the test results are positive - it is communicable for up to two weeks after treatment. Some studies have shown a reduced chance of getting throat gono by gargling with Listerine that has the full alcohol content (it's something like 23 or 26%) before AND after giving oral. You will get herpes. There's no way around it. If you're lucky you already have HSV1 (70% of the population has it) and if so, when you get HSV2 it'll be gentle on you. Expect 1 big breakout and then unless you're a complete dope fiend you may only get 1 breakout a year. Mine happens with stress, only about once every 5 years. Please don't fuck around during a breakout (painful, blistering, open sores in the genital area - although the sores CAN happen anywhere on the body), that's the only time it is communicable. HPV - get immunized. Adults are now approved for the immunization, just request it from your doctor. purchase-prep.com (Dynamix) offers the best price I've found for PrEP ($69 for 3 month supply with free shipping - that's only 76 cents a day!) And there you - if barebacking is the thing that excites you most (like me, and like lots of other guys) you learn to put those risks aside for the pleasure of what you want...BUT, make sure you get tested every 3 months. In most Countries that is protocol while you're taking PrEP anyway. It'll keep the rest of us relatively safe, too.
  15. FYI, Dynamix has generic Descovy as well as generic Truvada. I've checked - and random independent testing has shown that the versions Dynamix sells are made in the same factory, just bound for other global regions. My last four 3 month supplies have all come branded for Singapore. I pay $69 for a three month supply, shipped for free. purchase-prep.com
  16. We have a mid-level KP plan and it was going to be too expensive, even with the Gilead coupons, so I went offshore - Dynamix Int'l (I think it's purchase-prep.com).
  17. Dead - completely. That said...IF a top came along and I had to skip giving him head before he fucked me, then if we both had masks and gloves on, sure...pound my hole and invite your other masked & gloved top buddies to join!! 🙂 Death rate here in thew US is over 5% now, so that's no joking matter. (for comparison: .001% death rate from the flu, .001% transmission rate of HIV while on PrEP).
  18. I know STD rates jumped up after PREP became more prevalent (just because people were finally being tested every 3 months), and in the 70's no one cared, because Docs just gave you an antibiotic and said, "glad you had fun this weekend." But with this isolation we're going to see the lowest rates ever recorded. It's going to be shocking. Finally I won't have throat gono - guys, please stop giving me throat gono every 5th time I suck dick!!!
  19. Glad it's staying open. Not my favorite but the only one in DC if or until the art gallery opens up again.
  20. Just switch to descovy - the tenofovir in it is a new formulation that so far has eliminated the kidney issues and bone density loss. As a side note, I ran out two days ago - my latest 3 month supply of PrEP has been delayed due to the virus. I'm find waiting as it''s of no use to me right now anyway!
  21. I enjoy being on my hands and knees, getting bred repeatedly from behind while sucking and swallowing loads repeatedly. I'm stating to love swallowing more than being bred, except for the repeated throat gono...grrrrrrrrr
  22. I also believe everyone is bisexual, I'm certain that I am :) Research indicates that all types of relationships occurred since the beginning of structured civilization (early Africa, PanAsia territorial tribes, etc) but it was the development of religion and the assignment of those religions to appointed leaders that conditioned humans to behave and conform in certain ways. Those leaders wrote the rules that told people what to do, otherwise their religion would turn them away. Powerful influence over early civilizations that wondered if floods were going to wipe them out or if nothing would grow and they'd die...all unless their God loved them. I have a great friend whose family is "heavy in the church". I've always known he was gay. I'm sure his parents and brother knew he was gay. I'm sure his pastor knew he was gay. But being gay wasn't an option. He graduated from a Christian college, went on to graduate studies at another Christian college working his way up to a Doctorate, got married to a great woman and they have a great 16 year old kid. Anyone could see he had no attraction to his wife whatsoever, but that was what his parents and his church expected. There were telltale signs that he finally broke free but was still DL - he'd rent a room at a hotel where he had a 6 hour layover and say he was just too tired to sit in Starbucks, he'd spend a lot of time off by himself on work trips, he'd stay late at his office but not be at his office, etc. A few years ago he was caught giving head and since this was a Christian college they fired him. Still not ready to come out he blamed an uncle (who had recently passed so the uncle couldn't deny or confirm) of molesting him as a kid. That was the beginning of him admitting everything and I was so happy that he could finally do it. Now, two years later he's come out to everyone, they're peacefully divorcing and he is finally free to be himself. Nature isn't going to kill him off - unless he acts as crazy as me and finds himself tied to a sling being fed gummies while being pounded by about a dozen guys. But then again, I enjoy that kinda stuff so I don't really mind if nature tries to get of me.
  23. Hey doomsdayers, I can get cancer from the stuff on my lawn and in the processed food I eat. I can get a brain tumor by keeping my phone near my head too often. I can get hit by a truck tomorrow afternoon by looking the wrong way. I can have a stroke or a heart attack next week because of my genetics. Anything out there can fuck you over. Anything - but its pretty rare. I barebacked for 15 years in almost every Country on earth at almost every bath house on the map, in the most unsafe, dirty environments you could imagine, parTying with strangers from anywhere with no regard for anything except if they had a cock they could use my holes and amazingly I am HIV-. 3 months ago I went on PrEP but I know that is just a safety net that won't work 100% and that's OK. I probably won't get hit by that truck either but you never know. Smile and relax, it's going to be OK.
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