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About genericuser

  • Birthday 04/15/1986

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  • Gender
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    Vers Filth Pig ParTy Boy.
  • HIV Status
    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
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  • Looking For
    Perv taboo parTy pigs.

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  1. Hi guys. I wanted to ask ask if you all would prefer this Club to be public [non-club members cannot post but can read posts and view media] or private [only group members can read posts, view media]. Feel free to reply to this discussion or private message me to let me know what you think. Thanks!
  2. That's awesome!!! You're incredibly sexy and you come across really well on camera. Wishing you the best of luck.
  3. More like a dying event desperate to recapture it's past glory. IML has no one to blame but it's own stupid decisions for it's nearly complete collapse -- banning bareback porn sales, cracking down on room parties, banning any filming of adult content at the hotel, taking foolish stances (their anti-bareback crusade) and hosting the event in a bedbug ridden hotel the last few years. It used to be a great event but the folks who run it were dumb and are now suffering the consequences.
  4. Dumbo didn't vanish; he's at the Magic Kingdom
  5. That's incredibly difficult to believe. 10-15 years ago the messaging was clear: getting tested regularly/knowing your status is an imperative. These days, not so much.
  6. I could be wrong, but is it Precious?
  7. The bottom is porn star Brian Bonds.
  8. I'd love to get shitty with you parTied up
  9. This story is phenomenal! Looking forward to reading more!!
  10. So fucking hot!!! Did he flood your guts with poz cum? :-)
  11. I would bet a lot of money that there's more than a 40 percent drop in people getting tested for HIV... Remember back when all the messaging was pushing people to get tested? Well that disappeared years ago and without the messaging most people don't consider getting tested regularly an imperative. So no surprise that there's a drop in new diagnosis because you cannot be diagnosed if you don't get tested...
  12. Incredibly HOT!!! Can't wait to see part 2 You're so hot!
  13. Protesting Trump's decision to keep the Obama administration protections extended to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender workers? OR Protesting the fact that after Mike Pence signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and it was realized that it potentially allowed for discrimination against LGBT individuals, it was Gov. Mike Pence who called on lawmakers to pass legislation clarifying that it does not allow business owners to discriminate against LGBT individuals in providing services . After demanding that the Indiana legislature change the law and they complied with his demands, it was Mike Pence who signed the revised legislation which prohibited LGBT discrimination into law.??? I'm NOT a Trump supporter but anyone who looks at Hillary Clinton's track record will see a woman who when she held power did NOTHING to advance or protect LGBT equality -- she was a big supporter of Don't Ask, Don't Tell; a fierce advocate for the Defense of Marriage Act; staunchly against same-sex marriage; and NEVER sponsored a single piece of legislation that moved the needle towards equality. When she was IN POWER she did NOTHING, only when she held NO POWER did her EMPTY WORDS suggest that she was a champion of LGBT equality. Actions speak far louder than empty words on the campaign trail. Additionally, in the 1990's she called African American youths "super predators" who the government needed to bring to heel. While Trump's words may be murky about LGBT rights, the man hosted Elton John's wedding long before it same-sex marriage was cool and he rolled out the red carpet at Trump Tower for Caitlyn Jenner to use the women's bathroom. With those two actions, President Trump has done far more for LGBT people than Hillary Clinton has ever done. Again, I'm NOT a fan of Trump.
  14. I understand that. But what's the difference between the numerous scenes in the movie "Traffic" which give the illusion of underage kids doing drugs & having chem sex and Previtus Media using legal age, consenting adults giving the illusion of drug use in their plotlines? In the end, both portrayals are creative, artistic works which portray the use of drugs and drug-fueled sex -- while Previtus Media portrays consenting adults having chem sex, the film "Traffic" graphically portrays underage high school students engaging in chem sex which is portrayed as consensual sometimes and not so consensual other times.
  15. Are you relaying this information in AIM/AOL measurements? Meaning 15 = 12, Early 20's = Late 30's, 6.5 inches = 4 inches, Really cute = cute in bad lighting. ;-) LOL
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